- Open Safe Apps List
- Get all apps
- Accept cookies
- Accept disclaimer
- Test apps sequentially
- Send Slack message
- Enter add owner form
- Validate Owner name and address required, invalid address, duplicated address
- Input valid owner name and address
- Checks them in review step and submits, confirms and executes
- Finds new owner in the owners list, clicks on remove owner
- Sets threshold value to "2"
- Verifies owner to be removed name an address
- Signs and executes. Verifies tx success status
- Shows Connect wallet & select network step
- Switches the network and connect your wallet
- Shows naming the Safe step
- Type a name for the safe
- Shows Owners and Confirmations step
- Adds the current user address as default owner
- Adds a new owner row with a valid address
- Shows a "required" error if a owner address is empty
- Shows a "Address already introduced" error if a owner address is duplicated
- Loads a owner address with a QR code
- Shows an error if it is an invalid address
- Shows an error if the ENS Name Domain is not registered
- Loads a owner address with a valid ENS address
- Selects a custom Threshold for the new Safe
- Removes a owner
- sets less confirmations than owners, see #2733
- Shows Review Safe step
- Checks the name of the new Safe
- Checks the threshold of the new Safe
- Checks owners of the new Safe
- Submits the Create Safe Form
- Checks "block explorer" and "back" button during the safe creation
- Checks if the Safe Created popup is showed
- Checks safe name on the sidebar once the safe is loaded
- Shows Connect wallet & select network step
- Shows naming the Safe step
- Check the name of the safe
- Shows Owners and Confirmations step
- Shows Owners from migration URL
- Selects the custom Threshold from the migration URL
- Shows Review Safe step
- Checks the name of the new Safe
- Checks the threshold of the new Safe
- Checks owners of the new Safe
- Submits the Create Safe Form
- Checks "block explorer" and "back" button during the safe creation
- Checks if the Safe Created popup is showed
- Checks safe name on the sidebar once the safe is loaded
- Opens modify policies
- Opens selector, selects "1" value
- Signs transaction with current owner, confirm and executes with the 2nd owner
- Enter the address book. Validates 3 entries present by name (the load safe process created them)
- Creates an entry with valid name and address. Validates it in the entries list
- Validate error messages in entry creation: "RandomString", duplicated entry.
- Validates ENS names translation (is a hardcoded ENS name for this test)
- Edits entry. First validates name to be required, then enters a valid new name and saves
- Finds edited name and deletes the entry
- Exports a file (no validations)
- Imports a file. checks new expected name to be in the entries list
- Open the send funds form
- Types a receiver address
- Input the receiver, token, and amount with valid values
- Checks receiver address in the review step
- Open advanced options
- Verify current nonce is the same as the one in advanced options
- Gas limit & Gas Price != than 0
- Click the Edit button
- Editing Gas Limit & Gas Price
- Confirm Advanced Options. Checking new estimation message
- Open advanced options. Reopening to edit to invalid nonce value
- Click the Edit button
- Edit the Safe Nonce Value
- Confirm Advanced Options
- Footer is present in the Welcome page
- Footer is not present in the Balances page
- Footer is not present in the Address Book page
- Footer is present in the Settings pages
- Shows the select network step
- Switches the network
- Types name and address for the safe
- Loads a Safe address with a QR code
- Shows an error if it is an invalid address
- Shows an error if it is an invalid Safe address
- Shows an error if the ENS Name Domain is not registered
- Shows an error if it is an invalid Safe address From a valid ENS Name Domain
- Gets the Safe address From a valid ENS Name Domain
- Types name and address for the safe
- Enters the name of the 1st owner in the list
- Checks in the 3rd step that the safe name and owner name are the ones set before
- Loads the safe
- Opens the QR code for the safe on the sidebar and checks the safe name again
- Shows Bookmarked Apps Section
- Shows All Apps Section
- Opens a Safe App
- Shows Disclaimer and clicks on accept
- Loads Safe Apps in an iframe
- Pins Safe Apps
- Refresh the page should keep the Bookmarked Safe Apps
- Unpins Safe Apps
- Searches by Safe App Title
- Searches by Safe App Description
- Shows the add custom Safe Apps form
- Populates the custom the Safe App url and name
- "Add Custom Safe App" button should be disabled if the checkbox is unchecked
- Adds a custom Safe Apps
- Loads the Custom App in an iframe
- Shows the Custom Safe App in the Apps List
- Validates the custom Safe App Url
- Validates if the Custom Safe App was already added
- Removes a Custom Safe App
- Enters the Safe Balances page
- USD currency by default
- Safe Balances table shows the amounts in USD
- selects a new default currency
- Safe Balances table shows the amounts in the new selected currency
- updates the new selected currency in the localStorage
- refresh the page should keep the selected value
- Checks current ETH funds in safe
- Open send funds form
- Fills address, eth amount and signs transaction
- Open tx details and click reject button
- Signs with current owner
- Checks ON-CHAIN REJECTION text to assure rejection is waiting for execution
- Executes Rejection
- Opens history tab, checks last tx is a Rejection and checks the successful status
- Find added owner. click "Replace" button
- Add valid name and address for replacement owner
- Signs and execute
- Removes owner for replacement. Sets threshold to "2". Check owner name and address in review step
- Signs and executes
- Checks status success of executed tx
- Open the send funds form
- Types a receiver address
- Validates error for invalid amounts: 0, "abc", 99999
- Checks "Send max" button
- Checks receiver address and amount input in the review step
- Signs with current account, executes with the 2nd owner account
- Goes to history tx tab, checks tx amount sent and receiver address
- Goes to Assets, checks the amount of tokens was reduced by the sent amount