id | title |
memcache |
Memcache |
A Memcache storage driver using bradfitz/gomemcache
Note: Requires Go 1.19 and above
func New(config ...Config) Storage
func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
func (s *Storage) Reset() error
func (s *Storage) Close() error
func (s *Storage) Conn() *mc.Client
Memory is tested on the 2 last Go versions with support for modules. So make sure to initialize one first if you didn't do that yet:
go mod init<user>/<repo>
And then install the memory implementation:
go get
Import the storage package.
import ""
You can use the following possibilities to create a storage:
// Initialize default config
store := memcache.New()
// Initialize custom config
store := memcache.New(memcache.Config{
Servers: "localhost:11211",
type Config struct {
// Server list divided by ,
// i.e. server1:11211, server2:11212
// Optional. Default is ""
Servers string
// Reset clears any existing keys in existing Table
// Optional. Default is false
Reset bool
var ConfigDefault = Config{
Servers: "",