is a Phoenix application that shows how to use the
Elixir Plug library for
SAML 2.0 authentication. Once integrated, your Phoenix application
becomes a SAML Service Provider.
This Web application shows the attributes in the SAML Assertion returned by the Identity Provider (IdP) upon successful user authentication.
It is fairly easy to enable SAML 2.0 authentication using the
library. Often times, the initial hickups are related to
configuring your application with proper Identity Provider settings.
Use this project as a test application to make sure that you are able to successfully authenticate with your IdP. Once confirmed, you can use those configuration settings with your own application. This help you in isolating and correcting any configuration issues. The changes required are confined to the config settings.
# add the following to your /etc/hosts file:
# samly.howto idp2.samly.howto idp3.samly.howto
# idp1.samly idp2.samly idp3.samly
git clone
cd samly_howto
mix deps.get
mix compile
cd assets && npm install && cd ..
mix phx.gen.cert --output priv/cert/samly_howto samly.howto idp2.samly.howto idp3.samly.howto
mix phx.gen.cert --output priv/cert/samly_sp sp.samly
The first command generates a certificate used for browser based HTTPS access to this
Phoenix application. The second command is used to generate the key and certificate
used for SAML communication with the IdP. The priv/cert/samly_sp.pem
should be made available to your IdP so that the signed SAML requests from application are
handled properly by the IdP.
Follow the instructions in the samly_simplesaml
Github repo to setup your own
SAML Identity Provider for development purposes.
If you prefer Shibboleth
as your IdP, follow along the instructions in the blog post:
SAML Authentication for Phoenix (based on Shibboleth 3.x)
You can also work with very many cloud based SAML 2.0 Identity Providers. The instructions are specific
to the IdP vendors. Checkout the Samly
documentation for any Service Provider information you need
as part of setting up your IdP to work with your Samly
enabled application.
Make your Identity Provider's Metadata available to your Phoenix SAML Service Provider application in XML form. How you get this metadata XML is specific to your IdP.
wget --no-check-certificate -O idp1_metadata.xml https://idp1.samly:9091/simplesaml/saml2/idp/metadata.php
Check your IdP for instructions on how to fetch or export the IdP metadata into an XML file and make that
file available to Samly
Checkout instructions in the Samly Documentation
on how to configure samly
Start this application by running
This application can now be accessed from the browser by visiting the
URL: https://samly.howto:4443
. If you are using a subdomain model the URL
would be something like: https://idp2.samly.howto:4443