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This document covers the steps necessary to download, build, and deploy Nomulus.


You will need the following programs installed on your local machine:

  • A recent version of the Java 11 JDK.
  • Google App Engine SDK for Java, and configure aliases to the gcloud and utilities ( you'll use them a lot).
  • Git version control system.
  • Docker (confirm with docker info no permission issues, use sudo groupadd docker for sudoless docker).
  • Python version 3.7 or newer.
  • gnupg2 (e.g. in run sudo apt install gnupg2 in Debian-like Linuxes)

Note: App Engine does not yet support Java 9. Also, the instructions in this document have only been tested on Linux. They might work with some alterations on other operating systems.

Download the codebase

Start off by using git to download the latest version from the Nomulus GitHub page. You may checkout any of the daily tagged versions (e.g. nomulus-20200629-RC00), but in general it is also safe to simply checkout from HEAD:

$ git clone [email protected]:google/nomulus.git
Cloning into 'nomulus'...
[ .. snip .. ]
$ cd nomulus
$ ls
apiserving       CONTRIBUTORS  java        LICENSE    scripts
AUTHORS          docs          javascript  python     third_party  google        javatests  WORKSPACE

Most of the directory tree is organized into gradle sub-projects (see settings.gradle for details). The following other top-level directories are also defined:

  • buildSrc -- Gradle extensions specific to our local build and release methodology.
  • config -- Tools for build and code hygiene.
  • docs -- The documentation (including this install guide)
  • gradle -- Configuration and code managed by the gradle build system.
  • java-format -- The Google java formatter and wrapper scripts to use it incrementally.
  • python -- Some Python reporting scripts
  • release -- Configuration for our continuous integration process.

Build the codebase

The first step is to build the project, and verify that this completes successfully. This will also download and install dependencies.

$ ./nom_build build
Starting a Gradle Daemon (subsequent builds will be faster)
Plugins: Using default repo...

> Configure project :buildSrc
Java dependencies: Using Maven central...
[ .. snip .. ]

The nom_build script is just a wrapper around gradlew. Its main additional value is that it formalizes the various properties used in the build as command-line flags.

The "build" command builds all of the code and runs all of the tests. This will take a while.

Create an App Engine project

First, create an application on Google Cloud Platform. Make sure to choose a good Project ID, as it will be used repeatedly in a large number of places. If your company is named Acme, then a good Project ID for your production environment would be "acme-registry". Keep in mind that project IDs for non-production environments should be suffixed with the name of the environment (see the Architecture documentation for more details). For the purposes of this example we'll deploy to the "alpha" environment, which is used for developer testing. The Project ID will thus be acme-registry-alpha.

Now log in using the command-line Google Cloud Platform SDK and set the default project to be this one that was newly created:

$ gcloud auth login
Your browser has been opened to visit:
[ ... snip logging in via browser ... ]
You are now logged in as [[email protected]].
$ gcloud config set project acme-registry-alpha

Now modify projects.gradle with the name of your new project:

// The projects to run your deployment Nomulus application.
rootProject.ext.projects = ['production': 'your-production-project',
                            'sandbox'   : 'your-sandbox-project',
                            'alpha'     : 'acme-registry-alpha',
                            'crash'     : 'your-crash-project']

Next follow the steps in configuration to configure the complete system or, alternately, read on for an initial deploy in which case you'll need to deploy again after configuration.

Deploy the code to App Engine

AppEngine deployment with gradle is straightforward:

$ ./nom_build appengineDeploy --environment=alpha

To verify successful deployment, visit in your browser (adjusting appropriately for the project ID that you actually used). If the project deployed successfully, you'll see a "You need permission" page indicating that you need to configure the system and grant access to your Google account. It's time to go to the next step, configuration.

Configuration is handled by editing code, rebuilding the project, and deploying again. See the configuration guide for more details. Once you have completed basic configuration (including most critically the project ID, client id and secret in your copy of the nomulus-config-*.yaml files), you can rebuild and start using the nomulus tool to create test entities in your newly deployed system. See the first steps tutorial for more information.

Deploy the BEAM Pipelines

Nomulus is in the middle of migrating all pipelines to use flex-template. For pipelines already based on flex-template, deployment in the testing environments (alpha and crash) can be done using the following command:

./nom_build :core:stageBeamPipelines --environment=alpha

Pipeline deployment in other environments are through CloudBuild. Please refer to the release folder for details.