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Contracts — Draft Design

Ian Lance Taylor
Robert Griesemer
August 27, 2018


We suggest extending the Go language to add optional type parameters to types and functions. Type parameters may be constrained by contracts: they may be used as ordinary types that only support the operations described by the contracts. Type inference via a unification algorithm is supported to permit omitting type arguments from function calls in many cases. Depending on a detail, the design can be fully backward compatible with Go 1.

For more context, see the generics problem overview.


There have been many requests to add additional support for generic programming in Go. There has been extensive discussion on the issue tracker and on a living document.

There have been several proposals for adding type parameters, which can be found by looking through the links above. Many of the ideas presented here have appeared before. The main new features described here are the syntax and the careful examination of contracts.

This draft design suggests extending the Go language to add a form of parametric polymorphism, where the type parameters are bounded not by a subtyping relationship but by explicitly defined structural constraints. Among other languages that support parametric polymorphism this design is perhaps most similar to CLU or Ada, although the syntax is completely different. Contracts also somewhat resemble C++ concepts.

This design does not support template metaprogramming or any other form of compile-time programming.

As the term generic is widely used in the Go community, we will use it below as a shorthand to mean a function or type that takes type parameters. Don’t confuse the term generic as used in this design with the same term in other languages like C++, C#, Java, or Rust; they have similarities but are not always the same.


We will describe the complete design in stages based on examples.

Type parameters

Generic code is code that is written using types that will be specified later. Each unspecified type is called a type parameter. When the code is used the type parameter is set to a type argument.

Here is a function that prints out each element of a slice, where the element type of the slice, here called T, is unknown. This is a trivial example of the kind of function we want to permit in order to support generic programming.

// Print prints the elements of a slice.
// It should be possible to call this with any slice value.
func Print(s []T) { // Just an example, not the suggested syntax.
	for _, v := range s {

As you can see, the first decision to make is: how should the type parameter T be declared? In a language like Go, we expect every identifier to be declared in some way.

Here we make a design decision: type parameters are similar to ordinary non-type function parameters, and as such should be listed along with other parameters. However, type parameters are not the same as non-type parameters, so although they appear in the parameters we want to distinguish them. That leads to our next design decision: we define an additional, optional, parameter list, describing type parameters. This parameter list appears before the regular parameters. It starts with the keyword type and lists type parameters.

func Print(type T)(s []T) {
	// same as above

This says that within the function Print the identifier T is a type parameter, a type that is currently unknown but that will be known when the function is called.

Since Print has a type parameter, when we call it we must pass a type argument. Type arguments are passed much like type parameters are declared: as a separate list of arguments. At the call site, the type keyword is not used.

	Print(int)([]int{1, 2, 3})

Type contracts

Let’s make our example slightly more complicated. Let’s turn it into a function that converts a slice of any type into a []string by calling a String method on each element.

func Stringify(type T)(s []T) (ret []string) {
	for _, v := range s {
		ret = append(ret, v.String()) // INVALID
	return ret

This might seem OK at first glance, but in this example, v has type T, and we don’t know anything about T. In particular, we don’t know that T has a String method. So the call v.String() is invalid.

Naturally, the same issue arises in other languages that support generic programming. In C++, for example, a generic function (in C++ terms, a function template) can call any method on a value of generic type. That is, in the C++ approach, calling v.String() is fine. If the function is called with a type that does not have a String method, the error is reported at the point of the function call. These errors can be lengthy, as there may be several layers of generic function calls before the error occurs, all of which must be reported for complete clarity.

The C++ approach would be a poor choice for Go. One reason is the style of the language. In Go we don’t refer to names, such as, in this case, String, and hope that they exist. Go resolves all names to their declarations when they are seen.

Another reason is that Go is designed to support programming at scale. We must consider the case in which the generic function definition (Stringify, above) and the call to the generic function (not shown, but perhaps in some other package) are far apart. In general, all generic code has a contract that type arguments need to implement. In this case, the contract is pretty obvious: the type has to have a String() string method. In other cases it may be much less obvious. We don’t want to derive the contract from whatever Stringify happens to do. If we did, a minor change to Stringify might change the contract. That would mean that a minor change could cause code far away, that calls the function, to unexpectedly break. It’s fine for Stringify to deliberately change its contract, and force users to change. What we want to avoid is Stringify changing its contract accidentally.

This is an important rule that we believe should apply to any attempt to define generic programming in Go: there should be an explicit contract between the generic code and calling code.

Contract syntax

In this design, a contract has the same general form as a function. The function body is never executed. Instead, it describes, by example, a set of types.

For the Stringify example, we need to write a contract that says that the type has a String method that takes no arguments and returns a value of type string. Here is one way to write that:

contract stringer(x T) {
	var s string = x.String()

A contract is introduced with a new keyword contract. The definition of a contract looks like the definition of a function, except that the parameter types must be simple identifiers.

Using a contract to verify type arguments

A contract serves two purposes. First, contracts are used to validate a set of type arguments. As shown above, when a function with type parameters is called, it will be called with a set of type arguments. When the compiler sees the function call, it will use the contract to validate the type arguments. If the type arguments are invalid, the compiler will report a type error: the call is using types that the function’s contract does not permit.

To validate the type arguments, each of the contract’s parameter types is replaced with the corresponding type argument (there must be exactly as many type arguments as there are parameter types; contracts may not be variadic). The body of the contract is then type checked as though it were an ordinary function. If the type checking succeeds, the type arguments are valid.

In the example of the stringer contract seen earlier, we can see that the type argument used for T must have a String method (or it must be a struct with a String field of function type). The String method must not take any arguments, and it must return a value of a type that is assignable to string. (As it happens, the only type assignable to string is, in fact, string.) If any of those statements about the type argument are not true, the contract body will fail when it is type checked.

The party of the second part

A contract is not used only at the call site. It is also used to describe what the function using the contract, the function with type parameters, is permitted to do with those type parameters.

In a function with type parameters that does not use a contract, such as the Print example shown earlier, the function is only permitted to use those type parameters in ways that any type may be used in Go. That is, operations like:

  • declare variables of those types
  • assign other values of the same type to those variables
  • pass those variables to functions or return them from functions
  • take the address of those variables
  • define and use other types that use those types, such as a slice of that type

If the function wants to take any more specific action with the type parameter, or a value of the type parameter, the contract must permit it. Basically, if the contract body uses a type in a certain way, the actual function is permitted to use the type in the same way. This is described in more detail later. For now, look at the stringer contract example above. The single statement in the contract body shows that given a value of type T, the function using the stringer contract is permitted to call a method of type String, passing no arguments, to get a value of type string. That is, naturally, exactly the operation that the Stringify function needs.

Using a contract

We’ve seen how the stringer contract can be used to verify that a type argument is suitable for the Stringify function, and we’ve seen how the contract permits the Stringify function to call the String method that it needs. The final step is showing how the Stringify function uses the stringer contract. This is done by naming the contract at the end of the list of type parameters.

func Stringify(type T stringer)(s []T) (ret []string) {
	for _, v := range s {
		ret = append(ret, v.String()) // now valid
	return ret

The list of type parameters (in this case, a list of one element) is followed by an optional contract name. The contract must have the same number of parameters as the function has type parameters; when validating the contract, the type parameters are passed to the function in the order in which they appear in the function definition.

Contract syntactic details

Before we continue, let’s cover a few details of the contract syntax.

Passing explicit types to a contract

Although the normal case is for a function to validate the contract with its exact list of type parameters, the contract can also be used with a different set of types.

For example, this simple contract says that a value of type From may be converted to the type To.

contract convertible(_ To, f From) {

Note that this contract body is quite simple. It is a single statement expression that consists of a conversion expression. Since the contract body is never executed, it doesn’t matter that the result of the conversion is not assigned to anything. All that matters is whether the conversion expressed can be type checked.

For example, this contract would permit the type arguments (int64, int32) but would forbid the type arguments ([]int, complex64).

Given this contract, we can write this function, which may be invoked with any type that can be converted to uint64.

func FormatUnsigned(type T convertible(uint64, T))(v T) string {
	return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v), 10)

This could be called as, for example,

	s := FormatUnsigned(rune)('a')

This isn’t too useful with what we’ve described so far, but it will be a bit more convenient when we get to type inference.

Restrictions on contract bodies

Although a contract looks like a function body, contracts may not themselves have type parameters. Contracts may also not have result parameters, and it follows that they may not use a return statement to return values.

The body of a contract may not refer to any name defined in the current package. This rule is intended to make it harder to accidentally change the meaning of a contract. As a compromise, a contract is permitted to refer to names imported from other packages, permitting a contract to easily say things like "this type must support the io.Reader interface:"

contract Readable(r T) {

It is likely that this rule will have to be adjusted as we gain more experience with this design. For example, perhaps we should permit contracts to refer to exported names defined in the same package, but not unexported names. Or maybe we should have no such restriction and just rely on correct programming supported by tooling.

As contract bodies are not executed, there are no restrictions about unreachable statements, or goto statements across declarations, or anything along those lines.

Of course, it is completely pointless to use a goto statement, or a break, continue, or fallthrough statement, in a contract body, as these statements do not say anything about the type arguments.

The contract keyword

Contracts may only appear at the top level of a package.

While contracts could be defined to work within the body of a function, it’s hard to think of realistic examples in which they would be useful. We see this as similar to the way that methods can not be defined within the body of a function. A minor point is that only permitting contracts at the top level permits the design to be Go 1 compatible.

There are a few ways to handle the syntax:

  • We could make contract be a keyword only at the start of a top-level declaration, and otherwise be a normal identifier.
  • We could declare that if you use contract at the start of a top-level declaration, then it becomes a keyword for the duration of that package.
  • We could make contract always be a keyword, albeit one that can only appear in one place, in which case this design is not Go 1 compatible.

Exported contracts

Like other top level declarations, a contract is exported if its name starts with an upper-case letter. An exported contract may be used by functions, types, or contracts in other packages.

Multiple type parameters

Although the examples shown so far only use a single type parameter, naturally functions may have multiple type parameters.

func Print2(type T1, T2)(s1 []T1, s2 []T2) { ... }

Compare this to

func Print2Same(type T1)(s1 []T1, s2 []T1) { ... }

In Print2 s1 and s2 may be slices of different types. In Print2Same s1 and s2 must be slices of the same element type.

Although functions may have multiple type parameters, they may only have a single contract.

contract viaStrings(t To, f From) {
	var x string = f.String()
	t.Set(string("")) // could also use t.Set(x)

func SetViaStrings(type To, From viaStrings)(s []From) []To {
	r := make([]To, len(s))
	for i, v := range s {
	return r

Parameterized types

We want more than just generic functions: we also want generic types. We suggest that types be extended to take type parameters.

type Vector(type Element) []Element

A type’s parameters are just like a function’s type parameters.

Within the type definition, the type parameters may be used like any other type.

To use a parameterized type, you must supply type arguments. This looks like a function call, except that the function in this case is actually a type. This is called instantiation.

var v Vector(int)

Parameterized types can have methods. The receiver type of a method must list the type parameters. They are listed without the type keyword or any contract.

func (v *Vector(Element)) Push(x Element) { *v = append(*v, x) }

A parameterized type can refer to itself in cases where a type can ordinarily refer to itself, but when it does so the type arguments must be the type parameters. This restriction avoids an infinite recursion of type instantiation.

// This is OK.
type List(type Element) struct {
	next *List(Element)
	val  Element

// This is INVALID.
type P(type Element1, Element2) struct {
	F *P(Element2, Element1) // INVALID; must be (Element1, Element2)

(Note: with more understanding of how people want to write code, it may be possible to relax the reference rule to permit some cases that use different type arguments.)

When a parameterized type is a struct, and the type parameter is embedded as a field in the struct, the name of the field is the name of the type parameter, not the name of the type argument.

type Lockable(type T) struct {
	mu sync.Mutex

func (l *Lockable(T)) Get() T {
	return l.T

(Note: this works poorly if you write Lockable(X) in the method declaration: should the method return l.T or l.X? Perhaps we should simply ban embedding a type parameter in a struct.)

Parameterized type aliases

Type aliases may have parameters.

type Ptr(type Target) = *Target

Type aliases may refer to parameterized types, in which case any uses of the type alias (other than in another type alias declaration) must provide type arguments.

type V = Vector
var v2 V(int)

Type aliases may refer to instantiated types.

type VectorInt = Vector(int)

Methods may not take additional type arguments

Although methods of a parameterized type may use the type’s parameters, methods may not themselves have (additional) type parameters. Where it would be useful to add type arguments to a method, people will have to write a top-level function.

Making this decision avoids having to specify the details of exactly when a method with type arguments implements an interface. (This is a feature that can perhaps be added later if it proves necessary.)

Contract embedding

A contract may embed another contract, by listing it in the contract body with type arguments. This will look like a function call in the contract body, but since the call is to a contract it is handled as if the called contract’s body were embedded in the calling contract, with the called contract’s type parameters replaced by the type arguments provided in the contract call.

This contract embeds the contract stringer defined earlier.

contract PrintStringer(x X) {

This is roughly equivalent to

contract PrintStringer(x X) {
	var s string = x.String()

It’s not exactly equivalent: the contract can’t refer to the variable s after embedding stringer(X).

Using types that refer to themselves in contracts

Although this is implied by what has already been discussed, it’s worth pointing out explicitly that a contract may require a method to have an argument whose type is one of the contract’s type parameters.

package comparable

// The equal contract describes types that have an Equal method for
// the same type.
contract equal(v T) {
	// All that matters is type checking, so reusing v as the argument
	// means that the type argument must have a Equal method such that
	// the type argument itself is assignable to the Equal method’s
	// parameter type.
	var x bool = v.Equal(v)

// Index returns the index of e in s, or -1.
func Index(type T equal)(s []T, e T) int {
	for i, v := range s {
		// Both e and v are type T, so it’s OK to call e.Equal(v).
		if e.Equal(v) {
			return i
	return -1

This function can be used with any type that has an Equal method whose single parameter type is the type itself.

import "comparable"

type EqualInt int

// The Equal method lets EqualInt implement the comparable.equal contract.
func (a EqualInt) Equal(b EqualInt) bool { return a == b }

func Index(s []EqualInt, e EqualInt) int {
	return comparable.Index(EqualInt)(s, e)

In this example, when we pass EqualInt to comparable.Index, we check whether EqualInt satisfies the contract comparable.equal. We replace T in the body of comparable.equal with EqualInt, and see whether the result type checks. EqualInt has a method Equal that accepts a parameter of type EqualInt, so all is well, and the compilation succeeds.

Mutually referential type parameters

Within a contract body, expressions may arbitrarily combine values of any type parameter.

For example, consider a generic graph package that contains generic algorithms that work with graphs. The algorithms use two types, Node and Edge. Node is expected to have a method Edges() []Edge. Edge is expected to have a method Nodes() (Node, Node). A graph can be represented as a []Node.

This simple representation is enough to implement graph algorithms like finding the shortest path.

package graph

contract G(n Node, e Edge) {
	var _ []Edge = n.Edges()
	var from, to Node = e.Nodes()

type Graph(type Node, Edge G) struct { ... }
func New(type Node, Edge G)(nodes []Node) *Graph(Node, Edge) { ... }
func (*Graph(Node, Edge)) ShortestPath(from, to Node) []Edge { ... }

At first glance it might be hard to see how this differs from similar code using interface types. The difference is that although Node and Edge have specific methods, they are not interface types. In order to use graph.Graph, the type arguments used for Node and Edge have to define methods that follow a certain pattern, but they don’t have to actually use interface types to do so.

For example, consider these type definitions in some other package:

type Vertex struct { ... }
func (v *Vertex) Edges() []*FromTo { ... }
type FromTo struct { ... }
type (ft *FromTo) Nodes() (*Vertex, *Vertex) { ... }

There are no interface types here, but we can instantiate graph.Graph using the type arguments *Vertex and *FromTo:

var g = graph.New(*Vertex, *FromTo)([]*Vertex{ ... })

*Vertex and *FromTo are not interface types, but when used together they define methods that implement the contract graph.G. Because of the way that the contract is written, we could also use the non-pointer types Vertex and FromTo; the contract implies that the function body will always be able to take the address of the argument if necessary, and so will always be able to call the pointer method.

Although Node and Edge do not have to be instantiated with interface types, it is also OK to use interface types if you like.

type NodeInterface interface { Edges() []EdgeInterface }
type EdgeInterface interface { Nodes() (NodeInterface, NodeInterface) }

We could instantiate graph.Graph with the types NodeInterface and EdgeInterface, since they implement the graph.G contract. There isn’t much reason to instantiate a type this way, but it is permitted.

This ability for type parameters to refer to other type parameters illustrates an important point: it should be a requirement for any attempt to add generics to Go that it be possible to instantiate generic code with multiple type arguments that refer to each other in ways that the compiler can check.

Values of type parameters are not boxed

In the current implementations of Go, interface values always hold pointers. Putting a non-pointer value in an interface variable causes the value to be boxed. That means that the actual value is stored somewhere else, on the heap or stack, and the interface value holds a pointer to that location.

In contrast to interface values, values of instantiated polymorphic types are not boxed. For example, let’s consider a function that works for any type T with a Set(string) method that initializes the value based on a string, and uses it to convert a slice of string to a slice of T.

package from

contract setter(x T) {
	var _ error = x.Set(string)

func Strings(type T setter)(s []string) ([]T, error) {
	ret := make([]T, len(s))
	for i, v := range s {
		if err := ret[i].Set(v); err != nil {
			return nil, err
	return ret, nil

Now let’s see some code in a different package.

type Settable int

func (p *Settable) Set(s string) (err error) {
	*p, err = strconv.Atoi(s)
	return err

func F() {
	// The type of nums is []Settable.
	nums, err := from.Strings(Settable)([]string{"1", "2"})
	// Settable can be converted directly to int.
	// This will set first to 1.
	first := int(nums[0])

When we call from.Strings with the type Settable we get back a []Settable (and an error). The values in that slice will be Settable values, which is to say, they will be integers. They will not be boxed as pointers, even though they were created and set by a generic function.

Similarly, when a parameterized type is instantiated it will have the expected types as fields.

package pair

type Pair(type carT, cdrT) struct {
	f1 carT
	f2 cdrT

When this is instantiated, the fields will not be boxed, and no unexpected memory allocations will occur. The type pair.Pair(int, string) is convertible to struct { f1 int; f2 string }.

Function argument type inference

In many cases, when calling a function with type parameters, we can use type inference to avoid having to explicitly write out the type arguments.

Go back to the example of a call to our simple Print function:

	Print(int)([]int{1, 2, 3})

The type argument int in the function call can be inferred from the type of the non-type argument.

This can only be done when all the function’s type parameters are used for the types of the function’s (non-type) input parameters. If there are some type parameters that are used only for the function’s result parameter types, or only in the body of the function, then it is not possible to infer the type arguments for the function. For example, when calling from.Strings as defined earlier, the type parameters cannot be inferred because the function’s type parameter T is not used for an input parameter, only for a result.

When the function’s type arguments can be inferred, the language uses type unification. On the caller side we have the list of types of the actual (non-type) arguments, which for the Print example here is simply []int. On the function side is the list of the types of the function’s non-type parameters, which here is []T. In the lists, we discard arguments for which the function side does not use a type parameter. We must then unify the remaining argument types.

Type unification is a two pass algorithm. In the first pass, untyped constants on the caller side, and their corresponding types in the function definition, are ignored.

Corresponding types in the lists are compared. Their structure must be identical, except that type parameters on the function side match the type that appears on the caller side at the point where the type parameter occurs. If the same type parameter appears more than once on the function side, it will match multiple argument types on the caller side. Those caller types must be identical, or type unification fails, and we report an error.

After the first pass, check any untyped constants on the caller side. If there are no untyped constants, or if the type parameters in the corresponding function types have matched other input types, then type unification is complete.

Otherwise, for the second pass, for any untyped constants whose corresponding function types are not yet set, determine the default type of the untyped constant in the usual way. Then run the type unification algorithm again, this time with no untyped constants.

In this example

	s1 := []int{1, 2, 3}

we compare []int with []T, match T with int, and we are done. The single type parameter T is int, so we infer that the call to Print is really a call to Print(int).

For a more complex example, consider

package transform

func Slice(type From, To)(s []From, f func(From) To) []To {
	r := make([]To, len(s))
	for i, v := range s {
		r[i] = f(v)
	return r

The two type parameters From and To are both used for input parameters, so type inference is possible. In the call

	strs := transform.Slice([]int{1, 2, 3}, strconv.Itoa)

we unify []int with []From, matching From with int. We unify the type of strconv.Itoa, which is func(int) string, with func(From) To, matching From with int and To with string. From is matched twice, both times with int. Unification succeeds, changing the call from transform.Slice to transform.Slice(int, string).

To see the untyped constant rule in effect, consider

package pair

func New(type T)(f1, f2 T) *Pair(T) { ... }

In the call pair.New(1, 2) both arguments are untyped constants, so both are ignored in the first pass. There is nothing to unify. We still have two untyped constants after the first pass. Both are set to their default type, int. The second run of the type unification pass unifies T with int, so the final call is pair.New(int)(1, 2).

In the call pair.New(1, int64(2)) the first argument is an untyped constant, so we ignore it in the first pass. We then unify int64 with T. At this point the type parameter corresponding to the untyped constant is fully determined, so the final call is pair.New(int64)(1, int64(2)).

In the call pair.New(1, 2.5) both arguments are untyped constants, so we move on the second pass. This time we set the first constant to int and the second to float64. We then try to unify T with both int and float64, so unification fails, and we report a compilation error.

Note that type inference is done without regard to contracts. First we use type inference to determine the type arguments to use for the package, and then, if that succeeds, we check whether those type arguments implement the contract.

Note that after successful type inference, the compiler must still check that the arguments can be assigned to the parameters, as for any function call. This need not be the case when untyped constants are involved.

(Note: Type inference is a convenience feature. Although we think it is an important feature, it does not add any functionality to the design, only convenience in using it. It would be possible to omit it from the initial implementation, and see whether it seems to be needed. That said, this feature doesn’t require additional syntax, and is likely to significantly reduce the stutter of repeated type arguments in code.)

(Note: We could also consider supporting type inference in composite literals.

type Pair(type T) struct { f1, f2 T }
var V = Pair{1, 2} // inferred as Pair(int){1, 2}

It’s not clear how often this will arise in real code.)

Instantiating a function

Go normally permits you to refer to a function without passing any arguments, producing a value of function type. You may not do this with a function that has type parameters; all type arguments must be known at compile time. However, you can instantiate the function, by passing type arguments, without passing any non-type arguments. This will produce an ordinary function value with no type parameters.

// PrintInts will have type func([]int).
var PrintInts = Print(int)

Type assertions and switches

A useful function with type parameters will support any type argument that implements the contract. Sometimes, though, it’s possible to use a more efficient implementation for some type arguments. The language already has mechanisms for code to find out what type it is working with: type assertions and type switches. Those are normally only permitted with interface types. In this design, functions are also permitted to use them with values whose types are type parameters, or based on type parameters.

This doesn’t add any functionality, as the function could get the same information using the reflect package. It’s merely occasionally convenient, and it may result in more efficient code.

For example, this code is permitted even if it is called with a type argument that is not an interface type.

contract byteReader(x T) {
	// This expression says that x is convertible to io.Reader, or,
	// in other words, that x has a method Read([]byte) (int, error).

func ReadByte(type T byteReader)(r T) (byte, error) {
	if br, ok := r.(io.ByteReader); ok {
		return br.ReadByte()
	var b [1]byte
	_, err := r.Read(b[:])
	return b[0], err

Instantiating types in type literals

When instantiating a type at the end of a type literal, there is a parsing ambiguity.

x1 := []T(v1)
x2 := []T(v2){}

In this example, the first case is a type conversion of v1 to the type []T. The second case is a composite literal of type []T(v2), where T is a parameterized type that we are instantiating with the type argument v2. The ambiguity is at the point where we see the parenthesis: at that point the parser doesn’t know whether it is seeing a type conversion or something like a composite literal.

To avoid this ambiguity, we require that type instantiations at the end of a type literal be parenthesized. In other words, we always parse []T(v1) as a type conversion, not as a potential instantiation of T. To write a type literal that is a slice of a type instantiation, you must write [](T(v1)). This only applies to slice, array, map, chan, and func type literals ending in a type name. Of course it is always possible to use a separate type declaration to give a name to the instantiated type, and to use that. This is only an issue when the type is instantiated in place.


We do not propose to change the reflect package in any way. When a type or function is instantiated, all of the type parameters will become ordinary non-generic types. The String method of a reflect.Type value of an instantiated type will return the name with the type arguments in parentheses. For example, List(int).

It’s impossible for non-generic code to refer to generic code without instantiating it, so there is no reflection information for uninstantiated generic types or functions.

Contracts details

Let’s take a deeper look at contracts.

Operations on values whose type is a type parameter must be permitted by the type parameter’s contract. This means that the power of generic functions is tied precisely to the interpretation of the contract body. It also means that the language requires a precise definition of the operations that are permitted by a given contract.

The general guideline is straightforward: if a statement appears in a contract, then that same statement may appear in a function using that contract. However, that guideline is clearly too limiting; it essentially requires that the function body be copied into the contract body, which makes the contract pointless. Therefore, what needs to be clearly spelled out is the ways in which a statement in a contract body can permit other kinds of expressions or statements in the function body. We don’t need to explain the meaning of every statement that can appear in a contract body, only the ones that permit operations other than an exact copy of the statement.


All the contracts we’ve seen so far show only method calls and type conversions in the contract body. If a method call appears in the contract body, that method may be called on an addressable value in any statement or expression in the function body. It will take argument and result types as shown in the contract body.

The examples above use var declarations to specify the types of the result parameters. While it is valid to use a short declaration like s := x.String() in a contract body, such a declaration says nothing about the result type. This would match a type argument with a String method that returns a single result of any type. It would not permit the function using the contract to use the result of x.String(), since the type would not be known.

There are a few aspects to a method call that can not be shown in a simple assignment statement like the ones shown above.

  • There is no way to specify that a method does not return any values.
  • There is no way to specify that a method takes variadic arguments.
  • There is no way to distinguish a method call from a call of a struct field with function type.

When a contract needs to describe one of these cases, it can use a type conversion to an interface type. The interface type permits the method to be precisely described. If the conversion to the interface type passes the type checker, then the type argument must have a method of that exact type.

An explicit method call, or a conversion to an interface type, can not be used to distinguish a pointer method from a value method. When the function body calls a method on an addressable value, this doesn’t matter; since all value methods are part of the pointer type’s method set, an addressable value can call either pointer methods or value methods.

However, it is possible to write a function body that can only call a value method, not a pointer method. For example:

contract adjustable(x T) {
	var _ T = x.Adjust()

func Apply(type T adjustable)(v T) {
	v.Adjust().Apply() // INVALID

In this example, the Apply method is not called on an addressable value. This can only work if the Apply method is a value method. But writing x.Apply() in the contract permits a pointer method.

In order to use a value method in the function body, the contract must express that the type has a value method rather than a pointer method. That can be done like this:

contract adjustable(x T) {
	var _ T = x.Adjust()
	var f func() T

The rule is that if the contract body contains a method call on a non-addressable value, then the function body may call the method on a non-addressable value.


Method calls are not sufficient for everything we want to express. Consider this simple function that reports whether a parameterized slice contains an element.

func Contains(type T)(s []T, e T) bool {
	for _, v := range s {
		if v == e { // INVALID
			return true
	return false

Any reasonable generics implementation should let you write this function. The problem is the expression v == e. That assumes that T supports the == operator, but there is no contract requiring that. Without a contract the function body can only use operations that are available for all types, but not all Go types support == (you can not use == to compare values of slice, map, or function type).

This is easy to address using a contract.

contract comparable(x T) {
	x == x

func Contains(type T comparable)(s []T, e T) bool {
	for _, v := range s {
		if v == e { // now valid
			return true
	return false

In general, using an operator in the contract body permits using the same operator with the same types anywhere in the function body.

For convenience, some operators also permit additional operations.

Using a binary operator in the contract body permits not only using that operator by itself, but also the assignment version with = appended if that exists. That is, an expression like x * x in a contract body means that generic code, given variables a and b of the type of x, may write a * b and may also write a *= b.

Using the == operator with values of some type as both the left and right operands means that the type must be comparable, and implies that both == and != may be used with values of that type. Similarly, != permits ==.

Using the < operator with values of some type as both the left and right operators means that the type must ordered, and implies that all of ==, !=, <, <=, >=, and > may be used with values of that type. Similarly for <=, >=, and >.

These additional operations permit a little more freedom when writing the body of a function with type parameters: one can convert from a = a * b to a *= b, or make the other changes listed above, without having to modify the contract.

Type conversions

As already shown, the contract body may contain type conversions. A type conversion in the contract body means that the function body may use the same type conversion in any expression.

Here is an example that implements a checked conversion between numeric types:

package check

contract convert(t To, f From) {
	f == f

func Convert(type To, From convert)(from From) To {
	to := To(from)
	if From(to) != from {
		panic("conversion out of range")
	return to

Note that the contract needs to explicitly permit both converting To to From and converting From to To. The ability to convert one way doesn’t necessarily imply being able to convert the other way; consider check.Convert(int, interface{})(0, 0).

Untyped constants

Some functions are most naturally written using untyped constants. The contract body needs ways to say that it is possible to convert an untyped constant to some type. This is most naturally written as an assignment from an untyped constant.

contract untyped(x T) {
	x = 0

A contract of this form must be used in order to write code like var v T = 0.

If a contract body has assignments with string (x = "") or bool (x = false) untyped constants, the function body is permitted to use any untyped string or bool constant, respectively, with values of the type.

For numeric types, the use of a single untyped constant only permits using the exact specified value. Using two untyped constant assignments for a type permits using those constants and any value in between. For complex untyped constants, the real and imaginary values may vary to any values between the two constants.

Here is an example that adds 1000 to each element of a slice. If the contract did not say x = 1000, the expression v + 1000 would be invalid.

contract add1K(x T) {
	x = 1000
	x + x

func Add1K(type T add1K)(s []T) {
	for i, v := range s {
		s[i] = v + 1000

These untyped constant rules are not strictly required. A type conversion expression such as T(int) permits converting any int value to the type T, so it would permit code like var x T = T(1000). What the untyped constant expressions permit is var x T = 1000, without the explicit type conversion. (Note that int8 satisfies the untyped contract but not add1K, since 1000 is out of range for int8.)


In order to use a value of a type parameter as a condition in an if or for statement, write an if or for statement in the contract body: if T {} or for T {}. This is only useful to instantiate a type parameter with a named boolean type, and as such is unlikely to arise much in practice.


Some simple operations in the contract body make it easier for the function body to work on various sorts of sequences.

Using an index expression x[y] in a contract body permits using an index expression with those types anywhere in the function body. For anything other than a map type, the type of y will normally be int; that case may also be written as x[0]. Naturally, z = x[y] permits an index expression yielding the specified type.

A statement like x[y] = z in the contract body permits the function body to assign to an index element using the given types. Again x[0] = z permits assignment using any int index.

A statement like for x, y = range z {} in the contract body permits using either a one-element or a two-element range clause in a for statement in the function body.

Using an expression like len(x) or cap(x) in the contract body permits those builtin functions to be used with values of that type anywhere in the function body.

Using contracts of this sort can permit operations on generic sequence types. For example, here is a version of Join that may be instantiated with either []byte or string. This example is imperfect in that in the string case it will do some unnecessary conversions to []byte in order to call append and copy, but perhaps the compiler can eliminate those.

contract strseq(x T) {

func Join(type T strseq)(a []T, sep T) (ret T) {
	if len(a) == 0 {
		// Use the result parameter as a zero value;
		// see discussion of zero value below.
		return ret
	if len(a) == 1 {
		return T(append([]byte(nil), []byte(a[0])...))
	n := len(sep) * (len(a) - 1)
	for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
		n += len(a[i])

	b := make([]byte, n)
	bp := copy(b, []byte(a[0]))
	for _, s := range a[1:] {
		bp += copy(b[bp:], []byte(sep))
		bp += copy(b[bp:], []byte(s))
	return T(b)


Using x.f in a contract body permits referring to the field in any expression in the function body. The contract body can use var y = x.f to describe the field’s type.

package move

contract counter(x T) {
	var _ int = x.Count

contract counters(T1, T2) { // as with a func, parameter names may be omitted.
	// Use contract embedding to say that both types must have a
	// Count field of type int.

func Corresponding(type T1, T2 counters)(p1 *T1, p2 *T2) {
	p1.Count = p2.Count

The function move.Corresponding will copy the Count field from one struct to the other. The structs may be entirely different types, as long as they both have a Count field with type int.

A field reference in a contract body also permits using a keyed composite literal in the function body, as in T1{Count: 0}.

Impossible contracts

It is possible to write a contract body that cannot be implemented by any Go type. This is not forbidden. An error will be reported not when the contract or function or type is compiled, but on any attempt to instantiate it. This eliminates the need for the language spec to provide an exhaustive set of rules describing when a contract body cannot be satisfied.

It may be appropriate to add a vet check for this, if possible.


Russ Cox famously observed that generics require choosing among slow programmers, slow compilers, or slow execution times.

We believe that this design permits different implementation choices. Code may be compiled separately for each set of type arguments, or it may be compiled as though each type argument is handled similarly to an interface type with method calls, or there may be some combination of the two.

In other words, this design permits people to stop choosing slow programmers, and permits the implementation to decide between slow compilers (compile each set of type arguments separately) or slow execution times (use method calls for each operation on a value of a type argument).


While this design is long and detailed, it reduces to a few major points.

  • Functions and types can have type parameters, which are defined using optional contracts.
  • Contracts describe the operations permitted for a type parameter and required for a type argument.
  • Type inference can sometimes permit omitting type arguments when calling functions with type parameters.

This design is completely backward compatible, in that any valid Go 1 program will still be valid if this design is adopted (assuming contract is treated as a pseudo-keyword that is only meaningful at top level).

We believe that this design addresses people’s needs for generic programming in Go, without making the language any more complex than necessary.

We can’t truly know the impact on the language without years of experience with this design. That said, here are some speculations.


One of the great aspects of Go is its simplicity. Clearly this design makes the language more complex.

We believe that the increased complexity is minor for people reading generic code, rather than writing it. Naturally people must learn the new syntax for declaring type parameters. The code within a generic function reads like ordinary Go code, as can be seen in the examples below. It is an easy shift to go from []int to []T. Type parameter contracts serve effectively as documentation, describing the type.

We expect that most people will not write generic code themselves, but many people are likely to write packages that use generic code written by others. In the common case, generic functions work exactly like non-generic functions: you simply call them. Type inference means that you do not have to write out the type arguments explicitly. The type inference rules are designed to be unsurprising: either the type arguments are deduced correctly, or the call fails and requires explicit type parameters. Type inference uses type identity, with no attempt to resolve two types that are similar but not identical, which removes significant complexity.

People using generic types will have to pass explicit type arguments. The syntax for this is familiar. The only change is passing arguments to types rather than only to functions.

For the minority of people writing generic packages, we expect that the most complicated part will be writing correct contract bodies. Good compiler error messages will be essential, and they seem entirely feasible. We can’t deny the additional complexity here, but we believe that the design avoids confusing cases and provides the facilities that people need to write whatever generic code is desired.

In general, we have tried to avoid surprises in the design. Only time will tell whether we succeeded.


We expect that a few new packages will be added to the standard library. A new slices packages will be similar to the existing bytes and strings packages, operating on slices of any element type. New maps and chans packages will provide simple algorithms that are currently duplicated for each element type. A set package may be added.

Packages like container/list and container/ring, and types like sync.Map, will be updated to be compile-time type-safe.

The math package will be extended to provide a set of simple standard algorithms for all numeric types, such as the ever popular Min and Max functions.

It is likely that new special purpose compile-time type-safe container types will be developed, and some may become widely used.

We do not expect approaches like the C++ STL iterator types to become widely used. In Go that sort of idea is more naturally expressed using an interface type. In C++ terms, using an interface type for an iterator can be seen as carrying an abstraction penalty, in that run-time efficiency will be less than C++ approaches that in effect inline all code; we believe that Go programmers will continue to find that sort of penalty to be acceptable.

As we get more container types, we may develop a standard Iterator interface. That may in turn lead to pressure to modify the language to add some mechanism for using an Iterator with the range clause. That is very speculative, though.


It is not clear what sort of efficiency people expect from generic code.

Generic functions, rather than generic types, can probably be compiled using an interface-based approach. That will optimize compile time, in that the package is only compiled once, but there will be some run-time cost.

Generic types may most naturally be compiled multiple times for each set of type arguments. This will clearly carry a compile time cost, but there shouldn’t be any run-time cost. Compilers can also choose to implement generic types similarly to interface types, using special purpose methods to access each element that depends on a type parameter.

Only experience will show what people expect in this area.


We believe that this design covers the basic requirements for generic programming. However, there are a number of programming constructs that are not supported.

  • No specialization. There is no way to write multiple versions of a generic function that are designed to work with specific type arguments (other than using type assertions or type switches).
  • No metaprogramming. There is no way to write code that is executed at compile time to generate code to be executed at run time.
  • No higher-level abstraction. There is no way to speak about a function with type arguments other than to call it or instantiate it. There is no way to speak about a parameterized type other than to instantiate it.
  • No covariance or contravariance.
  • No operator methods. You can write a generic container that is compile-time type-safe, but you can only access it with ordinary methods, not with syntax like c[k]. Similarly, there is no way to use range with a generic container type.
  • No currying. There is no way to specify only some of the type arguments, other than by using a type alias or a helper function.
  • No adaptors. There is no way for a contract to define adaptors that could be used to support type arguments that do not already satisfy the contract, such as, for example, defining an == operator in terms of an Equal method.
  • No parameterization on non-type values. This arises most obviously for arrays, where it might sometimes be convenient to write type Matrix(type n int) [n][n]float64. It might also sometimes be useful to specify significant values for a container type, such as a default value for elements.


There are some issues with this design that deserve a more detailed discussion. We think these issues are relatively minor compared with the design as a whole, but they still deserve a complete hearing and discussion.

The zero value

This design has no simple expression for the zero value of a type parameter. For example, consider this implementation of optional values by using pointers:

type Optional(type T) struct {
	p *T

func (o Optional(T)) Val() T {
	if o.p != nil {
		return *o.p
	var zero T
	return zero

In the case where o.p == nil, we want to return the zero value of T, but we have no way to write that. It would be nice to be able to write return nil, but that wouldn’t work if T is, say, int; in that case we would have to write return 0.

Some approaches to this are:

  • Use var zero T, as above, which works with the existing design but requires an extra statement.
  • Use *new(T), which is ugly but works with the existing design.
  • Extend the design to permit using nil as the zero value of any generic type (but see issue 22729).
  • Extend the design to permit using T{}, where T is a type parameter, to indicate the zero value of the type.
  • Change the language to permit using _ on the right hand of an assignment (including return or a function call) as proposed in issue 19642.

We feel that more experience with this design is needed before deciding what, if anything, to do here.

Lots of irritating silly parentheses

Calling a function with type parameters requires an additional list of type arguments if the type arguments can not be inferred. If the function returns a function, and we call that, we get still more parentheses.

	F(int, float64)(x, y)(s)

We experimented with other syntaxes, such as using a colon to separate the type arguments from the regular arguments. The current design seems to be the best, but perhaps something better is possible.

What does := mean in a contract body?

If a contract body uses a short declaration, such as

	s := x.String()

this does not provide any information about the result parameter of the String method. This contract body would match any type with a String method that returns a single result of any type. It’s less clear what it permits in the function using this contract. For example, does it permit the function to call the String method and assign the result to a variable of empty interface type?

Pointer vs. value methods in contracts

It seems that the natural ways to write a contract calling for certain methods to exist will accept either a pointer method or a value method. That may be confusing, in that it will prevent writing a function body that requires a value method. We will have to judge from experience how much this confuses people in practice.

Copying the function body into the contract body

The simplest way to ensure that a function only performs the operations permitted by its contract is to simply copy the function body into the contract body. In other words, to make the function body be its own contract, much as C++ does. If people take this path, then this design in effect creates a lot of additional complexity for no benefit.

We think this is unlikely because we believe that most people will not write generic function, and we believe that most generic functions will have only non-existent or trivial requirements on their type parameters. More experience will be needed to see whether this is a problem.

Discarded ideas

This design is not perfect, and it will be changed as we gain experience with it. That said, there are many ideas that we’ve already considered in detail. This section lists some of those ideas in the hopes that it will help to reduce repetitive discussion. The ideas are presented in the form of a FAQ.

Why not use interfaces instead of contracts?

The interface method syntax is familiar. Writing contract bodies with x + x is ordinary Go syntax, but it is stylized, repetitive, and looks weird.

It is unclear how to represent operators using interface methods. We considered syntaxes like +(T, T) T, but that is confusing and repetitive. Also, a minor point, but ==(T, T) bool does not correspond to the == operator, which returns an untyped boolean value, not bool. We also considered writing simply + or ==. That seems to work but unfortunately the semicolon insertion rules require writing a semicolon after each operator at the end of a line. Using contracts that look like functions gives us a familiar syntax at the cost of some repetition. These are not fatal problems, but they are difficulties.

Why not put type parameters on packages?

We investigated this extensively. It becomes problematic when you want to write a list package, and you want that package to include a Transform function that converts a List of one element type to a List of another element type. It’s very awkward for a function in one instantiation of a package to return a type that requires a different instantiation of the package.

It also confuses package boundaries with type definitions. There is no particular reason to think that the uses of parameterized types will break down neatly into packages. Sometimes they will, sometimes they won’t.

Why not use F<T> like C++ and Java?

When parsing code within a function, such as v := F<T>, at the point of seeing the < it’s ambiguous whether we are seeing a type instantiation or an expression using the < operator. Resolving that requires effectively unbounded lookahead. In general we strive to keep the Go parser simple.

Why not use F[T]?

When parsing a type declaration type A [T] int it’s ambiguous whether this is a parameterized type defined (uselessly) as int or whether it is an array type with T elements.

Why not use F«T»?

We considered it but we couldn’t bring ourselves to require non-ASCII.

Why not define contracts in a standard package?

Instead of writing out contracts, use names like contracts.Arithmetic and contracts.Comparable.

Listing all the possible combinations of types gets rather lengthy. It also introduces a new set of names that not only the writer of generic code, but, more importantly, the reader, must remember. One of the driving goals of this design is to not introduce new names. Instead we introduce one new keyword and some new syntax.

We expect that if people find such names useful, we can introduce a package contracts that defines the useful names in the form of contracts that can be used by other types and functions and embedded in other contracts.

Comparison with Java

Most complaints about Java generics center around type erasure. This design does not have type erasure. The reflection information for a generic type will include the full compile-time type information.

In Java type wildcards (List<? extends Number>, List<? super Number>) implement covariance and contravariance. These concepts are missing from Go, which makes generic types much simpler.

Comparison with C++

C++ templates do not enforce any constraints on the type arguments (unless the concept proposal is adopted). This means that changing template code can accidentally break far-off instantiations. It also means that error messages are reported only at instantiation time, and can be deeply nested and difficult to understand. This design avoids these problems through explicit contracts.

C++ supports template metaprogramming, which can be thought of as ordinary programming done at compile time using a syntax that is completely different than that of non-template C++. This design has no similar feature. This saves considerable complexity while losing some power and run-time efficiency.


The following sections are examples of how this design could be used. This is intended to address specific areas where people have created user experience reports concerned with Go’s lack of generics.


Before the introduction of sort.Slice, a common complaint was the need for boilerplate definitions in order to use sort.Sort. With this design, we can add to the sort package as follows:

contract ordered(e Ele) { e < e }

type orderedSlice(type Ele ordered) []Ele

func (s orderedSlice(Ele)) Len() int           { return len(s) }
func (s orderedSlice(Ele)) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i] < s[j] }
func (s orderedSlice(Ele)) Swap(i, j int)      { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }

// OrderedSlice sorts the slice s in ascending order.
// The elements of s must be ordered using the < operator.
func OrderedSlice(type Ele ordered)(s []Ele) {

Now we can write:

	sort.OrderedSlice(int32)([]int32{3, 5, 2})

We can rely on type inference to omit the type argument list:

	sort.OrderedSlice([]string{"a", "c", "b"})

Along the same lines, we can add a function for sorting using a comparison function, similar to sort.Slice but writing the function to take values rather than slice indexes.

type sliceFn(type Ele) struct {
	s []Ele
	f func(Ele, Ele) bool

func (s sliceFn(Ele)) Len() int           { return len(s.s) }
func (s sliceFn(Ele)) Less(i, j int) bool { return s.f(s.s[i], s.s[j]) }
func (s sliceFn(Ele)) Swap(i, j int)      { s.s[i], s.s[j] = s.s[j], s.s[i] }

// SliceFn sorts the slice s according to the function f.
func SliceFn(type Ele)(s []Ele, f func(Ele, Ele) bool) {
	Sort(sliceFn(Ele){s, f})

An example of calling this might be:

	var s []*Person
	// ...
	sort.SliceFn(s, func(p1, p2 *Person) bool { return p1.Name < p2.Name })

map keys

Here is how to get a slice of the keys of any map.

package maps

contract mappable(k K, _ V) { k == k }

func Keys(type K, V mappable)(m map[K]V) []K {
	r := make([]K, 0, len(m))
	for k := range m {
		r = append(r, k)
	return r

In typical use the types will be inferred.

	k := maps.Keys(map[int]int{1:2, 2:4}) // sets k to []int{1, 2} (or {2, 1})


Here is an example of how to write map, reduce, and filter functions for slices. These functions are intended to correspond to the similar functions in Lisp, Python, Java, and so forth.

// Package slices implements various slice algorithms.
package slices

// Map turns a []T1 to a []T2 using a mapping function.
func Map(type T1, T2)(s []T1, f func(T1) T2) []T2 {
	r := make([]T2, len(s))
	for i, v := range s {
		r[i] = f(v)
	return r

// Reduce reduces a []T1 to a single value using a reduction function.
func Reduce(type T1, T2)(s []T1, initializer T2, f func(T2, T1) T2) T2 {
	r := initializer
	for _, v := range s {
		r = f(r, v)
	return r

// Filter filters values from a slice using a filter function.
func Filter(type T)(s []T, f func(T) bool) []T {
	var r []T
	for _, v := range s {
		if f(v) {
			r = append(r, v)
	return r

Example calls:

	s := []int{1, 2, 3}
	floats := slices.Map(s, func(i int) float64 { return float64(i) })
	sum := slices.Reduce(s, 0, func(i, j int) int { return i + j })
	evens := slices.Filter(s, func(i int) bool { return i%2 == 0 })


Many people have asked for Go’s builtin map type to be extended, or rather reduced, to support a set type. Here is a type-safe implementation of a set type, albeit one that uses methods rather than operators like [].

// Package set implements sets of any type.
package set

contract comparable(Ele) { Ele == Ele }

type Set(type Ele comparable) map[Ele]struct{}

func Make(type Ele comparable)() Set(Ele) {
	return make(Set(Ele))

func (s Set(Ele)) Add(v Ele) {
	s[v] = struct{}{}

func (s Set(Ele)) Delete(v Ele) {
	delete(s, v)

func (s Set(Ele)) Contains(v Ele) bool {
	_, ok := s[v]
	return ok

func (s Set(Ele)) Len() int {
	return len(s)

func (s Set(Ele)) Iterate(f func(Ele)) {
	for v := range s {

Example use:

	s := set.Make(int)
	if s.Contains(2) { panic("unexpected 2") }

This example, like the sort examples above, shows how to use this design to provide a compile-time type-safe wrapper around an existing API.


Many simple general purpose channel functions are never written, because they must be written using reflection and the caller must type assert the results. With this design they become easy to write.

package chans

import "runtime"

// Ranger returns a Sender and a Receiver. The Receiver provides a
// Next method to retrieve values. The Sender provides a Send method
// to send values and a Close method to stop sending values. The Next
// method indicates when the Sender has been closed, and the Send
// method indicates when the Receiver has been freed.
// This is a convenient way to exit a goroutine sending values when
// the receiver stops reading them.
func Ranger(type T)() (*Sender(T), *Receiver(T)) {
	c := make(chan T)
	d := make(chan bool)
	s := &Sender(T){values: c, done: d}
	r := &Receiver(T){values: c, done: d}
	runtime.SetFinalizer(r, (*Receiver(T)).finalize)
	return s, r

// A sender is used to send values to a Receiver.
type Sender(type T) struct {
	values chan<- T
	done <-chan bool

// Send sends a value to the receiver. It reports whether any more
// values may be sent; if it returns false the value was not sent.
func (s *Sender(T)) Send(v T) bool {
	select {
	case s.values <- v:
		return true
	case <-s.done:
		return false

// Close tells the receiver that no more values will arrive.
// After Close is called, the Sender may no longer be used.
func (s *Sender(T)) Close() {

// A Receiver receives values from a Sender.
type Receiver(type T) struct {
	values <-chan T
	done chan<- bool

// Next returns the next value from the channel. The bool result
// indicates whether the value is valid, or whether the Sender has
// been closed and no more values will be received.
func (r *Receiver(T)) Next() (T, bool) {
	v, ok := <-r.values
	return v, ok

// finalize is a finalizer for the receiver.
func (r *Receiver(T)) finalize() {

There is an example of using this function in the next section.


One of the frequent requests for generics in Go is the ability to write compile-time type-safe containers. This design makes it easy to write a compile-time type-safe wrapper around an existing container; we won’t write out an example for that. This design also makes it easy to write a compile-time type-safe container that does not use boxing.

Here is an example of an ordered map implemented as a binary tree. The details of how it works are not too important. The important points are:

  • The code is written in a natural Go style, using the key and value types where needed.
  • The keys and values are stored directly in the nodes of the tree, not using pointers and not boxed as interface values.
// Package orderedmap provides an ordered map, implemented as a binary tree.
package orderedmap

import "chans"

// Map is an ordered map.
type Map(type K, V) struct {
	root    *node(K, V)
	compare func(K, K) int

// node is the type of a node in the binary tree.
type node(type K, V) struct {
	key         K
	val         V
	left, right *node(K, V)

// New returns a new map.
func New(type K, V)(compare func(K, K) int) *Map(K, V) {
	return &Map(K, V){compare: compare}

// find looks up key in the map, and returns either a pointer
// to the node holding key, or a pointer to the location where
// such a node would go.
func (m *Map(K, V)) find(key K) **node(K, V) {
	pn := &m.root
	for *pn != nil {
		switch cmp :=, (*pn).key); {
		case cmp < 0:
			pn = &(*pn).left
		case cmp > 0:
			pn = &(*pn).right
			return pn
	return pn

// Insert inserts a new key/value into the map.
// If the key is already present, the value is replaced.
// Returns true if this is a new key, false if already present.
func (m *Map(K, V)) Insert(key K, val V) bool {
	pn := m.find(key)
	if *pn != nil {
		(*pn).val = val
		return false
	*pn = &node(K, V){key: key, val: val}
	return true

// Find returns the value associated with a key, or zero if not present.
// The found result reports whether the key was found.
func (m *Map(K, V)) Find(key K) (V, bool) {
	pn := m.find(key)
	if *pn == nil {
		var zero V // see the discussion of zero values, above
		return zero, false
	return (*pn).val, true

// keyValue is a pair of key and value used when iterating.
type keyValue(type K, V) struct {
	key K
	val V

// InOrder returns an iterator that does an in-order traversal of the map.
func (m *Map(K, V)) InOrder() *Iterator(K, V) {
	sender, receiver := chans.Ranger(keyValue(K, V))()
	var f func(*node(K, V)) bool
	f = func(n *node(K, V)) bool {
		if n == nil {
			return true
		// Stop sending values if sender.Send returns false,
		// meaning that nothing is listening at the receiver end.
		return f(n.left) &&
			sender.Send(keyValue(K, V){n.key, n.val}) &&
	go func() {
	return &Iterator{receiver}

// Iterator is used to iterate over the map.
type Iterator(type K, V) struct {
	r *chans.Receiver(keyValue(K, V))

// Next returns the next key and value pair, and a boolean indicating
// whether they are valid or whether we have reached the end.
func (it *Iterator(K, V)) Next() (K, V, bool) {
	keyval, ok := it.r.Next()
	if !ok {
		var zerok K
		var zerov V
		return zerok, zerov, false
	return keyval.key, keyval.val, true

This is what it looks like to use this package:

import "container/orderedmap"

var m = orderedmap.New(string, string)(strings.Compare)

func Add(a, b string) {
	m.Insert(a, b)


The predeclared append function exists to replace the boilerplate otherwise required to grow a slice. Before append was added to the language, there was a function Add in the bytes package with the signature

func Add(s, t []byte) []byte

that appended two []byte values together, returning a new slice. That was fine for []byte, but if you had a slice of some other type, you had to write essentially the same code to append more values. If this design were available back then, perhaps we would not have added append to the language. Instead, we could write something like this:

package slices

// Append adds values to the end of a slice, returning a new slice.
func Append(type T)(s []T, t ...T) []T {
	lens := len(s)
	tot := lens + len(t)
	if tot <= cap(s) {
		s = s[:tot]
	} else {
		news := make([]T, tot, tot + tot/2)
		copy(news, s)
		s = news
	copy(s[lens:tot], t)
	return s

That example uses the predeclared copy function, but that’s OK, we can write that one too:

// Copy copies values from t to s, stopping when either slice is
// full, returning the number of values copied.
func Copy(type T)(s, t []T) int {
	i := 0
	for ; i < len(s) && i < len(t); i++ {
		s[i] = t[i]
	return i

These functions can be used as one would expect:

	s := slices.Append([]int{1, 2, 3}, 4, 5, 6)
	slices.Copy(s[3:], []int{7, 8, 9})

This code doesn’t implement the special case of appending or copying a string to a []byte, and it’s unlikely to be as efficient as the implementation of the predeclared function. Still, this example shows that using this design would permit append and copy to be written generically, once, without requiring any additional special language features.


In a Go experience report Sameer Ajmani describes a metrics implementation. Each metric has a value and one or more fields. The fields have different types. Defining a metric requires specifying the types of the fields, and creating a value with an Add method. The Add method takes the field types as arguments, and records an instance of that set of fields. The C++ implementation uses a variadic template. The Java implementation includes the number of fields in the name of the type. Both the C++ and Java implementations provide compile-time type-safe Add methods.

Here is how to use this design to provide similar functionality in Go with a compile-time type-safe Add method. Because there is no support for a variadic number of type arguments, we must use different names for a different number of arguments, as in Java. This implementation only works for comparable types. A more complex implementation could accept a comparison function to work with arbitrary types.

package metrics

import "sync"

contract comparable(v T)  {
	v == v

contract cmp1(T) {
	comparable(T) // contract embedding

type Metric1(type T cmp1) struct {
	mu sync.Mutex
	m  map[T]int

func (m *Metric1(T)) Add(v T) {
	if m.m == nil {
		m.m = make(map[T]int)

contract cmp2(T1, T2) {

type key2(type T1, T2 cmp2) struct {
	f1 T1
	f2 T2

type Metric2(type T1, T2 cmp2) struct {
	mu sync.Mutex
	m  map[key2(T1, T2)]int

func (m *Metric2(T1, T2)) Add(v1 T1, v2 T2) {
	if m.m == nil {
		m.m = make(map[key2(T1, T2)]int)
	m[key(T1, T2){v1, v2}]++

contract cmp3(T1, T2, T3) {

type key3(type T1, T2, T3 cmp3) struct {
	f1 T1
	f2 T2
	f3 T3

type Metric3(type T1, T2, T3 cmp3) struct {
	mu sync.Mutex
	m  map[key3(T1, T2, T3)]int

func (m *Metric3(T1, T2, T3)) Add(v1 T1, v2 T2, v3 T3) {
	if m.m == nil {
		m.m = make(map[key3]int)
	m[key(T1, T2, T3){v1, v2, v3}]++

// Repeat for the maximum number of permitted arguments.

Using this package looks like this:

import "metrics"

var m = metrics.Metric2(string, int){}

func F(s string, i int) {
	m.Add(s, i) // this call is type checked at compile time

This package implementation does have a certain amount of repetition due to the lack of support for variadic package type parameters. Using the package, though, is easy and type safe.

list transform

While slices are efficient and easy to use, there are occasional cases where a linked list is appropriate. This example primarily shows transforming a linked list of one type to another type, as an example of using different instantiations of the same parameterized type.

package list

// List is a linked list.
type List(type T) struct {
	head, tail *element(T)

// An element is an entry in a linked list.
type element(type T) struct {
	next *element(T)
	val  T

// Push pushes an element to the end of the list.
func (lst *List(T)) Push(v T) {
	if lst.tail == nil {
		lst.head = &element(T){val: v}
		lst.tail = lst.head
	} else { = &element(T){val: v }
		lst.tail =

// Iterator ranges over a list.
type Iterator(type T) struct {
	next **element(T)

// Range returns an Iterator starting at the head of the list.
func (lst *List(T)) Range() *Iterator(T) {
	return Iterator(T){next: &lst.head}

// Next advances the iterator.
// It reports whether there are more elements.
func (it *Iterator(T)) Next() bool {
	if * == nil {
		return false
	} = &(*
	return true

// Val returns the value of the current element.
// The bool result reports whether the value is valid.
func (it *Iterator(T)) Val() (T, bool) {
	if * == nil {
		var zero T
		return zero, false
	return (*, true

// Transform runs a transform function on a list, returning a new list.
func Transform(type T1, T2)(lst *List(T1), f func(T1) T2) *List(T2) {
	ret := &List(T2){}
	it := lst.Range()
	for {
		if v, ok := it.Val(); ok {
	return ret


The standard "context" package provides a Context.Value method to fetch a value from a context. The method returns interface{}, so using it normally requires a type assertion to the correct type. Here is an example of how we can add type parameters to the "context" package to provide a type-safe wrapper around Context.Value.

// Key is a key that can be used with Context.Value.
// Rather than calling Context.Value directly, use Key.Load.
// The zero value of Key is not ready for use; use NewKey.
type Key(type V) struct {
	name string

// NewKey returns a key used to store values of type V in a Context.
// Every Key returned is unique, even if the name is reused.
func NewKey(type V)(name string) *Key {
	return &Key(V){name: name}

// WithValue returns a new context with v associated with k.
func (k *Key(V)) WithValue(parent Context, v V) Context {
	return WithValue(parent, k, v)

// Value loads the value associated with k from ctx and reports
//whether it was successful.
func (k *Key(V)) Value(ctx Context) (V, bool) {
	v, present := ctx.Value(k).(V)
	return v.(V), present

// String returns the name and expected value type.
func (k *Key(V)) String() string {
	var v V
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%T)",, v)

To see how this might be used, consider the net/http package’s ServerContextKey:

var ServerContextKey = &contextKey{"http-server"}

	// used as:
	ctx := context.Value(ServerContextKey, srv)
	s, present := ctx.Value(ServerContextKey).(*Server)

This could be written instead as

var ServerContextKey = context.NewKey(*Server)("http_server")

	// used as:
	ctx := ServerContextKey.WithValue(ctx, srv)
	s, present := ServerContextKey.Value(ctx)

Code that uses Key.WithValue and Key.Value instead of context.WithValue and context.Value does not need any type assertions and is compile-time type-safe.