diff --git a/lib/storage/file.js b/lib/storage/file.js
index 78004c31916..18695cbb7ef 100644
--- a/lib/storage/file.js
+++ b/lib/storage/file.js
@@ -211,6 +211,19 @@ File.prototype.copy = function(destination, callback) {
  * piped to a writable stream or listened to for 'data' events to read a file's
  * contents.
+ * In the unlikely event there is a mismatch between what you downloaded and the
+ * version in your Bucket, your error handler will receive an error with code
+ * "CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_MISMATCH". If you receive this error, the best recourse is
+ * to try downloading the file again.
+ *
+ * @param {object=} options - Configuration object.
+ * @param {string|boolean} options.validation - Possible values: `"md5"`,
+ *     `"crc32c"`, or `false`. By default, data integrity is validated with an
+ *     MD5 checksum for maximum reliability, falling back to CRC32c when an MD5
+ *     hash wasn't returned from the API. CRC32c will provide better performance
+ *     with less reliability. You may also choose to skip validation completely,
+ *     however this is **not recommended**.
+ *
  * @example
  * //-
  * // <h4>Downloading a File</h4>
@@ -226,35 +239,133 @@ File.prototype.copy = function(destination, callback) {
  *   .pipe(fs.createWriteStream('/Users/stephen/Photos/image.png'))
  *   .on('error', function(err) {});
-File.prototype.createReadStream = function() {
-  var storage = this.bucket.storage;
-  var dup = duplexify();
-  function createAuthorizedReq(uri) {
-    var reqOpts = { uri: uri };
-    storage.makeAuthorizedRequest_(reqOpts, {
-      onAuthorized: function(err, authorizedReqOpts) {
-        if (err) {
-          dup.emit('error', err);
-          dup.end();
-          return;
-        }
-        dup.setReadable(request(authorizedReqOpts));
-      }
-    });
+File.prototype.createReadStream = function(options) {
+  options = options || {};
+  var that = this;
+  var throughStream = through();
+  var validations = ['crc32c', 'md5'];
+  var validation;
+  if (util.is(options.validation, 'string')) {
+    options.validation = options.validation.toLowerCase();
+    if (validations.indexOf(options.validation) > -1) {
+      validation = options.validation;
+    } else {
+      validation = 'all';
+    }
+  }
+  if (util.is(options.validation, 'undefined')) {
+    validation = 'all';
+  var crc32c = validation === 'crc32c' || validation === 'all';
+  var md5 = validation === 'md5' || validation === 'all';
   if (this.metadata.mediaLink) {
   } else {
     this.getMetadata(function(err, metadata) {
       if (err) {
-        dup.emit('error', err);
-        dup.end();
+        throughStream.emit('error', err);
+        throughStream.end();
-  return dup;
+  return throughStream;
+  // Authenticate the request, then pipe the remote API request to the stream
+  // returned to the user.
+  function createAuthorizedReq(uri) {
+    var reqOpts = {
+      uri: uri
+    };
+    that.bucket.storage.makeAuthorizedRequest_(reqOpts, {
+      onAuthorized: function(err, authorizedReqOpts) {
+        if (err) {
+          throughStream.emit('error', err);
+          throughStream.end();
+          return;
+        }
+        // For data integrity, hash the contents of the stream as we receive it
+        // from the server.
+        var localCrc32cHash;
+        var localMd5Hash = crypto.createHash('md5');
+        request(authorizedReqOpts)
+          .on('error', function(err) {
+            throughStream.emit('error', err);
+            throughStream.end();
+          })
+          .on('data', function(chunk) {
+            if (crc32c) {
+              localCrc32cHash = crc.calculate(chunk, localCrc32cHash);
+            }
+            if (md5) {
+              localMd5Hash.update(chunk);
+            }
+          })
+          .on('complete', function(res) {
+            var failed = false;
+            var crcFail = true;
+            var md5Fail = true;
+            var hashes = {};
+            res.headers['x-goog-hash'].split(',').forEach(function(hash) {
+              var hashType = hash.split('=')[0];
+              hashes[hashType] = hash.substr(hash.indexOf('=') + 1);
+            });
+            var remoteMd5 = hashes.md5;
+            var remoteCrc = hashes.crc32c && hashes.crc32c.substr(4);
+            if (crc32c) {
+              crcFail =
+                new Buffer([localCrc32cHash]).toString('base64') !== remoteCrc;
+              failed = crcFail;
+            }
+            if (md5) {
+              md5Fail = localMd5Hash.digest('base64') !== remoteMd5;
+              failed = md5Fail;
+            }
+            if (validation === 'all') {
+              failed = remoteMd5 ? md5Fail : crcFail;
+            }
+            if (failed) {
+              var error = new Error([
+                'The downloaded data did not match the data from the server.',
+                'To be sure the content is the same, you should download the',
+                'file again.'
+              ].join(' '));
+              error.code = 'CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_MISMATCH';
+              throughStream.emit('error', error);
+            } else {
+              throughStream.emit('complete');
+            }
+            throughStream.end();
+          })
+          .pipe(throughStream);
+      }
+    });
+  }
@@ -688,7 +799,7 @@ File.prototype.startResumableUpload_ = function(stream, metadata) {
         method: 'PUT',
         uri: resumableUri
       }, {
-        onAuthorized: function (err, reqOpts) {
+        onAuthorized: function(err, reqOpts) {
           if (err) {
diff --git a/regression/storage.js b/regression/storage.js
index c132ba5c3e1..43be0e8626c 100644
--- a/regression/storage.js
+++ b/regression/storage.js
@@ -322,12 +322,17 @@ describe('storage', function() {
       writeStream.on('error', done);
       writeStream.on('complete', function() {
+        var data = new Buffer('');
+          .on('error', done)
           .on('data', function(chunk) {
-            assert.equal(String(chunk), contents);
+            data = Buffer.concat([data, chunk]);
-          .on('error', done)
-          .on('end', done);
+          .on('complete', function() {
+            assert.equal(data.toString(), contents);
+            done();
+          });
diff --git a/test/storage/file.js b/test/storage/file.js
index e81c34d7d08..f6711964b7e 100644
--- a/test/storage/file.js
+++ b/test/storage/file.js
@@ -263,13 +263,15 @@ describe('File', function() {
     it('should create an authorized request', function(done) {
-      request_Override = function(opts) {
+      file.bucket.storage.makeAuthorizedRequest_ = function(opts) {
         assert.equal(opts.uri, metadata.mediaLink);
       file.getMetadata = function(callback) {
         callback(null, metadata);
@@ -292,33 +294,129 @@ describe('File', function() {
     it('should get readable stream from request', function(done) {
       var fakeRequest = { a: 'b', c: 'd' };
-      file.getMetadata = function(callback) {
-        callback(null, metadata);
-      };
+      // Faking a stream implementation so we can simulate an actual Request
+      // request. The only thing we want to know is if the data passed to
+      // request was correct.
       request_Override = function(req) {
+        if (!(this instanceof request_Override)) {
+          return new request_Override(req);
+        }
+        stream.Readable.call(this);
+        this._read = util.noop;
         assert.deepEqual(req, fakeRequest);
-      file.bucket.storage.makeAuthorizedRequest_ = function(opts, callback) {
-        (callback.onAuthorized || callback)(null, fakeRequest);
-      };
-      file.createReadStream();
-    });
+      nodeutil.inherits(request_Override, stream.Readable);
-    it('should set readable stream', function() {
-      var dup = duplexify();
       file.getMetadata = function(callback) {
         callback(null, metadata);
-      request_Override = function() {
-        return dup;
-      };
       file.bucket.storage.makeAuthorizedRequest_ = function(opts, callback) {
-        (callback.onAuthorized || callback)();
+        (callback.onAuthorized || callback)(null, fakeRequest);
-      assert.deepEqual(readableStream, dup);
-      readableStream = null;
+    });
+    describe('validation', function() {
+      var data = 'test';
+      var crc32cBase64 = new Buffer([crc.calculate(data)]).toString('base64');
+      var md5HashBase64 = crypto.createHash('md5');
+      md5HashBase64.update(data);
+      md5HashBase64 = md5HashBase64.digest('base64');
+      var fakeResponse = {
+        crc32c: {
+          headers: { 'x-goog-hash': 'crc32c=####' + crc32cBase64 }
+        },
+        md5: {
+          headers: { 'x-goog-hash': 'md5=' + md5HashBase64 }
+        }
+      };
+      function getFakeRequest(data, fakeResponse) {
+        function FakeRequest(req) {
+          if (!(this instanceof FakeRequest)) {
+            return new FakeRequest(req);
+          }
+          var that = this;
+          stream.Readable.call(this);
+          this._read = function() {
+            this.push(data);
+            this.push(null);
+          };
+          setImmediate(function() {
+            that.emit('complete', fakeResponse);
+          });
+        }
+        nodeutil.inherits(FakeRequest, stream.Readable);
+        return FakeRequest;
+      }
+      beforeEach(function() {
+        file.metadata.mediaLink = 'http://uri';
+        file.bucket.storage.makeAuthorizedRequest_ = function(opts, callback) {
+          (callback.onAuthorized || callback)(null, {});
+        };
+      });
+      it('should validate with crc32c', function(done) {
+        request_Override = getFakeRequest(data, fakeResponse.crc32c);
+        file.createReadStream({ validation: 'crc32c' })
+          .on('error', done)
+          .on('complete', done);
+      });
+      it('should emit an error if crc32c validation fails', function(done) {
+        request_Override = getFakeRequest('bad-data', fakeResponse.crc32c);
+        file.createReadStream({ validation: 'crc32c' })
+          .on('error', function(err) {
+            assert.equal(err.code, 'CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_MISMATCH');
+            done();
+          });
+      });
+      it('should validate with md5', function(done) {
+        request_Override = getFakeRequest(data, fakeResponse.md5);
+        file.createReadStream({ validation: 'md5' })
+          .on('error', done)
+          .on('complete', done);
+      });
+      it('should emit an error if md5 validation fails', function(done) {
+        request_Override = getFakeRequest('bad-data', fakeResponse.crc32c);
+        file.createReadStream({ validation: 'md5' })
+          .on('error', function(err) {
+            assert.equal(err.code, 'CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_MISMATCH');
+            done();
+          });
+      });
+      it('should default to md5 validation', function(done) {
+        request_Override = getFakeRequest(data, {
+          headers: { 'x-goog-hash': 'md5=fakefakefake' }
+        });
+        file.createReadStream()
+          .on('error', function(err) {
+            assert.equal(err.code, 'CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_MISMATCH');
+            done();
+          });
+      });