Name | Description | Value |
global.imageRegistry |
Global Docker image registry | "" |
global.imagePullSecrets |
Global Docker registry secret names as an array | [] |
global.storageClass |
Global StorageClass for Persistent Volume(s) | "" |
Name | Description | Value |
kubeVersion |
Override Kubernetes version | "" |
nameOverride |
String to partially override common.names.fullname | "" |
fullnameOverride |
String to fully override common.names.fullname | "" |
commonLabels |
Labels to add to all deployed objects | {} |
commonAnnotations |
Annotations to add to all deployed objects | {} |
secretAnnotations |
Annotations to add to secret | {} |
clusterDomain |
Default Kubernetes cluster domain | cluster.local |
Name | Description | Value |
gorse.dashboard.username |
Username for the dashboard. | gorse |
gorse.dashboard.password |
Password for the dashboard. | "" |
gorse.dashboard.authServer |
Token server for the dashboard. | "" |
gorse.api.key |
The key to secure the API endpoint | "" |
gorse.api.corsDomains |
List of allowed values for Http Origin | [] |
gorse.api.corsMethods |
List of http methods names. Checking is case-insensitive. | [] |
gorse.api.autoInsertUsers |
Insert new users while inserting feedback | true |
gorse.api.autoInsertItems |
Insert new items while inserting feedback. | true |
gorse.api.returnSize |
Default number of returned items | 10 |
gorse.api.serverCacheExpire |
Server-side cache expire time | 10s |
gorse.recommends[0].name |
The name of recommend channel | default |
gorse.recommends[0].dataSource.feedbackTimeToLive |
The time-to-live (days) of positive feedback | 0 |
gorse.recommends[0].dataSource.itemTimeToLive |
The time-to-live (days) of items | 0 |
gorse.recommends[0].dataSource.positiveFeedbacks |
The feedback types for positive events | [] |
gorse.recommends[0].dataSource.readFeedbacks |
The feedback types for read events. | [] |
gorse.recommends[0].cache.size |
The cache size for recommended/popular/latest items | 10 |
gorse.recommends[0].cache.expire |
Recommended cache expire time | 72h |
gorse.recommends[0].popular |
The time window of popular items | 4320h |
gorse.recommends[0].neighbors.users.type |
The type of neighbors for users | similar |
gorse.recommends[0].neighbors.items.type |
The type of neighbors for items. | similar |
gorse.recommends[0].collaborative.enable |
Enable approximate collaborative filtering recommend using vector index | true |
gorse.recommends[0].replacement.enable |
Replace historical items back to recommendations | false |
gorse.recommends[0].replacement.decay.positive |
Decay the weights of replaced items from positive feedbacks | 0.8 |
gorse.recommends[0] |
Decay the weights of replaced items from read feedbacks | 0.6 |
gorse.recommends[0].online.fallback |
The fallback recommendation method is used when cached recommendation drained | ["latest"] |
Name | Description | Value |
---|---|---| |
Number of working jobs in the master node | 1 |
master.image.registry |
Gorse image registry | |
master.image.repository |
Gorse Master image repository | zhenghaoz/gorse-master |
master.image.tag |
Gorse Master image tag (immutable tags are recommended) | 0.4.12 |
master.image.digest |
Gorse Master image digest in the way sha256:aa.... Please note this parameter, if set, will override the tag | "" |
master.image.pullPolicy |
Gorse Master image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
master.image.pullSecrets |
Specify docker-registry secret names as an array | [] |
master.kind |
Use either Deployment or StatefulSet (default) | StatefulSet |
master.persistence.enabled |
Enable persistence on Gorse master nodes using Persistent Volume Claims | true |
master.persistence.medium |
Provide a medium for emptyDir volumes. |
"" |
master.persistence.sizeLimit |
Set this to enable a size limit for emptyDir volumes. |
"" |
master.persistence.path |
The path the volume will be mounted at on Gorse master containers | /var/lib/gorse |
master.persistence.subPath |
The subdirectory of the volume to mount on Gorse master containers | "" |
master.persistence.subPathExpr |
Used to construct the subPath subdirectory of the volume to mount on Gorse master containers | "" |
master.persistence.storageClass |
Persistent Volume storage class | "" |
master.persistence.accessModes |
Persistent Volume access modes | ["ReadWriteOnce"] |
master.persistence.size |
Persistent Volume size | 8Gi |
master.persistence.annotations |
Additional custom annotations for the PVC | {} |
master.persistence.selector |
Additional labels to match for the PVC | {} |
master.persistence.dataSource |
Custom PVC data source | {} |
master.persistence.existingClaim |
Use a existing PVC which must be created manually before bound | "" |
master.service.type |
Gorse master service type | ClusterIP |
master.service.ports.http |
HTTP port of the master node (dashboard) | 80 |
master.service.ports.grpc |
GRPC port of the master node | 8086 |
master.service.nodePorts.http |
HTTP port of the master node (dashboard) | "" |
master.service.nodePorts.grpc |
GRPC port of the master node | "" |
master.service.externalTrafficPolicy |
Gorse master service external traffic policy | Cluster |
master.service.extraPorts |
Extra ports to expose (normally used with the sidecar value) |
[] |
master.service.internalTrafficPolicy |
Gorse master service internal traffic policy (requires Kubernetes v1.22 or greater to be usable) | Cluster |
master.service.clusterIP |
Gorse master service Cluster IP | "" |
master.service.loadBalancerIP |
Gorse master service Load Balancer IP | "" |
master.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges |
Gorse master service Load Balancer sources | [] |
master.service.annotations |
Additional custom annotations for Gorse master service | {} |
master.service.sessionAffinity |
Session Affinity for Kubernetes service, can be "None" or "ClientIP" | None |
master.service.sessionAffinityConfig |
Additional settings for the sessionAffinity | {} |
master.ingress.enabled |
Enable ingress controller resource | false |
master.ingress.pathType |
Ingress Path type | ImplementationSpecific |
master.ingress.apiVersion |
Override API Version (automatically detected if not set) | "" |
master.ingress.ingressClassName |
IngressClass that will be be used to implement the Ingress (Kubernetes 1.18+) | "" |
master.ingress.hostname |
Default host for the ingress resource | gorse.local |
master.ingress.path |
The Path to Gorse. You may need to set this to '/*' in order to use this | / |
master.ingress.annotations |
Additional annotations for the Ingress resource. To enable certificate autogeneration, place here your cert-manager annotations. | {} |
master.ingress.tls |
Enable TLS configuration for the hostname defined at ingress.hostname parameter | false |
master.ingress.extraHosts |
The list of additional hostnames to be covered with this ingress record. | [] |
master.ingress.extraPaths |
Any additional arbitrary paths that may need to be added to the ingress under the main host. | [] |
master.ingress.extraTls |
The tls configuration for additional hostnames to be covered with this ingress record. | [] |
master.ingress.secrets |
If you're providing your own certificates, please use this to add the certificates as secrets | [] |
master.ingress.extraRules |
Additional rules to be covered with this ingress record | [] |
master.resources.limits |
The resources limits for the Gorse replicas containers | {} |
master.resources.requests |
The requested resources for the Gorse replicas containers | {} |
master.podAffinityPreset |
Pod affinity preset. Ignored if master.affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard |
"" |
master.podAntiAffinityPreset |
Pod anti-affinity preset. Ignored if master.affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard |
soft |
master.nodeAffinityPreset.type |
Node affinity preset type. Ignored if master.affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard |
"" |
master.nodeAffinityPreset.key |
Node label key to match. Ignored if master.affinity is set |
"" |
master.nodeAffinityPreset.values |
Node label values to match. Ignored if master.affinity is set |
[] |
master.affinity |
Affinity for Gorse master pods assignment | {} |
master.nodeSelector |
Node labels for Gorse master pods assignment | {} |
master.tolerations |
Tolerations for Gorse master pods assignment | [] |
master.pdb.create |
Specifies whether a PodDisruptionBudget should be created | false |
master.pdb.minAvailable |
Min number of pods that must still be available after the eviction | 1 |
master.pdb.maxUnavailable |
Max number of pods that can be unavailable after the eviction | "" |
Name | Description | Value |
server.image.registry |
Gorse image registry | |
server.image.repository |
Gorse Server image repository | zhenghaoz/gorse-server |
server.image.tag |
Gorse Server image tag (immutable tags are recommended) | 0.4.12 |
server.image.digest |
Gorse Server image digest in the way sha256:aa.... Please note this parameter, if set, will override the tag | "" |
server.image.pullPolicy |
Gorse Server image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
server.image.pullSecrets |
Specify docker-registry secret names as an array | [] |
server.service.type |
Gorse server service type | ClusterIP |
server.service.ports.http |
Gorse server service port | 80 |
server.service.nodePorts.http |
Node port for Gorse server | "" |
server.service.externalTrafficPolicy |
Gorse server service external traffic policy | Cluster |
server.service.extraPorts |
Extra ports to expose (normally used with the sidecar value) |
[] |
server.service.internalTrafficPolicy |
Gorse server service internal traffic policy (requires Kubernetes v1.22 or greater to be usable) | Cluster |
server.service.clusterIP |
Gorse server service Cluster IP | "" |
server.service.loadBalancerIP |
Gorse server service Load Balancer IP | "" |
server.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges |
Gorse server service Load Balancer sources | [] |
server.service.annotations |
Additional custom annotations for Gorse server service | {} |
server.service.sessionAffinity |
Session Affinity for Kubernetes service, can be "None" or "ClientIP" | None |
server.service.sessionAffinityConfig |
Additional settings for the sessionAffinity | {} |
server.ingress.enabled |
Enable ingress controller resource | false |
server.ingress.pathType |
Ingress Path type | ImplementationSpecific |
server.ingress.apiVersion |
Override API Version (automatically detected if not set) | "" |
server.ingress.ingressClassName |
IngressClass that will be be used to implement the Ingress (Kubernetes 1.18+) | "" |
server.ingress.hostname |
Default host for the ingress resource | api.gorse.local |
server.ingress.path |
The Path to Gorse. You may need to set this to '/*' in order to use this | / |
server.ingress.annotations |
Additional annotations for the Ingress resource. To enable certificate autogeneration, place here your cert-manager annotations. | {} |
server.ingress.tls |
Enable TLS configuration for the hostname defined at ingress.hostname parameter | false |
server.ingress.extraHosts |
The list of additional hostnames to be covered with this ingress record. | [] |
server.ingress.extraPaths |
Any additional arbitrary paths that may need to be added to the ingress under the main host. | [] |
server.ingress.extraTls |
The tls configuration for additional hostnames to be covered with this ingress record. | [] |
server.ingress.secrets |
If you're providing your own certificates, please use this to add the certificates as secrets | [] |
server.ingress.extraRules |
Additional rules to be covered with this ingress record | [] |
server.replicaCount |
Number of servers replicas to deploy | 1 |
server.autoscaling.enabled |
Enable replica autoscaling settings | false |
server.autoscaling.minReplicas |
Minimum replicas for the pod autoscaling | 1 |
server.autoscaling.maxReplicas |
Maximum replicas for the pod autoscaling | 11 |
server.autoscaling.targetCPU |
Percentage of CPU to consider when autoscaling | 50 |
server.autoscaling.targetMemory |
Percentage of Memory to consider when autoscaling | 50 |
server.resources.limits |
The resources limits for the Gorse replicas containers | {} |
server.resources.requests |
The requested resources for the Gorse replicas containers | {} |
server.podAffinityPreset |
Pod affinity preset. Ignored if server.affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard |
"" |
server.podAntiAffinityPreset |
Pod anti-affinity preset. Ignored if server.affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard |
soft |
server.nodeAffinityPreset.type |
Node affinity preset type. Ignored if server.affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard |
"" |
server.nodeAffinityPreset.key |
Node label key to match. Ignored if server.affinity is set |
"" |
server.nodeAffinityPreset.values |
Node label values to match. Ignored if server.affinity is set |
[] |
server.affinity |
Affinity for Gorse server pods assignment | {} |
server.nodeSelector |
Node labels for Gorse server pods assignment | {} |
server.tolerations |
Tolerations for Gorse server pods assignment | [] |
server.pdb.create |
Specifies whether a PodDisruptionBudget should be created | false |
server.pdb.minAvailable |
Min number of pods that must still be available after the eviction | 1 |
server.pdb.maxUnavailable |
Max number of pods that can be unavailable after the eviction | "" |
Name | Description | Value |
---|---|---| |
Number of working jobs in the worker node | 1 |
worker.image.registry |
Gorse image registry | |
worker.image.repository |
Gorse Worker image repository | zhenghaoz/gorse-worker |
worker.image.tag |
Gorse Worker image tag (immutable tags are recommended) | 0.4.12 |
worker.image.digest |
Gorse Worker image digest in the way sha256:aa.... Please note this parameter, if set, will override the tag | "" |
worker.image.pullPolicy |
Gorse Worker image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
worker.image.pullSecrets |
Specify docker-registry secret names as an array | [] |
worker.service.enable |
Enable service for Gorse workers | false |
worker.service.type |
Gorse worker service type | ClusterIP |
worker.service.ports.http |
Gorse worker service port | 8087 |
worker.service.nodePorts.http |
Node port for Gorse worker | "" |
worker.service.externalTrafficPolicy |
Gorse worker service external traffic policy | Cluster |
worker.service.extraPorts |
Extra ports to expose (normally used with the sidecar value) |
[] |
worker.service.internalTrafficPolicy |
Gorse worker service internal traffic policy (requires Kubernetes v1.22 or greater to be usable) | Cluster |
worker.service.clusterIP |
Gorse worker service Cluster IP | "" |
worker.service.loadBalancerIP |
Gorse worker service Load Balancer IP | "" |
worker.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges |
Gorse worker service Load Balancer sources | [] |
worker.service.annotations |
Additional custom annotations for Gorse worker service | {} |
worker.service.sessionAffinity |
Session Affinity for Kubernetes service, can be "None" or "ClientIP" | None |
worker.service.sessionAffinityConfig |
Additional settings for the sessionAffinity | {} |
worker.replicaCount |
Number of workers replicas to deploy | 1 |
worker.autoscaling.enabled |
Enable replica autoscaling settings | false |
worker.autoscaling.minReplicas |
Minimum replicas for the pod autoscaling | 1 |
worker.autoscaling.maxReplicas |
Maximum replicas for the pod autoscaling | 11 |
worker.autoscaling.targetCPU |
Percentage of CPU to consider when autoscaling | 50 |
worker.autoscaling.targetMemory |
Percentage of Memory to consider when autoscaling | 50 |
worker.resources.limits |
The resources limits for the Gorse replicas containers | {} |
worker.resources.requests |
The requested resources for the Gorse replicas containers | {} |
worker.podAffinityPreset |
Pod affinity preset. Ignored if worker.affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard |
"" |
worker.podAntiAffinityPreset |
Pod anti-affinity preset. Ignored if worker.affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard |
soft |
worker.nodeAffinityPreset.type |
Node affinity preset type. Ignored if worker.affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard |
"" |
worker.nodeAffinityPreset.key |
Node label key to match. Ignored if worker.affinity is set |
"" |
worker.nodeAffinityPreset.values |
Node label values to match. Ignored if worker.affinity is set |
[] |
worker.affinity |
Affinity for Gorse worker pods assignment | {} |
worker.nodeSelector |
Node labels for Gorse worker pods assignment | {} |
worker.tolerations |
Tolerations for Gorse worker pods assignment | [] |
worker.pdb.create |
Specifies whether a PodDisruptionBudget should be created | false |
worker.pdb.minAvailable |
Min number of pods that must still be available after the eviction | 1 |
worker.pdb.maxUnavailable |
Max number of pods that can be unavailable after the eviction | "" |
Name | Description | Value |
proxy.image.registry |
Gorse image registry | |
proxy.image.repository |
Gorse Worker image repository | zhenghaoz/gorse-proxy |
proxy.image.tag |
Gorse Worker image tag (immutable tags are recommended) | 0.4.0 |
proxy.image.digest |
Gorse Worker image digest in the way sha256:aa.... Please note this parameter, if set, will override the tag | "" |
proxy.image.pullPolicy |
Gorse Worker image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
proxy.image.pullSecrets |
Specify docker-registry secret names as an array | [] |
proxy.service.enable |
Enable service for Gorse proxies | false |
proxy.service.type |
Gorse worker service type | ClusterIP |
proxy.service.ports.http |
Gorse worker service port | 9000 |
proxy.service.nodePorts.http |
Node port for Gorse proxy | "" |
proxy.service.externalTrafficPolicy |
Gorse proxy service external traffic policy | Cluster |
proxy.service.extraPorts |
Extra ports to expose (normally used with the sidecar value) |
[] |
proxy.service.internalTrafficPolicy |
Gorse proxy service internal traffic policy (requires Kubernetes v1.22 or greater to be usable) | Cluster |
proxy.service.clusterIP |
Gorse proxy service Cluster IP | "" |
proxy.service.loadBalancerIP |
Gorse proxy service Load Balancer IP | "" |
proxy.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges |
Gorse proxy service Load Balancer sources | [] |
proxy.service.annotations |
Additional custom annotations for Gorse proxy service | {} |
proxy.service.sessionAffinity |
Session Affinity for Kubernetes service, can be "None" or "ClientIP" | None |
proxy.service.sessionAffinityConfig |
Additional settings for the sessionAffinity | {} |
proxy.replicaCount |
Number of proxies replicas to deploy | 1 |
proxy.autoscaling.enabled |
Enable replica autoscaling settings | false |
proxy.autoscaling.minReplicas |
Minimum replicas for the pod autoscaling | 1 |
proxy.autoscaling.maxReplicas |
Maximum replicas for the pod autoscaling | 11 |
proxy.autoscaling.targetCPU |
Percentage of CPU to consider when autoscaling | 50 |
proxy.autoscaling.targetMemory |
Percentage of Memory to consider when autoscaling | 50 |
proxy.resources.limits |
The resources limits for the Gorse replicas containers | {} |
proxy.resources.requests |
The requested resources for the Gorse replicas containers | {} |
proxy.podAffinityPreset |
Pod affinity preset. Ignored if proxy.affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard |
"" |
proxy.podAntiAffinityPreset |
Pod anti-affinity preset. Ignored if proxy.affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard |
soft |
proxy.nodeAffinityPreset.type |
Node affinity preset type. Ignored if proxy.affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard |
"" |
proxy.nodeAffinityPreset.key |
Node label key to match. Ignored if proxy.affinity is set |
"" |
proxy.nodeAffinityPreset.values |
Node label values to match. Ignored if proxy.affinity is set |
[] |
proxy.affinity |
Affinity for Gorse proxy pods assignment | {} |
proxy.nodeSelector |
Node labels for Gorse proxy pods assignment | {} |
proxy.tolerations |
Tolerations for Gorse proxy pods assignment | [] |
proxy.pdb.create |
Specifies whether a PodDisruptionBudget should be created | false |
proxy.pdb.minAvailable |
Min number of pods that must still be available after the eviction | 1 |
proxy.pdb.maxUnavailable |
Max number of pods that can be unavailable after the eviction | "" |
Name | Description | Value |
mongodb.enabled |
Deploy a MongoDB server to satisfy the applications database requirements | true |
mongodb.architecture |
MongoDB(®) architecture (standalone or replicaset ) |
standalone |
mongodb.auth.rootUser |
MongoDB(®) root user | root |
mongodb.auth.rootPassword |
MongoDB(®) root password | "" |
mongodb.auth.username |
Custom user to be created during the initialization | gorse |
mongodb.auth.password |
Password for the custom users set at auth.usernames |
"" |
mongodb.auth.database |
Custom databases to be created during the initialization | gorse |
mongodb.persistence.enabled |
Enable MongoDB(®) data persistence using PVC | true |
mongodb.persistence.storageClass |
PVC Storage Class for MongoDB(®) data volume | "" |
mongodb.persistence.accessModes |
PV Access Mode | ["ReadWriteOnce"] |
mongodb.persistence.size |
PVC Storage Request for MongoDB(®) data volume | 8Gi | |
Database host | localhost |
externalDatabase.port |
Database port number | 27017 |
externalDatabase.username |
Non-root username for Gorse | gorse |
externalDatabase.password |
Password for the non-root username for Gorse | "" |
externalDatabase.database |
Gorse database name | gorse |
externalDatabase.existingSecret |
Name of an existing secret resource containing the database credentials | "" |
externalDatabase.existingSecretPasswordKey |
Name of an existing secret key containing the database credentials | mongodb-passwords |