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Props, methods and getters

Table of contents

  1. Props
  2. Methods
  3. Getters



Prop Description Type Default
data Array of items to loop on Array Required
renderItem Takes an item from data and renders it into the list. The function receives one argument {item, index} (see Usage) and must return a React element. Function Required
itemWidth Width in pixels of carousel's items, must be the same for all of them Number Required for horizontal carousel
sliderWidth Width in pixels of the carousel itself Number Required for horizontal carousel
itemHeight Height in pixels of carousel's items, must be the same for all of them Number Required for vertical carousel
sliderHeight Height in pixels of the carousel itself Number Required for vertical carousel


Prop Description Type Default
activeSlideOffset From slider's center, minimum slide distance to be scrolled before being set to active. Number 20
apparitionDelay FlatList's init is a real mess, with lots of unneeded flickers and slides movement. This prop controls the delay during which the carousel will be hidden when mounted. WARNING: on Android, using it may lead to rendering issues (i.e. images not showing up). Make sure to test thoroughly if you decide on using it. Number 0
callbackOffsetMargin Scroll events might not be triggered often enough to get a precise measure and, therefore, to provide a reliable callback. This usually is an Android issue, which might be linked to the version of React Native you're using (see "Unreliable callbacks"). To work around this, you can define a small margin that will increase the "sweet spot"'s width. The default value should cover most cases, but you will want to increase it if you experience missed callbacks. Number 5
enableMomentum See momentum Boolean false
enableSnap If enabled, releasing the touch will scroll to the center of the nearest/active item Boolean true
firstItem Index of the first item to display Number 0
hasParallaxImages Whether the carousel contains <ParallaxImage /> components or not. Required for specific data to be passed to children. Boolean false
lockScrollTimeoutDuration This prop works in conjunction with lockScrollWhileSnapping. When scroll is locked, a timer is created in order to release the scroll if something goes wrong with the regular callback handling. Normally, you shouldn't have to use this prop. Number 1000
lockScrollWhileSnapping Prevent the user from swiping again while the carousel is snapping to a position. This prevents miscellaneous minor issues (inadvertently tapping an item while scrolling, stopping the scrolling animation if the carousel is tapped in the middle of a snap, clunky behavior on Android when short snapping quickly in opposite directions). The only drawback is that enabling the prop hinders the ability to swipe quickly between items as a little pause between swipes is needed. Note that the prop won't have any effect if enableMomentum is set to true, since it would otherwise impede the natural and expected behavior. Boolean false
shouldOptimizeUpdates Whether to implement a shouldComponentUpdate strategy to minimize updates Boolean true
swipeThreshold Delta x when swiping to trigger the snap Number 20
useScrollView Whether to use a ScrollView component instead of the default FlatList one. The advantages are to avoid rendering issues that can arise with FlatList and to provide compatibility with React Native pre- 0.43. The major drawbacks are that you won't benefit from any of FlatList's advanced optimizations and that you won't be able to use either VirtualizedList or FlatList's specific props. We recommend activating it only with a small set of slides and to test performance thoroughly in production mode. Boolean false for default layout, true for stack and tinder layouts
vertical Layout slides vertically instead of horizontally Boolean false


Prop Description Type Default
loop Enable infinite loop mode. Note that it won't work if enableSnap has been set to false. Boolean false
loopClonesPerSide Number of clones to append to each side of the original items. When swiping very quickly, the user will eventually need to pause for a quick second before the scroll is repositioned (this occurs when the end of the set is reached). By increasing this number, the user will be able to scroll more slides before having to stop; but you'll also load more items in memory. This is a trade-off between optimal user experience and performance. Number 3


Prop Description Type Default
autoplay Trigger autoplay on mount. If you enable autoplay, we recommend you to set enableMomentum to false (default) and lockScrollWhileSnapping to true; this will enhance user experience a bit. Boolean false
autoplayDelay Delay before enabling autoplay on startup & after releasing the touch Number 5000
autoplayInterval Delay in ms until navigating to the next item Number 3000

Style and animation

Prop Description Type Default
activeAnimationOptions Custom animation options. Note that useNativeDriver will be enabled by default and that opacity's easing will always be kept linear. Setting this prop to something other than null will trigger custom animations and will completely change the way items are animated: rather than having their opacity and scale interpolated based the scroll value (default behavior), they will now play the custom animation you provide as soon as they become active. This means you cannot use props layout, scrollInterpolator or slideInterpolatedStyle in conjunction with activeAnimationOptions. Object null
activeAnimationType Custom animation type: either 'decay, 'spring' or 'timing'. Note that it will only be applied to the scale animation since opacity's animation type will always be set to timing (no one wants the opacity to 'bounce' around). String 'timing'
activeSlideAlignment Determine active slide's alignment relative to the carousel. Possible values are: 'start', 'center' and 'end'. It is not recommended to use this prop in conjunction with the layout one. String 'center'
containerCustomStyle Optional styles for Scrollview's global wrapper View Style Object {}
contentContainerCustomStyle Optional styles for Scrollview's items container View Style Object {}
inactiveSlideOpacity Value of the opacity effect applied to inactive slides Number 0.7
inactiveSlideScale Value of the 'scale' transform applied to inactive slides Number 0.9
inactiveSlideShift Value of the 'translate' transform applied to inactive slides (see #204 or the "custom interpolations" doc for an example usage). This prop will have no effect with layouts others than the default one. Number 0
layout Define the way items are rendered and animated. Possible values are 'default', 'stack' and 'tinder'. See this for more info and visual examples. ⚠️ Setting this prop to either 'stack' or 'tinder' will activate useScrollView to prevent rendering bugs with FlatList. Therefore, those layouts won't be suited if you have a large data set since all items are going to be rendered upfront. String 'default'
layoutCardOffset Use to increase or decrease the default card offset in both 'stack' and 'tinder' layouts. Number 18 for the 'stack' layout, 9 for the 'tinder' one
scrollInterpolator Used to define custom interpolations. See the dedicated doc. Function undefined
slideInterpolatedStyle Used to define custom interpolations. See the dedicated doc. Function undefined
slideStyle Optional style for each item's container (the one whose scale and opacity are animated) Animated View Style Object {}


Prop Description Type Default
onLayout(event) Exposed View callback; invoked on mount and layout changes Function undefined
onScroll(event) Exposed ScrollView callback; fired while scrolling Function undefined
onBeforeSnapToItem(slideIndex) Callback fired when the new active item has been determined, before snapping to it Function undefined
onSnapToItem(slideIndex) Callback fired after snapping to an item Function undefined

Inherited props

The component is built on top of the FlatList component, meaning it inherits from FlatList, VirtualizedList, and ScrollView.

You can use almost all props from this three components, but some of them can't be overriden because it would mess with our implementation's logic.

Here are a few useful props regarding carousel's style and "feeling": scrollEnabled (if you want to disable user scrolling while still being able to use Carousel's methods), showsHorizontalScrollIndicator, overScrollMode (android), bounces (ios), decelerationRate (ios), scrollEventThrottle (ios).

And here are some useful ones for performance optimizations and rendering: initialNumToRender, maxToRenderPerBatch, windowSize, updateCellsBatchingPeriod, extraData, removeClippedSubviews (the latter may have bugs, as stated in RN's doc). The first three are already implemented with default parameters, but you can override them if they don't suit your needs.


Reference to the component

In order to use the following methods, you need to create a reference to the carousel's instance. There are two ways of doing it.

ref as a callback attribute (recommended)

  // other props
  ref={(c) => { this._carousel = c; }}

// methods can then be called this way
onPress={() => { this._carousel.snapToNext(); }}

ref as a string attribute (legacy)

  // other props

// methods can then be called this way
onPress={() => { this.refs.carousel.snapToNext(); }}

Available methods

Method Description
startAutoplay (instantly = false) Start the autoplay programmatically
stopAutoplay () Stop the autoplay programmatically
snapToItem (index, animated = true, fireCallback = true) Snap to an item programmatically
snapToNext (animated = true, fireCallback = true) Snap to next item programmatically
snapToPrev (animated = true, fireCallback = true) Snap to previous item programmatically
triggerRenderingHack (offset) Call this when needed to work around a random FlatList bug that keeps content hidden until the carousel is scrolled (see #238). Note that the offset parameter is not required and will default to either 1 or -1 depending on the current scroll position.


You need a reference to the carousel's instance (see above if needed).

Property Description
currentIndex Current active item (int, starts at 0)
currentScrollPosition Underlying ScrollView's current content offset (int, starts at 0 if activeSlideAlignment is set to start, negative value otherwise)