Now that your new project works locally, review BLT documentation by role to learn how to perform common project tasks and integrate with third party tools.
Here are tasks that are typically performed at this stage:
Initialize CI integration. See Continuous Integration.
blt ci:pipelines:init # OR blt ci:travis:init
Push to your upstream repo.
git add -A git commit -m 'My new project is great.' git remote add origin [something] git push origin
Create and deploy an artifact. See Deployment workflow.
# Ensure git.remotes is set in project.yml blt deploy
Other commonly used commands:
# list targets
# validate code via phpcs, php lint, composer validate, etc.
blt validate
# run phpunit tests
blt tests:phpunit
# ssh into vm & run behat tests
drush @[project.machine_name].local ssh
blt tests:behat
# diagnose issues
blt doctor
# download & require a new project
composer require drupal/ctools:^8.3.0
# build a deployment artifact
blt deploy:build
# build artifact and deploy to git.remotes
blt deploy
# update BLT
composer update acquia/blt --with-dependencies