title: "R Perceptron"
output: html_notebook

#Set the working directory

#Load the datasets
train10 = read.csv("data-10.csv")
train50 = read.csv("data-50.csv")
train500 = read.csv("data-500.csv")

Classify <- function(x, weights) {
  #Sign function on the dotproduct of the weights and the observed values
  return(sign((x) %*% weights))

Graph <- function(weights, data){
  #Calculate the slope for the hyperplane
  slope = -(weights[1]/weights[3])/(weights[1]/weights[2])  
  #Calculate the intercept for the hyperplane
  intercept = -weights[1]/weights[3]
  #Plot the data points
  plot(data$x1, data$x2,col = ifelse(data[, 1] == 1, "blue", "red"))
  #Draw the hyperplane
  abline(intercept, slope)

Perceptron <- function(data, learningRate) {
  #Make the weights vector with 0s for each data coloumn
  w <- c(rep(0, ncol(data) -1))
  #The number of rows in the dataframe
  n <- nrow(data)
  #Get the labels from the dataframe
  label <- data[ , 1]
  #Get the data from from the dataframe
  obs <- data[ , 2:ncol(data)]
  #We start assuming that the data is misclassifies
  misclassfied <- TRUE
  #Store the epoc count
  epoc <- 0
  #Vector to store the predicted values
  predictedV <- c(rep(0, n))
  #Store the average error for each Epoc
  avgErr <- 0
  while (misclassfied) {
    #Store the sum or errors for each Epoc
    sumErr <- 0
    #Assume that the data isn't misclassified
    misclassfied <- FALSE
    for (i in 1:n) {
      #Get the predicted value from the Classify function (WeightsxData columns)
      predicted <- Classify(as.numeric(obs[i , ]), w)[1,1]
      #Store the predicted value in the vector
      predictedV[i] = predicted
      #If we miss classified the observaion
      if(predicted != label[i]){
        misclassfied = TRUE
        #Calculate how we should update the weight vector
        change <- (learningRate * (label[i] - predicted)) * obs[i , ]
        #Update the weight vector
        w <- w + as.numeric(change)
        #Add this error for the total sum of errors for this epoc
        sumErr <- sumErr + (abs(label[i] - predictedV[i]))
    #Calculate the average error for all epocs
    avgErr <- (avgErr + (sumErr/n))/2
    #Update the number of Epocs
    epoc <- epoc + 1
  #Print the average error and the number of EPOCS
  print(paste("Avg Error rate per epoc: ", as.character(avgErr)))
  print(paste("EPOC: ", as.character(epoc)))
  #Return the weight vector

print("Data Set 10")
w10 <- Perceptron(train10, 0.5)
Graph(w10, train10)

print("Data Set 50")
w50 <- Perceptron(train50, 0.5)
Graph(w50, train50)

print("Data Set 500")
w500 <-Perceptron(train500, 0.5)
Graph(w500, train500)