- Create multiple instances
- Some invalid
- Some pre existing
- [DONE] Unknown fields onto typed entity. NOTE: no sensible way of getting multiple errors back w/out newing up an ObjectMapper per request
- [DONE] Create instance of unknown entity type
- [DONE] POSTing with id (in url, in payload)
- Update multiple instances
- Some invalid
- Some not found
- [DONE] Unknown fields onto typed entity
- [DONE] Update unknown entity id
- [DONE] Update unknown entity type
- Concurrency test
- Blocking test - slow store
- Integrate coda hale metrics into benchmark reporting
- [DONE] Throughput micro-benchmark [GET - single entity DONE, change to spread across multiple entities]
- Implement basic resource functionality (from, to, name)
- Use default name if none supplied
- Pull validation out into routing predicate
- [DONE] Make entity store operations blocking
- [DONE] Make interface and default impl
- Optional versioning
- Optional state machine
- Plugable identity strategy
- Custom validation (e.g. unique name)
- JDBC implementation w/ connection pool and h2/hsqldb
- Neo4j implementation
- Remove duplication between micro benchmarks and RestDSLSpec
- [DONE] Stop benchmarks running out of file handles
- [DONE] Write report out to a file based on environment
- [DONE] Include runtime memory and system details in report