title | description | date | ms.date | author | ms.author |
Disable writer validations |
A guide on how to improve performance by disabling writer validations. |
2024-01-23 |
1/23/2023 |
habbes |
clhabins |
Applies To:[!INCLUDEappliesto-webapi][!INCLUDEappliesto-webapi][!INCLUDEappliesto-odatalib]
During serialization, the OData writer performs various validations to ensure that the payload is valid (e.g. no duplicate properties) and conforms to the schema (e.g. property type matches the entity type's definition). These validations introduce some overhead to the serialization process. If you know ahead of time that the payload you're writing is correct, you can disable one or more validations to improve performance.
Use the ODataMessageWriterSettings.Validations
property to configure which validations you want to enable or disable.
You can disable all validations using ValidationKinds.None
messageWriterSettings.Validations = ValidationKinds.None;
You can selectively enable validations using the &
messageWriterSettings.Validations = ValidationKinds.ThrowOnDuplicatePropertyNames & ValidationKinds.ThrowIfTypeConflictsWithMetadata
You can enable all validations using ValidationKinds.All
messageWriterSettings.Validations = ValidationKinds.All;
To learn more about different validation options, consult the ValidationKinds
enum documentation.
When using the core library directly, you pass the ODataMessageWriterSettings
to the ODataMessageWriter
ODataMessageWriterSettings settings = new ODataMessageWriterSettings
ODataUri = new ODataUri() { /* ... */ },
Validations = ValidationKinds.None
ODataMessageWriter writer = new ODataMessageWriter(odataMessage, settings, edmModel);
// ...
In Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData
8, you can pass a service configuration action as the third argument of AddRouteComponents
. Use
this to inject a request-scoped instance of ODataMessageWriterSettings
- with the desired options - to the service container:
.AddOData(options =>
routePrefix: "routePrefix",
model: edmModel,
configurateServices: container =>
container.AddScoped<ODataMessageWriterSettings>(_ => new ODataMessageWriterSettings
Validations = ValidationKinds.None
In Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData
7, you can pass a service configuration action to the MapODataRoute
and MapODataServiceRoute
Use this to inject a request-scoped instance of ODataMessageWriterSettings
to the service container.
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
// ...
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
routeName: "odata",
routePrefix: “odata”,
configureAction: container =>
container.AddService<ODataMessageWriterSettings>(Microsoft.OData.ServiceLifetime.Scoped, _ => new ODataMessageWriterSettings
Validations = ValidationKinds.None
container.AddService(Microsoft.OData.ServiceLifetime.Singleton, _ => model);
sp => ODataRoutingConventions.CreateDefaultWithAttributeRouting("odata", sp));
// ...
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
IEdmModel model = GetEdmModel();
app.UseMvc(builder =>
routeName: "odata",
routePrefix: "odata",
configureAction: container =>
container.AddService<ODataMessageWriterSettings>(Microsoft.OData.ServiceLifetime.Scope, _ => new ODataMessageWriterSettings
Validations = ValidationKinds.None
container.AddService(Microsoft.OData.ServiceLifetime.Singleton, _ => model)
.AddService<IEnumerable<IODataRoutingConvention>>(Microsoft.OData.ServiceLifetime.Singleton, _ =>
ODataRoutingConventions.CreateDefaultWithAttributeRouting("odata", builder));