# React Activity Calendar


A flexible React component to display activity data in a calendar (heatmap). <br>
**[Documentation (Storybook)](https://grubersjoe.github.io/react-activity-calendar)**


## Installation

npm install react-activity-calendar

## Features

- any number of activity levels 📈
- color themes 🌈
- dark & light mode ✨
- tooltips 🪧
- event handlers ⁉️
- localization 🌍

The component expects activity data in the following structure. Each activity level must be in the
interval from 0 to `maxLevel`, which is 4 per default (see
It is up to you how to generate and classify your data.

import { ActivityCalendar } from 'react-activity-calendar'

const data = [
    date: '2024-06-23',
    count: 2,
    level: 1,
    date: '2024-08-02',
    count: 16,
    level: 4,
    date: '2024-11-29',
    count: 11,
    level: 3,

;<ActivityCalendar data={data} />

## FAQ

### Why does the calendar not render in environment x?

If you encounter issues rendering this component in a specific React framework, please refer to the
following repository. It contains working examples for Astro, Next.js, Remix and Vite. Server side
rendering (SSR) is supported.

[Framework examples](https://github.com/grubersjoe/react-activity-calendar-tests)

### Why is Create React App unsupported?

Create React App (CRA) is considered
[abandoned](https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/discussions/11086), and you probably should
not use it anymore (more
Using this component inside CRA will lead to errors for reasons described in issue
[#105](https://github.com/grubersjoe/react-activity-calendar/issues/105). This repo is not for CRA
support questions. If you encounter issues, you need to fix those yourself given the maintenance
state of CRA. Personally, I would recommend using [Vite](https://vitejs.dev/) instead of CRA.

### Why is the tooltip library x unsupported?

It seems impossible to support all kinds of tooltip libraries since they are all implemented
differently. See this [issue](https://github.com/grubersjoe/react-activity-calendar/issues/32) and
especially this
The next major version will be based on a headless approach for tooltips, so that styling is
completely up to the user.

## Development

### Start the Storybook

npm run storybook

### Update the documentation

npm run build:storybook

## Related projects

- [grubersjoe/react-github-calendar](https://github.com/grubersjoe/react-github-calendar)
- [grubersjoe/github-contributions-api](https://github.com/grubersjoe/github-contributions-api)