make all # build all binaries
make loki # build loki only
make logcli # build logcli only
make test # run all unit tests
make test-integration # run integration tests
go test ./... # run all tests with Go directly
go test -v ./pkg/logql/... # run tests in specific package
go test -run TestName ./pkg/path # run a specific test
make lint # run all linters
make format # format code (gofmt and goimports)
- Follow standard Go formatting (gofmt/goimports)
- Import order: standard lib, external packages, then Loki packages
- Error handling: Always check errors with
if err != nil { return ... }
- Use structured logging with leveled logging (go-kit/log)
- Use CamelCase for exported identifiers, camelCase for non-exported
- Document all exported functions, types, and variables
- Use table-driven tests when appropriate
- Follow Conventional Commits format:
<change type>: Your change
- For frontend: use TypeScript, functional components, component composition
- Frontend naming: lowercase with dashes for directories (components/auth-wizard)
- Follow the Grafana Writers' Toolkit Style Guide
- Use CommonMark flavor of markdown for documentation
- Create LIDs (Loki Improvement Documents) for large functionality changes
- Document upgrading steps in
- Preview docs locally with
make docs
from the/docs
directory - Include examples and clear descriptions for public APIs