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msos was born out of a need to debug .NET process dumps without the SOS.dll extension available. It quickly turned into more than that with a variety of commands and options that, in many cases, exceed what SOS.dll has to offer.
You should use msos when you don't have access to SOS.dll (e.g., when debugging Windows Phone dumps), when you need some of msos's advanced functionality, or simply when you don't want to deal with the overhead of the full-blown WinDbg debugger. At this time, msos offers commands (such as !hq
) that are extremely difficult to implement using the SOS.dll extension.
This page serves as a reference; instead, you might prefer a gentle introduction in the form of a tutorial.
msos is a standalone command-line debugger. It can attach to a live process (in non-invasive mode) or open a dump file. You will need the x86 version of msos to debug x86 targets, and the x64 version to debug x64 targets. This is a limitation of the .NET debugging API.
msos is designed to be self-documenting. For example, try running msos --help
from the command line to see the first-level command-line options. When inside msos, type help
to get a list of commands or help cmdname
to get information about a specific command's switches.
The command-line switches are case-sensitive, but the command verbs are not. For example, you can use !clrstack
, !CLRStack
with the same effect.
To open a dump file, use the -z
msos -z myapp.dmp
To attach to a running process, use either the --pn
or the --pid
switches. If there is more than one process with the given name, you will be asked to specify the process id.
msos --pid 1008
msos --pn devenv
Note: if there are multiple versions of the CLR loaded into the target process, you can select the desired one using the
You can run msos and ask it to execute a set of initial commands, separated by semicolons. This is useful for automatic analysis, or when you always begin a debugging session by displaying basic information. For example, if you always begin a session by looking at the list of modules followed by the current thread's stack, use this command line:
msos -z myapp.dmp -c "!lm; !clrstack"
You can include the q
command so that the debugger exits without waiting for further input. This is especially useful when analyzing multiple dump files in a row, automatically, as part of a script.
You can also load initial commands from a file. Create a file with each command on a separate line, and pass that file to the -i
msos -z myapp.dmp -i commands.txt
Finally, you can pipe msos's output to a file (instead of the console) by using the -o
msos -z myapp.dmp -i commands.txt -o output.txt
When you give msos a crash dump, it will automatically try to switch to the crashing thread and display the exception information along with its stack trace. The !pe
(or !PrintException
) command can be used to display the current exception again. If you have the address of a .NET exception object, pass it to !pe
as a parameter.
To display a list of all managed threads in the target, run !Threads
. When available, additional information is displayed in the Special and Exception columns. The Lock# column indicates the number of locks the thread currently owns.
1> !Threads
2 CLR threads, 0 CLR thread pool threads, 1 background threads
MgdId OSId Lock# Apt Special Exception
1 5980 1 MTA
2 8952 0 MTA Finalizer
msos attempts to set the current thread to either the thread that encountered an exception (useful with crash dumps), or the first managed thread it can find. You can switch threads by using the ~
command and the managed thread id:
~ 7
To display the current thread's managed stack, run !CLRStack
. If the -a
switch is specified, this command displays some of the local variables for each frame. Only local variables pointing to reference types (on the heap) are currently supported, and only variable addresses (not names) are available.
1> !clrstack
SP IP Function
000000000020F180 0000000000000000 InlinedCallFrame
000000000020F17C 0000000073C8B7BF DomainNeutralILStubClass.IL_STUB_PInvoke(Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle, Byte*, Int32, Int32 ByRef, IntPtr)
000000000020F180 0000000000000000 InlinedCallFrame
000000000020F1E4 00000000743DCD64 System.IO.__ConsoleStream.ReadFileNative(Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle, Byte[], Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Int32 ByRef)
000000000020F218 00000000743DCC6B System.IO.__ConsoleStream.Read(Byte[], Int32, Int32)
000000000020F238 0000000073C74EC8 System.IO.StreamReader.ReadBuffer()
000000000020F24C 0000000073BDE90F System.IO.StreamReader.ReadLine()
000000000020F268 00000000743E2E5D System.IO.TextReader+SyncTextReader.ReadLine()
000000000020F278 00000000742EA842 System.Console.ReadLine()
000000000020F280 00000000003D00C9 VSDebugging.Program.Main(System.String[])
000000000020F410 0000000000000000 GCFrame
The !ThreadPool
command displays general information about the CLR thread pool.
The !SyncBlk
command displays all synchronization objects. These include Monitors (the C# lock
statement acquires and releases a Monitor), Reader-Writer Locks, and other synchronization mechanisms. When available, ownership information is also displayed along with a list of threads waiting for the synchronization object. For example, in the following example, thread #1 owns the first monitor:
1> !syncblk
Address Type Locked Owner(s) Waiter(s)
0000000001fc3f34 Monitor 1 1
0000000001fc21f0 None 0
Use the !dumpheap --stat
command to get an initial reading of what's going on with your managed heap. It displays statistics for each type indicating the number of objects from that type and their total size. Generally, object sizes do not include the sizes of any children. For example, the size of an array of strings doesn't include the size of the strings themselves. The !ObjSize
command displays the size of the entire object graph rooted at a specific object.
The !dumpheap
command accepts multiple advanced options to filter the output and to display individual objects. The --type
switch is most flexible, and takes a regular expression that filters the types of objects to be displayed. For example (omit the --stat
switch to get a list of objects, and not just statistics):
1> !dumpheap --type String --stat
MT Count TotalSize Class Name
0000000073cf4cf8 1 12 System.Collections.Generic.GenericEqualityComparer<System.String>
00000000738ec734 1 48 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.String,System.Globalization.CultureData>
0000000073cf4b04 2 56 System.Text.StringBuilder
0000000073cf4e04 1 60 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary+Entry<System.String,System.Globalization.CultureData>[]
0000000073cb5738 18 680 System.String[]
0000000073cf21b4 165 5236 System.String
Total 188 objects
Other heap filtering options include --min
, --max
and --mt
To display an individual object, use the !do
(or !DumpObj
) command. It displays the object's fields (unless you pass the --nofields
switch), including any static and thread-static fields. Nested value types are displayed unless you pass the --norecurse
switch. Nested reference types are never displayed.
1> !do 0000000001fc3984
Name: System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo
MT: 0000000073cf4e7c
Size: 132(0x84) bytes
Assembly: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_32\mscorlib\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089\mscorlib.
Value: 1942965884
Offset Type VT Attr Value Name
0 System.Int32[] 0 instance 33303612 numberGroupSizes
8 System.Int32[] 0 instance 33303628 currencyGroupSizes
10 System.Int32[] 0 instance 33303612 percentGroupSizes
18 System.String 0 instance + positiveSign
20 System.String 0 instance - negativeSign
28 System.String 0 instance . numberDecimalSeparator
30 System.String 0 instance , numberGroupSeparator
38 System.String 0 instance , currencyGroupSeparator
40 System.String 0 instance . currencyDecimalSeparator
48 System.String 0 instance ☼ currencySymbol
50 System.String 0 instance <null> ansiCurrencySymbol
58 System.String 0 instance NaN nanSymbol
60 System.String 0 instance Infinity positiveInfinitySymbol
68 System.String 0 instance -Infinity negativeInfinitySymbol
70 System.String 0 instance . percentDecimalSeparator
78 System.String 0 instance , percentGroupSeparator
80 System.String 0 instance % percentSymbol
88 System.String 0 instance % perMilleSymbol
90 System.Object[] 0 instance 33303556 nativeDigits
98 System.Int32 1 instance 0 m_dataItem
a0 System.Int32 1 instance 2 numberDecimalDigits
a8 System.Int32 1 instance 2 currencyDecimalDigits
b0 System.Int32 1 instance 0 currencyPositivePattern
b8 System.Int32 1 instance 0 currencyNegativePattern
c0 System.Int32 1 instance 1 numberNegativePattern
c8 System.Int32 1 instance 0 percentPositivePattern
d0 System.Int32 1 instance 0 percentNegativePattern
d8 System.Int32 1 instance 2 percentDecimalDigits
e0 System.Int32 1 instance 1 digitSubstitution
e8 System.Boolean 1 instance True isReadOnly
ea System.Boolean 1 instance False m_useUserOverride
ec System.Boolean 1 instance True m_isInvariant
ee System.Boolean 1 instance True validForParseAsNumber
f0 System.Boolean 1 instance True validForParseAsCurrency
528 ...NumberFormatInfo 0 shared static invariantInfo
>> Domain:Value 0000000000604ac8:<null> <<
To display arrays, use the !DumpArray
command. It supports only simple arrays -- if you are working with other collections, use the !DumpCollection
command, described below.
1> !dumparray 00000000024a2374
Name: SampleConsoleApp.Outer[]
Size: 36(0x24) bytes
Array: Number of elements 2, Type SampleConsoleApp.Outer (value type)
[0] 00000000024a237c
[1] 00000000024a2388
To display value type instances, you need to instruct the !do
command what the type of the object is. For example, if you just displayed an array of value types, the values you'll get from !DumpArray
are object addresses. But you can view the individual objects using !do
1> !do 00000000024a237c --type SampleConsoleApp.Outer
Name: SampleConsoleApp.Outer
Size: 20(0x14) bytes
Assembly: C:\temp\SampleConsoleApp.exe
Offset Type VT Attr Value Name
0 System.String 0 instance Hello, World Str
8 ...ConsoleApp.Inner 1 instance 00000000024a2380 Inn
4 System.Int32 1 instance 5 Inn.X
c System.Int32 1 instance 3 Inn.Y
To display collections, use the !DumpCollection
command. It supports arrays, lists, and dictionaries. Other collections can be displayed using the !hq
command (discussed below).
1> !dumpcollection 0000000001fc1bb0
Type: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.Type,System.Security.Policy.EvidenceTypeDescriptor>
Size: 10
Key Value
[0000000001fc1d3c System.RuntimeType] <null>
[0000000001fc1d58 System.RuntimeType] <null>
[0000000001fc1d74 System.RuntimeType] <null>
[0000000001fc1d90 System.RuntimeType] <null>
[0000000001fc1dac System.RuntimeType] <null>
[0000000001fc1dc8 System.RuntimeType] <null>
[0000000001fc1de4 System.RuntimeType] <null>
[0000000001fc1e00 System.RuntimeType] <null>
[0000000001fc1e1c System.RuntimeType] <null>
[0000000001fc1e38 System.RuntimeType] <null>
Time: 3 ms, Memory start: 568.008kb, Memory end: 568.008kb, Memory delta: -0b
Use the !ObjSize
command to display the size of the object graph rooted at a specific object. This includes all referenced objects.
1> !objsize 0000000001fc3984
0000000001fc3984 graph size is 24 objects, 574 bytes
The !memstats
command provides basic information about the target's memory usage, virtual address spaces, CLR heaps, and external and internal fragmentation. There are multiple switches that configure which statistics to display:
: The sizes of each heap and each generation (including the Large Object Heap) are displayed. Non-GC regions (such as the loader heap) are also shown. -
: Fragmentation information for each heap segment is displayed. -
: A detailed address space report with each region marked as free/reserved/committed and accounted by usage (e.g. image, mapped file, private) is shown. -
: A summary of virtual memory usage and the size of the largest free block is displayed. Note that if the size of the largest free block is smaller than the GC segment size, you could be getting anOutOfMemoryException
due to virtual address space fragmentation.
1> !memstats --vmstat
Virtual memory statistics:
PRIVATE 325.246mb
MAPPED 95.074mb
IMAGE 458.547mb
FREE 3.142gb
COMMIT 748.875mb
RESERVE 129.992mb
Largest free region size: 1.976gb
1> !memstats --heapfrag
Fragmentation statistics:
# Base Size Committed Reserved Fragmented % Frag SOH/LOH
0 0000000003df1000 15.995mb 15.996mb 15.996mb 1.624mb 10.15% SOH
1 0000000004df1000 11.209mb 11.336mb 15.996mb 6.247mb 55.74% LOH
2 000000000d641000 15.989mb 15.996mb 15.996mb 506.125kb 3.09% SOH
3 00000000125b1000 13.683mb 13.809mb 15.996mb 1.693mb 12.37% SOH
4 0000000018881000 14.520mb 14.648mb 15.996mb 12.901mb 88.85% LOH
5 000000001a9a1000 15.400mb 15.527mb 15.996mb 10.592mb 68.78% LOH
6 000000001b9a1000 10.803mb 10.930mb 15.996mb 3.915mb 36.24% SOH
7 000000001c9a1000 11.981mb 11.984mb 15.996mb 10.121mb 84.47% LOH
8 00000000217a1000 14.994mb 15.004mb 15.996mb 102.721kb 0.67% SOH
9 00000000227a1000 12.000mb 12.066mb 15.996mb 22.650kb 0.18% SOH
10 00000000237a1000 9.494mb 12.668mb 15.996mb 1.520mb 16.02% SOH
Total size of free objects: 49.231mb
When chasing memory leaks, the hardest part is understanding why objects are being retained and not collected by the GC. If you need to inspect individual object references and figure out why they are not being collected, it is recommended that you build a heap index. A heap index is an internal msos data structure that collects information on object references, and makes certain operations much faster. The downside is that constructing the index takes time. However, the index can be stored to disk (in compressed form) and used repeatedly in future debugging sessions, or for multiple queries in a single session.
To construct a heap index, use the !bhi
command. You can store it to a file or in-memory (if you do not intend to reuse it in a future debugging session). The --fast
switch makes index construction faster at the expense of more accurate information pertaining to static variable roots.
Note: you can control the chunk size used by the heap index with the
switch. This is an advanced option; use at your own risk. A larger chunk size means the index is smaller and faster to build, but subsequent operations using the index will be slower.
> !bhi -f C:\temp\heapindex --fast
Enumerating roots took 767 ms
Building chunks took 2229 ms
Average referencing chunks per chunk: 8.86
Max referencing chunks per chunk: 5339
Min referencing chunks per chunk: 1
Objects with missing chunk ids: 393
Building chunk index took 17480 ms
Total chunks: 212538, Chunk size: 1024
Memory covered by all segments: 908900496 bytes
Memory covered by all chunks: 217638912 bytes
Wrote index file of size 3.198mb
Saving index to disk took 5584 ms
Time: 26089 ms, Memory start: 569.141kb, Memory end: 37.921mb, Memory delta: +37.365mb
If you have an existing heap index that you would like to load, use the !lhi
command. Note that if the index was created by a different version of msos, it will fail to load.
> !lhi -f c:\temp\heapindex
This heap index does not have detailed static root information. As a result, you will not see the
names of static variables referencing your objects, only their addresses. Recreate the index without
the --fast switch to get full information. This may be slower.
Time: 2303 ms, Memory start: 567.227kb, Memory end: 28.221mb, Memory delta: +27.667mb
There are two commands that use the heap index. First, the !refs
command displays any object referencing the specified object or referenced by it. Note that if the object is not reachable from roots, i.e. dead from the GC's perspective, you will not see any references to it (even though there could be such references which are also dead).
> !refs 00000001803f02a8
Note: unrooted (dead) objects will not have any referencing objects displayed.
Object 00000001803f02a8 (System.Runtime.InputQueue<System.ServiceModel.Channels.RequestContext>) is referenced by the following objects:
00000001803f0210 (System.ServiceModel.Channels.TransportReplyChannelAcceptor+TransportReplyChannel)
00000001c0e35b98 (System.Runtime.InputQueue+AsyncQueueReader<System.ServiceModel.Channels.RequestContext>)
Object 00000001803f02a8 (System.Runtime.InputQueue<System.ServiceModel.Channels.RequestContext>) references the following objects:
00000001803f02e8 (System.Runtime.InputQueue+ItemQueue<System.ServiceModel.Channels.RequestContext>)
00000001803f0310 (System.Collections.Generic.Queue<System.Runtime.InputQueue+IQueueReader<System.ServiceModel.Channels.RequestContext>>)
00000001803f0360 (System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Runtime.InputQueue+IQueueWaiter<System.ServiceModel.Channels.RequestContext>>)
00000001803f03a8 (System.Action<System.ServiceModel.Channels.RequestContext>)
00000001803a7438 (System.Func<System.Action<System.AsyncCallback,System.IAsyncResult>>)
Time: 142 ms, Memory start: 28.228mb, Memory end: 29.475mb, Memory delta: +1.247mb
Even more useful is !paths
, which relies on the heap index to determine which paths from roots lead to the specified object. It is usually much faster than the !GCRoot
command, which performs full heap traversal and does not rely on a reverse index. You can control some aspects of the output, such as the maximum number of paths that will be displayed.
> !paths 00000001803f0310 --max 1
00000000086fdcb8 -> 00000001802ea9c0 local var thread 76
-> 00000001802ea9c0 System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost
-> 00000001802eabc0 System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ChannelDispatcherCollection
-> 00000001802eabe8 System.Collections.Generic.List<System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ChannelDispatcherBase>
-> 00000001803aaeb8 System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ChannelDispatcherBase[]
-> 00000001803aee28 System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ChannelDispatcher
-> 00000001803ae878 System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpsChannelListener
-> 00000001803aebe0 System.ServiceModel.Channels.TransportReplyChannelAcceptor
-> 00000001803f0210 System.ServiceModel.Channels.TransportReplyChannelAcceptor+TransportReplyChannel
-> 00000001803f02a8 System.Runtime.InputQueue<System.ServiceModel.Channels.RequestContext>
-> 00000001803f0310 System.Collections.Generic.Queue<System.Runtime.InputQueue+IQueueReader<System.ServiceModel.Channels.RequestContext>>
Total paths displayed: 1
Time: 373 ms, Memory start: 28.230mb, Memory end: 29.602mb, Memory delta: +1.372mb
Use the !GCRoot
command to understand why an object is being retained (as explained above, if this command is too slow, use a heap index and the !paths
command). Some duplicates might be displayed. In the following output, there is a static variable s_InvariantCultureInfo
that references a CultureInfo
object, which in turn references the NumberFormatInfo
object (at address 0000000001fc3984) that was the target of our query.
1> !gcroot 0000000001fc3984
0000000002FC1430 -> 0000000001FC2594 static var System.Globalization.CultureInfo.s_InvariantCultureInfo
-> 0000000001FC2594 System.Globalization.CultureInfo
-> 0000000001FC3984 System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo
If you are having trouble with finalization, e.g. objects are not being finalized quickly enough, you can review the contents of the f-reachable queue (objects ready for finalization) by using the !frq
1> !frq
Address Size Class Name
0000000001fc1b54 20 Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafePEFileHandle
0000000001fc21f0 44 System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock
0000000001fc235c 20 Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle
0000000001fc3b14 20 Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeViewOfFileHandle
0000000001fc3b28 20 Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileMappingHandle
Total 5 objects ready for finalization
Heap queries are probably the most powerful feature msos currently has to offer. They have no parallel in SOS.dll, and offer a lot of room for customization and creativity. The !hq
command takes an arbitrary C# expression and executes it in a context that gives you access to the current target's heap. You can locate specific objects, access their properties, aggregate statistics, filter, group, and sort the results, and so on.
The following utility methods are available:
returns a collection of all heap objects. Each object has special__Type
properties. You can cast the returned objects toulong
to obtain their address. In addition, any fields of the original object are accessible directly. For example,!hq (from o in AllObjects() where o.__Type == "System.String" select (int)o.m_stringLength).Sum()
displays the total length of all the strings found on the heap. Auto-generated properties can be accessed directly using the property name -- you don't (and can't) use the backing field (<PropName>k__BackingField
) for this. -
is a convenience method that returns a collection of heap objects that have the specified type. The type is matched exactly, e.g.ObjectsOfType("System.String")
. -
returns a collection of objects representing each type on the heap. These objects have special__Name
, and__ThreadStaticFields
properties. -
returns an object representing a specific type. You can access static fields by using their name, but you currently need to provide an app domain object to get the actual value. This will be addressed in the future. -
returns a dynamic object based on the specified address. This is useful when you discovered the object's address using some other command (e.g.!gcroot
) but want to write code against it dynamically using C# expressions. Note that most commands display object addresses in hex, so prefix the object address with0x
when passing it to theObject
method. -
returns an enumerable with a single dynamic object based on the specified address. Use this if your query is more conveniently expressed as a LINQ query over an enumerable.
There are two output formats currently supported: --tabular
and --json
. The tabular format attempts to render the results as a table, which works well when the number of columns is small and the values are not very wide. The JSON format works better for complex objects.
Example queries:
1> !hq --tabular (from obj in AllObjects()
group obj by obj.__Type into g
let size = g.Sum(o => (long)o.__Size)
let count = g.Count()
orderby size descending
select new { Type = g.Key, Count = count, Size = size }
Type Count Size
System.Object[] 6 17308
System.String 165 5236
System.RuntimeType 26 728
System.Char[] 4 718
System.String[] 18 680
System.Globalization.CultureDa... 2 616
System.Int32[] 11 564
System.Collections.Generic.Dic... 3 468
System.Byte[] 2 280
System.Threading.ThreadAbortEx... 2 168
Rows: 10
1> !hq --json (from c in ObjectsOfType("System.String") _
where (int)c.m_stringLength > 100 _
select new { Size = c.__Size, Value = c.ToString() }
Size = 256
Value = System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
Size = 320
Value = System.Configuration.Internal.ConfigurationManagerInternal, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
Rows: 2
Time: 2697 ms, Memory start: 647.516kb, Memory end: 689.172kb, Memory delta: +41.656kb
To work your way through collections as part of a query, you can use the GetDictionaryItems()
method on dictionaries and the GetItems()
method on arrays and lists. They both return a collection of dynamic objects that you can work with. Occasionally, if you try to use LINQ to process the returned collections, you might hit a compiler error (e.g., CS1943) because the collection object is dynamic. You can work around this by inserting a cast to a concrete type (not dynamic
). For example:
1> !hq --tabular from o in AllObjects()
where o.__Type.Contains("List<VSDebugging.Person")
from item in o._items.GetItems()
select item.Name
Query compilation failed with 1 errors:
c:\Users\Sasha\AppData\Local\Temp\n3wsitxl.0.cs(48,104) : error CS1943: An expression of type 'dynamic' is not allowed in a subsequent from clause in a query expression with source type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<dynamic>'. Type inference failed in the call to 'SelectMany'.
1> !hq --tabular from o in AllObjects()
where o.__Type.Contains("List<VSDebugging.Person")
from item in (IEnumerable<dynamic>)o._items.GetItems()
select item.Name
Rows: 1
Tip: The preceding examples have long commands that are split across lines for readability. You can actually type multi-line commands into the msos prompt. To do so, end the line with a space followed by an underscore (_). The debugger will then prompt you for the next line. For example:
1> !dumpheap --stat --type _
> System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<.*
MT Count TotalSize Class Name
00000000738ec654 1 48 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.Type,System.Security.Policy.EvidenceTypeDescriptor>
00000000738ec734 1 48 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.String,System.Globalization.CultureData>
Total 2 objects
You can define arbitrary command aliases to help your debugging experience. The .newalias
, .listalias
, .rmalias
, and %
commands perform alias-related management tasks. For example:
1> .newalias dh !dumpheap --stat
Time: 1 ms, Memory start: 594.141kb, Memory end: 594.234kb, Memory delta: +96b
1> .listalias
Name Command
dh !dumpheap --stat
Time: 6 ms, Memory start: 594.164kb, Memory end: 594.281kb, Memory delta: +120b
1> % dh
Alias 'dh' expanded to '!dumpheap --stat'
... command output omitted for brevity ...
Aliases can accept an arbitrary number of parameters by embedding $1
, $2
etc. in the command text. For example:
1> .listalias
Name Command
dh !dumpheap --stat
Time: 1 ms, Memory start: 591.586kb, Memory end: 591.586kb, Memory delta: -0b
1> .rmalias dh
Time: 1 ms, Memory start: 591.672kb, Memory end: 591.578kb, Memory delta: -96b
1> .newalias dh !dumpheap --type $1 --stat
Time: 1 ms, Memory start: 591.852kb, Memory end: 591.961kb, Memory delta: +112b
1> % dh System.String$
Alias 'dh' expanded to '!dumpheap --type System.String$ --stat'
MT Count TotalSize Class Name
000007fef8a668f0 1286275 63714760 System.String
Total 1286275 objects
Time: 15211 ms, Memory start: 592.430kb, Memory end: 3.710mb, Memory delta: +3.132mb
Like any other command, aliases can be loaded from a file using the -i
switch. For example, create a text file called alias.txt with the following contents (or use the sample alias file):
.newalias httprequests !hq --tabular from hc in ObjectsOfType("System.Web.HttpContext").Take($1) _
let elapsed = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks - (long)hc._utcTimestamp.dateData) _
let timeout = new TimeSpan((long)hc._timeout._ticks) _
select new { _
hc.__Address, _
Method = hc._request._httpMethod, _
Code = hc._response._statusCode, _
Elapsed = ((bool)hc._response._completed || (bool)hc._finishPipelineRequestCalled) ? "Finished" : elapsed.ToString() , _
Timeout = (bool)hc._timeoutSet ? timeout.ToString() : "No timeout", _
VirtualPath = hc._request._filePath._virtualPath _
Now, run msos on a dump file from an ASP.NET application and use the httprequests
C:\> msos -z myapp.dmp --diag -i alias.txt
... initial output omitted for brevity ...
1> .listalias
Name Command
httprequests !hq --tabular from hc in ObjectsOfType("System.Web.HttpContext").Take($1) let elapsed = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks - (long)hc._utcTimestamp.dateData) let timeout = new TimeSpan((long)hc._timeout._ticks) select new { hc.__Address, Method = hc._request._httpMethod, Code = hc._response._statusCode, Elapsed = ((bool)hc._response._completed || (bool)hc._finishPipelineRequestCalled) ? "Finished" : elapsed.ToString() , Timeout = (bool)hc._timeoutSet ? timeout.ToString() : "No timeout", VirtualPath = hc._request._filePath._virtualPath }
Time: 5 ms, Memory start: 593.891kb, Memory end: 593.695kb, Memory delta: -200b
1> % httprequests 2
Alias 'httprequests' expanded to '!hq --tabular from hc in ObjectsOfType("System.Web.HttpContext").Take(2) let elapsed = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks - (long)hc._utcTimestamp.dateData) let timeout = new TimeSpan((long)hc._timeout._ticks) select new { hc.__Address, Method = hc._request._httpMethod, Code = hc._response._statusCode, Elapsed = ((bool)hc._response._completed || (bool)hc._finishPipelineRequestCalled) ? "Finished" : elapsed.ToString() , Timeout
= (bool)hc._timeoutSet ? timeout.ToString() : "No timeout", VirtualPath = hc._request._filePath._virtualPath }'
__Address Method Code Elapsed Timeout VirtualPath
0000000182093... POST 400 Finished 24855.03:14:0... /api/OrderService.svc
00000001820be... POST 200 Finished 24855.03:14:0... /API/LoginService.svc
Rows: 2
Time: 3012 ms, Memory start: 595.227kb, Memory end: 691.984kb, Memory delta: +96.758kb
By defining useful heap queries as aliases, you can save a lot of typing.
What's more, you can define full-blown functions (or classes) for use in your heap queries. Again, the sample alias file contains some examples. Suppose you often need to reference all the path-like strings that start with C:\ in your queries. You can define a helper with .define
, list all available helpers with .listdefines
, and remove helpers with .undefine
1> .define IEnumerable<string> PathLikeStrings() { _
> return from s in ObjectsOfType("System.String") _
> where ((string)s).StartsWith(@"C:\") _
> select (string)s; _
> }
1> .listdefines
# Body
0 IEnumerable<string> PathLikeStrings() { return from s in ObjectsOfType("System.String") where ((string)s).StartsWith(@"C:\") select (string)s; }
1> !hq --tabular PathLikeStrings().Take(10)
Rows: 10
1> .undefine 0
1> .listdefines
You do not have any helper methods defined. Use .define to define some.
By default, msos uses hyperlink mode, in which some commands will output hyperlinks that help execute related commands easily and without typing them in full. You can turn hyperlink mode on and off by using the .hyperlinks
command with the --enable
and --disable
Hyperlinks are displayed as blue strings in brackets. To follow the link, execute the alias inside the hyperlink. For example, if a hyperlink says [a0]
, type % a0
to follow the link. Here's a concrete example:
3> !do 0000000002a765a8
Name: System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode
MT: 00007ffce8206ca8
Size: 168(0xa8) bytes
Assembly: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Windows.Forms\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934
Value: 140724202925224
Offset Type VT Attr Value Name
0 System.Object 0 instance 0000000000000000 __identity [a2]
10 ...rDrawPropertyBag 0 instance 0000000000000000 propBag [a3]
20 System.String 0 instance Gadgets text
30 System.String 0 instance C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets name
40 ...NodeImageIndexer 0 instance 0000000002a766a8 imageIndexer [a4]
50 ...NodeImageIndexer 0 instance 0000000002a766e0 selectedImageIndexer [a5]
60 ...NodeImageIndexer 0 instance 0000000000000000 stateImageIndexer [a6]
70 System.String 0 instance toolTipText
80 ...orms.ContextMenu 0 instance 0000000000000000 contextMenu [a7]
90 ...ContextMenuStrip 0 instance 0000000000000000 contextMenuStrip [a8]
a0 System.Object[] 0 instance 0 children
b0 ...s.Forms.TreeNode 0 instance 0000000002a75168 parent [a9]
c0 ...s.Forms.TreeView 0 instance 0000000002775060 treeView [a10]
d0 ...eeNodeCollection 0 instance 0000000000000000 nodes [a11]
e0 System.Object 0 instance 0000000000000000 userData [a12]
f0 System.IntPtr 1 instance 12538608 handle
100 System.Int32 1 instance 0 index
108 System.Int32 1 instance 0 childCount
110 System.Boolean 1 instance False nodesCleared
112 System.Boolean 1 instance False expandOnRealization
114 System.Boolean 1 instance False collapseOnRealization
120 ...ized.BitVector32 1 instance 0000000002a76640 treeNodeState
90 System.UInt32 1 instance 0 treeNodeState.data
1540 System.Int32 1 shared static insertMask
>> Domain:Value 0000000000b884d0:35 <<
In the preceding output, hyperlinks help expand the object and further follow its references. For example, the imageIndexer field references an object that can be displayed by executing % a4
3> % a4
Alias 'a4' expanded to '!do 0000000002a766a8'
Name: System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode+TreeNodeImageIndexer
MT: 00007ffce82073d0
Size: 56(0x38) bytes
Assembly: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Windows.Forms\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934
Value: 140724202927056
Offset Type VT Attr Value Name
0 System.String 0 instance key
10 ....Forms.ImageList 0 instance 0000000000000000 imageList [a13]
20 System.Int32 1 instance -1 index
28 System.Boolean 1 instance True useIntegerIndex
30 ...s.Forms.TreeNode 0 instance 0000000002a765a8 owner [a14]
40 ...er+ImageListType 1 instance 0 imageListType
Hyperlink-enabled commands can end up creating a large number of temporary aliases. You can clear them (without affecting your existing aliases) by executing .clearalias --temporary
Use the .paging --rows *n*
command to configure paging. msos will then display up to n rows before pausing for user input. Turn off paging by running .paging --disable
. Paging settings are ignored when the output is redirected to a file using msos' command-line -o
Include the --diag
switch when launching msos to get diagnostic information after each command is executed. Currently this information includes the time it took to execute each command, and the memory usage before and after the command's execution. This helps detect memory leaks and slow commands.
1> !hq --tabular (from i in Enumerable.Range(0, 100000000) select i).Count()
Rows: 1
Time: 6,258.01 ms, CPU time: 5,875.00 ms (93.88%)
Memory start: 595.680kb, Memory end: 635.359kb, Memory delta: +39.680kb
The !DumpDomain
command lists all the application domains in the current target. If a specific domain id is passed, the modules loaded into that application domain are also displayed.
1> !dumpdomain
Id Name # Modules Application Base
1 DefaultDomain 14 c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\
2 /LM/W3SVC/2/ROOT/12987421178073111222... 153 C:\MyService\API\
3 /LM/W3SVC/2/ROOT/API/V/12889123711201... 48 C:\MyService\Validator\
4 /LM/W3SVC/2/ROOT-3-129874220678904342 25 C:\MyService\
The !lm
command lists the managed assemblies loaded into the target. Symbol load status is also displayed. If symbols aren't loaded, it doesn't necessarily mean they cannot be found -- the debugger loads symbols on demand.
1> !lm
start size symloaded filename
00000000738e0000 01095000 False C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_32\mscorlib\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089\mscorlib.dll
0000000000080000 00008000 False C:\Temp\VSDebugging\bin\Debug\VSDebugging.exe
Use the db
command to display a raw region of memory as hex bytes and ASCII characters. The -l
and -c
switches control how many bytes to display and how many columns to put in each row, respectively.
1> db 0000000001fc3984 -l 20 -c 10
0000000001fc3984 7c 4e cf 73 3c 2c fc 01 4c 2c |N.s<,..L,
0000000001fc398e fc 01 3c 2c fc 01 bc 26 fc 01 ..<,...&..
Use the q
command to quit the debugger.
Currently, msos loads symbols from the location specified by the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH
environment variable. Point it to the location of your symbols and to the Microsoft symbol server for best results. For example:
set _NT_SYMBOL_PATH=d:\mysymbols;\\myserver\moresymbols;srv*C:\symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols
msos -z myapp.dmp
msos will complain if it needs but cannot find symbols, and will report when symbols are downloaded from the symbol server.
Copyright (C) Sasha Goldshtein, 2015. All rights reserved.