diff --git a/google-cloud-storage/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/storage/GrpcStorageImpl.java b/google-cloud-storage/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/storage/GrpcStorageImpl.java
index dd4eb17e9..bb2fe9ead 100644
--- a/google-cloud-storage/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/storage/GrpcStorageImpl.java
+++ b/google-cloud-storage/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/storage/GrpcStorageImpl.java
@@ -800,17 +800,26 @@ public GrpcBlobReadChannel reader(String bucket, String blob, BlobSourceOption..
   public GrpcBlobReadChannel reader(BlobId blob, BlobSourceOption... options) {
-    Opts<ObjectSourceOpt> opts = Opts.unwrap(options).resolveFrom(blob).prepend(defaultOpts);
-    ReadObjectRequest request = getReadObjectRequest(blob, opts);
-    GrpcCallContext grpcCallContext = Retrying.newCallContext();
+    Span otelSpan = openTelemetryTraceUtil.startSpan("reader", this.getClass().getName());
+    try (Scope unused = otelSpan.makeCurrent()) {
+      Opts<ObjectSourceOpt> opts = Opts.unwrap(options).resolveFrom(blob).prepend(defaultOpts);
+      ReadObjectRequest request = getReadObjectRequest(blob, opts);
+      GrpcCallContext grpcCallContext = Retrying.newCallContext();
-    return new GrpcBlobReadChannel(
-        storageClient.readObjectCallable().withDefaultCallContext(grpcCallContext),
-        getOptions(),
-        retryAlgorithmManager.getFor(request),
-        responseContentLifecycleManager,
-        request,
-        !opts.autoGzipDecompression());
+      return new GrpcBlobReadChannel(
+          storageClient.readObjectCallable().withDefaultCallContext(grpcCallContext),
+          getOptions(),
+          retryAlgorithmManager.getFor(request),
+          responseContentLifecycleManager,
+          request,
+          !opts.autoGzipDecompression());
+    } catch (Exception e) {
+      otelSpan.recordException(e);
+      otelSpan.setStatus(io.opentelemetry.api.trace.StatusCode.ERROR, e.getClass().getSimpleName());
+      throw StorageException.coalesce(e);
+    } finally {
+      otelSpan.end();
+    }
@@ -853,25 +862,35 @@ public void downloadTo(BlobId blob, OutputStream outputStream, BlobSourceOption.
   public GrpcBlobWriteChannel writer(BlobInfo blobInfo, BlobWriteOption... options) {
-    Opts<ObjectTargetOpt> opts = Opts.unwrap(options).resolveFrom(blobInfo).prepend(defaultOpts);
-    GrpcCallContext grpcCallContext =
-        opts.grpcMetadataMapper().apply(GrpcCallContext.createDefault());
-    WriteObjectRequest req = getWriteObjectRequest(blobInfo, opts);
-    Hasher hasher = Hasher.noop();
-    // in JSON, the starting of the resumable session happens before the invocation of write can
-    // happen. Emulate the same thing here.
-    //  1. create the future
-    ApiFuture<ResumableWrite> startResumableWrite = startResumableWrite(grpcCallContext, req, opts);
-    //  2. await the result of the future
-    ResumableWrite resumableWrite = ApiFutureUtils.await(startResumableWrite);
-    //  3. wrap the result in another future container before constructing the BlobWriteChannel
-    ApiFuture<ResumableWrite> wrapped = ApiFutures.immediateFuture(resumableWrite);
-    return new GrpcBlobWriteChannel(
-        storageClient.writeObjectCallable().withDefaultCallContext(grpcCallContext),
-        getOptions(),
-        retryAlgorithmManager.idempotent(),
-        () -> wrapped,
-        hasher);
+    Span otelSpan = openTelemetryTraceUtil.startSpan("writer", this.getClass().getName());
+    try (Scope unused = otelSpan.makeCurrent()) {
+      Opts<ObjectTargetOpt> opts = Opts.unwrap(options).resolveFrom(blobInfo).prepend(defaultOpts);
+      GrpcCallContext grpcCallContext =
+          opts.grpcMetadataMapper().apply(GrpcCallContext.createDefault());
+      WriteObjectRequest req = getWriteObjectRequest(blobInfo, opts);
+      Hasher hasher = Hasher.noop();
+      // in JSON, the starting of the resumable session happens before the invocation of write can
+      // happen. Emulate the same thing here.
+      //  1. create the future
+      ApiFuture<ResumableWrite> startResumableWrite =
+          startResumableWrite(grpcCallContext, req, opts);
+      //  2. await the result of the future
+      ResumableWrite resumableWrite = ApiFutureUtils.await(startResumableWrite);
+      //  3. wrap the result in another future container before constructing the BlobWriteChannel
+      ApiFuture<ResumableWrite> wrapped = ApiFutures.immediateFuture(resumableWrite);
+      return new GrpcBlobWriteChannel(
+          storageClient.writeObjectCallable().withDefaultCallContext(grpcCallContext),
+          getOptions(),
+          retryAlgorithmManager.idempotent(),
+          () -> wrapped,
+          hasher);
+    } catch (Exception e) {
+      otelSpan.recordException(e);
+      otelSpan.setStatus(io.opentelemetry.api.trace.StatusCode.ERROR, e.getClass().getSimpleName());
+      throw StorageException.coalesce(e);
+    } finally {
+      otelSpan.end();
+    }
diff --git a/google-cloud-storage/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/storage/StorageImpl.java b/google-cloud-storage/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/storage/StorageImpl.java
index fbb93d1b2..ae153a801 100644
--- a/google-cloud-storage/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/storage/StorageImpl.java
+++ b/google-cloud-storage/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/storage/StorageImpl.java
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@
 import com.google.cloud.storage.UnifiedOpts.ObjectTargetOpt;
 import com.google.cloud.storage.UnifiedOpts.Opts;
 import com.google.cloud.storage.otel.OpenTelemetryTraceUtil;
+import com.google.cloud.storage.otel.OpenTelemetryTraceUtil.Scope;
+import com.google.cloud.storage.otel.OpenTelemetryTraceUtil.Span;
 import com.google.cloud.storage.spi.v1.StorageRpc;
 import com.google.cloud.storage.spi.v1.StorageRpc.RewriteRequest;
 import com.google.common.base.CharMatcher;
@@ -743,10 +745,19 @@ public StorageReadChannel reader(String bucket, String blob, BlobSourceOption...
   public StorageReadChannel reader(BlobId blob, BlobSourceOption... options) {
-    Opts<ObjectSourceOpt> opts = Opts.unwrap(options).resolveFrom(blob);
-    StorageObject storageObject = Conversions.json().blobId().encode(blob);
-    ImmutableMap<StorageRpc.Option, ?> optionsMap = opts.getRpcOptions();
-    return new BlobReadChannelV2(storageObject, optionsMap, BlobReadChannelContext.from(this));
+    Span otelSpan = openTelemetryTraceUtil.startSpan("reader", this.getClass().getName());
+    try (Scope unused = otelSpan.makeCurrent()) {
+      Opts<ObjectSourceOpt> opts = Opts.unwrap(options).resolveFrom(blob);
+      StorageObject storageObject = Conversions.json().blobId().encode(blob);
+      ImmutableMap<StorageRpc.Option, ?> optionsMap = opts.getRpcOptions();
+      return new BlobReadChannelV2(storageObject, optionsMap, BlobReadChannelContext.from(this));
+    } catch (Exception e) {
+      otelSpan.recordException(e);
+      otelSpan.setStatus(io.opentelemetry.api.trace.StatusCode.ERROR, e.getClass().getSimpleName());
+      throw e;
+    } finally {
+      otelSpan.end();
+    }
@@ -777,40 +788,58 @@ public void downloadTo(BlobId blob, OutputStream outputStream, BlobSourceOption.
   public StorageWriteChannel writer(BlobInfo blobInfo, BlobWriteOption... options) {
-    Opts<ObjectTargetOpt> opts = Opts.unwrap(options).resolveFrom(blobInfo);
-    final Map<StorageRpc.Option, ?> optionsMap = opts.getRpcOptions();
-    BlobInfo.Builder builder = blobInfo.toBuilder().setMd5(null).setCrc32c(null);
-    BlobInfo updated = opts.blobInfoMapper().apply(builder).build();
+    Span otelSpan = openTelemetryTraceUtil.startSpan("writer", this.getClass().getName());
+    try (Scope unused = otelSpan.makeCurrent()) {
+      Opts<ObjectTargetOpt> opts = Opts.unwrap(options).resolveFrom(blobInfo);
+      final Map<StorageRpc.Option, ?> optionsMap = opts.getRpcOptions();
+      BlobInfo.Builder builder = blobInfo.toBuilder().setMd5(null).setCrc32c(null);
+      BlobInfo updated = opts.blobInfoMapper().apply(builder).build();
-    StorageObject encode = codecs.blobInfo().encode(updated);
-    // open the resumable session outside the write channel
-    // the exception behavior of open is different from #write(ByteBuffer)
-    Supplier<String> uploadIdSupplier =
-        ResumableMedia.startUploadForBlobInfo(
-            getOptions(),
-            updated,
-            optionsMap,
-            retryAlgorithmManager.getForResumableUploadSessionCreate(optionsMap));
-    JsonResumableWrite jsonResumableWrite =
-        JsonResumableWrite.of(encode, optionsMap, uploadIdSupplier.get(), 0);
-    return new BlobWriteChannelV2(BlobReadChannelContext.from(getOptions()), jsonResumableWrite);
+      StorageObject encode = codecs.blobInfo().encode(updated);
+      // open the resumable session outside the write channel
+      // the exception behavior of open is different from #write(ByteBuffer)
+      Supplier<String> uploadIdSupplier =
+          ResumableMedia.startUploadForBlobInfo(
+              getOptions(),
+              updated,
+              optionsMap,
+              retryAlgorithmManager.getForResumableUploadSessionCreate(optionsMap));
+      JsonResumableWrite jsonResumableWrite =
+          JsonResumableWrite.of(encode, optionsMap, uploadIdSupplier.get(), 0);
+      return new BlobWriteChannelV2(BlobReadChannelContext.from(getOptions()), jsonResumableWrite);
+    } catch (Exception e) {
+      otelSpan.recordException(e);
+      otelSpan.setStatus(io.opentelemetry.api.trace.StatusCode.ERROR, e.getClass().getSimpleName());
+      throw e;
+    } finally {
+      otelSpan.end();
+    }
   public StorageWriteChannel writer(URL signedURL) {
-    // TODO: is it possible to know if a signed url is configured to have a constraint which makes
-    //   it idempotent?
-    ResultRetryAlgorithm<?> forResumableUploadSessionCreate =
-        retryAlgorithmManager.getForResumableUploadSessionCreate(Collections.emptyMap());
-    // open the resumable session outside the write channel
-    // the exception behavior of open is different from #write(ByteBuffer)
-    String signedUrlString = signedURL.toString();
-    Supplier<String> uploadIdSupplier =
-        ResumableMedia.startUploadForSignedUrl(
-            getOptions(), signedURL, forResumableUploadSessionCreate);
-    JsonResumableWrite jsonResumableWrite =
-        JsonResumableWrite.of(signedUrlString, uploadIdSupplier.get(), 0);
-    return new BlobWriteChannelV2(BlobReadChannelContext.from(getOptions()), jsonResumableWrite);
+    Span otelSpan = openTelemetryTraceUtil.startSpan("writer", this.getClass().getName());
+    try (Scope unused = otelSpan.makeCurrent()) {
+      // TODO: is it possible to know if a signed url is configured to have a constraint which makes
+      //   it idempotent?
+      ResultRetryAlgorithm<?> forResumableUploadSessionCreate =
+          retryAlgorithmManager.getForResumableUploadSessionCreate(Collections.emptyMap());
+      // open the resumable session outside the write channel
+      // the exception behavior of open is different from #write(ByteBuffer)
+      String signedUrlString = signedURL.toString();
+      Supplier<String> uploadIdSupplier =
+          ResumableMedia.startUploadForSignedUrl(
+              getOptions(), signedURL, forResumableUploadSessionCreate);
+      JsonResumableWrite jsonResumableWrite =
+          JsonResumableWrite.of(signedUrlString, uploadIdSupplier.get(), 0);
+      return new BlobWriteChannelV2(BlobReadChannelContext.from(getOptions()), jsonResumableWrite);
+    } catch (Exception e) {
+      otelSpan.recordException(e);
+      otelSpan.setStatus(io.opentelemetry.api.trace.StatusCode.ERROR, e.getClass().getSimpleName());
+      throw e;
+    } finally {
+      otelSpan.end();
+    }
diff --git a/google-cloud-storage/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/storage/ITGrpcOpenTelemetryTest.java b/google-cloud-storage/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/storage/ITGrpcOpenTelemetryTest.java
index c0f599e3a..7441fd272 100644
--- a/google-cloud-storage/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/storage/ITGrpcOpenTelemetryTest.java
+++ b/google-cloud-storage/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/storage/ITGrpcOpenTelemetryTest.java
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
 import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
 import com.google.cloud.NoCredentials;
+import com.google.cloud.ReadChannel;
+import com.google.cloud.WriteChannel;
 import com.google.cloud.storage.Storage.BlobSourceOption;
 import com.google.cloud.storage.Storage.BlobTargetOption;
 import com.google.cloud.storage.Storage.CopyRequest;
@@ -170,6 +172,31 @@ public void runCopy() {
     Assert.assertTrue(spanData.stream().anyMatch(x -> x.getName().contains("copy")));
+  @Test
+  public void runWriter() throws IOException {
+    BlobInfo info = BlobInfo.newBuilder(testBucket, generator.randomObjectName()).build();
+    try (WriteChannel writer = storage.writer(info)) {
+      // Do nothing
+    }
+    TestExporter testExported = (TestExporter) exporter;
+    List<SpanData> spanData = testExported.getExportedSpans();
+    checkCommonAttributes(spanData);
+    Assert.assertTrue(spanData.stream().anyMatch(x -> x.getName().contains("writer")));
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void runReader() throws IOException {
+    BlobInfo blobInfo = BlobInfo.newBuilder(blobId).setContentType("text/plain").build();
+    storage.create(blobInfo, helloWorldTextBytes);
+    try (ReadChannel reader = storage.reader(blobId)) {
+      // Do nothing
+    }
+    TestExporter testExported = (TestExporter) exporter;
+    List<SpanData> spanData = testExported.getExportedSpans();
+    checkCommonAttributes(spanData);
+    Assert.assertTrue(spanData.stream().anyMatch(x -> x.getName().contains("reader")));
+  }
   private void checkCommonAttributes(List<SpanData> spanData) {
     for (SpanData span : spanData) {
       Assert.assertEquals("Storage", getAttributeValue(span, "gcp.client.service"));
diff --git a/google-cloud-storage/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/storage/ITHttpOpenTelemetryTest.java b/google-cloud-storage/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/storage/ITHttpOpenTelemetryTest.java
index a042d490f..241f28ad5 100644
--- a/google-cloud-storage/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/storage/ITHttpOpenTelemetryTest.java
+++ b/google-cloud-storage/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/storage/ITHttpOpenTelemetryTest.java
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
 import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
 import com.google.cloud.NoCredentials;
+import com.google.cloud.ReadChannel;
+import com.google.cloud.WriteChannel;
 import com.google.cloud.storage.Storage.BlobSourceOption;
 import com.google.cloud.storage.Storage.BlobTargetOption;
 import com.google.cloud.storage.Storage.CopyRequest;
@@ -174,6 +176,31 @@ public void runCreateFromInputStream() throws IOException {
     Assert.assertTrue(spanData.stream().anyMatch(x -> x.getName().contains("createFrom")));
+  @Test
+  public void runWriter() throws IOException {
+    BlobInfo info = BlobInfo.newBuilder(testBucket, generator.randomObjectName()).build();
+    try (WriteChannel writer = storage.writer(info)) {
+      // Do nothing
+    }
+    TestExporter testExported = (TestExporter) exporter;
+    List<SpanData> spanData = testExported.getExportedSpans();
+    checkCommonAttributes(spanData);
+    Assert.assertTrue(spanData.stream().anyMatch(x -> x.getName().contains("writer")));
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void runReader() throws IOException {
+    BlobInfo blobInfo = BlobInfo.newBuilder(blobId).setContentType("text/plain").build();
+    storage.create(blobInfo, helloWorldTextBytes);
+    try (ReadChannel reader = storage.reader(blobId)) {
+      // Do nothing
+    }
+    TestExporter testExported = (TestExporter) exporter;
+    List<SpanData> spanData = testExported.getExportedSpans();
+    checkCommonAttributes(spanData);
+    Assert.assertTrue(spanData.stream().anyMatch(x -> x.getName().contains("reader")));
+  }
   private void checkCommonAttributes(List<SpanData> spanData) {
     for (SpanData span : spanData) {
       Assert.assertEquals("Storage", getAttributeValue(span, "gcp.client.service"));
diff --git a/google-cloud-storage/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/storage/it/runner/registry/TestBench.java b/google-cloud-storage/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/storage/it/runner/registry/TestBench.java
index 186e1225b..5cfe6bff0 100644
--- a/google-cloud-storage/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/storage/it/runner/registry/TestBench.java
+++ b/google-cloud-storage/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/storage/it/runner/registry/TestBench.java
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 package com.google.cloud.storage.it.runner.registry;
+import static com.google.cloud.RetryHelper.runWithRetries;
 import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
 import com.google.api.client.http.ByteArrayContent;
@@ -25,6 +26,10 @@
 import com.google.api.client.http.HttpRequestFactory;
 import com.google.api.client.http.HttpResponse;
 import com.google.api.client.http.javanet.NetHttpTransport;
+import com.google.api.core.NanoClock;
+import com.google.api.gax.retrying.BasicResultRetryAlgorithm;
+import com.google.api.gax.retrying.RetrySettings;
+import com.google.cloud.RetryHelper.RetryHelperException;
 import com.google.cloud.Tuple;
 import com.google.cloud.conformance.storage.v1.InstructionList;
 import com.google.cloud.conformance.storage.v1.Method;
@@ -43,13 +48,19 @@
 import java.io.IOException;
 import java.io.InputStream;
 import java.io.InputStreamReader;
+import java.net.SocketException;
+import java.net.URI;
 import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
+import java.nio.file.Files;
 import java.nio.file.Path;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Optional;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
 import java.util.logging.Logger;
 import java.util.regex.Matcher;
 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
+import org.threeten.bp.Duration;
  * A {@link ManagedLifecycle} which integrates with the <a target="_blank"
@@ -172,7 +183,11 @@ public List<RetryTestResource> listRetryTests() throws IOException {
   private boolean startGRPCServer(int gRPCPort) throws IOException {
-    return true;
+    GenericUrl url = new GenericUrl(baseUri + "/start_grpc?port=9090");
+    HttpRequest req = requestFactory.buildGetRequest(url);
+    HttpResponse resp = req.execute();
+    resp.disconnect();
+    return resp.getStatusCode() == 200;
@@ -181,10 +196,164 @@ public Object get() {
-  public void start() {}
+  public void start() {
+    try {
+      tempDirectory = Files.createTempDirectory(containerName);
+      outPath = tempDirectory.resolve("stdout");
+      errPath = tempDirectory.resolve("stderr");
+      File outFile = outPath.toFile();
+      File errFile = errPath.toFile();
+      LOGGER.info("Redirecting server stdout to: " + outFile.getAbsolutePath());
+      LOGGER.info("Redirecting server stderr to: " + errFile.getAbsolutePath());
+      String dockerImage = String.format("%s:%s", dockerImageName, dockerImageTag);
+      // First try and pull the docker image, this validates docker is available and running
+      // on the host, as well as gives time for the image to be downloaded independently of
+      // trying to start the container. (Below, when we first start the container we then attempt
+      // to issue a call against the api before we yield to run our tests.)
+      try {
+        Process p =
+            new ProcessBuilder()
+                .command("docker", "pull", dockerImage)
+                .redirectOutput(outFile)
+                .redirectError(errFile)
+                .start();
+        p.waitFor(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
+        if (!ignorePullError && p.exitValue() != 0) {
+          dumpServerLogs(outPath, errPath);
+          throw new IllegalStateException(
+              String.format(
+                  "Non-zero status while attempting to pull docker image '%s'", dockerImage));
+        }
+      } catch (InterruptedException | IllegalThreadStateException e) {
+        dumpServerLogs(outPath, errPath);
+        throw new IllegalStateException(
+            String.format("Timeout while attempting to pull docker image '%s'", dockerImage));
+      }
+      int port = URI.create(baseUri).getPort();
+      int gRPCPort = URI.create(gRPCBaseUri).getPort();
+      final List<String> command =
+          ImmutableList.of(
+              "docker",
+              "run",
+              "-i",
+              "--rm",
+              "--publish",
+              port + ":9000",
+              "--publish",
+              gRPCPort + ":9090",
+              String.format("--name=%s", containerName),
+              dockerImage);
+      process =
+          new ProcessBuilder()
+              .command(command)
+              .redirectOutput(outFile)
+              .redirectError(errFile)
+              .start();
+      LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, command.toString());
+      try {
+        // wait a small amount of time for the server to come up before probing
+        Thread.sleep(500);
+        // wait for the server to come up
+        List<RetryTestResource> existingResources =
+            runWithRetries(
+                TestBench.this::listRetryTests,
+                RetrySettings.newBuilder()
+                    .setTotalTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(30))
+                    .setInitialRetryDelay(Duration.ofMillis(500))
+                    .setRetryDelayMultiplier(1.5)
+                    .setMaxRetryDelay(Duration.ofSeconds(5))
+                    .build(),
+                new BasicResultRetryAlgorithm<List<RetryTestResource>>() {
+                  @Override
+                  public boolean shouldRetry(
+                      Throwable previousThrowable, List<RetryTestResource> previousResponse) {
+                    return previousThrowable instanceof SocketException;
+                  }
+                },
+                NanoClock.getDefaultClock());
+        if (!existingResources.isEmpty()) {
+          LOGGER.info(
+              "Test Server already has retry tests in it, is it running outside the tests?");
+        }
+        // Start gRPC Service
+        if (!startGRPCServer(gRPCPort)) {
+          throw new IllegalStateException(
+              "Failed to start server within a reasonable amount of time. Host url(gRPC): "
+                  + gRPCBaseUri);
+        }
+      } catch (RetryHelperException e) {
+        dumpServerLogs(outPath, errPath);
+        throw new IllegalStateException(
+            "Failed to connect to server within a reasonable amount of time. Host url: " + baseUri,
+            e.getCause());
+      }
+    } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
+      throw new RuntimeException(e);
+    }
+  }
-  public void stop() {}
+  public void stop() {
+    try {
+      process.destroy();
+      process.waitFor(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
+      boolean attemptForceStopContainer = false;
+      try {
+        int processExitValue = process.exitValue();
+        if (processExitValue != 0) {
+          attemptForceStopContainer = true;
+        }
+        System.out.println("processExitValue = " + processExitValue);
+        LOGGER.warning("Container exit value = " + processExitValue);
+      } catch (IllegalThreadStateException e) {
+        attemptForceStopContainer = true;
+      }
+      if (attemptForceStopContainer) {
+        LOGGER.warning("Container did not gracefully exit, attempting to explicitly stop it.");
+        System.out.println("Container did not gracefully exit, attempting to explicitly stop it.");
+        ImmutableList<String> command = ImmutableList.of("docker", "kill", containerName);
+        System.out.println("command = " + command);
+        LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, command.toString());
+        Process shutdownProcess = new ProcessBuilder(command).start();
+        shutdownProcess.waitFor(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
+        int shutdownProcessExitValue = shutdownProcess.exitValue();
+        LOGGER.warning("Container exit value = " + shutdownProcessExitValue);
+      }
+      // wait for the server to shutdown
+      runWithRetries(
+          () -> {
+            try {
+              listRetryTests();
+            } catch (SocketException e) {
+              // desired result
+              return null;
+            }
+            throw new NotShutdownException();
+          },
+          RetrySettings.newBuilder()
+              .setTotalTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(30))
+              .setInitialRetryDelay(Duration.ofMillis(500))
+              .setRetryDelayMultiplier(1.5)
+              .setMaxRetryDelay(Duration.ofSeconds(5))
+              .build(),
+          new BasicResultRetryAlgorithm<List<?>>() {
+            @Override
+            public boolean shouldRetry(Throwable previousThrowable, List<?> previousResponse) {
+              return previousThrowable instanceof NotShutdownException;
+            }
+          },
+          NanoClock.getDefaultClock());
+      try {
+        Files.delete(errPath);
+        Files.delete(outPath);
+        Files.delete(tempDirectory);
+      } catch (IOException e) {
+        throw new RuntimeException(e);
+      }
+    } catch (InterruptedException | IOException e) {
+      throw new RuntimeException(e);
+    }
+  }
   private void dumpServerLogs(Path outFile, Path errFile) throws IOException {
     try {