diff --git a/protos/google/cloud/recaptchaenterprise/v1beta1/recaptchaenterprise.proto b/protos/google/cloud/recaptchaenterprise/v1beta1/recaptchaenterprise.proto
index c2025d4..12e99b4 100644
--- a/protos/google/cloud/recaptchaenterprise/v1beta1/recaptchaenterprise.proto
+++ b/protos/google/cloud/recaptchaenterprise/v1beta1/recaptchaenterprise.proto
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ import "google/api/annotations.proto";
 import "google/api/client.proto";
 import "google/api/field_behavior.proto";
 import "google/api/resource.proto";
+import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
+import "google/protobuf/field_mask.proto";
 import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
 option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.RecaptchaEnterprise.V1Beta1";
@@ -54,6 +56,43 @@ service RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1 {
     option (google.api.method_signature) = "name,annotation";
+  // Creates a new reCAPTCHA Enterprise key.
+  rpc CreateKey(CreateKeyRequest) returns (Key) {
+    option (google.api.http) = {
+      post: "/v1beta1/{parent=projects/*}/keys"
+      body: "key"
+    };
+  }
+  // Returns the list of all keys that belong to a project.
+  rpc ListKeys(ListKeysRequest) returns (ListKeysResponse) {
+    option (google.api.http) = {
+      get: "/v1beta1/{parent=projects/*}/keys"
+    };
+  }
+  // Returns the specified key.
+  rpc GetKey(GetKeyRequest) returns (Key) {
+    option (google.api.http) = {
+      get: "/v1beta1/{name=projects/*/keys/*}"
+    };
+  }
+  // Updates the specified key.
+  rpc UpdateKey(UpdateKeyRequest) returns (Key) {
+    option (google.api.http) = {
+      patch: "/v1beta1/{key.name=projects/*/keys/*}"
+      body: "key"
+    };
+  }
+  // Deletes the specified key.
+  rpc DeleteKey(DeleteKeyRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
+    option (google.api.http) = {
+      delete: "/v1beta1/{name=projects/*/keys/*}"
+    };
+  }
 // The create assessment request message.
@@ -154,13 +193,25 @@ message Assessment {
 message Event {
-  // Required. The user response token provided by the reCAPTCHA client-side integration
+  // Optional. The user response token provided by the reCAPTCHA client-side integration
   // on your site.
-  string token = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
+  string token = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
-  // Required. The site key that was used to invoke reCAPTCHA on your site and generate
+  // Optional. The site key that was used to invoke reCAPTCHA on your site and generate
   // the token.
-  string site_key = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
+  string site_key = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
+  // Optional. The user agent present in the request from the user's device related to
+  // this event.
+  string user_agent = 3 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
+  // Optional. The IP address in the request from the user's device related to this event.
+  string user_ip_address = 4 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
+  // Optional. The expected action for this type of event. This should be the same action
+  // provided at token generation time on client-side platforms already
+  // integrated with recaptcha enterprise.
+  string expected_action = 5 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
 message TokenProperties {
@@ -207,3 +258,184 @@ message TokenProperties {
   // Action name provided at token generation.
   string action = 5;
+// The create key request message.
+message CreateKeyRequest {
+  // Required. The name of the project in which the key will be created, in the
+  // format "projects/{project_number}".
+  string parent = 1 [
+    (google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED,
+    (google.api.resource_reference) = {
+      type: "cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com/Project"
+    }
+  ];
+  // Required. Information to create a reCAPTCHA Enterprise key.
+  Key key = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
+// The list keys request message.
+message ListKeysRequest {
+  // Required. The name of the project that contains the keys that will be
+  // listed, in the format "projects/{project_number}".
+  string parent = 1 [
+    (google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED,
+    (google.api.resource_reference) = {
+      type: "cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com/Project"
+    }
+  ];
+  // Optional. The maximum number of keys to return. Default is 10. Max limit is
+  // 1000.
+  int32 page_size = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
+  // Optional. The next_page_token value returned from a previous.
+  // ListKeysRequest, if any.
+  string page_token = 3 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
+// Response to request to list keys in a project.
+message ListKeysResponse {
+  // Key details.
+  repeated Key keys = 1;
+  // Token to retrieve the next page of results. It is set to empty if no keys
+  // remain in results.
+  string next_page_token = 2;
+// The get key request message.
+message GetKeyRequest {
+  // Required. The name of the requested key, in the format
+  // "projects/{project_number}/keys/{key_id}".
+  string name = 1 [
+    (google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED,
+    (google.api.resource_reference) = {
+      type: "recaptchaenterprise.googleapis.com/Key"
+    }
+  ];
+// The update key request message.
+message UpdateKeyRequest {
+  // Required. The key to update.
+  Key key = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
+  // Optional. The mask to control which field of the key get updated. If the mask is not
+  // present, all fields will be updated.
+  google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
+// The delete key request message.
+message DeleteKeyRequest {
+  // Required. The name of the key to be deleted, in the format
+  // "projects/{project_number}/keys/{key_id}".
+  string name = 1 [
+    (google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED,
+    (google.api.resource_reference) = {
+      type: "recaptchaenterprise.googleapis.com/Key"
+    }
+  ];
+// A key used to identify and configure applications (web and/or mobile) that
+// use reCAPTCHA Enterprise.
+message Key {
+  option (google.api.resource) = {
+    type: "recaptchaenterprise.googleapis.com/Key"
+    pattern: "projects/{project}/keys/{key}"
+  };
+  // The resource name for the Key in the format
+  // "projects/{project_number}/keys/{key_id}".
+  string name = 1;
+  // Human-readable display name of this key. Modifiable by user.
+  string display_name = 2;
+  // Platform specific settings for this key. The key can only be used on one
+  // platform, the one it has settings for.
+  oneof platform_settings {
+    // Settings for keys that can be used by websites.
+    WebKeySettings web_settings = 3;
+    // Settings for keys that can be used by Android apps.
+    AndroidKeySettings android_settings = 4;
+    // Settings for keys that can be used by iOS apps.
+    IOSKeySettings ios_settings = 5;
+  }
+// Settings specific to keys that can be used by websites.
+message WebKeySettings {
+  // Enum that represents the integration types for web keys.
+  enum IntegrationType {
+    // Default type that indicates this enum hasn't been specified. This is not
+    // a valid IntegrationType, one of the other types must be specified
+    // instead.
+    // Only used to produce scores. It doesn't display the "I'm not a robot"
+    // checkbox and never shows captcha challenges.
+    SCORE_ONLY = 1;
+    // Displays the "I'm not a robot" checkbox and may show captcha challenges
+    // after it is checked.
+    // Doesn't display the "I'm not a robot" checkbox, but may show captcha
+    // challenges after risk analysis.
+  }
+  // Enum that represents the possible challenge frequency and difficulty
+  // configurations for a web key.
+  enum ChallengeSecurityPreference {
+    // Default type that indicates this enum hasn't been specified.
+    // Key tends to show fewer and easier challenges.
+    USABILITY = 1;
+    // Key tends to show balanced (in amount and difficulty) challenges.
+    BALANCED = 2;
+    // Key tends to show more and harder challenges.
+    SECURITY = 3;
+  }
+  // Whether allowed_domains is enforced or not.
+  bool enforce_allowed_domains = 3;
+  // Domains or subdomains of websites allowed to use the key. All subdomains
+  // of an allowed domain are automatically allowed. A valid domain requires a
+  // host and must not include any path, port, query or fragment.
+  // Examples: 'example.com' or 'subdomain.example.com'
+  repeated string allowed_domains = 1;
+  // Whether this key can be used on AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) websites.
+  bool allow_amp_traffic = 2;
+  // Required. Describes how this key is integrated with the website.
+  IntegrationType integration_type = 4 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
+  // Settings for the frequency and difficulty at which this key triggers
+  // captcha challenges. This should only be specified for IntegrationTypes
+  ChallengeSecurityPreference challenge_security_preference = 5;
+// Settings specific to keys that can be used by Android apps.
+message AndroidKeySettings {
+  // Android package names of apps allowed to use the key.
+  // Example: 'com.companyname.appname'
+  repeated string allowed_package_names = 1;
+// Settings specific to keys that can be used by iOS apps.
+message IOSKeySettings {
+  // iOS bundle ids of apps allowed to use the key.
+  // Example: 'com.companyname.productname.appname'
+  repeated string allowed_bundle_ids = 1;
diff --git a/protos/protos.d.ts b/protos/protos.d.ts
index 8f730e1..e8983bc 100644
--- a/protos/protos.d.ts
+++ b/protos/protos.d.ts
@@ -73,6 +73,76 @@ export namespace google {
                      * @returns Promise
                     public annotateAssessment(request: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IAnnotateAssessmentRequest): Promise<google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AnnotateAssessmentResponse>;
+                    /**
+                     * Calls CreateKey.
+                     * @param request CreateKeyRequest message or plain object
+                     * @param callback Node-style callback called with the error, if any, and Key
+                     */
+                    public createKey(request: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ICreateKeyRequest, callback: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1.CreateKeyCallback): void;
+                    /**
+                     * Calls CreateKey.
+                     * @param request CreateKeyRequest message or plain object
+                     * @returns Promise
+                     */
+                    public createKey(request: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ICreateKeyRequest): Promise<google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key>;
+                    /**
+                     * Calls ListKeys.
+                     * @param request ListKeysRequest message or plain object
+                     * @param callback Node-style callback called with the error, if any, and ListKeysResponse
+                     */
+                    public listKeys(request: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IListKeysRequest, callback: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1.ListKeysCallback): void;
+                    /**
+                     * Calls ListKeys.
+                     * @param request ListKeysRequest message or plain object
+                     * @returns Promise
+                     */
+                    public listKeys(request: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IListKeysRequest): Promise<google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse>;
+                    /**
+                     * Calls GetKey.
+                     * @param request GetKeyRequest message or plain object
+                     * @param callback Node-style callback called with the error, if any, and Key
+                     */
+                    public getKey(request: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IGetKeyRequest, callback: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1.GetKeyCallback): void;
+                    /**
+                     * Calls GetKey.
+                     * @param request GetKeyRequest message or plain object
+                     * @returns Promise
+                     */
+                    public getKey(request: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IGetKeyRequest): Promise<google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key>;
+                    /**
+                     * Calls UpdateKey.
+                     * @param request UpdateKeyRequest message or plain object
+                     * @param callback Node-style callback called with the error, if any, and Key
+                     */
+                    public updateKey(request: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IUpdateKeyRequest, callback: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1.UpdateKeyCallback): void;
+                    /**
+                     * Calls UpdateKey.
+                     * @param request UpdateKeyRequest message or plain object
+                     * @returns Promise
+                     */
+                    public updateKey(request: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IUpdateKeyRequest): Promise<google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key>;
+                    /**
+                     * Calls DeleteKey.
+                     * @param request DeleteKeyRequest message or plain object
+                     * @param callback Node-style callback called with the error, if any, and Empty
+                     */
+                    public deleteKey(request: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IDeleteKeyRequest, callback: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1.DeleteKeyCallback): void;
+                    /**
+                     * Calls DeleteKey.
+                     * @param request DeleteKeyRequest message or plain object
+                     * @returns Promise
+                     */
+                    public deleteKey(request: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IDeleteKeyRequest): Promise<google.protobuf.Empty>;
                 namespace RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1 {
@@ -90,6 +160,41 @@ export namespace google {
                      * @param [response] AnnotateAssessmentResponse
                     type AnnotateAssessmentCallback = (error: (Error|null), response?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AnnotateAssessmentResponse) => void;
+                    /**
+                     * Callback as used by {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1#createKey}.
+                     * @param error Error, if any
+                     * @param [response] Key
+                     */
+                    type CreateKeyCallback = (error: (Error|null), response?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key) => void;
+                    /**
+                     * Callback as used by {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1#listKeys}.
+                     * @param error Error, if any
+                     * @param [response] ListKeysResponse
+                     */
+                    type ListKeysCallback = (error: (Error|null), response?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse) => void;
+                    /**
+                     * Callback as used by {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1#getKey}.
+                     * @param error Error, if any
+                     * @param [response] Key
+                     */
+                    type GetKeyCallback = (error: (Error|null), response?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key) => void;
+                    /**
+                     * Callback as used by {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1#updateKey}.
+                     * @param error Error, if any
+                     * @param [response] Key
+                     */
+                    type UpdateKeyCallback = (error: (Error|null), response?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key) => void;
+                    /**
+                     * Callback as used by {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1#deleteKey}.
+                     * @param error Error, if any
+                     * @param [response] Empty
+                     */
+                    type DeleteKeyCallback = (error: (Error|null), response?: google.protobuf.Empty) => void;
                 /** Properties of a CreateAssessmentRequest. */
@@ -422,312 +527,1330 @@ export namespace google {
                     public reasons: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Assessment.ClassificationReason[];
-                     * Creates a new Assessment instance using the specified properties.
+                     * Creates a new Assessment instance using the specified properties.
+                     * @param [properties] Properties to set
+                     * @returns Assessment instance
+                     */
+                    public static create(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IAssessment): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Assessment;
+                    /**
+                     * Encodes the specified Assessment message. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Assessment.verify|verify} messages.
+                     * @param message Assessment message or plain object to encode
+                     * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
+                     * @returns Writer
+                     */
+                    public static encode(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IAssessment, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+                    /**
+                     * Encodes the specified Assessment message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Assessment.verify|verify} messages.
+                     * @param message Assessment message or plain object to encode
+                     * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
+                     * @returns Writer
+                     */
+                    public static encodeDelimited(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IAssessment, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+                    /**
+                     * Decodes an Assessment message from the specified reader or buffer.
+                     * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                     * @param [length] Message length if known beforehand
+                     * @returns Assessment
+                     * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                     * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                     */
+                    public static decode(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array), length?: number): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Assessment;
+                    /**
+                     * Decodes an Assessment message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+                     * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                     * @returns Assessment
+                     * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                     * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                     */
+                    public static decodeDelimited(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array)): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Assessment;
+                    /**
+                     * Verifies an Assessment message.
+                     * @param message Plain object to verify
+                     * @returns `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
+                     */
+                    public static verify(message: { [k: string]: any }): (string|null);
+                    /**
+                     * Creates an Assessment message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+                     * @param object Plain object
+                     * @returns Assessment
+                     */
+                    public static fromObject(object: { [k: string]: any }): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Assessment;
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a plain object from an Assessment message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+                     * @param message Assessment
+                     * @param [options] Conversion options
+                     * @returns Plain object
+                     */
+                    public static toObject(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Assessment, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions): { [k: string]: any };
+                    /**
+                     * Converts this Assessment to JSON.
+                     * @returns JSON object
+                     */
+                    public toJSON(): { [k: string]: any };
+                }
+                namespace Assessment {
+                    /** ClassificationReason enum. */
+                    enum ClassificationReason {
+                        CLASSIFICATION_REASON_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
+                        AUTOMATION = 1,
+                        UNEXPECTED_ENVIRONMENT = 2,
+                        TOO_MUCH_TRAFFIC = 3,
+                        UNEXPECTED_USAGE_PATTERNS = 4,
+                        LOW_CONFIDENCE_SCORE = 5
+                    }
+                }
+                /** Properties of an Event. */
+                interface IEvent {
+                    /** Event token */
+                    token?: (string|null);
+                    /** Event siteKey */
+                    siteKey?: (string|null);
+                    /** Event userAgent */
+                    userAgent?: (string|null);
+                    /** Event userIpAddress */
+                    userIpAddress?: (string|null);
+                    /** Event expectedAction */
+                    expectedAction?: (string|null);
+                }
+                /** Represents an Event. */
+                class Event implements IEvent {
+                    /**
+                     * Constructs a new Event.
+                     * @param [properties] Properties to set
+                     */
+                    constructor(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IEvent);
+                    /** Event token. */
+                    public token: string;
+                    /** Event siteKey. */
+                    public siteKey: string;
+                    /** Event userAgent. */
+                    public userAgent: string;
+                    /** Event userIpAddress. */
+                    public userIpAddress: string;
+                    /** Event expectedAction. */
+                    public expectedAction: string;
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a new Event instance using the specified properties.
+                     * @param [properties] Properties to set
+                     * @returns Event instance
+                     */
+                    public static create(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IEvent): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Event;
+                    /**
+                     * Encodes the specified Event message. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Event.verify|verify} messages.
+                     * @param message Event message or plain object to encode
+                     * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
+                     * @returns Writer
+                     */
+                    public static encode(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IEvent, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+                    /**
+                     * Encodes the specified Event message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Event.verify|verify} messages.
+                     * @param message Event message or plain object to encode
+                     * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
+                     * @returns Writer
+                     */
+                    public static encodeDelimited(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IEvent, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+                    /**
+                     * Decodes an Event message from the specified reader or buffer.
+                     * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                     * @param [length] Message length if known beforehand
+                     * @returns Event
+                     * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                     * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                     */
+                    public static decode(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array), length?: number): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Event;
+                    /**
+                     * Decodes an Event message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+                     * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                     * @returns Event
+                     * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                     * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                     */
+                    public static decodeDelimited(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array)): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Event;
+                    /**
+                     * Verifies an Event message.
+                     * @param message Plain object to verify
+                     * @returns `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
+                     */
+                    public static verify(message: { [k: string]: any }): (string|null);
+                    /**
+                     * Creates an Event message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+                     * @param object Plain object
+                     * @returns Event
+                     */
+                    public static fromObject(object: { [k: string]: any }): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Event;
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a plain object from an Event message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+                     * @param message Event
+                     * @param [options] Conversion options
+                     * @returns Plain object
+                     */
+                    public static toObject(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Event, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions): { [k: string]: any };
+                    /**
+                     * Converts this Event to JSON.
+                     * @returns JSON object
+                     */
+                    public toJSON(): { [k: string]: any };
+                }
+                /** Properties of a TokenProperties. */
+                interface ITokenProperties {
+                    /** TokenProperties valid */
+                    valid?: (boolean|null);
+                    /** TokenProperties invalidReason */
+                    invalidReason?: (google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.TokenProperties.InvalidReason|null);
+                    /** TokenProperties createTime */
+                    createTime?: (google.protobuf.ITimestamp|null);
+                    /** TokenProperties hostname */
+                    hostname?: (string|null);
+                    /** TokenProperties action */
+                    action?: (string|null);
+                }
+                /** Represents a TokenProperties. */
+                class TokenProperties implements ITokenProperties {
+                    /**
+                     * Constructs a new TokenProperties.
+                     * @param [properties] Properties to set
+                     */
+                    constructor(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ITokenProperties);
+                    /** TokenProperties valid. */
+                    public valid: boolean;
+                    /** TokenProperties invalidReason. */
+                    public invalidReason: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.TokenProperties.InvalidReason;
+                    /** TokenProperties createTime. */
+                    public createTime?: (google.protobuf.ITimestamp|null);
+                    /** TokenProperties hostname. */
+                    public hostname: string;
+                    /** TokenProperties action. */
+                    public action: string;
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a new TokenProperties instance using the specified properties.
+                     * @param [properties] Properties to set
+                     * @returns TokenProperties instance
+                     */
+                    public static create(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ITokenProperties): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.TokenProperties;
+                    /**
+                     * Encodes the specified TokenProperties message. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.TokenProperties.verify|verify} messages.
+                     * @param message TokenProperties message or plain object to encode
+                     * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
+                     * @returns Writer
+                     */
+                    public static encode(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ITokenProperties, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+                    /**
+                     * Encodes the specified TokenProperties message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.TokenProperties.verify|verify} messages.
+                     * @param message TokenProperties message or plain object to encode
+                     * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
+                     * @returns Writer
+                     */
+                    public static encodeDelimited(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ITokenProperties, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+                    /**
+                     * Decodes a TokenProperties message from the specified reader or buffer.
+                     * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                     * @param [length] Message length if known beforehand
+                     * @returns TokenProperties
+                     * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                     * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                     */
+                    public static decode(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array), length?: number): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.TokenProperties;
+                    /**
+                     * Decodes a TokenProperties message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+                     * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                     * @returns TokenProperties
+                     * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                     * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                     */
+                    public static decodeDelimited(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array)): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.TokenProperties;
+                    /**
+                     * Verifies a TokenProperties message.
+                     * @param message Plain object to verify
+                     * @returns `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
+                     */
+                    public static verify(message: { [k: string]: any }): (string|null);
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a TokenProperties message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+                     * @param object Plain object
+                     * @returns TokenProperties
+                     */
+                    public static fromObject(object: { [k: string]: any }): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.TokenProperties;
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a plain object from a TokenProperties message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+                     * @param message TokenProperties
+                     * @param [options] Conversion options
+                     * @returns Plain object
+                     */
+                    public static toObject(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.TokenProperties, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions): { [k: string]: any };
+                    /**
+                     * Converts this TokenProperties to JSON.
+                     * @returns JSON object
+                     */
+                    public toJSON(): { [k: string]: any };
+                }
+                namespace TokenProperties {
+                    /** InvalidReason enum. */
+                    enum InvalidReason {
+                        INVALID_REASON_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
+                        UNKNOWN_INVALID_REASON = 1,
+                        MALFORMED = 2,
+                        EXPIRED = 3,
+                        DUPE = 4,
+                        SITE_MISMATCH = 5,
+                        MISSING = 6
+                    }
+                }
+                /** Properties of a CreateKeyRequest. */
+                interface ICreateKeyRequest {
+                    /** CreateKeyRequest parent */
+                    parent?: (string|null);
+                    /** CreateKeyRequest key */
+                    key?: (google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IKey|null);
+                }
+                /** Represents a CreateKeyRequest. */
+                class CreateKeyRequest implements ICreateKeyRequest {
+                    /**
+                     * Constructs a new CreateKeyRequest.
+                     * @param [properties] Properties to set
+                     */
+                    constructor(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ICreateKeyRequest);
+                    /** CreateKeyRequest parent. */
+                    public parent: string;
+                    /** CreateKeyRequest key. */
+                    public key?: (google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IKey|null);
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a new CreateKeyRequest instance using the specified properties.
+                     * @param [properties] Properties to set
+                     * @returns CreateKeyRequest instance
+                     */
+                    public static create(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ICreateKeyRequest): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest;
+                    /**
+                     * Encodes the specified CreateKeyRequest message. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest.verify|verify} messages.
+                     * @param message CreateKeyRequest message or plain object to encode
+                     * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
+                     * @returns Writer
+                     */
+                    public static encode(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ICreateKeyRequest, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+                    /**
+                     * Encodes the specified CreateKeyRequest message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest.verify|verify} messages.
+                     * @param message CreateKeyRequest message or plain object to encode
+                     * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
+                     * @returns Writer
+                     */
+                    public static encodeDelimited(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ICreateKeyRequest, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+                    /**
+                     * Decodes a CreateKeyRequest message from the specified reader or buffer.
+                     * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                     * @param [length] Message length if known beforehand
+                     * @returns CreateKeyRequest
+                     * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                     * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                     */
+                    public static decode(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array), length?: number): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest;
+                    /**
+                     * Decodes a CreateKeyRequest message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+                     * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                     * @returns CreateKeyRequest
+                     * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                     * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                     */
+                    public static decodeDelimited(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array)): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest;
+                    /**
+                     * Verifies a CreateKeyRequest message.
+                     * @param message Plain object to verify
+                     * @returns `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
+                     */
+                    public static verify(message: { [k: string]: any }): (string|null);
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a CreateKeyRequest message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+                     * @param object Plain object
+                     * @returns CreateKeyRequest
+                     */
+                    public static fromObject(object: { [k: string]: any }): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest;
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a plain object from a CreateKeyRequest message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+                     * @param message CreateKeyRequest
+                     * @param [options] Conversion options
+                     * @returns Plain object
+                     */
+                    public static toObject(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions): { [k: string]: any };
+                    /**
+                     * Converts this CreateKeyRequest to JSON.
+                     * @returns JSON object
+                     */
+                    public toJSON(): { [k: string]: any };
+                }
+                /** Properties of a ListKeysRequest. */
+                interface IListKeysRequest {
+                    /** ListKeysRequest parent */
+                    parent?: (string|null);
+                    /** ListKeysRequest pageSize */
+                    pageSize?: (number|null);
+                    /** ListKeysRequest pageToken */
+                    pageToken?: (string|null);
+                }
+                /** Represents a ListKeysRequest. */
+                class ListKeysRequest implements IListKeysRequest {
+                    /**
+                     * Constructs a new ListKeysRequest.
+                     * @param [properties] Properties to set
+                     */
+                    constructor(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IListKeysRequest);
+                    /** ListKeysRequest parent. */
+                    public parent: string;
+                    /** ListKeysRequest pageSize. */
+                    public pageSize: number;
+                    /** ListKeysRequest pageToken. */
+                    public pageToken: string;
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a new ListKeysRequest instance using the specified properties.
+                     * @param [properties] Properties to set
+                     * @returns ListKeysRequest instance
+                     */
+                    public static create(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IListKeysRequest): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest;
+                    /**
+                     * Encodes the specified ListKeysRequest message. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest.verify|verify} messages.
+                     * @param message ListKeysRequest message or plain object to encode
+                     * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
+                     * @returns Writer
+                     */
+                    public static encode(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IListKeysRequest, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+                    /**
+                     * Encodes the specified ListKeysRequest message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest.verify|verify} messages.
+                     * @param message ListKeysRequest message or plain object to encode
+                     * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
+                     * @returns Writer
+                     */
+                    public static encodeDelimited(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IListKeysRequest, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+                    /**
+                     * Decodes a ListKeysRequest message from the specified reader or buffer.
+                     * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                     * @param [length] Message length if known beforehand
+                     * @returns ListKeysRequest
+                     * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                     * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                     */
+                    public static decode(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array), length?: number): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest;
+                    /**
+                     * Decodes a ListKeysRequest message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+                     * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                     * @returns ListKeysRequest
+                     * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                     * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                     */
+                    public static decodeDelimited(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array)): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest;
+                    /**
+                     * Verifies a ListKeysRequest message.
+                     * @param message Plain object to verify
+                     * @returns `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
+                     */
+                    public static verify(message: { [k: string]: any }): (string|null);
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a ListKeysRequest message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+                     * @param object Plain object
+                     * @returns ListKeysRequest
+                     */
+                    public static fromObject(object: { [k: string]: any }): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest;
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a plain object from a ListKeysRequest message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+                     * @param message ListKeysRequest
+                     * @param [options] Conversion options
+                     * @returns Plain object
+                     */
+                    public static toObject(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions): { [k: string]: any };
+                    /**
+                     * Converts this ListKeysRequest to JSON.
+                     * @returns JSON object
+                     */
+                    public toJSON(): { [k: string]: any };
+                }
+                /** Properties of a ListKeysResponse. */
+                interface IListKeysResponse {
+                    /** ListKeysResponse keys */
+                    keys?: (google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IKey[]|null);
+                    /** ListKeysResponse nextPageToken */
+                    nextPageToken?: (string|null);
+                }
+                /** Represents a ListKeysResponse. */
+                class ListKeysResponse implements IListKeysResponse {
+                    /**
+                     * Constructs a new ListKeysResponse.
+                     * @param [properties] Properties to set
+                     */
+                    constructor(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IListKeysResponse);
+                    /** ListKeysResponse keys. */
+                    public keys: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IKey[];
+                    /** ListKeysResponse nextPageToken. */
+                    public nextPageToken: string;
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a new ListKeysResponse instance using the specified properties.
+                     * @param [properties] Properties to set
+                     * @returns ListKeysResponse instance
+                     */
+                    public static create(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IListKeysResponse): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse;
+                    /**
+                     * Encodes the specified ListKeysResponse message. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse.verify|verify} messages.
+                     * @param message ListKeysResponse message or plain object to encode
+                     * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
+                     * @returns Writer
+                     */
+                    public static encode(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IListKeysResponse, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+                    /**
+                     * Encodes the specified ListKeysResponse message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse.verify|verify} messages.
+                     * @param message ListKeysResponse message or plain object to encode
+                     * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
+                     * @returns Writer
+                     */
+                    public static encodeDelimited(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IListKeysResponse, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+                    /**
+                     * Decodes a ListKeysResponse message from the specified reader or buffer.
+                     * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                     * @param [length] Message length if known beforehand
+                     * @returns ListKeysResponse
+                     * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                     * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                     */
+                    public static decode(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array), length?: number): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse;
+                    /**
+                     * Decodes a ListKeysResponse message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+                     * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                     * @returns ListKeysResponse
+                     * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                     * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                     */
+                    public static decodeDelimited(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array)): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse;
+                    /**
+                     * Verifies a ListKeysResponse message.
+                     * @param message Plain object to verify
+                     * @returns `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
+                     */
+                    public static verify(message: { [k: string]: any }): (string|null);
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a ListKeysResponse message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+                     * @param object Plain object
+                     * @returns ListKeysResponse
+                     */
+                    public static fromObject(object: { [k: string]: any }): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse;
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a plain object from a ListKeysResponse message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+                     * @param message ListKeysResponse
+                     * @param [options] Conversion options
+                     * @returns Plain object
+                     */
+                    public static toObject(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions): { [k: string]: any };
+                    /**
+                     * Converts this ListKeysResponse to JSON.
+                     * @returns JSON object
+                     */
+                    public toJSON(): { [k: string]: any };
+                }
+                /** Properties of a GetKeyRequest. */
+                interface IGetKeyRequest {
+                    /** GetKeyRequest name */
+                    name?: (string|null);
+                }
+                /** Represents a GetKeyRequest. */
+                class GetKeyRequest implements IGetKeyRequest {
+                    /**
+                     * Constructs a new GetKeyRequest.
+                     * @param [properties] Properties to set
+                     */
+                    constructor(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IGetKeyRequest);
+                    /** GetKeyRequest name. */
+                    public name: string;
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a new GetKeyRequest instance using the specified properties.
+                     * @param [properties] Properties to set
+                     * @returns GetKeyRequest instance
+                     */
+                    public static create(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IGetKeyRequest): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest;
+                    /**
+                     * Encodes the specified GetKeyRequest message. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest.verify|verify} messages.
+                     * @param message GetKeyRequest message or plain object to encode
+                     * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
+                     * @returns Writer
+                     */
+                    public static encode(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IGetKeyRequest, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+                    /**
+                     * Encodes the specified GetKeyRequest message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest.verify|verify} messages.
+                     * @param message GetKeyRequest message or plain object to encode
+                     * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
+                     * @returns Writer
+                     */
+                    public static encodeDelimited(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IGetKeyRequest, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+                    /**
+                     * Decodes a GetKeyRequest message from the specified reader or buffer.
+                     * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                     * @param [length] Message length if known beforehand
+                     * @returns GetKeyRequest
+                     * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                     * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                     */
+                    public static decode(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array), length?: number): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest;
+                    /**
+                     * Decodes a GetKeyRequest message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+                     * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                     * @returns GetKeyRequest
+                     * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                     * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                     */
+                    public static decodeDelimited(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array)): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest;
+                    /**
+                     * Verifies a GetKeyRequest message.
+                     * @param message Plain object to verify
+                     * @returns `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
+                     */
+                    public static verify(message: { [k: string]: any }): (string|null);
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a GetKeyRequest message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+                     * @param object Plain object
+                     * @returns GetKeyRequest
+                     */
+                    public static fromObject(object: { [k: string]: any }): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest;
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a plain object from a GetKeyRequest message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+                     * @param message GetKeyRequest
+                     * @param [options] Conversion options
+                     * @returns Plain object
+                     */
+                    public static toObject(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions): { [k: string]: any };
+                    /**
+                     * Converts this GetKeyRequest to JSON.
+                     * @returns JSON object
+                     */
+                    public toJSON(): { [k: string]: any };
+                }
+                /** Properties of an UpdateKeyRequest. */
+                interface IUpdateKeyRequest {
+                    /** UpdateKeyRequest key */
+                    key?: (google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IKey|null);
+                    /** UpdateKeyRequest updateMask */
+                    updateMask?: (google.protobuf.IFieldMask|null);
+                }
+                /** Represents an UpdateKeyRequest. */
+                class UpdateKeyRequest implements IUpdateKeyRequest {
+                    /**
+                     * Constructs a new UpdateKeyRequest.
+                     * @param [properties] Properties to set
+                     */
+                    constructor(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IUpdateKeyRequest);
+                    /** UpdateKeyRequest key. */
+                    public key?: (google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IKey|null);
+                    /** UpdateKeyRequest updateMask. */
+                    public updateMask?: (google.protobuf.IFieldMask|null);
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a new UpdateKeyRequest instance using the specified properties.
+                     * @param [properties] Properties to set
+                     * @returns UpdateKeyRequest instance
+                     */
+                    public static create(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IUpdateKeyRequest): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest;
+                    /**
+                     * Encodes the specified UpdateKeyRequest message. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest.verify|verify} messages.
+                     * @param message UpdateKeyRequest message or plain object to encode
+                     * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
+                     * @returns Writer
+                     */
+                    public static encode(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IUpdateKeyRequest, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+                    /**
+                     * Encodes the specified UpdateKeyRequest message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest.verify|verify} messages.
+                     * @param message UpdateKeyRequest message or plain object to encode
+                     * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
+                     * @returns Writer
+                     */
+                    public static encodeDelimited(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IUpdateKeyRequest, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+                    /**
+                     * Decodes an UpdateKeyRequest message from the specified reader or buffer.
+                     * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                     * @param [length] Message length if known beforehand
+                     * @returns UpdateKeyRequest
+                     * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                     * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                     */
+                    public static decode(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array), length?: number): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest;
+                    /**
+                     * Decodes an UpdateKeyRequest message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+                     * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                     * @returns UpdateKeyRequest
+                     * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                     * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                     */
+                    public static decodeDelimited(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array)): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest;
+                    /**
+                     * Verifies an UpdateKeyRequest message.
+                     * @param message Plain object to verify
+                     * @returns `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
+                     */
+                    public static verify(message: { [k: string]: any }): (string|null);
+                    /**
+                     * Creates an UpdateKeyRequest message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+                     * @param object Plain object
+                     * @returns UpdateKeyRequest
+                     */
+                    public static fromObject(object: { [k: string]: any }): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest;
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a plain object from an UpdateKeyRequest message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+                     * @param message UpdateKeyRequest
+                     * @param [options] Conversion options
+                     * @returns Plain object
+                     */
+                    public static toObject(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions): { [k: string]: any };
+                    /**
+                     * Converts this UpdateKeyRequest to JSON.
+                     * @returns JSON object
+                     */
+                    public toJSON(): { [k: string]: any };
+                }
+                /** Properties of a DeleteKeyRequest. */
+                interface IDeleteKeyRequest {
+                    /** DeleteKeyRequest name */
+                    name?: (string|null);
+                }
+                /** Represents a DeleteKeyRequest. */
+                class DeleteKeyRequest implements IDeleteKeyRequest {
+                    /**
+                     * Constructs a new DeleteKeyRequest.
+                     * @param [properties] Properties to set
+                     */
+                    constructor(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IDeleteKeyRequest);
+                    /** DeleteKeyRequest name. */
+                    public name: string;
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a new DeleteKeyRequest instance using the specified properties.
+                     * @param [properties] Properties to set
+                     * @returns DeleteKeyRequest instance
+                     */
+                    public static create(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IDeleteKeyRequest): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest;
+                    /**
+                     * Encodes the specified DeleteKeyRequest message. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest.verify|verify} messages.
+                     * @param message DeleteKeyRequest message or plain object to encode
+                     * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
+                     * @returns Writer
+                     */
+                    public static encode(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IDeleteKeyRequest, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+                    /**
+                     * Encodes the specified DeleteKeyRequest message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest.verify|verify} messages.
+                     * @param message DeleteKeyRequest message or plain object to encode
+                     * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
+                     * @returns Writer
+                     */
+                    public static encodeDelimited(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IDeleteKeyRequest, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+                    /**
+                     * Decodes a DeleteKeyRequest message from the specified reader or buffer.
+                     * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                     * @param [length] Message length if known beforehand
+                     * @returns DeleteKeyRequest
+                     * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                     * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                     */
+                    public static decode(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array), length?: number): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest;
+                    /**
+                     * Decodes a DeleteKeyRequest message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+                     * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                     * @returns DeleteKeyRequest
+                     * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                     * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                     */
+                    public static decodeDelimited(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array)): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest;
+                    /**
+                     * Verifies a DeleteKeyRequest message.
+                     * @param message Plain object to verify
+                     * @returns `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
+                     */
+                    public static verify(message: { [k: string]: any }): (string|null);
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a DeleteKeyRequest message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+                     * @param object Plain object
+                     * @returns DeleteKeyRequest
+                     */
+                    public static fromObject(object: { [k: string]: any }): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest;
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a plain object from a DeleteKeyRequest message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+                     * @param message DeleteKeyRequest
+                     * @param [options] Conversion options
+                     * @returns Plain object
+                     */
+                    public static toObject(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions): { [k: string]: any };
+                    /**
+                     * Converts this DeleteKeyRequest to JSON.
+                     * @returns JSON object
+                     */
+                    public toJSON(): { [k: string]: any };
+                }
+                /** Properties of a Key. */
+                interface IKey {
+                    /** Key name */
+                    name?: (string|null);
+                    /** Key displayName */
+                    displayName?: (string|null);
+                    /** Key webSettings */
+                    webSettings?: (google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IWebKeySettings|null);
+                    /** Key androidSettings */
+                    androidSettings?: (google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IAndroidKeySettings|null);
+                    /** Key iosSettings */
+                    iosSettings?: (google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IIOSKeySettings|null);
+                }
+                /** Represents a Key. */
+                class Key implements IKey {
+                    /**
+                     * Constructs a new Key.
+                     * @param [properties] Properties to set
+                     */
+                    constructor(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IKey);
+                    /** Key name. */
+                    public name: string;
+                    /** Key displayName. */
+                    public displayName: string;
+                    /** Key webSettings. */
+                    public webSettings?: (google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IWebKeySettings|null);
+                    /** Key androidSettings. */
+                    public androidSettings?: (google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IAndroidKeySettings|null);
+                    /** Key iosSettings. */
+                    public iosSettings?: (google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IIOSKeySettings|null);
+                    /** Key platformSettings. */
+                    public platformSettings?: ("webSettings"|"androidSettings"|"iosSettings");
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a new Key instance using the specified properties.
+                     * @param [properties] Properties to set
+                     * @returns Key instance
+                     */
+                    public static create(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IKey): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key;
+                    /**
+                     * Encodes the specified Key message. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key.verify|verify} messages.
+                     * @param message Key message or plain object to encode
+                     * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
+                     * @returns Writer
+                     */
+                    public static encode(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IKey, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+                    /**
+                     * Encodes the specified Key message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key.verify|verify} messages.
+                     * @param message Key message or plain object to encode
+                     * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
+                     * @returns Writer
+                     */
+                    public static encodeDelimited(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IKey, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+                    /**
+                     * Decodes a Key message from the specified reader or buffer.
+                     * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                     * @param [length] Message length if known beforehand
+                     * @returns Key
+                     * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                     * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                     */
+                    public static decode(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array), length?: number): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key;
+                    /**
+                     * Decodes a Key message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+                     * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                     * @returns Key
+                     * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                     * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                     */
+                    public static decodeDelimited(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array)): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key;
+                    /**
+                     * Verifies a Key message.
+                     * @param message Plain object to verify
+                     * @returns `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
+                     */
+                    public static verify(message: { [k: string]: any }): (string|null);
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a Key message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+                     * @param object Plain object
+                     * @returns Key
+                     */
+                    public static fromObject(object: { [k: string]: any }): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key;
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a plain object from a Key message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+                     * @param message Key
+                     * @param [options] Conversion options
+                     * @returns Plain object
+                     */
+                    public static toObject(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions): { [k: string]: any };
+                    /**
+                     * Converts this Key to JSON.
+                     * @returns JSON object
+                     */
+                    public toJSON(): { [k: string]: any };
+                }
+                /** Properties of a WebKeySettings. */
+                interface IWebKeySettings {
+                    /** WebKeySettings enforceAllowedDomains */
+                    enforceAllowedDomains?: (boolean|null);
+                    /** WebKeySettings allowedDomains */
+                    allowedDomains?: (string[]|null);
+                    /** WebKeySettings allowAmpTraffic */
+                    allowAmpTraffic?: (boolean|null);
+                    /** WebKeySettings integrationType */
+                    integrationType?: (google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings.IntegrationType|null);
+                    /** WebKeySettings challengeSecurityPreference */
+                    challengeSecurityPreference?: (google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings.ChallengeSecurityPreference|null);
+                }
+                /** Represents a WebKeySettings. */
+                class WebKeySettings implements IWebKeySettings {
+                    /**
+                     * Constructs a new WebKeySettings.
+                     * @param [properties] Properties to set
+                     */
+                    constructor(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IWebKeySettings);
+                    /** WebKeySettings enforceAllowedDomains. */
+                    public enforceAllowedDomains: boolean;
+                    /** WebKeySettings allowedDomains. */
+                    public allowedDomains: string[];
+                    /** WebKeySettings allowAmpTraffic. */
+                    public allowAmpTraffic: boolean;
+                    /** WebKeySettings integrationType. */
+                    public integrationType: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings.IntegrationType;
+                    /** WebKeySettings challengeSecurityPreference. */
+                    public challengeSecurityPreference: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings.ChallengeSecurityPreference;
+                    /**
+                     * Creates a new WebKeySettings instance using the specified properties.
                      * @param [properties] Properties to set
-                     * @returns Assessment instance
+                     * @returns WebKeySettings instance
-                    public static create(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IAssessment): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Assessment;
+                    public static create(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IWebKeySettings): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings;
-                     * Encodes the specified Assessment message. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Assessment.verify|verify} messages.
-                     * @param message Assessment message or plain object to encode
+                     * Encodes the specified WebKeySettings message. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings.verify|verify} messages.
+                     * @param message WebKeySettings message or plain object to encode
                      * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
                      * @returns Writer
-                    public static encode(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IAssessment, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+                    public static encode(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IWebKeySettings, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
-                     * Encodes the specified Assessment message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Assessment.verify|verify} messages.
-                     * @param message Assessment message or plain object to encode
+                     * Encodes the specified WebKeySettings message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings.verify|verify} messages.
+                     * @param message WebKeySettings message or plain object to encode
                      * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
                      * @returns Writer
-                    public static encodeDelimited(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IAssessment, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+                    public static encodeDelimited(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IWebKeySettings, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
-                     * Decodes an Assessment message from the specified reader or buffer.
+                     * Decodes a WebKeySettings message from the specified reader or buffer.
                      * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
                      * @param [length] Message length if known beforehand
-                     * @returns Assessment
+                     * @returns WebKeySettings
                      * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
                      * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
-                    public static decode(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array), length?: number): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Assessment;
+                    public static decode(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array), length?: number): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings;
-                     * Decodes an Assessment message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+                     * Decodes a WebKeySettings message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
                      * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
-                     * @returns Assessment
+                     * @returns WebKeySettings
                      * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
                      * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
-                    public static decodeDelimited(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array)): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Assessment;
+                    public static decodeDelimited(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array)): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings;
-                     * Verifies an Assessment message.
+                     * Verifies a WebKeySettings message.
                      * @param message Plain object to verify
                      * @returns `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
                     public static verify(message: { [k: string]: any }): (string|null);
-                     * Creates an Assessment message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+                     * Creates a WebKeySettings message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
                      * @param object Plain object
-                     * @returns Assessment
+                     * @returns WebKeySettings
-                    public static fromObject(object: { [k: string]: any }): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Assessment;
+                    public static fromObject(object: { [k: string]: any }): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings;
-                     * Creates a plain object from an Assessment message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
-                     * @param message Assessment
+                     * Creates a plain object from a WebKeySettings message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+                     * @param message WebKeySettings
                      * @param [options] Conversion options
                      * @returns Plain object
-                    public static toObject(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Assessment, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions): { [k: string]: any };
+                    public static toObject(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions): { [k: string]: any };
-                     * Converts this Assessment to JSON.
+                     * Converts this WebKeySettings to JSON.
                      * @returns JSON object
                     public toJSON(): { [k: string]: any };
-                namespace Assessment {
+                namespace WebKeySettings {
-                    /** ClassificationReason enum. */
-                    enum ClassificationReason {
-                        CLASSIFICATION_REASON_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
-                        AUTOMATION = 1,
-                        UNEXPECTED_ENVIRONMENT = 2,
-                        TOO_MUCH_TRAFFIC = 3,
-                        UNEXPECTED_USAGE_PATTERNS = 4,
-                        LOW_CONFIDENCE_SCORE = 5
+                    /** IntegrationType enum. */
+                    enum IntegrationType {
+                        INTEGRATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
+                        SCORE_ONLY = 1,
+                        CHECKBOX_CHALLENGE = 2,
+                        INVISIBLE_CHALLENGE = 3
-                }
-                /** Properties of an Event. */
-                interface IEvent {
+                    /** ChallengeSecurityPreference enum. */
+                    enum ChallengeSecurityPreference {
+                        USABILITY = 1,
+                        BALANCED = 2,
+                        SECURITY = 3
+                    }
+                }
-                    /** Event token */
-                    token?: (string|null);
+                /** Properties of an AndroidKeySettings. */
+                interface IAndroidKeySettings {
-                    /** Event siteKey */
-                    siteKey?: (string|null);
+                    /** AndroidKeySettings allowedPackageNames */
+                    allowedPackageNames?: (string[]|null);
-                /** Represents an Event. */
-                class Event implements IEvent {
+                /** Represents an AndroidKeySettings. */
+                class AndroidKeySettings implements IAndroidKeySettings {
-                     * Constructs a new Event.
+                     * Constructs a new AndroidKeySettings.
                      * @param [properties] Properties to set
-                    constructor(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IEvent);
-                    /** Event token. */
-                    public token: string;
+                    constructor(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IAndroidKeySettings);
-                    /** Event siteKey. */
-                    public siteKey: string;
+                    /** AndroidKeySettings allowedPackageNames. */
+                    public allowedPackageNames: string[];
-                     * Creates a new Event instance using the specified properties.
+                     * Creates a new AndroidKeySettings instance using the specified properties.
                      * @param [properties] Properties to set
-                     * @returns Event instance
+                     * @returns AndroidKeySettings instance
-                    public static create(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IEvent): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Event;
+                    public static create(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IAndroidKeySettings): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings;
-                     * Encodes the specified Event message. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Event.verify|verify} messages.
-                     * @param message Event message or plain object to encode
+                     * Encodes the specified AndroidKeySettings message. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings.verify|verify} messages.
+                     * @param message AndroidKeySettings message or plain object to encode
                      * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
                      * @returns Writer
-                    public static encode(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IEvent, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+                    public static encode(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IAndroidKeySettings, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
-                     * Encodes the specified Event message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Event.verify|verify} messages.
-                     * @param message Event message or plain object to encode
+                     * Encodes the specified AndroidKeySettings message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings.verify|verify} messages.
+                     * @param message AndroidKeySettings message or plain object to encode
                      * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
                      * @returns Writer
-                    public static encodeDelimited(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IEvent, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+                    public static encodeDelimited(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IAndroidKeySettings, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
-                     * Decodes an Event message from the specified reader or buffer.
+                     * Decodes an AndroidKeySettings message from the specified reader or buffer.
                      * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
                      * @param [length] Message length if known beforehand
-                     * @returns Event
+                     * @returns AndroidKeySettings
                      * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
                      * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
-                    public static decode(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array), length?: number): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Event;
+                    public static decode(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array), length?: number): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings;
-                     * Decodes an Event message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+                     * Decodes an AndroidKeySettings message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
                      * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
-                     * @returns Event
+                     * @returns AndroidKeySettings
                      * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
                      * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
-                    public static decodeDelimited(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array)): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Event;
+                    public static decodeDelimited(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array)): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings;
-                     * Verifies an Event message.
+                     * Verifies an AndroidKeySettings message.
                      * @param message Plain object to verify
                      * @returns `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
                     public static verify(message: { [k: string]: any }): (string|null);
-                     * Creates an Event message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+                     * Creates an AndroidKeySettings message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
                      * @param object Plain object
-                     * @returns Event
+                     * @returns AndroidKeySettings
-                    public static fromObject(object: { [k: string]: any }): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Event;
+                    public static fromObject(object: { [k: string]: any }): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings;
-                     * Creates a plain object from an Event message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
-                     * @param message Event
+                     * Creates a plain object from an AndroidKeySettings message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+                     * @param message AndroidKeySettings
                      * @param [options] Conversion options
                      * @returns Plain object
-                    public static toObject(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Event, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions): { [k: string]: any };
+                    public static toObject(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions): { [k: string]: any };
-                     * Converts this Event to JSON.
+                     * Converts this AndroidKeySettings to JSON.
                      * @returns JSON object
                     public toJSON(): { [k: string]: any };
-                /** Properties of a TokenProperties. */
-                interface ITokenProperties {
-                    /** TokenProperties valid */
-                    valid?: (boolean|null);
-                    /** TokenProperties invalidReason */
-                    invalidReason?: (google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.TokenProperties.InvalidReason|null);
-                    /** TokenProperties createTime */
-                    createTime?: (google.protobuf.ITimestamp|null);
-                    /** TokenProperties hostname */
-                    hostname?: (string|null);
+                /** Properties of a IOSKeySettings. */
+                interface IIOSKeySettings {
-                    /** TokenProperties action */
-                    action?: (string|null);
+                    /** IOSKeySettings allowedBundleIds */
+                    allowedBundleIds?: (string[]|null);
-                /** Represents a TokenProperties. */
-                class TokenProperties implements ITokenProperties {
+                /** Represents a IOSKeySettings. */
+                class IOSKeySettings implements IIOSKeySettings {
-                     * Constructs a new TokenProperties.
+                     * Constructs a new IOSKeySettings.
                      * @param [properties] Properties to set
-                    constructor(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ITokenProperties);
-                    /** TokenProperties valid. */
-                    public valid: boolean;
+                    constructor(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IIOSKeySettings);
-                    /** TokenProperties invalidReason. */
-                    public invalidReason: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.TokenProperties.InvalidReason;
-                    /** TokenProperties createTime. */
-                    public createTime?: (google.protobuf.ITimestamp|null);
-                    /** TokenProperties hostname. */
-                    public hostname: string;
-                    /** TokenProperties action. */
-                    public action: string;
+                    /** IOSKeySettings allowedBundleIds. */
+                    public allowedBundleIds: string[];
-                     * Creates a new TokenProperties instance using the specified properties.
+                     * Creates a new IOSKeySettings instance using the specified properties.
                      * @param [properties] Properties to set
-                     * @returns TokenProperties instance
+                     * @returns IOSKeySettings instance
-                    public static create(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ITokenProperties): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.TokenProperties;
+                    public static create(properties?: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IIOSKeySettings): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings;
-                     * Encodes the specified TokenProperties message. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.TokenProperties.verify|verify} messages.
-                     * @param message TokenProperties message or plain object to encode
+                     * Encodes the specified IOSKeySettings message. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings.verify|verify} messages.
+                     * @param message IOSKeySettings message or plain object to encode
                      * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
                      * @returns Writer
-                    public static encode(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ITokenProperties, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+                    public static encode(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IIOSKeySettings, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
-                     * Encodes the specified TokenProperties message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.TokenProperties.verify|verify} messages.
-                     * @param message TokenProperties message or plain object to encode
+                     * Encodes the specified IOSKeySettings message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings.verify|verify} messages.
+                     * @param message IOSKeySettings message or plain object to encode
                      * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
                      * @returns Writer
-                    public static encodeDelimited(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ITokenProperties, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+                    public static encodeDelimited(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IIOSKeySettings, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
-                     * Decodes a TokenProperties message from the specified reader or buffer.
+                     * Decodes a IOSKeySettings message from the specified reader or buffer.
                      * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
                      * @param [length] Message length if known beforehand
-                     * @returns TokenProperties
+                     * @returns IOSKeySettings
                      * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
                      * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
-                    public static decode(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array), length?: number): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.TokenProperties;
+                    public static decode(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array), length?: number): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings;
-                     * Decodes a TokenProperties message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+                     * Decodes a IOSKeySettings message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
                      * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
-                     * @returns TokenProperties
+                     * @returns IOSKeySettings
                      * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
                      * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
-                    public static decodeDelimited(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array)): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.TokenProperties;
+                    public static decodeDelimited(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array)): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings;
-                     * Verifies a TokenProperties message.
+                     * Verifies a IOSKeySettings message.
                      * @param message Plain object to verify
                      * @returns `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
                     public static verify(message: { [k: string]: any }): (string|null);
-                     * Creates a TokenProperties message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+                     * Creates a IOSKeySettings message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
                      * @param object Plain object
-                     * @returns TokenProperties
+                     * @returns IOSKeySettings
-                    public static fromObject(object: { [k: string]: any }): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.TokenProperties;
+                    public static fromObject(object: { [k: string]: any }): google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings;
-                     * Creates a plain object from a TokenProperties message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
-                     * @param message TokenProperties
+                     * Creates a plain object from a IOSKeySettings message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+                     * @param message IOSKeySettings
                      * @param [options] Conversion options
                      * @returns Plain object
-                    public static toObject(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.TokenProperties, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions): { [k: string]: any };
+                    public static toObject(message: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions): { [k: string]: any };
-                     * Converts this TokenProperties to JSON.
+                     * Converts this IOSKeySettings to JSON.
                      * @returns JSON object
                     public toJSON(): { [k: string]: any };
-                namespace TokenProperties {
-                    /** InvalidReason enum. */
-                    enum InvalidReason {
-                        INVALID_REASON_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
-                        UNKNOWN_INVALID_REASON = 1,
-                        MALFORMED = 2,
-                        EXPIRED = 3,
-                        DUPE = 4,
-                        SITE_MISMATCH = 5,
-                        MISSING = 6
-                    }
-                }
@@ -4434,6 +5557,180 @@ export namespace google {
+        /** Properties of an Empty. */
+        interface IEmpty {
+        }
+        /** Represents an Empty. */
+        class Empty implements IEmpty {
+            /**
+             * Constructs a new Empty.
+             * @param [properties] Properties to set
+             */
+            constructor(properties?: google.protobuf.IEmpty);
+            /**
+             * Creates a new Empty instance using the specified properties.
+             * @param [properties] Properties to set
+             * @returns Empty instance
+             */
+            public static create(properties?: google.protobuf.IEmpty): google.protobuf.Empty;
+            /**
+             * Encodes the specified Empty message. Does not implicitly {@link google.protobuf.Empty.verify|verify} messages.
+             * @param message Empty message or plain object to encode
+             * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
+             * @returns Writer
+             */
+            public static encode(message: google.protobuf.IEmpty, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+            /**
+             * Encodes the specified Empty message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.protobuf.Empty.verify|verify} messages.
+             * @param message Empty message or plain object to encode
+             * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
+             * @returns Writer
+             */
+            public static encodeDelimited(message: google.protobuf.IEmpty, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+            /**
+             * Decodes an Empty message from the specified reader or buffer.
+             * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+             * @param [length] Message length if known beforehand
+             * @returns Empty
+             * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+             * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+             */
+            public static decode(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array), length?: number): google.protobuf.Empty;
+            /**
+             * Decodes an Empty message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+             * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+             * @returns Empty
+             * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+             * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+             */
+            public static decodeDelimited(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array)): google.protobuf.Empty;
+            /**
+             * Verifies an Empty message.
+             * @param message Plain object to verify
+             * @returns `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
+             */
+            public static verify(message: { [k: string]: any }): (string|null);
+            /**
+             * Creates an Empty message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+             * @param object Plain object
+             * @returns Empty
+             */
+            public static fromObject(object: { [k: string]: any }): google.protobuf.Empty;
+            /**
+             * Creates a plain object from an Empty message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+             * @param message Empty
+             * @param [options] Conversion options
+             * @returns Plain object
+             */
+            public static toObject(message: google.protobuf.Empty, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions): { [k: string]: any };
+            /**
+             * Converts this Empty to JSON.
+             * @returns JSON object
+             */
+            public toJSON(): { [k: string]: any };
+        }
+        /** Properties of a FieldMask. */
+        interface IFieldMask {
+            /** FieldMask paths */
+            paths?: (string[]|null);
+        }
+        /** Represents a FieldMask. */
+        class FieldMask implements IFieldMask {
+            /**
+             * Constructs a new FieldMask.
+             * @param [properties] Properties to set
+             */
+            constructor(properties?: google.protobuf.IFieldMask);
+            /** FieldMask paths. */
+            public paths: string[];
+            /**
+             * Creates a new FieldMask instance using the specified properties.
+             * @param [properties] Properties to set
+             * @returns FieldMask instance
+             */
+            public static create(properties?: google.protobuf.IFieldMask): google.protobuf.FieldMask;
+            /**
+             * Encodes the specified FieldMask message. Does not implicitly {@link google.protobuf.FieldMask.verify|verify} messages.
+             * @param message FieldMask message or plain object to encode
+             * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
+             * @returns Writer
+             */
+            public static encode(message: google.protobuf.IFieldMask, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+            /**
+             * Encodes the specified FieldMask message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.protobuf.FieldMask.verify|verify} messages.
+             * @param message FieldMask message or plain object to encode
+             * @param [writer] Writer to encode to
+             * @returns Writer
+             */
+            public static encodeDelimited(message: google.protobuf.IFieldMask, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
+            /**
+             * Decodes a FieldMask message from the specified reader or buffer.
+             * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+             * @param [length] Message length if known beforehand
+             * @returns FieldMask
+             * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+             * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+             */
+            public static decode(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array), length?: number): google.protobuf.FieldMask;
+            /**
+             * Decodes a FieldMask message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+             * @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+             * @returns FieldMask
+             * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+             * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+             */
+            public static decodeDelimited(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array)): google.protobuf.FieldMask;
+            /**
+             * Verifies a FieldMask message.
+             * @param message Plain object to verify
+             * @returns `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
+             */
+            public static verify(message: { [k: string]: any }): (string|null);
+            /**
+             * Creates a FieldMask message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+             * @param object Plain object
+             * @returns FieldMask
+             */
+            public static fromObject(object: { [k: string]: any }): google.protobuf.FieldMask;
+            /**
+             * Creates a plain object from a FieldMask message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+             * @param message FieldMask
+             * @param [options] Conversion options
+             * @returns Plain object
+             */
+            public static toObject(message: google.protobuf.FieldMask, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions): { [k: string]: any };
+            /**
+             * Converts this FieldMask to JSON.
+             * @returns JSON object
+             */
+            public toJSON(): { [k: string]: any };
+        }
         /** Properties of a Timestamp. */
         interface ITimestamp {
diff --git a/protos/protos.js b/protos/protos.js
index 94e9f43..460d897 100644
--- a/protos/protos.js
+++ b/protos/protos.js
@@ -164,6 +164,171 @@
                          * @variation 2
+                        /**
+                         * Callback as used by {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1#createKey}.
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1
+                         * @typedef CreateKeyCallback
+                         * @type {function}
+                         * @param {Error|null} error Error, if any
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key} [response] Key
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * Calls CreateKey.
+                         * @function createKey
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1
+                         * @instance
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ICreateKeyRequest} request CreateKeyRequest message or plain object
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1.CreateKeyCallback} callback Node-style callback called with the error, if any, and Key
+                         * @returns {undefined}
+                         * @variation 1
+                         */
+                        Object.defineProperty(RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1.prototype.createKey = function createKey(request, callback) {
+                            return this.rpcCall(createKey, $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest, $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key, request, callback);
+                        }, "name", { value: "CreateKey" });
+                        /**
+                         * Calls CreateKey.
+                         * @function createKey
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1
+                         * @instance
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ICreateKeyRequest} request CreateKeyRequest message or plain object
+                         * @returns {Promise<google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key>} Promise
+                         * @variation 2
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * Callback as used by {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1#listKeys}.
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1
+                         * @typedef ListKeysCallback
+                         * @type {function}
+                         * @param {Error|null} error Error, if any
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse} [response] ListKeysResponse
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * Calls ListKeys.
+                         * @function listKeys
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1
+                         * @instance
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IListKeysRequest} request ListKeysRequest message or plain object
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1.ListKeysCallback} callback Node-style callback called with the error, if any, and ListKeysResponse
+                         * @returns {undefined}
+                         * @variation 1
+                         */
+                        Object.defineProperty(RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1.prototype.listKeys = function listKeys(request, callback) {
+                            return this.rpcCall(listKeys, $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest, $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse, request, callback);
+                        }, "name", { value: "ListKeys" });
+                        /**
+                         * Calls ListKeys.
+                         * @function listKeys
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1
+                         * @instance
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IListKeysRequest} request ListKeysRequest message or plain object
+                         * @returns {Promise<google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse>} Promise
+                         * @variation 2
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * Callback as used by {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1#getKey}.
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1
+                         * @typedef GetKeyCallback
+                         * @type {function}
+                         * @param {Error|null} error Error, if any
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key} [response] Key
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * Calls GetKey.
+                         * @function getKey
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1
+                         * @instance
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IGetKeyRequest} request GetKeyRequest message or plain object
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1.GetKeyCallback} callback Node-style callback called with the error, if any, and Key
+                         * @returns {undefined}
+                         * @variation 1
+                         */
+                        Object.defineProperty(RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1.prototype.getKey = function getKey(request, callback) {
+                            return this.rpcCall(getKey, $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest, $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key, request, callback);
+                        }, "name", { value: "GetKey" });
+                        /**
+                         * Calls GetKey.
+                         * @function getKey
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1
+                         * @instance
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IGetKeyRequest} request GetKeyRequest message or plain object
+                         * @returns {Promise<google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key>} Promise
+                         * @variation 2
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * Callback as used by {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1#updateKey}.
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1
+                         * @typedef UpdateKeyCallback
+                         * @type {function}
+                         * @param {Error|null} error Error, if any
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key} [response] Key
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * Calls UpdateKey.
+                         * @function updateKey
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1
+                         * @instance
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IUpdateKeyRequest} request UpdateKeyRequest message or plain object
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1.UpdateKeyCallback} callback Node-style callback called with the error, if any, and Key
+                         * @returns {undefined}
+                         * @variation 1
+                         */
+                        Object.defineProperty(RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1.prototype.updateKey = function updateKey(request, callback) {
+                            return this.rpcCall(updateKey, $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest, $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key, request, callback);
+                        }, "name", { value: "UpdateKey" });
+                        /**
+                         * Calls UpdateKey.
+                         * @function updateKey
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1
+                         * @instance
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IUpdateKeyRequest} request UpdateKeyRequest message or plain object
+                         * @returns {Promise<google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key>} Promise
+                         * @variation 2
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * Callback as used by {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1#deleteKey}.
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1
+                         * @typedef DeleteKeyCallback
+                         * @type {function}
+                         * @param {Error|null} error Error, if any
+                         * @param {google.protobuf.Empty} [response] Empty
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * Calls DeleteKey.
+                         * @function deleteKey
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1
+                         * @instance
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IDeleteKeyRequest} request DeleteKeyRequest message or plain object
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1.DeleteKeyCallback} callback Node-style callback called with the error, if any, and Empty
+                         * @returns {undefined}
+                         * @variation 1
+                         */
+                        Object.defineProperty(RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1.prototype.deleteKey = function deleteKey(request, callback) {
+                            return this.rpcCall(deleteKey, $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest, $root.google.protobuf.Empty, request, callback);
+                        }, "name", { value: "DeleteKey" });
+                        /**
+                         * Calls DeleteKey.
+                         * @function deleteKey
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1
+                         * @instance
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IDeleteKeyRequest} request DeleteKeyRequest message or plain object
+                         * @returns {Promise<google.protobuf.Empty>} Promise
+                         * @variation 2
+                         */
                         return RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1;
@@ -1162,6 +1327,9 @@
                          * @interface IEvent
                          * @property {string|null} [token] Event token
                          * @property {string|null} [siteKey] Event siteKey
+                         * @property {string|null} [userAgent] Event userAgent
+                         * @property {string|null} [userIpAddress] Event userIpAddress
+                         * @property {string|null} [expectedAction] Event expectedAction
@@ -1195,6 +1363,30 @@
                         Event.prototype.siteKey = "";
+                        /**
+                         * Event userAgent.
+                         * @member {string} userAgent
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Event
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        Event.prototype.userAgent = "";
+                        /**
+                         * Event userIpAddress.
+                         * @member {string} userIpAddress
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Event
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        Event.prototype.userIpAddress = "";
+                        /**
+                         * Event expectedAction.
+                         * @member {string} expectedAction
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Event
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        Event.prototype.expectedAction = "";
                          * Creates a new Event instance using the specified properties.
                          * @function create
@@ -1223,6 +1415,12 @@
                                 writer.uint32(/* id 1, wireType 2 =*/10).string(message.token);
                             if (message.siteKey != null && message.hasOwnProperty("siteKey"))
                                 writer.uint32(/* id 2, wireType 2 =*/18).string(message.siteKey);
+                            if (message.userAgent != null && message.hasOwnProperty("userAgent"))
+                                writer.uint32(/* id 3, wireType 2 =*/26).string(message.userAgent);
+                            if (message.userIpAddress != null && message.hasOwnProperty("userIpAddress"))
+                                writer.uint32(/* id 4, wireType 2 =*/34).string(message.userIpAddress);
+                            if (message.expectedAction != null && message.hasOwnProperty("expectedAction"))
+                                writer.uint32(/* id 5, wireType 2 =*/42).string(message.expectedAction);
                             return writer;
@@ -1263,6 +1461,15 @@
                                 case 2:
                                     message.siteKey = reader.string();
+                                case 3:
+                                    message.userAgent = reader.string();
+                                    break;
+                                case 4:
+                                    message.userIpAddress = reader.string();
+                                    break;
+                                case 5:
+                                    message.expectedAction = reader.string();
+                                    break;
                                     reader.skipType(tag & 7);
@@ -1304,6 +1511,15 @@
                             if (message.siteKey != null && message.hasOwnProperty("siteKey"))
                                 if (!$util.isString(message.siteKey))
                                     return "siteKey: string expected";
+                            if (message.userAgent != null && message.hasOwnProperty("userAgent"))
+                                if (!$util.isString(message.userAgent))
+                                    return "userAgent: string expected";
+                            if (message.userIpAddress != null && message.hasOwnProperty("userIpAddress"))
+                                if (!$util.isString(message.userIpAddress))
+                                    return "userIpAddress: string expected";
+                            if (message.expectedAction != null && message.hasOwnProperty("expectedAction"))
+                                if (!$util.isString(message.expectedAction))
+                                    return "expectedAction: string expected";
                             return null;
@@ -1323,6 +1539,12 @@
                                 message.token = String(object.token);
                             if (object.siteKey != null)
                                 message.siteKey = String(object.siteKey);
+                            if (object.userAgent != null)
+                                message.userAgent = String(object.userAgent);
+                            if (object.userIpAddress != null)
+                                message.userIpAddress = String(object.userIpAddress);
+                            if (object.expectedAction != null)
+                                message.expectedAction = String(object.expectedAction);
                             return message;
@@ -1342,11 +1564,20 @@
                             if (options.defaults) {
                                 object.token = "";
                                 object.siteKey = "";
+                                object.userAgent = "";
+                                object.userIpAddress = "";
+                                object.expectedAction = "";
                             if (message.token != null && message.hasOwnProperty("token"))
                                 object.token = message.token;
                             if (message.siteKey != null && message.hasOwnProperty("siteKey"))
                                 object.siteKey = message.siteKey;
+                            if (message.userAgent != null && message.hasOwnProperty("userAgent"))
+                                object.userAgent = message.userAgent;
+                            if (message.userIpAddress != null && message.hasOwnProperty("userIpAddress"))
+                                object.userIpAddress = message.userIpAddress;
+                            if (message.expectedAction != null && message.hasOwnProperty("expectedAction"))
+                                object.expectedAction = message.expectedAction;
                             return object;
@@ -1692,19 +1923,2397 @@
                          * @property {number} SITE_MISMATCH=5 SITE_MISMATCH value
                          * @property {number} MISSING=6 MISSING value
-                        TokenProperties.InvalidReason = (function() {
-                            var valuesById = {}, values = Object.create(valuesById);
-                            values[valuesById[0] = "INVALID_REASON_UNSPECIFIED"] = 0;
-                            values[valuesById[1] = "UNKNOWN_INVALID_REASON"] = 1;
-                            values[valuesById[2] = "MALFORMED"] = 2;
-                            values[valuesById[3] = "EXPIRED"] = 3;
-                            values[valuesById[4] = "DUPE"] = 4;
-                            values[valuesById[5] = "SITE_MISMATCH"] = 5;
-                            values[valuesById[6] = "MISSING"] = 6;
-                            return values;
-                        })();
+                        TokenProperties.InvalidReason = (function() {
+                            var valuesById = {}, values = Object.create(valuesById);
+                            values[valuesById[0] = "INVALID_REASON_UNSPECIFIED"] = 0;
+                            values[valuesById[1] = "UNKNOWN_INVALID_REASON"] = 1;
+                            values[valuesById[2] = "MALFORMED"] = 2;
+                            values[valuesById[3] = "EXPIRED"] = 3;
+                            values[valuesById[4] = "DUPE"] = 4;
+                            values[valuesById[5] = "SITE_MISMATCH"] = 5;
+                            values[valuesById[6] = "MISSING"] = 6;
+                            return values;
+                        })();
+                        return TokenProperties;
+                    })();
+                    v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest = (function() {
+                        /**
+                         * Properties of a CreateKeyRequest.
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+                         * @interface ICreateKeyRequest
+                         * @property {string|null} [parent] CreateKeyRequest parent
+                         * @property {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IKey|null} [key] CreateKeyRequest key
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * Constructs a new CreateKeyRequest.
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+                         * @classdesc Represents a CreateKeyRequest.
+                         * @implements ICreateKeyRequest
+                         * @constructor
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ICreateKeyRequest=} [properties] Properties to set
+                         */
+                        function CreateKeyRequest(properties) {
+                            if (properties)
+                                for (var keys = Object.keys(properties), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
+                                    if (properties[keys[i]] != null)
+                                        this[keys[i]] = properties[keys[i]];
+                        }
+                        /**
+                         * CreateKeyRequest parent.
+                         * @member {string} parent
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        CreateKeyRequest.prototype.parent = "";
+                        /**
+                         * CreateKeyRequest key.
+                         * @member {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IKey|null|undefined} key
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        CreateKeyRequest.prototype.key = null;
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a new CreateKeyRequest instance using the specified properties.
+                         * @function create
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ICreateKeyRequest=} [properties] Properties to set
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest} CreateKeyRequest instance
+                         */
+                        CreateKeyRequest.create = function create(properties) {
+                            return new CreateKeyRequest(properties);
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Encodes the specified CreateKeyRequest message. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest.verify|verify} messages.
+                         * @function encode
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ICreateKeyRequest} message CreateKeyRequest message or plain object to encode
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
+                         * @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
+                         */
+                        CreateKeyRequest.encode = function encode(message, writer) {
+                            if (!writer)
+                                writer = $Writer.create();
+                            if (message.parent != null && message.hasOwnProperty("parent"))
+                                writer.uint32(/* id 1, wireType 2 =*/10).string(message.parent);
+                            if (message.key != null && message.hasOwnProperty("key"))
+                                $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key.encode(message.key, writer.uint32(/* id 2, wireType 2 =*/18).fork()).ldelim();
+                            return writer;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Encodes the specified CreateKeyRequest message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest.verify|verify} messages.
+                         * @function encodeDelimited
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ICreateKeyRequest} message CreateKeyRequest message or plain object to encode
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
+                         * @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
+                         */
+                        CreateKeyRequest.encodeDelimited = function encodeDelimited(message, writer) {
+                            return this.encode(message, writer).ldelim();
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Decodes a CreateKeyRequest message from the specified reader or buffer.
+                         * @function decode
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                         * @param {number} [length] Message length if known beforehand
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest} CreateKeyRequest
+                         * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                         * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                         */
+                        CreateKeyRequest.decode = function decode(reader, length) {
+                            if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
+                                reader = $Reader.create(reader);
+                            var end = length === undefined ? reader.len : reader.pos + length, message = new $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest();
+                            while (reader.pos < end) {
+                                var tag = reader.uint32();
+                                switch (tag >>> 3) {
+                                case 1:
+                                    message.parent = reader.string();
+                                    break;
+                                case 2:
+                                    message.key = $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
+                                    break;
+                                default:
+                                    reader.skipType(tag & 7);
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            return message;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Decodes a CreateKeyRequest message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+                         * @function decodeDelimited
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest} CreateKeyRequest
+                         * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                         * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                         */
+                        CreateKeyRequest.decodeDelimited = function decodeDelimited(reader) {
+                            if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
+                                reader = new $Reader(reader);
+                            return this.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Verifies a CreateKeyRequest message.
+                         * @function verify
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {Object.<string,*>} message Plain object to verify
+                         * @returns {string|null} `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
+                         */
+                        CreateKeyRequest.verify = function verify(message) {
+                            if (typeof message !== "object" || message === null)
+                                return "object expected";
+                            if (message.parent != null && message.hasOwnProperty("parent"))
+                                if (!$util.isString(message.parent))
+                                    return "parent: string expected";
+                            if (message.key != null && message.hasOwnProperty("key")) {
+                                var error = $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key.verify(message.key);
+                                if (error)
+                                    return "key." + error;
+                            }
+                            return null;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a CreateKeyRequest message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+                         * @function fromObject
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {Object.<string,*>} object Plain object
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest} CreateKeyRequest
+                         */
+                        CreateKeyRequest.fromObject = function fromObject(object) {
+                            if (object instanceof $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest)
+                                return object;
+                            var message = new $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest();
+                            if (object.parent != null)
+                                message.parent = String(object.parent);
+                            if (object.key != null) {
+                                if (typeof object.key !== "object")
+                                    throw TypeError(".google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest.key: object expected");
+                                message.key = $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key.fromObject(object.key);
+                            }
+                            return message;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a plain object from a CreateKeyRequest message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+                         * @function toObject
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest} message CreateKeyRequest
+                         * @param {$protobuf.IConversionOptions} [options] Conversion options
+                         * @returns {Object.<string,*>} Plain object
+                         */
+                        CreateKeyRequest.toObject = function toObject(message, options) {
+                            if (!options)
+                                options = {};
+                            var object = {};
+                            if (options.defaults) {
+                                object.parent = "";
+                                object.key = null;
+                            }
+                            if (message.parent != null && message.hasOwnProperty("parent"))
+                                object.parent = message.parent;
+                            if (message.key != null && message.hasOwnProperty("key"))
+                                object.key = $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key.toObject(message.key, options);
+                            return object;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Converts this CreateKeyRequest to JSON.
+                         * @function toJSON
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest
+                         * @instance
+                         * @returns {Object.<string,*>} JSON object
+                         */
+                        CreateKeyRequest.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
+                            return this.constructor.toObject(this, $protobuf.util.toJSONOptions);
+                        };
+                        return CreateKeyRequest;
+                    })();
+                    v1beta1.ListKeysRequest = (function() {
+                        /**
+                         * Properties of a ListKeysRequest.
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+                         * @interface IListKeysRequest
+                         * @property {string|null} [parent] ListKeysRequest parent
+                         * @property {number|null} [pageSize] ListKeysRequest pageSize
+                         * @property {string|null} [pageToken] ListKeysRequest pageToken
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * Constructs a new ListKeysRequest.
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+                         * @classdesc Represents a ListKeysRequest.
+                         * @implements IListKeysRequest
+                         * @constructor
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IListKeysRequest=} [properties] Properties to set
+                         */
+                        function ListKeysRequest(properties) {
+                            if (properties)
+                                for (var keys = Object.keys(properties), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
+                                    if (properties[keys[i]] != null)
+                                        this[keys[i]] = properties[keys[i]];
+                        }
+                        /**
+                         * ListKeysRequest parent.
+                         * @member {string} parent
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        ListKeysRequest.prototype.parent = "";
+                        /**
+                         * ListKeysRequest pageSize.
+                         * @member {number} pageSize
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        ListKeysRequest.prototype.pageSize = 0;
+                        /**
+                         * ListKeysRequest pageToken.
+                         * @member {string} pageToken
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        ListKeysRequest.prototype.pageToken = "";
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a new ListKeysRequest instance using the specified properties.
+                         * @function create
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IListKeysRequest=} [properties] Properties to set
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest} ListKeysRequest instance
+                         */
+                        ListKeysRequest.create = function create(properties) {
+                            return new ListKeysRequest(properties);
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Encodes the specified ListKeysRequest message. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest.verify|verify} messages.
+                         * @function encode
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IListKeysRequest} message ListKeysRequest message or plain object to encode
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
+                         * @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
+                         */
+                        ListKeysRequest.encode = function encode(message, writer) {
+                            if (!writer)
+                                writer = $Writer.create();
+                            if (message.parent != null && message.hasOwnProperty("parent"))
+                                writer.uint32(/* id 1, wireType 2 =*/10).string(message.parent);
+                            if (message.pageSize != null && message.hasOwnProperty("pageSize"))
+                                writer.uint32(/* id 2, wireType 0 =*/16).int32(message.pageSize);
+                            if (message.pageToken != null && message.hasOwnProperty("pageToken"))
+                                writer.uint32(/* id 3, wireType 2 =*/26).string(message.pageToken);
+                            return writer;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Encodes the specified ListKeysRequest message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest.verify|verify} messages.
+                         * @function encodeDelimited
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IListKeysRequest} message ListKeysRequest message or plain object to encode
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
+                         * @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
+                         */
+                        ListKeysRequest.encodeDelimited = function encodeDelimited(message, writer) {
+                            return this.encode(message, writer).ldelim();
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Decodes a ListKeysRequest message from the specified reader or buffer.
+                         * @function decode
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                         * @param {number} [length] Message length if known beforehand
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest} ListKeysRequest
+                         * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                         * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                         */
+                        ListKeysRequest.decode = function decode(reader, length) {
+                            if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
+                                reader = $Reader.create(reader);
+                            var end = length === undefined ? reader.len : reader.pos + length, message = new $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest();
+                            while (reader.pos < end) {
+                                var tag = reader.uint32();
+                                switch (tag >>> 3) {
+                                case 1:
+                                    message.parent = reader.string();
+                                    break;
+                                case 2:
+                                    message.pageSize = reader.int32();
+                                    break;
+                                case 3:
+                                    message.pageToken = reader.string();
+                                    break;
+                                default:
+                                    reader.skipType(tag & 7);
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            return message;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Decodes a ListKeysRequest message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+                         * @function decodeDelimited
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest} ListKeysRequest
+                         * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                         * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                         */
+                        ListKeysRequest.decodeDelimited = function decodeDelimited(reader) {
+                            if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
+                                reader = new $Reader(reader);
+                            return this.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Verifies a ListKeysRequest message.
+                         * @function verify
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {Object.<string,*>} message Plain object to verify
+                         * @returns {string|null} `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
+                         */
+                        ListKeysRequest.verify = function verify(message) {
+                            if (typeof message !== "object" || message === null)
+                                return "object expected";
+                            if (message.parent != null && message.hasOwnProperty("parent"))
+                                if (!$util.isString(message.parent))
+                                    return "parent: string expected";
+                            if (message.pageSize != null && message.hasOwnProperty("pageSize"))
+                                if (!$util.isInteger(message.pageSize))
+                                    return "pageSize: integer expected";
+                            if (message.pageToken != null && message.hasOwnProperty("pageToken"))
+                                if (!$util.isString(message.pageToken))
+                                    return "pageToken: string expected";
+                            return null;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a ListKeysRequest message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+                         * @function fromObject
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {Object.<string,*>} object Plain object
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest} ListKeysRequest
+                         */
+                        ListKeysRequest.fromObject = function fromObject(object) {
+                            if (object instanceof $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest)
+                                return object;
+                            var message = new $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest();
+                            if (object.parent != null)
+                                message.parent = String(object.parent);
+                            if (object.pageSize != null)
+                                message.pageSize = object.pageSize | 0;
+                            if (object.pageToken != null)
+                                message.pageToken = String(object.pageToken);
+                            return message;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a plain object from a ListKeysRequest message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+                         * @function toObject
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest} message ListKeysRequest
+                         * @param {$protobuf.IConversionOptions} [options] Conversion options
+                         * @returns {Object.<string,*>} Plain object
+                         */
+                        ListKeysRequest.toObject = function toObject(message, options) {
+                            if (!options)
+                                options = {};
+                            var object = {};
+                            if (options.defaults) {
+                                object.parent = "";
+                                object.pageSize = 0;
+                                object.pageToken = "";
+                            }
+                            if (message.parent != null && message.hasOwnProperty("parent"))
+                                object.parent = message.parent;
+                            if (message.pageSize != null && message.hasOwnProperty("pageSize"))
+                                object.pageSize = message.pageSize;
+                            if (message.pageToken != null && message.hasOwnProperty("pageToken"))
+                                object.pageToken = message.pageToken;
+                            return object;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Converts this ListKeysRequest to JSON.
+                         * @function toJSON
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest
+                         * @instance
+                         * @returns {Object.<string,*>} JSON object
+                         */
+                        ListKeysRequest.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
+                            return this.constructor.toObject(this, $protobuf.util.toJSONOptions);
+                        };
+                        return ListKeysRequest;
+                    })();
+                    v1beta1.ListKeysResponse = (function() {
+                        /**
+                         * Properties of a ListKeysResponse.
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+                         * @interface IListKeysResponse
+                         * @property {Array.<google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IKey>|null} [keys] ListKeysResponse keys
+                         * @property {string|null} [nextPageToken] ListKeysResponse nextPageToken
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * Constructs a new ListKeysResponse.
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+                         * @classdesc Represents a ListKeysResponse.
+                         * @implements IListKeysResponse
+                         * @constructor
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IListKeysResponse=} [properties] Properties to set
+                         */
+                        function ListKeysResponse(properties) {
+                            this.keys = [];
+                            if (properties)
+                                for (var keys = Object.keys(properties), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
+                                    if (properties[keys[i]] != null)
+                                        this[keys[i]] = properties[keys[i]];
+                        }
+                        /**
+                         * ListKeysResponse keys.
+                         * @member {Array.<google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IKey>} keys
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        ListKeysResponse.prototype.keys = $util.emptyArray;
+                        /**
+                         * ListKeysResponse nextPageToken.
+                         * @member {string} nextPageToken
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        ListKeysResponse.prototype.nextPageToken = "";
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a new ListKeysResponse instance using the specified properties.
+                         * @function create
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IListKeysResponse=} [properties] Properties to set
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse} ListKeysResponse instance
+                         */
+                        ListKeysResponse.create = function create(properties) {
+                            return new ListKeysResponse(properties);
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Encodes the specified ListKeysResponse message. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse.verify|verify} messages.
+                         * @function encode
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IListKeysResponse} message ListKeysResponse message or plain object to encode
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
+                         * @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
+                         */
+                        ListKeysResponse.encode = function encode(message, writer) {
+                            if (!writer)
+                                writer = $Writer.create();
+                            if (message.keys != null && message.keys.length)
+                                for (var i = 0; i < message.keys.length; ++i)
+                                    $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key.encode(message.keys[i], writer.uint32(/* id 1, wireType 2 =*/10).fork()).ldelim();
+                            if (message.nextPageToken != null && message.hasOwnProperty("nextPageToken"))
+                                writer.uint32(/* id 2, wireType 2 =*/18).string(message.nextPageToken);
+                            return writer;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Encodes the specified ListKeysResponse message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse.verify|verify} messages.
+                         * @function encodeDelimited
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IListKeysResponse} message ListKeysResponse message or plain object to encode
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
+                         * @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
+                         */
+                        ListKeysResponse.encodeDelimited = function encodeDelimited(message, writer) {
+                            return this.encode(message, writer).ldelim();
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Decodes a ListKeysResponse message from the specified reader or buffer.
+                         * @function decode
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                         * @param {number} [length] Message length if known beforehand
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse} ListKeysResponse
+                         * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                         * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                         */
+                        ListKeysResponse.decode = function decode(reader, length) {
+                            if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
+                                reader = $Reader.create(reader);
+                            var end = length === undefined ? reader.len : reader.pos + length, message = new $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse();
+                            while (reader.pos < end) {
+                                var tag = reader.uint32();
+                                switch (tag >>> 3) {
+                                case 1:
+                                    if (!(message.keys && message.keys.length))
+                                        message.keys = [];
+                                    message.keys.push($root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key.decode(reader, reader.uint32()));
+                                    break;
+                                case 2:
+                                    message.nextPageToken = reader.string();
+                                    break;
+                                default:
+                                    reader.skipType(tag & 7);
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            return message;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Decodes a ListKeysResponse message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+                         * @function decodeDelimited
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse} ListKeysResponse
+                         * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                         * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                         */
+                        ListKeysResponse.decodeDelimited = function decodeDelimited(reader) {
+                            if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
+                                reader = new $Reader(reader);
+                            return this.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Verifies a ListKeysResponse message.
+                         * @function verify
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {Object.<string,*>} message Plain object to verify
+                         * @returns {string|null} `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
+                         */
+                        ListKeysResponse.verify = function verify(message) {
+                            if (typeof message !== "object" || message === null)
+                                return "object expected";
+                            if (message.keys != null && message.hasOwnProperty("keys")) {
+                                if (!Array.isArray(message.keys))
+                                    return "keys: array expected";
+                                for (var i = 0; i < message.keys.length; ++i) {
+                                    var error = $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key.verify(message.keys[i]);
+                                    if (error)
+                                        return "keys." + error;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            if (message.nextPageToken != null && message.hasOwnProperty("nextPageToken"))
+                                if (!$util.isString(message.nextPageToken))
+                                    return "nextPageToken: string expected";
+                            return null;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a ListKeysResponse message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+                         * @function fromObject
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {Object.<string,*>} object Plain object
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse} ListKeysResponse
+                         */
+                        ListKeysResponse.fromObject = function fromObject(object) {
+                            if (object instanceof $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse)
+                                return object;
+                            var message = new $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse();
+                            if (object.keys) {
+                                if (!Array.isArray(object.keys))
+                                    throw TypeError(".google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse.keys: array expected");
+                                message.keys = [];
+                                for (var i = 0; i < object.keys.length; ++i) {
+                                    if (typeof object.keys[i] !== "object")
+                                        throw TypeError(".google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse.keys: object expected");
+                                    message.keys[i] = $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key.fromObject(object.keys[i]);
+                                }
+                            }
+                            if (object.nextPageToken != null)
+                                message.nextPageToken = String(object.nextPageToken);
+                            return message;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a plain object from a ListKeysResponse message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+                         * @function toObject
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse} message ListKeysResponse
+                         * @param {$protobuf.IConversionOptions} [options] Conversion options
+                         * @returns {Object.<string,*>} Plain object
+                         */
+                        ListKeysResponse.toObject = function toObject(message, options) {
+                            if (!options)
+                                options = {};
+                            var object = {};
+                            if (options.arrays || options.defaults)
+                                object.keys = [];
+                            if (options.defaults)
+                                object.nextPageToken = "";
+                            if (message.keys && message.keys.length) {
+                                object.keys = [];
+                                for (var j = 0; j < message.keys.length; ++j)
+                                    object.keys[j] = $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key.toObject(message.keys[j], options);
+                            }
+                            if (message.nextPageToken != null && message.hasOwnProperty("nextPageToken"))
+                                object.nextPageToken = message.nextPageToken;
+                            return object;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Converts this ListKeysResponse to JSON.
+                         * @function toJSON
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse
+                         * @instance
+                         * @returns {Object.<string,*>} JSON object
+                         */
+                        ListKeysResponse.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
+                            return this.constructor.toObject(this, $protobuf.util.toJSONOptions);
+                        };
+                        return ListKeysResponse;
+                    })();
+                    v1beta1.GetKeyRequest = (function() {
+                        /**
+                         * Properties of a GetKeyRequest.
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+                         * @interface IGetKeyRequest
+                         * @property {string|null} [name] GetKeyRequest name
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * Constructs a new GetKeyRequest.
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+                         * @classdesc Represents a GetKeyRequest.
+                         * @implements IGetKeyRequest
+                         * @constructor
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IGetKeyRequest=} [properties] Properties to set
+                         */
+                        function GetKeyRequest(properties) {
+                            if (properties)
+                                for (var keys = Object.keys(properties), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
+                                    if (properties[keys[i]] != null)
+                                        this[keys[i]] = properties[keys[i]];
+                        }
+                        /**
+                         * GetKeyRequest name.
+                         * @member {string} name
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        GetKeyRequest.prototype.name = "";
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a new GetKeyRequest instance using the specified properties.
+                         * @function create
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IGetKeyRequest=} [properties] Properties to set
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest} GetKeyRequest instance
+                         */
+                        GetKeyRequest.create = function create(properties) {
+                            return new GetKeyRequest(properties);
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Encodes the specified GetKeyRequest message. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest.verify|verify} messages.
+                         * @function encode
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IGetKeyRequest} message GetKeyRequest message or plain object to encode
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
+                         * @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
+                         */
+                        GetKeyRequest.encode = function encode(message, writer) {
+                            if (!writer)
+                                writer = $Writer.create();
+                            if (message.name != null && message.hasOwnProperty("name"))
+                                writer.uint32(/* id 1, wireType 2 =*/10).string(message.name);
+                            return writer;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Encodes the specified GetKeyRequest message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest.verify|verify} messages.
+                         * @function encodeDelimited
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IGetKeyRequest} message GetKeyRequest message or plain object to encode
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
+                         * @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
+                         */
+                        GetKeyRequest.encodeDelimited = function encodeDelimited(message, writer) {
+                            return this.encode(message, writer).ldelim();
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Decodes a GetKeyRequest message from the specified reader or buffer.
+                         * @function decode
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                         * @param {number} [length] Message length if known beforehand
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest} GetKeyRequest
+                         * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                         * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                         */
+                        GetKeyRequest.decode = function decode(reader, length) {
+                            if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
+                                reader = $Reader.create(reader);
+                            var end = length === undefined ? reader.len : reader.pos + length, message = new $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest();
+                            while (reader.pos < end) {
+                                var tag = reader.uint32();
+                                switch (tag >>> 3) {
+                                case 1:
+                                    message.name = reader.string();
+                                    break;
+                                default:
+                                    reader.skipType(tag & 7);
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            return message;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Decodes a GetKeyRequest message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+                         * @function decodeDelimited
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest} GetKeyRequest
+                         * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                         * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                         */
+                        GetKeyRequest.decodeDelimited = function decodeDelimited(reader) {
+                            if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
+                                reader = new $Reader(reader);
+                            return this.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Verifies a GetKeyRequest message.
+                         * @function verify
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {Object.<string,*>} message Plain object to verify
+                         * @returns {string|null} `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
+                         */
+                        GetKeyRequest.verify = function verify(message) {
+                            if (typeof message !== "object" || message === null)
+                                return "object expected";
+                            if (message.name != null && message.hasOwnProperty("name"))
+                                if (!$util.isString(message.name))
+                                    return "name: string expected";
+                            return null;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a GetKeyRequest message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+                         * @function fromObject
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {Object.<string,*>} object Plain object
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest} GetKeyRequest
+                         */
+                        GetKeyRequest.fromObject = function fromObject(object) {
+                            if (object instanceof $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest)
+                                return object;
+                            var message = new $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest();
+                            if (object.name != null)
+                                message.name = String(object.name);
+                            return message;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a plain object from a GetKeyRequest message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+                         * @function toObject
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest} message GetKeyRequest
+                         * @param {$protobuf.IConversionOptions} [options] Conversion options
+                         * @returns {Object.<string,*>} Plain object
+                         */
+                        GetKeyRequest.toObject = function toObject(message, options) {
+                            if (!options)
+                                options = {};
+                            var object = {};
+                            if (options.defaults)
+                                object.name = "";
+                            if (message.name != null && message.hasOwnProperty("name"))
+                                object.name = message.name;
+                            return object;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Converts this GetKeyRequest to JSON.
+                         * @function toJSON
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest
+                         * @instance
+                         * @returns {Object.<string,*>} JSON object
+                         */
+                        GetKeyRequest.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
+                            return this.constructor.toObject(this, $protobuf.util.toJSONOptions);
+                        };
+                        return GetKeyRequest;
+                    })();
+                    v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest = (function() {
+                        /**
+                         * Properties of an UpdateKeyRequest.
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+                         * @interface IUpdateKeyRequest
+                         * @property {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IKey|null} [key] UpdateKeyRequest key
+                         * @property {google.protobuf.IFieldMask|null} [updateMask] UpdateKeyRequest updateMask
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * Constructs a new UpdateKeyRequest.
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+                         * @classdesc Represents an UpdateKeyRequest.
+                         * @implements IUpdateKeyRequest
+                         * @constructor
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IUpdateKeyRequest=} [properties] Properties to set
+                         */
+                        function UpdateKeyRequest(properties) {
+                            if (properties)
+                                for (var keys = Object.keys(properties), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
+                                    if (properties[keys[i]] != null)
+                                        this[keys[i]] = properties[keys[i]];
+                        }
+                        /**
+                         * UpdateKeyRequest key.
+                         * @member {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IKey|null|undefined} key
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        UpdateKeyRequest.prototype.key = null;
+                        /**
+                         * UpdateKeyRequest updateMask.
+                         * @member {google.protobuf.IFieldMask|null|undefined} updateMask
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        UpdateKeyRequest.prototype.updateMask = null;
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a new UpdateKeyRequest instance using the specified properties.
+                         * @function create
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IUpdateKeyRequest=} [properties] Properties to set
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest} UpdateKeyRequest instance
+                         */
+                        UpdateKeyRequest.create = function create(properties) {
+                            return new UpdateKeyRequest(properties);
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Encodes the specified UpdateKeyRequest message. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest.verify|verify} messages.
+                         * @function encode
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IUpdateKeyRequest} message UpdateKeyRequest message or plain object to encode
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
+                         * @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
+                         */
+                        UpdateKeyRequest.encode = function encode(message, writer) {
+                            if (!writer)
+                                writer = $Writer.create();
+                            if (message.key != null && message.hasOwnProperty("key"))
+                                $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key.encode(message.key, writer.uint32(/* id 1, wireType 2 =*/10).fork()).ldelim();
+                            if (message.updateMask != null && message.hasOwnProperty("updateMask"))
+                                $root.google.protobuf.FieldMask.encode(message.updateMask, writer.uint32(/* id 2, wireType 2 =*/18).fork()).ldelim();
+                            return writer;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Encodes the specified UpdateKeyRequest message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest.verify|verify} messages.
+                         * @function encodeDelimited
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IUpdateKeyRequest} message UpdateKeyRequest message or plain object to encode
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
+                         * @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
+                         */
+                        UpdateKeyRequest.encodeDelimited = function encodeDelimited(message, writer) {
+                            return this.encode(message, writer).ldelim();
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Decodes an UpdateKeyRequest message from the specified reader or buffer.
+                         * @function decode
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                         * @param {number} [length] Message length if known beforehand
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest} UpdateKeyRequest
+                         * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                         * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                         */
+                        UpdateKeyRequest.decode = function decode(reader, length) {
+                            if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
+                                reader = $Reader.create(reader);
+                            var end = length === undefined ? reader.len : reader.pos + length, message = new $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest();
+                            while (reader.pos < end) {
+                                var tag = reader.uint32();
+                                switch (tag >>> 3) {
+                                case 1:
+                                    message.key = $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
+                                    break;
+                                case 2:
+                                    message.updateMask = $root.google.protobuf.FieldMask.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
+                                    break;
+                                default:
+                                    reader.skipType(tag & 7);
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            return message;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Decodes an UpdateKeyRequest message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+                         * @function decodeDelimited
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest} UpdateKeyRequest
+                         * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                         * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                         */
+                        UpdateKeyRequest.decodeDelimited = function decodeDelimited(reader) {
+                            if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
+                                reader = new $Reader(reader);
+                            return this.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Verifies an UpdateKeyRequest message.
+                         * @function verify
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {Object.<string,*>} message Plain object to verify
+                         * @returns {string|null} `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
+                         */
+                        UpdateKeyRequest.verify = function verify(message) {
+                            if (typeof message !== "object" || message === null)
+                                return "object expected";
+                            if (message.key != null && message.hasOwnProperty("key")) {
+                                var error = $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key.verify(message.key);
+                                if (error)
+                                    return "key." + error;
+                            }
+                            if (message.updateMask != null && message.hasOwnProperty("updateMask")) {
+                                var error = $root.google.protobuf.FieldMask.verify(message.updateMask);
+                                if (error)
+                                    return "updateMask." + error;
+                            }
+                            return null;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Creates an UpdateKeyRequest message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+                         * @function fromObject
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {Object.<string,*>} object Plain object
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest} UpdateKeyRequest
+                         */
+                        UpdateKeyRequest.fromObject = function fromObject(object) {
+                            if (object instanceof $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest)
+                                return object;
+                            var message = new $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest();
+                            if (object.key != null) {
+                                if (typeof object.key !== "object")
+                                    throw TypeError(".google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest.key: object expected");
+                                message.key = $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key.fromObject(object.key);
+                            }
+                            if (object.updateMask != null) {
+                                if (typeof object.updateMask !== "object")
+                                    throw TypeError(".google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest.updateMask: object expected");
+                                message.updateMask = $root.google.protobuf.FieldMask.fromObject(object.updateMask);
+                            }
+                            return message;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a plain object from an UpdateKeyRequest message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+                         * @function toObject
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest} message UpdateKeyRequest
+                         * @param {$protobuf.IConversionOptions} [options] Conversion options
+                         * @returns {Object.<string,*>} Plain object
+                         */
+                        UpdateKeyRequest.toObject = function toObject(message, options) {
+                            if (!options)
+                                options = {};
+                            var object = {};
+                            if (options.defaults) {
+                                object.key = null;
+                                object.updateMask = null;
+                            }
+                            if (message.key != null && message.hasOwnProperty("key"))
+                                object.key = $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key.toObject(message.key, options);
+                            if (message.updateMask != null && message.hasOwnProperty("updateMask"))
+                                object.updateMask = $root.google.protobuf.FieldMask.toObject(message.updateMask, options);
+                            return object;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Converts this UpdateKeyRequest to JSON.
+                         * @function toJSON
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest
+                         * @instance
+                         * @returns {Object.<string,*>} JSON object
+                         */
+                        UpdateKeyRequest.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
+                            return this.constructor.toObject(this, $protobuf.util.toJSONOptions);
+                        };
+                        return UpdateKeyRequest;
+                    })();
+                    v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest = (function() {
+                        /**
+                         * Properties of a DeleteKeyRequest.
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+                         * @interface IDeleteKeyRequest
+                         * @property {string|null} [name] DeleteKeyRequest name
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * Constructs a new DeleteKeyRequest.
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+                         * @classdesc Represents a DeleteKeyRequest.
+                         * @implements IDeleteKeyRequest
+                         * @constructor
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IDeleteKeyRequest=} [properties] Properties to set
+                         */
+                        function DeleteKeyRequest(properties) {
+                            if (properties)
+                                for (var keys = Object.keys(properties), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
+                                    if (properties[keys[i]] != null)
+                                        this[keys[i]] = properties[keys[i]];
+                        }
+                        /**
+                         * DeleteKeyRequest name.
+                         * @member {string} name
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        DeleteKeyRequest.prototype.name = "";
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a new DeleteKeyRequest instance using the specified properties.
+                         * @function create
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IDeleteKeyRequest=} [properties] Properties to set
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest} DeleteKeyRequest instance
+                         */
+                        DeleteKeyRequest.create = function create(properties) {
+                            return new DeleteKeyRequest(properties);
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Encodes the specified DeleteKeyRequest message. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest.verify|verify} messages.
+                         * @function encode
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IDeleteKeyRequest} message DeleteKeyRequest message or plain object to encode
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
+                         * @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
+                         */
+                        DeleteKeyRequest.encode = function encode(message, writer) {
+                            if (!writer)
+                                writer = $Writer.create();
+                            if (message.name != null && message.hasOwnProperty("name"))
+                                writer.uint32(/* id 1, wireType 2 =*/10).string(message.name);
+                            return writer;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Encodes the specified DeleteKeyRequest message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest.verify|verify} messages.
+                         * @function encodeDelimited
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IDeleteKeyRequest} message DeleteKeyRequest message or plain object to encode
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
+                         * @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
+                         */
+                        DeleteKeyRequest.encodeDelimited = function encodeDelimited(message, writer) {
+                            return this.encode(message, writer).ldelim();
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Decodes a DeleteKeyRequest message from the specified reader or buffer.
+                         * @function decode
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                         * @param {number} [length] Message length if known beforehand
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest} DeleteKeyRequest
+                         * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                         * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                         */
+                        DeleteKeyRequest.decode = function decode(reader, length) {
+                            if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
+                                reader = $Reader.create(reader);
+                            var end = length === undefined ? reader.len : reader.pos + length, message = new $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest();
+                            while (reader.pos < end) {
+                                var tag = reader.uint32();
+                                switch (tag >>> 3) {
+                                case 1:
+                                    message.name = reader.string();
+                                    break;
+                                default:
+                                    reader.skipType(tag & 7);
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            return message;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Decodes a DeleteKeyRequest message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+                         * @function decodeDelimited
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest} DeleteKeyRequest
+                         * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                         * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                         */
+                        DeleteKeyRequest.decodeDelimited = function decodeDelimited(reader) {
+                            if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
+                                reader = new $Reader(reader);
+                            return this.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Verifies a DeleteKeyRequest message.
+                         * @function verify
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {Object.<string,*>} message Plain object to verify
+                         * @returns {string|null} `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
+                         */
+                        DeleteKeyRequest.verify = function verify(message) {
+                            if (typeof message !== "object" || message === null)
+                                return "object expected";
+                            if (message.name != null && message.hasOwnProperty("name"))
+                                if (!$util.isString(message.name))
+                                    return "name: string expected";
+                            return null;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a DeleteKeyRequest message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+                         * @function fromObject
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {Object.<string,*>} object Plain object
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest} DeleteKeyRequest
+                         */
+                        DeleteKeyRequest.fromObject = function fromObject(object) {
+                            if (object instanceof $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest)
+                                return object;
+                            var message = new $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest();
+                            if (object.name != null)
+                                message.name = String(object.name);
+                            return message;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a plain object from a DeleteKeyRequest message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+                         * @function toObject
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest} message DeleteKeyRequest
+                         * @param {$protobuf.IConversionOptions} [options] Conversion options
+                         * @returns {Object.<string,*>} Plain object
+                         */
+                        DeleteKeyRequest.toObject = function toObject(message, options) {
+                            if (!options)
+                                options = {};
+                            var object = {};
+                            if (options.defaults)
+                                object.name = "";
+                            if (message.name != null && message.hasOwnProperty("name"))
+                                object.name = message.name;
+                            return object;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Converts this DeleteKeyRequest to JSON.
+                         * @function toJSON
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest
+                         * @instance
+                         * @returns {Object.<string,*>} JSON object
+                         */
+                        DeleteKeyRequest.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
+                            return this.constructor.toObject(this, $protobuf.util.toJSONOptions);
+                        };
+                        return DeleteKeyRequest;
+                    })();
+                    v1beta1.Key = (function() {
+                        /**
+                         * Properties of a Key.
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+                         * @interface IKey
+                         * @property {string|null} [name] Key name
+                         * @property {string|null} [displayName] Key displayName
+                         * @property {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IWebKeySettings|null} [webSettings] Key webSettings
+                         * @property {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IAndroidKeySettings|null} [androidSettings] Key androidSettings
+                         * @property {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IIOSKeySettings|null} [iosSettings] Key iosSettings
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * Constructs a new Key.
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+                         * @classdesc Represents a Key.
+                         * @implements IKey
+                         * @constructor
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IKey=} [properties] Properties to set
+                         */
+                        function Key(properties) {
+                            if (properties)
+                                for (var keys = Object.keys(properties), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
+                                    if (properties[keys[i]] != null)
+                                        this[keys[i]] = properties[keys[i]];
+                        }
+                        /**
+                         * Key name.
+                         * @member {string} name
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        Key.prototype.name = "";
+                        /**
+                         * Key displayName.
+                         * @member {string} displayName
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        Key.prototype.displayName = "";
+                        /**
+                         * Key webSettings.
+                         * @member {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IWebKeySettings|null|undefined} webSettings
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        Key.prototype.webSettings = null;
+                        /**
+                         * Key androidSettings.
+                         * @member {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IAndroidKeySettings|null|undefined} androidSettings
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        Key.prototype.androidSettings = null;
+                        /**
+                         * Key iosSettings.
+                         * @member {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IIOSKeySettings|null|undefined} iosSettings
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        Key.prototype.iosSettings = null;
+                        // OneOf field names bound to virtual getters and setters
+                        var $oneOfFields;
+                        /**
+                         * Key platformSettings.
+                         * @member {"webSettings"|"androidSettings"|"iosSettings"|undefined} platformSettings
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        Object.defineProperty(Key.prototype, "platformSettings", {
+                            get: $util.oneOfGetter($oneOfFields = ["webSettings", "androidSettings", "iosSettings"]),
+                            set: $util.oneOfSetter($oneOfFields)
+                        });
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a new Key instance using the specified properties.
+                         * @function create
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IKey=} [properties] Properties to set
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key} Key instance
+                         */
+                        Key.create = function create(properties) {
+                            return new Key(properties);
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Encodes the specified Key message. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key.verify|verify} messages.
+                         * @function encode
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IKey} message Key message or plain object to encode
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
+                         * @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
+                         */
+                        Key.encode = function encode(message, writer) {
+                            if (!writer)
+                                writer = $Writer.create();
+                            if (message.name != null && message.hasOwnProperty("name"))
+                                writer.uint32(/* id 1, wireType 2 =*/10).string(message.name);
+                            if (message.displayName != null && message.hasOwnProperty("displayName"))
+                                writer.uint32(/* id 2, wireType 2 =*/18).string(message.displayName);
+                            if (message.webSettings != null && message.hasOwnProperty("webSettings"))
+                                $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings.encode(message.webSettings, writer.uint32(/* id 3, wireType 2 =*/26).fork()).ldelim();
+                            if (message.androidSettings != null && message.hasOwnProperty("androidSettings"))
+                                $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings.encode(message.androidSettings, writer.uint32(/* id 4, wireType 2 =*/34).fork()).ldelim();
+                            if (message.iosSettings != null && message.hasOwnProperty("iosSettings"))
+                                $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings.encode(message.iosSettings, writer.uint32(/* id 5, wireType 2 =*/42).fork()).ldelim();
+                            return writer;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Encodes the specified Key message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key.verify|verify} messages.
+                         * @function encodeDelimited
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IKey} message Key message or plain object to encode
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
+                         * @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
+                         */
+                        Key.encodeDelimited = function encodeDelimited(message, writer) {
+                            return this.encode(message, writer).ldelim();
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Decodes a Key message from the specified reader or buffer.
+                         * @function decode
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                         * @param {number} [length] Message length if known beforehand
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key} Key
+                         * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                         * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                         */
+                        Key.decode = function decode(reader, length) {
+                            if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
+                                reader = $Reader.create(reader);
+                            var end = length === undefined ? reader.len : reader.pos + length, message = new $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key();
+                            while (reader.pos < end) {
+                                var tag = reader.uint32();
+                                switch (tag >>> 3) {
+                                case 1:
+                                    message.name = reader.string();
+                                    break;
+                                case 2:
+                                    message.displayName = reader.string();
+                                    break;
+                                case 3:
+                                    message.webSettings = $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
+                                    break;
+                                case 4:
+                                    message.androidSettings = $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
+                                    break;
+                                case 5:
+                                    message.iosSettings = $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
+                                    break;
+                                default:
+                                    reader.skipType(tag & 7);
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            return message;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Decodes a Key message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+                         * @function decodeDelimited
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key} Key
+                         * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                         * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                         */
+                        Key.decodeDelimited = function decodeDelimited(reader) {
+                            if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
+                                reader = new $Reader(reader);
+                            return this.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Verifies a Key message.
+                         * @function verify
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {Object.<string,*>} message Plain object to verify
+                         * @returns {string|null} `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
+                         */
+                        Key.verify = function verify(message) {
+                            if (typeof message !== "object" || message === null)
+                                return "object expected";
+                            var properties = {};
+                            if (message.name != null && message.hasOwnProperty("name"))
+                                if (!$util.isString(message.name))
+                                    return "name: string expected";
+                            if (message.displayName != null && message.hasOwnProperty("displayName"))
+                                if (!$util.isString(message.displayName))
+                                    return "displayName: string expected";
+                            if (message.webSettings != null && message.hasOwnProperty("webSettings")) {
+                                properties.platformSettings = 1;
+                                {
+                                    var error = $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings.verify(message.webSettings);
+                                    if (error)
+                                        return "webSettings." + error;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            if (message.androidSettings != null && message.hasOwnProperty("androidSettings")) {
+                                if (properties.platformSettings === 1)
+                                    return "platformSettings: multiple values";
+                                properties.platformSettings = 1;
+                                {
+                                    var error = $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings.verify(message.androidSettings);
+                                    if (error)
+                                        return "androidSettings." + error;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            if (message.iosSettings != null && message.hasOwnProperty("iosSettings")) {
+                                if (properties.platformSettings === 1)
+                                    return "platformSettings: multiple values";
+                                properties.platformSettings = 1;
+                                {
+                                    var error = $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings.verify(message.iosSettings);
+                                    if (error)
+                                        return "iosSettings." + error;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            return null;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a Key message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+                         * @function fromObject
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {Object.<string,*>} object Plain object
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key} Key
+                         */
+                        Key.fromObject = function fromObject(object) {
+                            if (object instanceof $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key)
+                                return object;
+                            var message = new $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key();
+                            if (object.name != null)
+                                message.name = String(object.name);
+                            if (object.displayName != null)
+                                message.displayName = String(object.displayName);
+                            if (object.webSettings != null) {
+                                if (typeof object.webSettings !== "object")
+                                    throw TypeError(".google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key.webSettings: object expected");
+                                message.webSettings = $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings.fromObject(object.webSettings);
+                            }
+                            if (object.androidSettings != null) {
+                                if (typeof object.androidSettings !== "object")
+                                    throw TypeError(".google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key.androidSettings: object expected");
+                                message.androidSettings = $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings.fromObject(object.androidSettings);
+                            }
+                            if (object.iosSettings != null) {
+                                if (typeof object.iosSettings !== "object")
+                                    throw TypeError(".google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key.iosSettings: object expected");
+                                message.iosSettings = $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings.fromObject(object.iosSettings);
+                            }
+                            return message;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a plain object from a Key message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+                         * @function toObject
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key} message Key
+                         * @param {$protobuf.IConversionOptions} [options] Conversion options
+                         * @returns {Object.<string,*>} Plain object
+                         */
+                        Key.toObject = function toObject(message, options) {
+                            if (!options)
+                                options = {};
+                            var object = {};
+                            if (options.defaults) {
+                                object.name = "";
+                                object.displayName = "";
+                            }
+                            if (message.name != null && message.hasOwnProperty("name"))
+                                object.name = message.name;
+                            if (message.displayName != null && message.hasOwnProperty("displayName"))
+                                object.displayName = message.displayName;
+                            if (message.webSettings != null && message.hasOwnProperty("webSettings")) {
+                                object.webSettings = $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings.toObject(message.webSettings, options);
+                                if (options.oneofs)
+                                    object.platformSettings = "webSettings";
+                            }
+                            if (message.androidSettings != null && message.hasOwnProperty("androidSettings")) {
+                                object.androidSettings = $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings.toObject(message.androidSettings, options);
+                                if (options.oneofs)
+                                    object.platformSettings = "androidSettings";
+                            }
+                            if (message.iosSettings != null && message.hasOwnProperty("iosSettings")) {
+                                object.iosSettings = $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings.toObject(message.iosSettings, options);
+                                if (options.oneofs)
+                                    object.platformSettings = "iosSettings";
+                            }
+                            return object;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Converts this Key to JSON.
+                         * @function toJSON
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key
+                         * @instance
+                         * @returns {Object.<string,*>} JSON object
+                         */
+                        Key.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
+                            return this.constructor.toObject(this, $protobuf.util.toJSONOptions);
+                        };
+                        return Key;
+                    })();
+                    v1beta1.WebKeySettings = (function() {
+                        /**
+                         * Properties of a WebKeySettings.
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+                         * @interface IWebKeySettings
+                         * @property {boolean|null} [enforceAllowedDomains] WebKeySettings enforceAllowedDomains
+                         * @property {Array.<string>|null} [allowedDomains] WebKeySettings allowedDomains
+                         * @property {boolean|null} [allowAmpTraffic] WebKeySettings allowAmpTraffic
+                         * @property {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings.IntegrationType|null} [integrationType] WebKeySettings integrationType
+                         * @property {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings.ChallengeSecurityPreference|null} [challengeSecurityPreference] WebKeySettings challengeSecurityPreference
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * Constructs a new WebKeySettings.
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+                         * @classdesc Represents a WebKeySettings.
+                         * @implements IWebKeySettings
+                         * @constructor
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IWebKeySettings=} [properties] Properties to set
+                         */
+                        function WebKeySettings(properties) {
+                            this.allowedDomains = [];
+                            if (properties)
+                                for (var keys = Object.keys(properties), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
+                                    if (properties[keys[i]] != null)
+                                        this[keys[i]] = properties[keys[i]];
+                        }
+                        /**
+                         * WebKeySettings enforceAllowedDomains.
+                         * @member {boolean} enforceAllowedDomains
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        WebKeySettings.prototype.enforceAllowedDomains = false;
+                        /**
+                         * WebKeySettings allowedDomains.
+                         * @member {Array.<string>} allowedDomains
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        WebKeySettings.prototype.allowedDomains = $util.emptyArray;
+                        /**
+                         * WebKeySettings allowAmpTraffic.
+                         * @member {boolean} allowAmpTraffic
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        WebKeySettings.prototype.allowAmpTraffic = false;
+                        /**
+                         * WebKeySettings integrationType.
+                         * @member {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings.IntegrationType} integrationType
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        WebKeySettings.prototype.integrationType = 0;
+                        /**
+                         * WebKeySettings challengeSecurityPreference.
+                         * @member {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings.ChallengeSecurityPreference} challengeSecurityPreference
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        WebKeySettings.prototype.challengeSecurityPreference = 0;
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a new WebKeySettings instance using the specified properties.
+                         * @function create
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IWebKeySettings=} [properties] Properties to set
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings} WebKeySettings instance
+                         */
+                        WebKeySettings.create = function create(properties) {
+                            return new WebKeySettings(properties);
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Encodes the specified WebKeySettings message. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings.verify|verify} messages.
+                         * @function encode
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IWebKeySettings} message WebKeySettings message or plain object to encode
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
+                         * @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
+                         */
+                        WebKeySettings.encode = function encode(message, writer) {
+                            if (!writer)
+                                writer = $Writer.create();
+                            if (message.allowedDomains != null && message.allowedDomains.length)
+                                for (var i = 0; i < message.allowedDomains.length; ++i)
+                                    writer.uint32(/* id 1, wireType 2 =*/10).string(message.allowedDomains[i]);
+                            if (message.allowAmpTraffic != null && message.hasOwnProperty("allowAmpTraffic"))
+                                writer.uint32(/* id 2, wireType 0 =*/16).bool(message.allowAmpTraffic);
+                            if (message.enforceAllowedDomains != null && message.hasOwnProperty("enforceAllowedDomains"))
+                                writer.uint32(/* id 3, wireType 0 =*/24).bool(message.enforceAllowedDomains);
+                            if (message.integrationType != null && message.hasOwnProperty("integrationType"))
+                                writer.uint32(/* id 4, wireType 0 =*/32).int32(message.integrationType);
+                            if (message.challengeSecurityPreference != null && message.hasOwnProperty("challengeSecurityPreference"))
+                                writer.uint32(/* id 5, wireType 0 =*/40).int32(message.challengeSecurityPreference);
+                            return writer;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Encodes the specified WebKeySettings message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings.verify|verify} messages.
+                         * @function encodeDelimited
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IWebKeySettings} message WebKeySettings message or plain object to encode
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
+                         * @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
+                         */
+                        WebKeySettings.encodeDelimited = function encodeDelimited(message, writer) {
+                            return this.encode(message, writer).ldelim();
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Decodes a WebKeySettings message from the specified reader or buffer.
+                         * @function decode
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                         * @param {number} [length] Message length if known beforehand
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings} WebKeySettings
+                         * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                         * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                         */
+                        WebKeySettings.decode = function decode(reader, length) {
+                            if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
+                                reader = $Reader.create(reader);
+                            var end = length === undefined ? reader.len : reader.pos + length, message = new $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings();
+                            while (reader.pos < end) {
+                                var tag = reader.uint32();
+                                switch (tag >>> 3) {
+                                case 3:
+                                    message.enforceAllowedDomains = reader.bool();
+                                    break;
+                                case 1:
+                                    if (!(message.allowedDomains && message.allowedDomains.length))
+                                        message.allowedDomains = [];
+                                    message.allowedDomains.push(reader.string());
+                                    break;
+                                case 2:
+                                    message.allowAmpTraffic = reader.bool();
+                                    break;
+                                case 4:
+                                    message.integrationType = reader.int32();
+                                    break;
+                                case 5:
+                                    message.challengeSecurityPreference = reader.int32();
+                                    break;
+                                default:
+                                    reader.skipType(tag & 7);
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            return message;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Decodes a WebKeySettings message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+                         * @function decodeDelimited
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings} WebKeySettings
+                         * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                         * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                         */
+                        WebKeySettings.decodeDelimited = function decodeDelimited(reader) {
+                            if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
+                                reader = new $Reader(reader);
+                            return this.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Verifies a WebKeySettings message.
+                         * @function verify
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {Object.<string,*>} message Plain object to verify
+                         * @returns {string|null} `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
+                         */
+                        WebKeySettings.verify = function verify(message) {
+                            if (typeof message !== "object" || message === null)
+                                return "object expected";
+                            if (message.enforceAllowedDomains != null && message.hasOwnProperty("enforceAllowedDomains"))
+                                if (typeof message.enforceAllowedDomains !== "boolean")
+                                    return "enforceAllowedDomains: boolean expected";
+                            if (message.allowedDomains != null && message.hasOwnProperty("allowedDomains")) {
+                                if (!Array.isArray(message.allowedDomains))
+                                    return "allowedDomains: array expected";
+                                for (var i = 0; i < message.allowedDomains.length; ++i)
+                                    if (!$util.isString(message.allowedDomains[i]))
+                                        return "allowedDomains: string[] expected";
+                            }
+                            if (message.allowAmpTraffic != null && message.hasOwnProperty("allowAmpTraffic"))
+                                if (typeof message.allowAmpTraffic !== "boolean")
+                                    return "allowAmpTraffic: boolean expected";
+                            if (message.integrationType != null && message.hasOwnProperty("integrationType"))
+                                switch (message.integrationType) {
+                                default:
+                                    return "integrationType: enum value expected";
+                                case 0:
+                                case 1:
+                                case 2:
+                                case 3:
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                            if (message.challengeSecurityPreference != null && message.hasOwnProperty("challengeSecurityPreference"))
+                                switch (message.challengeSecurityPreference) {
+                                default:
+                                    return "challengeSecurityPreference: enum value expected";
+                                case 0:
+                                case 1:
+                                case 2:
+                                case 3:
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                            return null;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a WebKeySettings message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+                         * @function fromObject
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {Object.<string,*>} object Plain object
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings} WebKeySettings
+                         */
+                        WebKeySettings.fromObject = function fromObject(object) {
+                            if (object instanceof $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings)
+                                return object;
+                            var message = new $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings();
+                            if (object.enforceAllowedDomains != null)
+                                message.enforceAllowedDomains = Boolean(object.enforceAllowedDomains);
+                            if (object.allowedDomains) {
+                                if (!Array.isArray(object.allowedDomains))
+                                    throw TypeError(".google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings.allowedDomains: array expected");
+                                message.allowedDomains = [];
+                                for (var i = 0; i < object.allowedDomains.length; ++i)
+                                    message.allowedDomains[i] = String(object.allowedDomains[i]);
+                            }
+                            if (object.allowAmpTraffic != null)
+                                message.allowAmpTraffic = Boolean(object.allowAmpTraffic);
+                            switch (object.integrationType) {
+                            case "INTEGRATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED":
+                            case 0:
+                                message.integrationType = 0;
+                                break;
+                            case "SCORE_ONLY":
+                            case 1:
+                                message.integrationType = 1;
+                                break;
+                            case "CHECKBOX_CHALLENGE":
+                            case 2:
+                                message.integrationType = 2;
+                                break;
+                            case "INVISIBLE_CHALLENGE":
+                            case 3:
+                                message.integrationType = 3;
+                                break;
+                            }
+                            switch (object.challengeSecurityPreference) {
+                            case "CHALLENGE_SECURITY_PREFERENCE_UNSPECIFIED":
+                            case 0:
+                                message.challengeSecurityPreference = 0;
+                                break;
+                            case "USABILITY":
+                            case 1:
+                                message.challengeSecurityPreference = 1;
+                                break;
+                            case "BALANCED":
+                            case 2:
+                                message.challengeSecurityPreference = 2;
+                                break;
+                            case "SECURITY":
+                            case 3:
+                                message.challengeSecurityPreference = 3;
+                                break;
+                            }
+                            return message;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a plain object from a WebKeySettings message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+                         * @function toObject
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings} message WebKeySettings
+                         * @param {$protobuf.IConversionOptions} [options] Conversion options
+                         * @returns {Object.<string,*>} Plain object
+                         */
+                        WebKeySettings.toObject = function toObject(message, options) {
+                            if (!options)
+                                options = {};
+                            var object = {};
+                            if (options.arrays || options.defaults)
+                                object.allowedDomains = [];
+                            if (options.defaults) {
+                                object.allowAmpTraffic = false;
+                                object.enforceAllowedDomains = false;
+                                object.integrationType = options.enums === String ? "INTEGRATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" : 0;
+                                object.challengeSecurityPreference = options.enums === String ? "CHALLENGE_SECURITY_PREFERENCE_UNSPECIFIED" : 0;
+                            }
+                            if (message.allowedDomains && message.allowedDomains.length) {
+                                object.allowedDomains = [];
+                                for (var j = 0; j < message.allowedDomains.length; ++j)
+                                    object.allowedDomains[j] = message.allowedDomains[j];
+                            }
+                            if (message.allowAmpTraffic != null && message.hasOwnProperty("allowAmpTraffic"))
+                                object.allowAmpTraffic = message.allowAmpTraffic;
+                            if (message.enforceAllowedDomains != null && message.hasOwnProperty("enforceAllowedDomains"))
+                                object.enforceAllowedDomains = message.enforceAllowedDomains;
+                            if (message.integrationType != null && message.hasOwnProperty("integrationType"))
+                                object.integrationType = options.enums === String ? $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings.IntegrationType[message.integrationType] : message.integrationType;
+                            if (message.challengeSecurityPreference != null && message.hasOwnProperty("challengeSecurityPreference"))
+                                object.challengeSecurityPreference = options.enums === String ? $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings.ChallengeSecurityPreference[message.challengeSecurityPreference] : message.challengeSecurityPreference;
+                            return object;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Converts this WebKeySettings to JSON.
+                         * @function toJSON
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings
+                         * @instance
+                         * @returns {Object.<string,*>} JSON object
+                         */
+                        WebKeySettings.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
+                            return this.constructor.toObject(this, $protobuf.util.toJSONOptions);
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * IntegrationType enum.
+                         * @name google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings.IntegrationType
+                         * @enum {string}
+                         * @property {number} INTEGRATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED=0 INTEGRATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED value
+                         * @property {number} SCORE_ONLY=1 SCORE_ONLY value
+                         * @property {number} CHECKBOX_CHALLENGE=2 CHECKBOX_CHALLENGE value
+                         * @property {number} INVISIBLE_CHALLENGE=3 INVISIBLE_CHALLENGE value
+                         */
+                        WebKeySettings.IntegrationType = (function() {
+                            var valuesById = {}, values = Object.create(valuesById);
+                            values[valuesById[0] = "INTEGRATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED"] = 0;
+                            values[valuesById[1] = "SCORE_ONLY"] = 1;
+                            values[valuesById[2] = "CHECKBOX_CHALLENGE"] = 2;
+                            values[valuesById[3] = "INVISIBLE_CHALLENGE"] = 3;
+                            return values;
+                        })();
+                        /**
+                         * ChallengeSecurityPreference enum.
+                         * @name google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings.ChallengeSecurityPreference
+                         * @enum {string}
+                         * @property {number} USABILITY=1 USABILITY value
+                         * @property {number} BALANCED=2 BALANCED value
+                         * @property {number} SECURITY=3 SECURITY value
+                         */
+                        WebKeySettings.ChallengeSecurityPreference = (function() {
+                            var valuesById = {}, values = Object.create(valuesById);
+                            values[valuesById[0] = "CHALLENGE_SECURITY_PREFERENCE_UNSPECIFIED"] = 0;
+                            values[valuesById[1] = "USABILITY"] = 1;
+                            values[valuesById[2] = "BALANCED"] = 2;
+                            values[valuesById[3] = "SECURITY"] = 3;
+                            return values;
+                        })();
+                        return WebKeySettings;
+                    })();
+                    v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings = (function() {
+                        /**
+                         * Properties of an AndroidKeySettings.
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+                         * @interface IAndroidKeySettings
+                         * @property {Array.<string>|null} [allowedPackageNames] AndroidKeySettings allowedPackageNames
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * Constructs a new AndroidKeySettings.
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+                         * @classdesc Represents an AndroidKeySettings.
+                         * @implements IAndroidKeySettings
+                         * @constructor
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IAndroidKeySettings=} [properties] Properties to set
+                         */
+                        function AndroidKeySettings(properties) {
+                            this.allowedPackageNames = [];
+                            if (properties)
+                                for (var keys = Object.keys(properties), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
+                                    if (properties[keys[i]] != null)
+                                        this[keys[i]] = properties[keys[i]];
+                        }
+                        /**
+                         * AndroidKeySettings allowedPackageNames.
+                         * @member {Array.<string>} allowedPackageNames
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        AndroidKeySettings.prototype.allowedPackageNames = $util.emptyArray;
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a new AndroidKeySettings instance using the specified properties.
+                         * @function create
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IAndroidKeySettings=} [properties] Properties to set
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings} AndroidKeySettings instance
+                         */
+                        AndroidKeySettings.create = function create(properties) {
+                            return new AndroidKeySettings(properties);
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Encodes the specified AndroidKeySettings message. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings.verify|verify} messages.
+                         * @function encode
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IAndroidKeySettings} message AndroidKeySettings message or plain object to encode
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
+                         * @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
+                         */
+                        AndroidKeySettings.encode = function encode(message, writer) {
+                            if (!writer)
+                                writer = $Writer.create();
+                            if (message.allowedPackageNames != null && message.allowedPackageNames.length)
+                                for (var i = 0; i < message.allowedPackageNames.length; ++i)
+                                    writer.uint32(/* id 1, wireType 2 =*/10).string(message.allowedPackageNames[i]);
+                            return writer;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Encodes the specified AndroidKeySettings message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings.verify|verify} messages.
+                         * @function encodeDelimited
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IAndroidKeySettings} message AndroidKeySettings message or plain object to encode
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
+                         * @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
+                         */
+                        AndroidKeySettings.encodeDelimited = function encodeDelimited(message, writer) {
+                            return this.encode(message, writer).ldelim();
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Decodes an AndroidKeySettings message from the specified reader or buffer.
+                         * @function decode
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                         * @param {number} [length] Message length if known beforehand
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings} AndroidKeySettings
+                         * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                         * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                         */
+                        AndroidKeySettings.decode = function decode(reader, length) {
+                            if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
+                                reader = $Reader.create(reader);
+                            var end = length === undefined ? reader.len : reader.pos + length, message = new $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings();
+                            while (reader.pos < end) {
+                                var tag = reader.uint32();
+                                switch (tag >>> 3) {
+                                case 1:
+                                    if (!(message.allowedPackageNames && message.allowedPackageNames.length))
+                                        message.allowedPackageNames = [];
+                                    message.allowedPackageNames.push(reader.string());
+                                    break;
+                                default:
+                                    reader.skipType(tag & 7);
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            return message;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Decodes an AndroidKeySettings message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+                         * @function decodeDelimited
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings} AndroidKeySettings
+                         * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                         * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                         */
+                        AndroidKeySettings.decodeDelimited = function decodeDelimited(reader) {
+                            if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
+                                reader = new $Reader(reader);
+                            return this.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Verifies an AndroidKeySettings message.
+                         * @function verify
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {Object.<string,*>} message Plain object to verify
+                         * @returns {string|null} `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
+                         */
+                        AndroidKeySettings.verify = function verify(message) {
+                            if (typeof message !== "object" || message === null)
+                                return "object expected";
+                            if (message.allowedPackageNames != null && message.hasOwnProperty("allowedPackageNames")) {
+                                if (!Array.isArray(message.allowedPackageNames))
+                                    return "allowedPackageNames: array expected";
+                                for (var i = 0; i < message.allowedPackageNames.length; ++i)
+                                    if (!$util.isString(message.allowedPackageNames[i]))
+                                        return "allowedPackageNames: string[] expected";
+                            }
+                            return null;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Creates an AndroidKeySettings message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+                         * @function fromObject
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {Object.<string,*>} object Plain object
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings} AndroidKeySettings
+                         */
+                        AndroidKeySettings.fromObject = function fromObject(object) {
+                            if (object instanceof $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings)
+                                return object;
+                            var message = new $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings();
+                            if (object.allowedPackageNames) {
+                                if (!Array.isArray(object.allowedPackageNames))
+                                    throw TypeError(".google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings.allowedPackageNames: array expected");
+                                message.allowedPackageNames = [];
+                                for (var i = 0; i < object.allowedPackageNames.length; ++i)
+                                    message.allowedPackageNames[i] = String(object.allowedPackageNames[i]);
+                            }
+                            return message;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a plain object from an AndroidKeySettings message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+                         * @function toObject
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings} message AndroidKeySettings
+                         * @param {$protobuf.IConversionOptions} [options] Conversion options
+                         * @returns {Object.<string,*>} Plain object
+                         */
+                        AndroidKeySettings.toObject = function toObject(message, options) {
+                            if (!options)
+                                options = {};
+                            var object = {};
+                            if (options.arrays || options.defaults)
+                                object.allowedPackageNames = [];
+                            if (message.allowedPackageNames && message.allowedPackageNames.length) {
+                                object.allowedPackageNames = [];
+                                for (var j = 0; j < message.allowedPackageNames.length; ++j)
+                                    object.allowedPackageNames[j] = message.allowedPackageNames[j];
+                            }
+                            return object;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Converts this AndroidKeySettings to JSON.
+                         * @function toJSON
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings
+                         * @instance
+                         * @returns {Object.<string,*>} JSON object
+                         */
+                        AndroidKeySettings.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
+                            return this.constructor.toObject(this, $protobuf.util.toJSONOptions);
+                        };
+                        return AndroidKeySettings;
+                    })();
+                    v1beta1.IOSKeySettings = (function() {
+                        /**
+                         * Properties of a IOSKeySettings.
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+                         * @interface IIOSKeySettings
+                         * @property {Array.<string>|null} [allowedBundleIds] IOSKeySettings allowedBundleIds
+                         */
+                        /**
+                         * Constructs a new IOSKeySettings.
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+                         * @classdesc Represents a IOSKeySettings.
+                         * @implements IIOSKeySettings
+                         * @constructor
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IIOSKeySettings=} [properties] Properties to set
+                         */
+                        function IOSKeySettings(properties) {
+                            this.allowedBundleIds = [];
+                            if (properties)
+                                for (var keys = Object.keys(properties), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
+                                    if (properties[keys[i]] != null)
+                                        this[keys[i]] = properties[keys[i]];
+                        }
+                        /**
+                         * IOSKeySettings allowedBundleIds.
+                         * @member {Array.<string>} allowedBundleIds
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings
+                         * @instance
+                         */
+                        IOSKeySettings.prototype.allowedBundleIds = $util.emptyArray;
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a new IOSKeySettings instance using the specified properties.
+                         * @function create
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IIOSKeySettings=} [properties] Properties to set
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings} IOSKeySettings instance
+                         */
+                        IOSKeySettings.create = function create(properties) {
+                            return new IOSKeySettings(properties);
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Encodes the specified IOSKeySettings message. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings.verify|verify} messages.
+                         * @function encode
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IIOSKeySettings} message IOSKeySettings message or plain object to encode
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
+                         * @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
+                         */
+                        IOSKeySettings.encode = function encode(message, writer) {
+                            if (!writer)
+                                writer = $Writer.create();
+                            if (message.allowedBundleIds != null && message.allowedBundleIds.length)
+                                for (var i = 0; i < message.allowedBundleIds.length; ++i)
+                                    writer.uint32(/* id 1, wireType 2 =*/10).string(message.allowedBundleIds[i]);
+                            return writer;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Encodes the specified IOSKeySettings message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings.verify|verify} messages.
+                         * @function encodeDelimited
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IIOSKeySettings} message IOSKeySettings message or plain object to encode
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
+                         * @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
+                         */
+                        IOSKeySettings.encodeDelimited = function encodeDelimited(message, writer) {
+                            return this.encode(message, writer).ldelim();
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Decodes a IOSKeySettings message from the specified reader or buffer.
+                         * @function decode
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                         * @param {number} [length] Message length if known beforehand
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings} IOSKeySettings
+                         * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                         * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                         */
+                        IOSKeySettings.decode = function decode(reader, length) {
+                            if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
+                                reader = $Reader.create(reader);
+                            var end = length === undefined ? reader.len : reader.pos + length, message = new $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings();
+                            while (reader.pos < end) {
+                                var tag = reader.uint32();
+                                switch (tag >>> 3) {
+                                case 1:
+                                    if (!(message.allowedBundleIds && message.allowedBundleIds.length))
+                                        message.allowedBundleIds = [];
+                                    message.allowedBundleIds.push(reader.string());
+                                    break;
+                                default:
+                                    reader.skipType(tag & 7);
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            return message;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Decodes a IOSKeySettings message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+                         * @function decodeDelimited
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings} IOSKeySettings
+                         * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                         * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                         */
+                        IOSKeySettings.decodeDelimited = function decodeDelimited(reader) {
+                            if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
+                                reader = new $Reader(reader);
+                            return this.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Verifies a IOSKeySettings message.
+                         * @function verify
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {Object.<string,*>} message Plain object to verify
+                         * @returns {string|null} `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
+                         */
+                        IOSKeySettings.verify = function verify(message) {
+                            if (typeof message !== "object" || message === null)
+                                return "object expected";
+                            if (message.allowedBundleIds != null && message.hasOwnProperty("allowedBundleIds")) {
+                                if (!Array.isArray(message.allowedBundleIds))
+                                    return "allowedBundleIds: array expected";
+                                for (var i = 0; i < message.allowedBundleIds.length; ++i)
+                                    if (!$util.isString(message.allowedBundleIds[i]))
+                                        return "allowedBundleIds: string[] expected";
+                            }
+                            return null;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a IOSKeySettings message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+                         * @function fromObject
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {Object.<string,*>} object Plain object
+                         * @returns {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings} IOSKeySettings
+                         */
+                        IOSKeySettings.fromObject = function fromObject(object) {
+                            if (object instanceof $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings)
+                                return object;
+                            var message = new $root.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings();
+                            if (object.allowedBundleIds) {
+                                if (!Array.isArray(object.allowedBundleIds))
+                                    throw TypeError(".google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings.allowedBundleIds: array expected");
+                                message.allowedBundleIds = [];
+                                for (var i = 0; i < object.allowedBundleIds.length; ++i)
+                                    message.allowedBundleIds[i] = String(object.allowedBundleIds[i]);
+                            }
+                            return message;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Creates a plain object from a IOSKeySettings message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+                         * @function toObject
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings
+                         * @static
+                         * @param {google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings} message IOSKeySettings
+                         * @param {$protobuf.IConversionOptions} [options] Conversion options
+                         * @returns {Object.<string,*>} Plain object
+                         */
+                        IOSKeySettings.toObject = function toObject(message, options) {
+                            if (!options)
+                                options = {};
+                            var object = {};
+                            if (options.arrays || options.defaults)
+                                object.allowedBundleIds = [];
+                            if (message.allowedBundleIds && message.allowedBundleIds.length) {
+                                object.allowedBundleIds = [];
+                                for (var j = 0; j < message.allowedBundleIds.length; ++j)
+                                    object.allowedBundleIds[j] = message.allowedBundleIds[j];
+                            }
+                            return object;
+                        };
+                        /**
+                         * Converts this IOSKeySettings to JSON.
+                         * @function toJSON
+                         * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings
+                         * @instance
+                         * @returns {Object.<string,*>} JSON object
+                         */
+                        IOSKeySettings.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
+                            return this.constructor.toObject(this, $protobuf.util.toJSONOptions);
+                        };
-                        return TokenProperties;
+                        return IOSKeySettings;
                     return v1beta1;
@@ -11875,6 +14484,369 @@
                 return GeneratedCodeInfo;
+            protobuf.Empty = (function() {
+                /**
+                 * Properties of an Empty.
+                 * @memberof google.protobuf
+                 * @interface IEmpty
+                 */
+                /**
+                 * Constructs a new Empty.
+                 * @memberof google.protobuf
+                 * @classdesc Represents an Empty.
+                 * @implements IEmpty
+                 * @constructor
+                 * @param {google.protobuf.IEmpty=} [properties] Properties to set
+                 */
+                function Empty(properties) {
+                    if (properties)
+                        for (var keys = Object.keys(properties), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
+                            if (properties[keys[i]] != null)
+                                this[keys[i]] = properties[keys[i]];
+                }
+                /**
+                 * Creates a new Empty instance using the specified properties.
+                 * @function create
+                 * @memberof google.protobuf.Empty
+                 * @static
+                 * @param {google.protobuf.IEmpty=} [properties] Properties to set
+                 * @returns {google.protobuf.Empty} Empty instance
+                 */
+                Empty.create = function create(properties) {
+                    return new Empty(properties);
+                };
+                /**
+                 * Encodes the specified Empty message. Does not implicitly {@link google.protobuf.Empty.verify|verify} messages.
+                 * @function encode
+                 * @memberof google.protobuf.Empty
+                 * @static
+                 * @param {google.protobuf.IEmpty} message Empty message or plain object to encode
+                 * @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
+                 * @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
+                 */
+                Empty.encode = function encode(message, writer) {
+                    if (!writer)
+                        writer = $Writer.create();
+                    return writer;
+                };
+                /**
+                 * Encodes the specified Empty message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.protobuf.Empty.verify|verify} messages.
+                 * @function encodeDelimited
+                 * @memberof google.protobuf.Empty
+                 * @static
+                 * @param {google.protobuf.IEmpty} message Empty message or plain object to encode
+                 * @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
+                 * @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
+                 */
+                Empty.encodeDelimited = function encodeDelimited(message, writer) {
+                    return this.encode(message, writer).ldelim();
+                };
+                /**
+                 * Decodes an Empty message from the specified reader or buffer.
+                 * @function decode
+                 * @memberof google.protobuf.Empty
+                 * @static
+                 * @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                 * @param {number} [length] Message length if known beforehand
+                 * @returns {google.protobuf.Empty} Empty
+                 * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                 * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                 */
+                Empty.decode = function decode(reader, length) {
+                    if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
+                        reader = $Reader.create(reader);
+                    var end = length === undefined ? reader.len : reader.pos + length, message = new $root.google.protobuf.Empty();
+                    while (reader.pos < end) {
+                        var tag = reader.uint32();
+                        switch (tag >>> 3) {
+                        default:
+                            reader.skipType(tag & 7);
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    return message;
+                };
+                /**
+                 * Decodes an Empty message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+                 * @function decodeDelimited
+                 * @memberof google.protobuf.Empty
+                 * @static
+                 * @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                 * @returns {google.protobuf.Empty} Empty
+                 * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                 * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                 */
+                Empty.decodeDelimited = function decodeDelimited(reader) {
+                    if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
+                        reader = new $Reader(reader);
+                    return this.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
+                };
+                /**
+                 * Verifies an Empty message.
+                 * @function verify
+                 * @memberof google.protobuf.Empty
+                 * @static
+                 * @param {Object.<string,*>} message Plain object to verify
+                 * @returns {string|null} `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
+                 */
+                Empty.verify = function verify(message) {
+                    if (typeof message !== "object" || message === null)
+                        return "object expected";
+                    return null;
+                };
+                /**
+                 * Creates an Empty message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+                 * @function fromObject
+                 * @memberof google.protobuf.Empty
+                 * @static
+                 * @param {Object.<string,*>} object Plain object
+                 * @returns {google.protobuf.Empty} Empty
+                 */
+                Empty.fromObject = function fromObject(object) {
+                    if (object instanceof $root.google.protobuf.Empty)
+                        return object;
+                    return new $root.google.protobuf.Empty();
+                };
+                /**
+                 * Creates a plain object from an Empty message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+                 * @function toObject
+                 * @memberof google.protobuf.Empty
+                 * @static
+                 * @param {google.protobuf.Empty} message Empty
+                 * @param {$protobuf.IConversionOptions} [options] Conversion options
+                 * @returns {Object.<string,*>} Plain object
+                 */
+                Empty.toObject = function toObject() {
+                    return {};
+                };
+                /**
+                 * Converts this Empty to JSON.
+                 * @function toJSON
+                 * @memberof google.protobuf.Empty
+                 * @instance
+                 * @returns {Object.<string,*>} JSON object
+                 */
+                Empty.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
+                    return this.constructor.toObject(this, $protobuf.util.toJSONOptions);
+                };
+                return Empty;
+            })();
+            protobuf.FieldMask = (function() {
+                /**
+                 * Properties of a FieldMask.
+                 * @memberof google.protobuf
+                 * @interface IFieldMask
+                 * @property {Array.<string>|null} [paths] FieldMask paths
+                 */
+                /**
+                 * Constructs a new FieldMask.
+                 * @memberof google.protobuf
+                 * @classdesc Represents a FieldMask.
+                 * @implements IFieldMask
+                 * @constructor
+                 * @param {google.protobuf.IFieldMask=} [properties] Properties to set
+                 */
+                function FieldMask(properties) {
+                    this.paths = [];
+                    if (properties)
+                        for (var keys = Object.keys(properties), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
+                            if (properties[keys[i]] != null)
+                                this[keys[i]] = properties[keys[i]];
+                }
+                /**
+                 * FieldMask paths.
+                 * @member {Array.<string>} paths
+                 * @memberof google.protobuf.FieldMask
+                 * @instance
+                 */
+                FieldMask.prototype.paths = $util.emptyArray;
+                /**
+                 * Creates a new FieldMask instance using the specified properties.
+                 * @function create
+                 * @memberof google.protobuf.FieldMask
+                 * @static
+                 * @param {google.protobuf.IFieldMask=} [properties] Properties to set
+                 * @returns {google.protobuf.FieldMask} FieldMask instance
+                 */
+                FieldMask.create = function create(properties) {
+                    return new FieldMask(properties);
+                };
+                /**
+                 * Encodes the specified FieldMask message. Does not implicitly {@link google.protobuf.FieldMask.verify|verify} messages.
+                 * @function encode
+                 * @memberof google.protobuf.FieldMask
+                 * @static
+                 * @param {google.protobuf.IFieldMask} message FieldMask message or plain object to encode
+                 * @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
+                 * @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
+                 */
+                FieldMask.encode = function encode(message, writer) {
+                    if (!writer)
+                        writer = $Writer.create();
+                    if (message.paths != null && message.paths.length)
+                        for (var i = 0; i < message.paths.length; ++i)
+                            writer.uint32(/* id 1, wireType 2 =*/10).string(message.paths[i]);
+                    return writer;
+                };
+                /**
+                 * Encodes the specified FieldMask message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link google.protobuf.FieldMask.verify|verify} messages.
+                 * @function encodeDelimited
+                 * @memberof google.protobuf.FieldMask
+                 * @static
+                 * @param {google.protobuf.IFieldMask} message FieldMask message or plain object to encode
+                 * @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
+                 * @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
+                 */
+                FieldMask.encodeDelimited = function encodeDelimited(message, writer) {
+                    return this.encode(message, writer).ldelim();
+                };
+                /**
+                 * Decodes a FieldMask message from the specified reader or buffer.
+                 * @function decode
+                 * @memberof google.protobuf.FieldMask
+                 * @static
+                 * @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                 * @param {number} [length] Message length if known beforehand
+                 * @returns {google.protobuf.FieldMask} FieldMask
+                 * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                 * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                 */
+                FieldMask.decode = function decode(reader, length) {
+                    if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
+                        reader = $Reader.create(reader);
+                    var end = length === undefined ? reader.len : reader.pos + length, message = new $root.google.protobuf.FieldMask();
+                    while (reader.pos < end) {
+                        var tag = reader.uint32();
+                        switch (tag >>> 3) {
+                        case 1:
+                            if (!(message.paths && message.paths.length))
+                                message.paths = [];
+                            message.paths.push(reader.string());
+                            break;
+                        default:
+                            reader.skipType(tag & 7);
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    return message;
+                };
+                /**
+                 * Decodes a FieldMask message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
+                 * @function decodeDelimited
+                 * @memberof google.protobuf.FieldMask
+                 * @static
+                 * @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
+                 * @returns {google.protobuf.FieldMask} FieldMask
+                 * @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
+                 * @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
+                 */
+                FieldMask.decodeDelimited = function decodeDelimited(reader) {
+                    if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
+                        reader = new $Reader(reader);
+                    return this.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
+                };
+                /**
+                 * Verifies a FieldMask message.
+                 * @function verify
+                 * @memberof google.protobuf.FieldMask
+                 * @static
+                 * @param {Object.<string,*>} message Plain object to verify
+                 * @returns {string|null} `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
+                 */
+                FieldMask.verify = function verify(message) {
+                    if (typeof message !== "object" || message === null)
+                        return "object expected";
+                    if (message.paths != null && message.hasOwnProperty("paths")) {
+                        if (!Array.isArray(message.paths))
+                            return "paths: array expected";
+                        for (var i = 0; i < message.paths.length; ++i)
+                            if (!$util.isString(message.paths[i]))
+                                return "paths: string[] expected";
+                    }
+                    return null;
+                };
+                /**
+                 * Creates a FieldMask message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
+                 * @function fromObject
+                 * @memberof google.protobuf.FieldMask
+                 * @static
+                 * @param {Object.<string,*>} object Plain object
+                 * @returns {google.protobuf.FieldMask} FieldMask
+                 */
+                FieldMask.fromObject = function fromObject(object) {
+                    if (object instanceof $root.google.protobuf.FieldMask)
+                        return object;
+                    var message = new $root.google.protobuf.FieldMask();
+                    if (object.paths) {
+                        if (!Array.isArray(object.paths))
+                            throw TypeError(".google.protobuf.FieldMask.paths: array expected");
+                        message.paths = [];
+                        for (var i = 0; i < object.paths.length; ++i)
+                            message.paths[i] = String(object.paths[i]);
+                    }
+                    return message;
+                };
+                /**
+                 * Creates a plain object from a FieldMask message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
+                 * @function toObject
+                 * @memberof google.protobuf.FieldMask
+                 * @static
+                 * @param {google.protobuf.FieldMask} message FieldMask
+                 * @param {$protobuf.IConversionOptions} [options] Conversion options
+                 * @returns {Object.<string,*>} Plain object
+                 */
+                FieldMask.toObject = function toObject(message, options) {
+                    if (!options)
+                        options = {};
+                    var object = {};
+                    if (options.arrays || options.defaults)
+                        object.paths = [];
+                    if (message.paths && message.paths.length) {
+                        object.paths = [];
+                        for (var j = 0; j < message.paths.length; ++j)
+                            object.paths[j] = message.paths[j];
+                    }
+                    return object;
+                };
+                /**
+                 * Converts this FieldMask to JSON.
+                 * @function toJSON
+                 * @memberof google.protobuf.FieldMask
+                 * @instance
+                 * @returns {Object.<string,*>} JSON object
+                 */
+                FieldMask.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
+                    return this.constructor.toObject(this, $protobuf.util.toJSONOptions);
+                };
+                return FieldMask;
+            })();
             protobuf.Timestamp = (function() {
diff --git a/protos/protos.json b/protos/protos.json
index 6bc37b9..f71a34b 100644
--- a/protos/protos.json
+++ b/protos/protos.json
@@ -40,6 +40,43 @@
                             "(google.api.http).body": "*",
                             "(google.api.method_signature)": "name,annotation"
+                        },
+                        "CreateKey": {
+                          "requestType": "CreateKeyRequest",
+                          "responseType": "Key",
+                          "options": {
+                            "(google.api.http).post": "/v1beta1/{parent=projects/*}/keys",
+                            "(google.api.http).body": "key"
+                          }
+                        },
+                        "ListKeys": {
+                          "requestType": "ListKeysRequest",
+                          "responseType": "ListKeysResponse",
+                          "options": {
+                            "(google.api.http).get": "/v1beta1/{parent=projects/*}/keys"
+                          }
+                        },
+                        "GetKey": {
+                          "requestType": "GetKeyRequest",
+                          "responseType": "Key",
+                          "options": {
+                            "(google.api.http).get": "/v1beta1/{name=projects/*/keys/*}"
+                          }
+                        },
+                        "UpdateKey": {
+                          "requestType": "UpdateKeyRequest",
+                          "responseType": "Key",
+                          "options": {
+                            "(google.api.http).patch": "/v1beta1/{key.name=projects/*/keys/*}",
+                            "(google.api.http).body": "key"
+                          }
+                        },
+                        "DeleteKey": {
+                          "requestType": "DeleteKeyRequest",
+                          "responseType": "google.protobuf.Empty",
+                          "options": {
+                            "(google.api.http).delete": "/v1beta1/{name=projects/*/keys/*}"
+                          }
@@ -152,14 +189,35 @@
                           "type": "string",
                           "id": 1,
                           "options": {
-                            "(google.api.field_behavior)": "REQUIRED"
+                            "(google.api.field_behavior)": "OPTIONAL"
                         "siteKey": {
                           "type": "string",
                           "id": 2,
                           "options": {
-                            "(google.api.field_behavior)": "REQUIRED"
+                            "(google.api.field_behavior)": "OPTIONAL"
+                          }
+                        },
+                        "userAgent": {
+                          "type": "string",
+                          "id": 3,
+                          "options": {
+                            "(google.api.field_behavior)": "OPTIONAL"
+                          }
+                        },
+                        "userIpAddress": {
+                          "type": "string",
+                          "id": 4,
+                          "options": {
+                            "(google.api.field_behavior)": "OPTIONAL"
+                          }
+                        },
+                        "expectedAction": {
+                          "type": "string",
+                          "id": 5,
+                          "options": {
+                            "(google.api.field_behavior)": "OPTIONAL"
@@ -200,6 +258,207 @@
+                    },
+                    "CreateKeyRequest": {
+                      "fields": {
+                        "parent": {
+                          "type": "string",
+                          "id": 1,
+                          "options": {
+                            "(google.api.field_behavior)": "REQUIRED",
+                            "(google.api.resource_reference).type": "cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com/Project"
+                          }
+                        },
+                        "key": {
+                          "type": "Key",
+                          "id": 2,
+                          "options": {
+                            "(google.api.field_behavior)": "REQUIRED"
+                          }
+                        }
+                      }
+                    },
+                    "ListKeysRequest": {
+                      "fields": {
+                        "parent": {
+                          "type": "string",
+                          "id": 1,
+                          "options": {
+                            "(google.api.field_behavior)": "REQUIRED",
+                            "(google.api.resource_reference).type": "cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com/Project"
+                          }
+                        },
+                        "pageSize": {
+                          "type": "int32",
+                          "id": 2,
+                          "options": {
+                            "(google.api.field_behavior)": "OPTIONAL"
+                          }
+                        },
+                        "pageToken": {
+                          "type": "string",
+                          "id": 3,
+                          "options": {
+                            "(google.api.field_behavior)": "OPTIONAL"
+                          }
+                        }
+                      }
+                    },
+                    "ListKeysResponse": {
+                      "fields": {
+                        "keys": {
+                          "rule": "repeated",
+                          "type": "Key",
+                          "id": 1
+                        },
+                        "nextPageToken": {
+                          "type": "string",
+                          "id": 2
+                        }
+                      }
+                    },
+                    "GetKeyRequest": {
+                      "fields": {
+                        "name": {
+                          "type": "string",
+                          "id": 1,
+                          "options": {
+                            "(google.api.field_behavior)": "REQUIRED",
+                            "(google.api.resource_reference).type": "recaptchaenterprise.googleapis.com/Key"
+                          }
+                        }
+                      }
+                    },
+                    "UpdateKeyRequest": {
+                      "fields": {
+                        "key": {
+                          "type": "Key",
+                          "id": 1,
+                          "options": {
+                            "(google.api.field_behavior)": "REQUIRED"
+                          }
+                        },
+                        "updateMask": {
+                          "type": "google.protobuf.FieldMask",
+                          "id": 2,
+                          "options": {
+                            "(google.api.field_behavior)": "OPTIONAL"
+                          }
+                        }
+                      }
+                    },
+                    "DeleteKeyRequest": {
+                      "fields": {
+                        "name": {
+                          "type": "string",
+                          "id": 1,
+                          "options": {
+                            "(google.api.field_behavior)": "REQUIRED",
+                            "(google.api.resource_reference).type": "recaptchaenterprise.googleapis.com/Key"
+                          }
+                        }
+                      }
+                    },
+                    "Key": {
+                      "options": {
+                        "(google.api.resource).type": "recaptchaenterprise.googleapis.com/Key",
+                        "(google.api.resource).pattern": "projects/{project}/keys/{key}"
+                      },
+                      "oneofs": {
+                        "platformSettings": {
+                          "oneof": [
+                            "webSettings",
+                            "androidSettings",
+                            "iosSettings"
+                          ]
+                        }
+                      },
+                      "fields": {
+                        "name": {
+                          "type": "string",
+                          "id": 1
+                        },
+                        "displayName": {
+                          "type": "string",
+                          "id": 2
+                        },
+                        "webSettings": {
+                          "type": "WebKeySettings",
+                          "id": 3
+                        },
+                        "androidSettings": {
+                          "type": "AndroidKeySettings",
+                          "id": 4
+                        },
+                        "iosSettings": {
+                          "type": "IOSKeySettings",
+                          "id": 5
+                        }
+                      }
+                    },
+                    "WebKeySettings": {
+                      "fields": {
+                        "enforceAllowedDomains": {
+                          "type": "bool",
+                          "id": 3
+                        },
+                        "allowedDomains": {
+                          "rule": "repeated",
+                          "type": "string",
+                          "id": 1
+                        },
+                        "allowAmpTraffic": {
+                          "type": "bool",
+                          "id": 2
+                        },
+                        "integrationType": {
+                          "type": "IntegrationType",
+                          "id": 4,
+                          "options": {
+                            "(google.api.field_behavior)": "REQUIRED"
+                          }
+                        },
+                        "challengeSecurityPreference": {
+                          "type": "ChallengeSecurityPreference",
+                          "id": 5
+                        }
+                      },
+                      "nested": {
+                        "IntegrationType": {
+                          "values": {
+                            "INTEGRATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED": 0,
+                            "SCORE_ONLY": 1,
+                            "CHECKBOX_CHALLENGE": 2,
+                            "INVISIBLE_CHALLENGE": 3
+                          }
+                        },
+                        "ChallengeSecurityPreference": {
+                          "values": {
+                            "CHALLENGE_SECURITY_PREFERENCE_UNSPECIFIED": 0,
+                            "USABILITY": 1,
+                            "BALANCED": 2,
+                            "SECURITY": 3
+                          }
+                        }
+                      }
+                    },
+                    "AndroidKeySettings": {
+                      "fields": {
+                        "allowedPackageNames": {
+                          "rule": "repeated",
+                          "type": "string",
+                          "id": 1
+                        }
+                      }
+                    },
+                    "IOSKeySettings": {
+                      "fields": {
+                        "allowedBundleIds": {
+                          "rule": "repeated",
+                          "type": "string",
+                          "id": 1
+                        }
+                      }
@@ -1295,6 +1554,18 @@
+            "Empty": {
+              "fields": {}
+            },
+            "FieldMask": {
+              "fields": {
+                "paths": {
+                  "rule": "repeated",
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "id": 1
+                }
+              }
+            },
             "Timestamp": {
               "fields": {
                 "seconds": {
diff --git a/src/v1beta1/doc/google/cloud/recaptchaenterprise/v1beta1/doc_recaptchaenterprise.js b/src/v1beta1/doc/google/cloud/recaptchaenterprise/v1beta1/doc_recaptchaenterprise.js
index 3da58d9..d91ccbb 100644
--- a/src/v1beta1/doc/google/cloud/recaptchaenterprise/v1beta1/doc_recaptchaenterprise.js
+++ b/src/v1beta1/doc/google/cloud/recaptchaenterprise/v1beta1/doc_recaptchaenterprise.js
@@ -168,13 +168,25 @@ const Assessment = {
  * @property {string} token
- *   Required. The user response token provided by the reCAPTCHA client-side integration
+ *   Optional. The user response token provided by the reCAPTCHA client-side integration
  *   on your site.
  * @property {string} siteKey
- *   Required. The site key that was used to invoke reCAPTCHA on your site and generate
+ *   Optional. The site key that was used to invoke reCAPTCHA on your site and generate
  *   the token.
+ * @property {string} userAgent
+ *   Optional. The user agent present in the request from the user's device related to
+ *   this event.
+ *
+ * @property {string} userIpAddress
+ *   Optional. The IP address in the request from the user's device related to this event.
+ *
+ * @property {string} expectedAction
+ *   Optional. The expected action for this type of event. This should be the same action
+ *   provided at token generation time on client-side platforms already
+ *   integrated with recaptcha enterprise.
+ *
  * @typedef Event
  * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
  * @see [google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Event definition in proto format]{@link https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/blob/master/google/cloud/recaptchaenterprise/v1beta1/recaptchaenterprise.proto}
@@ -257,4 +269,282 @@ const TokenProperties = {
     MISSING: 6
+ * The create key request message.
+ *
+ * @property {string} parent
+ *   Required. The name of the project in which the key will be created, in the
+ *   format "projects/{project_number}".
+ *
+ * @property {Object} key
+ *   Required. Information to create a reCAPTCHA Enterprise key.
+ *
+ *   This object should have the same structure as [Key]{@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key}
+ *
+ * @typedef CreateKeyRequest
+ * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+ * @see [google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.CreateKeyRequest definition in proto format]{@link https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/blob/master/google/cloud/recaptchaenterprise/v1beta1/recaptchaenterprise.proto}
+ */
+const CreateKeyRequest = {
+  // This is for documentation. Actual contents will be loaded by gRPC.
+ * The list keys request message.
+ *
+ * @property {string} parent
+ *   Required. The name of the project that contains the keys that will be
+ *   listed, in the format "projects/{project_number}".
+ *
+ * @property {number} pageSize
+ *   Optional. The maximum number of keys to return. Default is 10. Max limit is
+ *   1000.
+ *
+ * @property {string} pageToken
+ *   Optional. The next_page_token value returned from a previous.
+ *   ListKeysRequest, if any.
+ *
+ * @typedef ListKeysRequest
+ * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+ * @see [google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysRequest definition in proto format]{@link https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/blob/master/google/cloud/recaptchaenterprise/v1beta1/recaptchaenterprise.proto}
+ */
+const ListKeysRequest = {
+  // This is for documentation. Actual contents will be loaded by gRPC.
+ * Response to request to list keys in a project.
+ *
+ * @property {Object[]} keys
+ *   Key details.
+ *
+ *   This object should have the same structure as [Key]{@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key}
+ *
+ * @property {string} nextPageToken
+ *   Token to retrieve the next page of results. It is set to empty if no keys
+ *   remain in results.
+ *
+ * @typedef ListKeysResponse
+ * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+ * @see [google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse definition in proto format]{@link https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/blob/master/google/cloud/recaptchaenterprise/v1beta1/recaptchaenterprise.proto}
+ */
+const ListKeysResponse = {
+  // This is for documentation. Actual contents will be loaded by gRPC.
+ * The get key request message.
+ *
+ * @property {string} name
+ *   Required. The name of the requested key, in the format
+ *   "projects/{project_number}/keys/{key_id}".
+ *
+ * @typedef GetKeyRequest
+ * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+ * @see [google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.GetKeyRequest definition in proto format]{@link https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/blob/master/google/cloud/recaptchaenterprise/v1beta1/recaptchaenterprise.proto}
+ */
+const GetKeyRequest = {
+  // This is for documentation. Actual contents will be loaded by gRPC.
+ * The update key request message.
+ *
+ * @property {Object} key
+ *   Required. The key to update.
+ *
+ *   This object should have the same structure as [Key]{@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key}
+ *
+ * @property {Object} updateMask
+ *   Optional. The mask to control which field of the key get updated. If the mask is not
+ *   present, all fields will be updated.
+ *
+ *   This object should have the same structure as [FieldMask]{@link google.protobuf.FieldMask}
+ *
+ * @typedef UpdateKeyRequest
+ * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+ * @see [google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.UpdateKeyRequest definition in proto format]{@link https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/blob/master/google/cloud/recaptchaenterprise/v1beta1/recaptchaenterprise.proto}
+ */
+const UpdateKeyRequest = {
+  // This is for documentation. Actual contents will be loaded by gRPC.
+ * The delete key request message.
+ *
+ * @property {string} name
+ *   Required. The name of the key to be deleted, in the format
+ *   "projects/{project_number}/keys/{key_id}".
+ *
+ * @typedef DeleteKeyRequest
+ * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+ * @see [google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.DeleteKeyRequest definition in proto format]{@link https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/blob/master/google/cloud/recaptchaenterprise/v1beta1/recaptchaenterprise.proto}
+ */
+const DeleteKeyRequest = {
+  // This is for documentation. Actual contents will be loaded by gRPC.
+ * A key used to identify and configure applications (web and/or mobile) that
+ * use reCAPTCHA Enterprise.
+ *
+ * @property {string} name
+ *   The resource name for the Key in the format
+ *   "projects/{project_number}/keys/{key_id}".
+ *
+ * @property {string} displayName
+ *   Human-readable display name of this key. Modifiable by user.
+ *
+ * @property {Object} webSettings
+ *   Settings for keys that can be used by websites.
+ *
+ *   This object should have the same structure as [WebKeySettings]{@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings}
+ *
+ * @property {Object} androidSettings
+ *   Settings for keys that can be used by Android apps.
+ *
+ *   This object should have the same structure as [AndroidKeySettings]{@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings}
+ *
+ * @property {Object} iosSettings
+ *   Settings for keys that can be used by iOS apps.
+ *
+ *   This object should have the same structure as [IOSKeySettings]{@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings}
+ *
+ * @typedef Key
+ * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+ * @see [google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key definition in proto format]{@link https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/blob/master/google/cloud/recaptchaenterprise/v1beta1/recaptchaenterprise.proto}
+ */
+const Key = {
+  // This is for documentation. Actual contents will be loaded by gRPC.
+ * Settings specific to keys that can be used by websites.
+ *
+ * @property {boolean} enforceAllowedDomains
+ *   Whether allowed_domains is enforced or not.
+ *
+ * @property {string[]} allowedDomains
+ *   Domains or subdomains of websites allowed to use the key. All subdomains
+ *   of an allowed domain are automatically allowed. A valid domain requires a
+ *   host and must not include any path, port, query or fragment.
+ *   Examples: 'example.com' or 'subdomain.example.com'
+ *
+ * @property {boolean} allowAmpTraffic
+ *   Whether this key can be used on AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) websites.
+ *
+ * @property {number} integrationType
+ *   Required. Describes how this key is integrated with the website.
+ *
+ *   The number should be among the values of [IntegrationType]{@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IntegrationType}
+ *
+ * @property {number} challengeSecurityPreference
+ *   Settings for the frequency and difficulty at which this key triggers
+ *   captcha challenges. This should only be specified for IntegrationTypes
+ *
+ *   The number should be among the values of [ChallengeSecurityPreference]{@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ChallengeSecurityPreference}
+ *
+ * @typedef WebKeySettings
+ * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+ * @see [google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.WebKeySettings definition in proto format]{@link https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/blob/master/google/cloud/recaptchaenterprise/v1beta1/recaptchaenterprise.proto}
+ */
+const WebKeySettings = {
+  // This is for documentation. Actual contents will be loaded by gRPC.
+  /**
+   * Enum that represents the possible challenge frequency and difficulty
+   * configurations for a web key.
+   *
+   * @enum {number}
+   * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+   */
+  ChallengeSecurityPreference: {
+    /**
+     * Default type that indicates this enum hasn't been specified.
+     */
+    /**
+     * Key tends to show fewer and easier challenges.
+     */
+    USABILITY: 1,
+    /**
+     * Key tends to show balanced (in amount and difficulty) challenges.
+     */
+    BALANCED: 2,
+    /**
+     * Key tends to show more and harder challenges.
+     */
+    SECURITY: 3
+  },
+  /**
+   * Enum that represents the integration types for web keys.
+   *
+   * @enum {number}
+   * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+   */
+  IntegrationType: {
+    /**
+     * Default type that indicates this enum hasn't been specified. This is not
+     * a valid IntegrationType, one of the other types must be specified
+     * instead.
+     */
+    /**
+     * Only used to produce scores. It doesn't display the "I'm not a robot"
+     * checkbox and never shows captcha challenges.
+     */
+    SCORE_ONLY: 1,
+    /**
+     * Displays the "I'm not a robot" checkbox and may show captcha challenges
+     * after it is checked.
+     */
+    /**
+     * Doesn't display the "I'm not a robot" checkbox, but may show captcha
+     * challenges after risk analysis.
+     */
+  }
+ * Settings specific to keys that can be used by Android apps.
+ *
+ * @property {string[]} allowedPackageNames
+ *   Android package names of apps allowed to use the key.
+ *   Example: 'com.companyname.appname'
+ *
+ * @typedef AndroidKeySettings
+ * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+ * @see [google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.AndroidKeySettings definition in proto format]{@link https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/blob/master/google/cloud/recaptchaenterprise/v1beta1/recaptchaenterprise.proto}
+ */
+const AndroidKeySettings = {
+  // This is for documentation. Actual contents will be loaded by gRPC.
+ * Settings specific to keys that can be used by iOS apps.
+ *
+ * @property {string[]} allowedBundleIds
+ *   iOS bundle ids of apps allowed to use the key.
+ *   Example: 'com.companyname.productname.appname'
+ *
+ * @typedef IOSKeySettings
+ * @memberof google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1
+ * @see [google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.IOSKeySettings definition in proto format]{@link https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/blob/master/google/cloud/recaptchaenterprise/v1beta1/recaptchaenterprise.proto}
+ */
+const IOSKeySettings = {
+  // This is for documentation. Actual contents will be loaded by gRPC.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/v1beta1/doc/google/protobuf/doc_empty.js b/src/v1beta1/doc/google/protobuf/doc_empty.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b446dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/v1beta1/doc/google/protobuf/doc_empty.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Note: this file is purely for documentation. Any contents are not expected
+// to be loaded as the JS file.
+ * A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated
+ * empty messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the request
+ * or the response type of an API method. For instance:
+ *
+ *     service Foo {
+ *       rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
+ *     }
+ *
+ * The JSON representation for `Empty` is empty JSON object `{}`.
+ * @typedef Empty
+ * @memberof google.protobuf
+ * @see [google.protobuf.Empty definition in proto format]{@link https://github.com/google/protobuf/blob/master/src/google/protobuf/empty.proto}
+ */
+const Empty = {
+  // This is for documentation. Actual contents will be loaded by gRPC.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/v1beta1/doc/google/protobuf/doc_field_mask.js b/src/v1beta1/doc/google/protobuf/doc_field_mask.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..011207b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/v1beta1/doc/google/protobuf/doc_field_mask.js
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Note: this file is purely for documentation. Any contents are not expected
+// to be loaded as the JS file.
+ * `FieldMask` represents a set of symbolic field paths, for example:
+ *
+ *     paths: "f.a"
+ *     paths: "f.b.d"
+ *
+ * Here `f` represents a field in some root message, `a` and `b`
+ * fields in the message found in `f`, and `d` a field found in the
+ * message in `f.b`.
+ *
+ * Field masks are used to specify a subset of fields that should be
+ * returned by a get operation or modified by an update operation.
+ * Field masks also have a custom JSON encoding (see below).
+ *
+ * # Field Masks in Projections
+ *
+ * When used in the context of a projection, a response message or
+ * sub-message is filtered by the API to only contain those fields as
+ * specified in the mask. For example, if the mask in the previous
+ * example is applied to a response message as follows:
+ *
+ *     f {
+ *       a : 22
+ *       b {
+ *         d : 1
+ *         x : 2
+ *       }
+ *       y : 13
+ *     }
+ *     z: 8
+ *
+ * The result will not contain specific values for fields x,y and z
+ * (their value will be set to the default, and omitted in proto text
+ * output):
+ *
+ *
+ *     f {
+ *       a : 22
+ *       b {
+ *         d : 1
+ *       }
+ *     }
+ *
+ * A repeated field is not allowed except at the last position of a
+ * paths string.
+ *
+ * If a FieldMask object is not present in a get operation, the
+ * operation applies to all fields (as if a FieldMask of all fields
+ * had been specified).
+ *
+ * Note that a field mask does not necessarily apply to the
+ * top-level response message. In case of a REST get operation, the
+ * field mask applies directly to the response, but in case of a REST
+ * list operation, the mask instead applies to each individual message
+ * in the returned resource list. In case of a REST custom method,
+ * other definitions may be used. Where the mask applies will be
+ * clearly documented together with its declaration in the API.  In
+ * any case, the effect on the returned resource/resources is required
+ * behavior for APIs.
+ *
+ * # Field Masks in Update Operations
+ *
+ * A field mask in update operations specifies which fields of the
+ * targeted resource are going to be updated. The API is required
+ * to only change the values of the fields as specified in the mask
+ * and leave the others untouched. If a resource is passed in to
+ * describe the updated values, the API ignores the values of all
+ * fields not covered by the mask.
+ *
+ * If a repeated field is specified for an update operation, new values will
+ * be appended to the existing repeated field in the target resource. Note that
+ * a repeated field is only allowed in the last position of a `paths` string.
+ *
+ * If a sub-message is specified in the last position of the field mask for an
+ * update operation, then new value will be merged into the existing sub-message
+ * in the target resource.
+ *
+ * For example, given the target message:
+ *
+ *     f {
+ *       b {
+ *         d: 1
+ *         x: 2
+ *       }
+ *       c: [1]
+ *     }
+ *
+ * And an update message:
+ *
+ *     f {
+ *       b {
+ *         d: 10
+ *       }
+ *       c: [2]
+ *     }
+ *
+ * then if the field mask is:
+ *
+ *  paths: ["f.b", "f.c"]
+ *
+ * then the result will be:
+ *
+ *     f {
+ *       b {
+ *         d: 10
+ *         x: 2
+ *       }
+ *       c: [1, 2]
+ *     }
+ *
+ * An implementation may provide options to override this default behavior for
+ * repeated and message fields.
+ *
+ * In order to reset a field's value to the default, the field must
+ * be in the mask and set to the default value in the provided resource.
+ * Hence, in order to reset all fields of a resource, provide a default
+ * instance of the resource and set all fields in the mask, or do
+ * not provide a mask as described below.
+ *
+ * If a field mask is not present on update, the operation applies to
+ * all fields (as if a field mask of all fields has been specified).
+ * Note that in the presence of schema evolution, this may mean that
+ * fields the client does not know and has therefore not filled into
+ * the request will be reset to their default. If this is unwanted
+ * behavior, a specific service may require a client to always specify
+ * a field mask, producing an error if not.
+ *
+ * As with get operations, the location of the resource which
+ * describes the updated values in the request message depends on the
+ * operation kind. In any case, the effect of the field mask is
+ * required to be honored by the API.
+ *
+ * ## Considerations for HTTP REST
+ *
+ * The HTTP kind of an update operation which uses a field mask must
+ * be set to PATCH instead of PUT in order to satisfy HTTP semantics
+ * (PUT must only be used for full updates).
+ *
+ * # JSON Encoding of Field Masks
+ *
+ * In JSON, a field mask is encoded as a single string where paths are
+ * separated by a comma. Fields name in each path are converted
+ * to/from lower-camel naming conventions.
+ *
+ * As an example, consider the following message declarations:
+ *
+ *     message Profile {
+ *       User user = 1;
+ *       Photo photo = 2;
+ *     }
+ *     message User {
+ *       string display_name = 1;
+ *       string address = 2;
+ *     }
+ *
+ * In proto a field mask for `Profile` may look as such:
+ *
+ *     mask {
+ *       paths: "user.display_name"
+ *       paths: "photo"
+ *     }
+ *
+ * In JSON, the same mask is represented as below:
+ *
+ *     {
+ *       mask: "user.displayName,photo"
+ *     }
+ *
+ * # Field Masks and Oneof Fields
+ *
+ * Field masks treat fields in oneofs just as regular fields. Consider the
+ * following message:
+ *
+ *     message SampleMessage {
+ *       oneof test_oneof {
+ *         string name = 4;
+ *         SubMessage sub_message = 9;
+ *       }
+ *     }
+ *
+ * The field mask can be:
+ *
+ *     mask {
+ *       paths: "name"
+ *     }
+ *
+ * Or:
+ *
+ *     mask {
+ *       paths: "sub_message"
+ *     }
+ *
+ * Note that oneof type names ("test_oneof" in this case) cannot be used in
+ * paths.
+ *
+ * ## Field Mask Verification
+ *
+ * The implementation of any API method which has a FieldMask type field in the
+ * request should verify the included field paths, and return an
+ * `INVALID_ARGUMENT` error if any path is duplicated or unmappable.
+ *
+ * @property {string[]} paths
+ *   The set of field mask paths.
+ *
+ * @typedef FieldMask
+ * @memberof google.protobuf
+ * @see [google.protobuf.FieldMask definition in proto format]{@link https://github.com/google/protobuf/blob/master/src/google/protobuf/field_mask.proto}
+ */
+const FieldMask = {
+  // This is for documentation. Actual contents will be loaded by gRPC.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/v1beta1/recaptcha_enterprise_service_v1_beta1_client.js b/src/v1beta1/recaptcha_enterprise_service_v1_beta1_client.js
index 09118ba..6b2bb5b 100644
--- a/src/v1beta1/recaptcha_enterprise_service_v1_beta1_client.js
+++ b/src/v1beta1/recaptcha_enterprise_service_v1_beta1_client.js
@@ -128,9 +128,23 @@ class RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1Client {
       assessmentPathTemplate: new gaxModule.PathTemplate(
+      keyPathTemplate: new gaxModule.PathTemplate(
+        'projects/{project}/keys/{key}'
+      ),
       projectPathTemplate: new gaxModule.PathTemplate('projects/{project}'),
+    // Some of the methods on this service return "paged" results,
+    // (e.g. 50 results at a time, with tokens to get subsequent
+    // pages). Denote the keys used for pagination and results.
+    this._descriptors.page = {
+      listKeys: new gaxModule.PageDescriptor(
+        'pageToken',
+        'nextPageToken',
+        'keys'
+      ),
+    };
     // Put together the default options sent with requests.
     const defaults = gaxGrpc.constructSettings(
@@ -161,6 +175,11 @@ class RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1Client {
     const recaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1StubMethods = [
+      'createKey',
+      'listKeys',
+      'getKey',
+      'updateKey',
+      'deleteKey',
     for (const methodName of recaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1StubMethods) {
       const innerCallPromise = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1Stub.then(
@@ -174,7 +193,7 @@ class RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1Client {
       this._innerApiCalls[methodName] = gaxModule.createApiCall(
-        null
+        this._descriptors.page[methodName]
@@ -351,6 +370,392 @@ class RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1Client {
     return this._innerApiCalls.annotateAssessment(request, options, callback);
+  /**
+   * Creates a new reCAPTCHA Enterprise key.
+   *
+   * @param {Object} request
+   *   The request object that will be sent.
+   * @param {string} request.parent
+   *   Required. The name of the project in which the key will be created, in the
+   *   format "projects/{project_number}".
+   * @param {Object} request.key
+   *   Required. Information to create a reCAPTCHA Enterprise key.
+   *
+   *   This object should have the same structure as [Key]{@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key}
+   * @param {Object} [options]
+   *   Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout,
+   *   retries, paginations, etc. See [gax.CallOptions]{@link https://googleapis.github.io/gax-nodejs/interfaces/CallOptions.html} for the details.
+   * @param {function(?Error, ?Object)} [callback]
+   *   The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
+   *
+   *   The second parameter to the callback is an object representing [Key]{@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key}.
+   * @returns {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
+   *   The first element of the array is an object representing [Key]{@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key}.
+   *   The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.
+   *
+   * @example
+   *
+   * const recaptchaenterprise = require('@google-cloud/recaptchaenterprise');
+   *
+   * const client = new recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1Client({
+   *   // optional auth parameters.
+   * });
+   *
+   * const formattedParent = client.projectPath('[PROJECT]');
+   * const key = {};
+   * const request = {
+   *   parent: formattedParent,
+   *   key: key,
+   * };
+   * client.createKey(request)
+   *   .then(responses => {
+   *     const response = responses[0];
+   *     // doThingsWith(response)
+   *   })
+   *   .catch(err => {
+   *     console.error(err);
+   *   });
+   */
+  createKey(request, options, callback) {
+    if (options instanceof Function && callback === undefined) {
+      callback = options;
+      options = {};
+    }
+    request = request || {};
+    options = options || {};
+    options.otherArgs = options.otherArgs || {};
+    options.otherArgs.headers = options.otherArgs.headers || {};
+    options.otherArgs.headers[
+      'x-goog-request-params'
+    ] = gax.routingHeader.fromParams({
+      parent: request.parent,
+    });
+    return this._innerApiCalls.createKey(request, options, callback);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns the list of all keys that belong to a project.
+   *
+   * @param {Object} request
+   *   The request object that will be sent.
+   * @param {string} request.parent
+   *   Required. The name of the project that contains the keys that will be
+   *   listed, in the format "projects/{project_number}".
+   * @param {number} [request.pageSize]
+   *   The maximum number of resources contained in the underlying API
+   *   response. If page streaming is performed per-resource, this
+   *   parameter does not affect the return value. If page streaming is
+   *   performed per-page, this determines the maximum number of
+   *   resources in a page.
+   * @param {Object} [options]
+   *   Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout,
+   *   retries, paginations, etc. See [gax.CallOptions]{@link https://googleapis.github.io/gax-nodejs/interfaces/CallOptions.html} for the details.
+   * @param {function(?Error, ?Array, ?Object, ?Object)} [callback]
+   *   The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
+   *
+   *   The second parameter to the callback is Array of [Key]{@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key}.
+   *
+   *   When autoPaginate: false is specified through options, it contains the result
+   *   in a single response. If the response indicates the next page exists, the third
+   *   parameter is set to be used for the next request object. The fourth parameter keeps
+   *   the raw response object of an object representing [ListKeysResponse]{@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse}.
+   * @returns {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
+   *   The first element of the array is Array of [Key]{@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key}.
+   *
+   *   When autoPaginate: false is specified through options, the array has three elements.
+   *   The first element is Array of [Key]{@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key} in a single response.
+   *   The second element is the next request object if the response
+   *   indicates the next page exists, or null. The third element is
+   *   an object representing [ListKeysResponse]{@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.ListKeysResponse}.
+   *
+   *   The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.
+   *
+   * @example
+   *
+   * const recaptchaenterprise = require('@google-cloud/recaptchaenterprise');
+   *
+   * const client = new recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1Client({
+   *   // optional auth parameters.
+   * });
+   *
+   * // Iterate over all elements.
+   * const formattedParent = client.projectPath('[PROJECT]');
+   *
+   * client.listKeys({parent: formattedParent})
+   *   .then(responses => {
+   *     const resources = responses[0];
+   *     for (const resource of resources) {
+   *       // doThingsWith(resource)
+   *     }
+   *   })
+   *   .catch(err => {
+   *     console.error(err);
+   *   });
+   *
+   * // Or obtain the paged response.
+   * const formattedParent = client.projectPath('[PROJECT]');
+   *
+   *
+   * const options = {autoPaginate: false};
+   * const callback = responses => {
+   *   // The actual resources in a response.
+   *   const resources = responses[0];
+   *   // The next request if the response shows that there are more responses.
+   *   const nextRequest = responses[1];
+   *   // The actual response object, if necessary.
+   *   // const rawResponse = responses[2];
+   *   for (const resource of resources) {
+   *     // doThingsWith(resource);
+   *   }
+   *   if (nextRequest) {
+   *     // Fetch the next page.
+   *     return client.listKeys(nextRequest, options).then(callback);
+   *   }
+   * }
+   * client.listKeys({parent: formattedParent}, options)
+   *   .then(callback)
+   *   .catch(err => {
+   *     console.error(err);
+   *   });
+   */
+  listKeys(request, options, callback) {
+    if (options instanceof Function && callback === undefined) {
+      callback = options;
+      options = {};
+    }
+    request = request || {};
+    options = options || {};
+    options.otherArgs = options.otherArgs || {};
+    options.otherArgs.headers = options.otherArgs.headers || {};
+    options.otherArgs.headers[
+      'x-goog-request-params'
+    ] = gax.routingHeader.fromParams({
+      parent: request.parent,
+    });
+    return this._innerApiCalls.listKeys(request, options, callback);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Equivalent to {@link listKeys}, but returns a NodeJS Stream object.
+   *
+   * This fetches the paged responses for {@link listKeys} continuously
+   * and invokes the callback registered for 'data' event for each element in the
+   * responses.
+   *
+   * The returned object has 'end' method when no more elements are required.
+   *
+   * autoPaginate option will be ignored.
+   *
+   * @see {@link https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html}
+   *
+   * @param {Object} request
+   *   The request object that will be sent.
+   * @param {string} request.parent
+   *   Required. The name of the project that contains the keys that will be
+   *   listed, in the format "projects/{project_number}".
+   * @param {number} [request.pageSize]
+   *   The maximum number of resources contained in the underlying API
+   *   response. If page streaming is performed per-resource, this
+   *   parameter does not affect the return value. If page streaming is
+   *   performed per-page, this determines the maximum number of
+   *   resources in a page.
+   * @param {Object} [options]
+   *   Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout,
+   *   retries, paginations, etc. See [gax.CallOptions]{@link https://googleapis.github.io/gax-nodejs/interfaces/CallOptions.html} for the details.
+   * @returns {Stream}
+   *   An object stream which emits an object representing [Key]{@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key} on 'data' event.
+   *
+   * @example
+   *
+   * const recaptchaenterprise = require('@google-cloud/recaptchaenterprise');
+   *
+   * const client = new recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1Client({
+   *   // optional auth parameters.
+   * });
+   *
+   * const formattedParent = client.projectPath('[PROJECT]');
+   * client.listKeysStream({parent: formattedParent})
+   *   .on('data', element => {
+   *     // doThingsWith(element)
+   *   }).on('error', err => {
+   *     console.log(err);
+   *   });
+   */
+  listKeysStream(request, options) {
+    options = options || {};
+    return this._descriptors.page.listKeys.createStream(
+      this._innerApiCalls.listKeys,
+      request,
+      options
+    );
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns the specified key.
+   *
+   * @param {Object} request
+   *   The request object that will be sent.
+   * @param {string} request.name
+   *   Required. The name of the requested key, in the format
+   *   "projects/{project_number}/keys/{key_id}".
+   * @param {Object} [options]
+   *   Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout,
+   *   retries, paginations, etc. See [gax.CallOptions]{@link https://googleapis.github.io/gax-nodejs/interfaces/CallOptions.html} for the details.
+   * @param {function(?Error, ?Object)} [callback]
+   *   The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
+   *
+   *   The second parameter to the callback is an object representing [Key]{@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key}.
+   * @returns {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
+   *   The first element of the array is an object representing [Key]{@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key}.
+   *   The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.
+   *
+   * @example
+   *
+   * const recaptchaenterprise = require('@google-cloud/recaptchaenterprise');
+   *
+   * const client = new recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1Client({
+   *   // optional auth parameters.
+   * });
+   *
+   * const formattedName = client.keyPath('[PROJECT]', '[KEY]');
+   * client.getKey({name: formattedName})
+   *   .then(responses => {
+   *     const response = responses[0];
+   *     // doThingsWith(response)
+   *   })
+   *   .catch(err => {
+   *     console.error(err);
+   *   });
+   */
+  getKey(request, options, callback) {
+    if (options instanceof Function && callback === undefined) {
+      callback = options;
+      options = {};
+    }
+    request = request || {};
+    options = options || {};
+    options.otherArgs = options.otherArgs || {};
+    options.otherArgs.headers = options.otherArgs.headers || {};
+    options.otherArgs.headers[
+      'x-goog-request-params'
+    ] = gax.routingHeader.fromParams({
+      name: request.name,
+    });
+    return this._innerApiCalls.getKey(request, options, callback);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Updates the specified key.
+   *
+   * @param {Object} request
+   *   The request object that will be sent.
+   * @param {Object} request.key
+   *   Required. The key to update.
+   *
+   *   This object should have the same structure as [Key]{@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key}
+   * @param {Object} [request.updateMask]
+   *   Optional. The mask to control which field of the key get updated. If the mask is not
+   *   present, all fields will be updated.
+   *
+   *   This object should have the same structure as [FieldMask]{@link google.protobuf.FieldMask}
+   * @param {Object} [options]
+   *   Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout,
+   *   retries, paginations, etc. See [gax.CallOptions]{@link https://googleapis.github.io/gax-nodejs/interfaces/CallOptions.html} for the details.
+   * @param {function(?Error, ?Object)} [callback]
+   *   The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
+   *
+   *   The second parameter to the callback is an object representing [Key]{@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key}.
+   * @returns {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
+   *   The first element of the array is an object representing [Key]{@link google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.Key}.
+   *   The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.
+   *
+   * @example
+   *
+   * const recaptchaenterprise = require('@google-cloud/recaptchaenterprise');
+   *
+   * const client = new recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1Client({
+   *   // optional auth parameters.
+   * });
+   *
+   * const key = {};
+   * client.updateKey({key: key})
+   *   .then(responses => {
+   *     const response = responses[0];
+   *     // doThingsWith(response)
+   *   })
+   *   .catch(err => {
+   *     console.error(err);
+   *   });
+   */
+  updateKey(request, options, callback) {
+    if (options instanceof Function && callback === undefined) {
+      callback = options;
+      options = {};
+    }
+    request = request || {};
+    options = options || {};
+    options.otherArgs = options.otherArgs || {};
+    options.otherArgs.headers = options.otherArgs.headers || {};
+    options.otherArgs.headers[
+      'x-goog-request-params'
+    ] = gax.routingHeader.fromParams({
+      'key.name': request.key.name,
+    });
+    return this._innerApiCalls.updateKey(request, options, callback);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Deletes the specified key.
+   *
+   * @param {Object} request
+   *   The request object that will be sent.
+   * @param {string} request.name
+   *   Required. The name of the key to be deleted, in the format
+   *   "projects/{project_number}/keys/{key_id}".
+   * @param {Object} [options]
+   *   Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout,
+   *   retries, paginations, etc. See [gax.CallOptions]{@link https://googleapis.github.io/gax-nodejs/interfaces/CallOptions.html} for the details.
+   * @param {function(?Error)} [callback]
+   *   The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
+   * @returns {Promise} - The promise which resolves when API call finishes.
+   *   The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.
+   *
+   * @example
+   *
+   * const recaptchaenterprise = require('@google-cloud/recaptchaenterprise');
+   *
+   * const client = new recaptchaenterprise.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1Client({
+   *   // optional auth parameters.
+   * });
+   *
+   * const formattedName = client.keyPath('[PROJECT]', '[KEY]');
+   * client.deleteKey({name: formattedName}).catch(err => {
+   *   console.error(err);
+   * });
+   */
+  deleteKey(request, options, callback) {
+    if (options instanceof Function && callback === undefined) {
+      callback = options;
+      options = {};
+    }
+    request = request || {};
+    options = options || {};
+    options.otherArgs = options.otherArgs || {};
+    options.otherArgs.headers = options.otherArgs.headers || {};
+    options.otherArgs.headers[
+      'x-goog-request-params'
+    ] = gax.routingHeader.fromParams({
+      name: request.name,
+    });
+    return this._innerApiCalls.deleteKey(request, options, callback);
+  }
   // --------------------
   // -- Path templates --
   // --------------------
@@ -369,6 +774,20 @@ class RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1Client {
+  /**
+   * Return a fully-qualified key resource name string.
+   *
+   * @param {String} project
+   * @param {String} key
+   * @returns {String}
+   */
+  keyPath(project, key) {
+    return this._pathTemplates.keyPathTemplate.render({
+      project: project,
+      key: key,
+    });
+  }
    * Return a fully-qualified project resource name string.
@@ -405,6 +824,28 @@ class RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1Client {
+  /**
+   * Parse the keyName from a key resource.
+   *
+   * @param {String} keyName
+   *   A fully-qualified path representing a key resources.
+   * @returns {String} - A string representing the project.
+   */
+  matchProjectFromKeyName(keyName) {
+    return this._pathTemplates.keyPathTemplate.match(keyName).project;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Parse the keyName from a key resource.
+   *
+   * @param {String} keyName
+   *   A fully-qualified path representing a key resources.
+   * @returns {String} - A string representing the key.
+   */
+  matchKeyFromKeyName(keyName) {
+    return this._pathTemplates.keyPathTemplate.match(keyName).key;
+  }
    * Parse the projectName from a project resource.
diff --git a/src/v1beta1/recaptcha_enterprise_service_v1_beta1_client_config.json b/src/v1beta1/recaptcha_enterprise_service_v1_beta1_client_config.json
index 0c189d6..3aa1afa 100644
--- a/src/v1beta1/recaptcha_enterprise_service_v1_beta1_client_config.json
+++ b/src/v1beta1/recaptcha_enterprise_service_v1_beta1_client_config.json
@@ -29,6 +29,31 @@
           "timeout_millis": 60000,
           "retry_codes_name": "non_idempotent",
           "retry_params_name": "default"
+        },
+        "CreateKey": {
+          "timeout_millis": 60000,
+          "retry_codes_name": "non_idempotent",
+          "retry_params_name": "default"
+        },
+        "ListKeys": {
+          "timeout_millis": 60000,
+          "retry_codes_name": "idempotent",
+          "retry_params_name": "default"
+        },
+        "GetKey": {
+          "timeout_millis": 60000,
+          "retry_codes_name": "idempotent",
+          "retry_params_name": "default"
+        },
+        "UpdateKey": {
+          "timeout_millis": 60000,
+          "retry_codes_name": "non_idempotent",
+          "retry_params_name": "default"
+        },
+        "DeleteKey": {
+          "timeout_millis": 60000,
+          "retry_codes_name": "non_idempotent",
+          "retry_params_name": "default"
diff --git a/synth.metadata b/synth.metadata
index fcf2e00..2f9c267 100644
--- a/synth.metadata
+++ b/synth.metadata
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  "updateTime": "2019-11-19T12:24:42.593913Z",
+  "updateTime": "2019-12-03T12:19:56.567157Z",
   "sources": [
       "generator": {
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
       "git": {
         "name": "googleapis",
         "remote": "https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis.git",
-        "sha": "d8dd7fe8d5304f7bd1c52207703d7f27d5328c5a",
-        "internalRef": "281088257"
+        "sha": "38dc36a2a43cbab4a2a9183a43dd0441670098a9",
+        "internalRef": "283384331"
diff --git a/test/gapic-v1beta1.js b/test/gapic-v1beta1.js
index 9ff1a38..7d5edb6 100644
--- a/test/gapic-v1beta1.js
+++ b/test/gapic-v1beta1.js
@@ -191,6 +191,324 @@ describe('RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1Client', () => {
+  describe('createKey', () => {
+    it('invokes createKey without error', done => {
+      const client = new recaptchaenterpriseModule.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1Client(
+        {
+          credentials: {client_email: 'bogus', private_key: 'bogus'},
+          projectId: 'bogus',
+        }
+      );
+      // Mock request
+      const formattedParent = client.projectPath('[PROJECT]');
+      const key = {};
+      const request = {
+        parent: formattedParent,
+        key: key,
+      };
+      // Mock response
+      const name = 'name3373707';
+      const displayName = 'displayName1615086568';
+      const expectedResponse = {
+        name: name,
+        displayName: displayName,
+      };
+      // Mock Grpc layer
+      client._innerApiCalls.createKey = mockSimpleGrpcMethod(
+        request,
+        expectedResponse
+      );
+      client.createKey(request, (err, response) => {
+        assert.ifError(err);
+        assert.deepStrictEqual(response, expectedResponse);
+        done();
+      });
+    });
+    it('invokes createKey with error', done => {
+      const client = new recaptchaenterpriseModule.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1Client(
+        {
+          credentials: {client_email: 'bogus', private_key: 'bogus'},
+          projectId: 'bogus',
+        }
+      );
+      // Mock request
+      const formattedParent = client.projectPath('[PROJECT]');
+      const key = {};
+      const request = {
+        parent: formattedParent,
+        key: key,
+      };
+      // Mock Grpc layer
+      client._innerApiCalls.createKey = mockSimpleGrpcMethod(
+        request,
+        null,
+        error
+      );
+      client.createKey(request, (err, response) => {
+        assert(err instanceof Error);
+        assert.strictEqual(err.code, FAKE_STATUS_CODE);
+        assert(typeof response === 'undefined');
+        done();
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  describe('listKeys', () => {
+    it('invokes listKeys without error', done => {
+      const client = new recaptchaenterpriseModule.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1Client(
+        {
+          credentials: {client_email: 'bogus', private_key: 'bogus'},
+          projectId: 'bogus',
+        }
+      );
+      // Mock request
+      const formattedParent = client.projectPath('[PROJECT]');
+      const request = {
+        parent: formattedParent,
+      };
+      // Mock response
+      const nextPageToken = '';
+      const keysElement = {};
+      const keys = [keysElement];
+      const expectedResponse = {
+        nextPageToken: nextPageToken,
+        keys: keys,
+      };
+      // Mock Grpc layer
+      client._innerApiCalls.listKeys = (actualRequest, options, callback) => {
+        assert.deepStrictEqual(actualRequest, request);
+        callback(null, expectedResponse.keys);
+      };
+      client.listKeys(request, (err, response) => {
+        assert.ifError(err);
+        assert.deepStrictEqual(response, expectedResponse.keys);
+        done();
+      });
+    });
+    it('invokes listKeys with error', done => {
+      const client = new recaptchaenterpriseModule.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1Client(
+        {
+          credentials: {client_email: 'bogus', private_key: 'bogus'},
+          projectId: 'bogus',
+        }
+      );
+      // Mock request
+      const formattedParent = client.projectPath('[PROJECT]');
+      const request = {
+        parent: formattedParent,
+      };
+      // Mock Grpc layer
+      client._innerApiCalls.listKeys = mockSimpleGrpcMethod(
+        request,
+        null,
+        error
+      );
+      client.listKeys(request, (err, response) => {
+        assert(err instanceof Error);
+        assert.strictEqual(err.code, FAKE_STATUS_CODE);
+        assert(typeof response === 'undefined');
+        done();
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  describe('getKey', () => {
+    it('invokes getKey without error', done => {
+      const client = new recaptchaenterpriseModule.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1Client(
+        {
+          credentials: {client_email: 'bogus', private_key: 'bogus'},
+          projectId: 'bogus',
+        }
+      );
+      // Mock request
+      const formattedName = client.keyPath('[PROJECT]', '[KEY]');
+      const request = {
+        name: formattedName,
+      };
+      // Mock response
+      const name2 = 'name2-1052831874';
+      const displayName = 'displayName1615086568';
+      const expectedResponse = {
+        name: name2,
+        displayName: displayName,
+      };
+      // Mock Grpc layer
+      client._innerApiCalls.getKey = mockSimpleGrpcMethod(
+        request,
+        expectedResponse
+      );
+      client.getKey(request, (err, response) => {
+        assert.ifError(err);
+        assert.deepStrictEqual(response, expectedResponse);
+        done();
+      });
+    });
+    it('invokes getKey with error', done => {
+      const client = new recaptchaenterpriseModule.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1Client(
+        {
+          credentials: {client_email: 'bogus', private_key: 'bogus'},
+          projectId: 'bogus',
+        }
+      );
+      // Mock request
+      const formattedName = client.keyPath('[PROJECT]', '[KEY]');
+      const request = {
+        name: formattedName,
+      };
+      // Mock Grpc layer
+      client._innerApiCalls.getKey = mockSimpleGrpcMethod(request, null, error);
+      client.getKey(request, (err, response) => {
+        assert(err instanceof Error);
+        assert.strictEqual(err.code, FAKE_STATUS_CODE);
+        assert(typeof response === 'undefined');
+        done();
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  describe('updateKey', () => {
+    it('invokes updateKey without error', done => {
+      const client = new recaptchaenterpriseModule.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1Client(
+        {
+          credentials: {client_email: 'bogus', private_key: 'bogus'},
+          projectId: 'bogus',
+        }
+      );
+      // Mock request
+      const key = {};
+      const request = {
+        key: key,
+      };
+      // Mock response
+      const name = 'name3373707';
+      const displayName = 'displayName1615086568';
+      const expectedResponse = {
+        name: name,
+        displayName: displayName,
+      };
+      // Mock Grpc layer
+      client._innerApiCalls.updateKey = mockSimpleGrpcMethod(
+        request,
+        expectedResponse
+      );
+      client.updateKey(request, (err, response) => {
+        assert.ifError(err);
+        assert.deepStrictEqual(response, expectedResponse);
+        done();
+      });
+    });
+    it('invokes updateKey with error', done => {
+      const client = new recaptchaenterpriseModule.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1Client(
+        {
+          credentials: {client_email: 'bogus', private_key: 'bogus'},
+          projectId: 'bogus',
+        }
+      );
+      // Mock request
+      const key = {};
+      const request = {
+        key: key,
+      };
+      // Mock Grpc layer
+      client._innerApiCalls.updateKey = mockSimpleGrpcMethod(
+        request,
+        null,
+        error
+      );
+      client.updateKey(request, (err, response) => {
+        assert(err instanceof Error);
+        assert.strictEqual(err.code, FAKE_STATUS_CODE);
+        assert(typeof response === 'undefined');
+        done();
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  describe('deleteKey', () => {
+    it('invokes deleteKey without error', done => {
+      const client = new recaptchaenterpriseModule.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1Client(
+        {
+          credentials: {client_email: 'bogus', private_key: 'bogus'},
+          projectId: 'bogus',
+        }
+      );
+      // Mock request
+      const formattedName = client.keyPath('[PROJECT]', '[KEY]');
+      const request = {
+        name: formattedName,
+      };
+      // Mock Grpc layer
+      client._innerApiCalls.deleteKey = mockSimpleGrpcMethod(request);
+      client.deleteKey(request, err => {
+        assert.ifError(err);
+        done();
+      });
+    });
+    it('invokes deleteKey with error', done => {
+      const client = new recaptchaenterpriseModule.v1beta1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceV1Beta1Client(
+        {
+          credentials: {client_email: 'bogus', private_key: 'bogus'},
+          projectId: 'bogus',
+        }
+      );
+      // Mock request
+      const formattedName = client.keyPath('[PROJECT]', '[KEY]');
+      const request = {
+        name: formattedName,
+      };
+      // Mock Grpc layer
+      client._innerApiCalls.deleteKey = mockSimpleGrpcMethod(
+        request,
+        null,
+        error
+      );
+      client.deleteKey(request, err => {
+        assert(err instanceof Error);
+        assert.strictEqual(err.code, FAKE_STATUS_CODE);
+        done();
+      });
+    });
+  });
 function mockSimpleGrpcMethod(expectedRequest, response, error) {