Scans Postfix logs /var/log/mail.log
looking for SASL authenticated users that make
per time PERIOD
. Covering the typical attacks on a mail server setup.
It can disable users based on the number of connections from different and unknown networks. Which is a very distinguishable pattern of mails sent from a botnet.
postfix-spam-check [OPTIONS]
-p, --period=PERIOD
A DATE STRING compatible period "1hour" or "10minute" see man date for more.
Defaults to "1hour"
-m, --max-connections=MAX_CONNECTIONS
Threshold value for number of connections beyond a report is made.
Defaults to 90.
-d, --dissable-account=MAX_NETWORKS,MAX_UNKNOWNS
Specifies the boundary conditions for the maximum number of networks and unknown IPs
beyond which the user account is automatically disabled.
A separated e-mail is sent when a user is disabled so you don't miss it.
Dissabling accounts is switched off by default.
-n, --niss=[MASTER_SERVER]
Disables a NIS account rather than a local account.
It usses SSH and NIS MASTER_SERVER defaults to localhost.
h, --help
Shows help message
postfix-spam-check -p 30minutes -m 60
postfix-spam-check -d 10,10
Scans Exim4 logs under /var/log/exim/mainlog
looking for local users and SMTP connections
during the last SECONDS
. Covering the typical attacks on a shared hositing web server setup.
exim-spam-check [SECONDS] [MAX_CONNECTIONS]
exim-spam-check 3600
exim-spam-check 3600 60
With PHP ≥ 5.3 there is this feature that you can enable for logging emails sent via PHP. This can be done
by setting mail.log = /var/log/phpmail.log
on php.ini
. Don't forget to rotate this new log file.
This script inspects /var/log/phpmail.log
and returns the PHP scripts that exceed MAX_DAILY_MAILS
Usually you want to run this script combined with php-shell-scan
php-spam-check [MAX_DAILY_MAILS]
php-spam-check 100
php-spam-check 500 && php-spam-legacy 10 10
This script is for legacy versions of PHP (< 5.3), it inspects /var/log/mail.log
and returns PHP scripts that exceed MAX_MAILS
over the last number of MINUTES
Usually you want to run this script combined with php-shell-check
php-legacy-spam-check [MINUTES] [MAX_MAILS]
php-legacy-spam-check 10 30
php-legacy-spam-check 10 10 && php-spam 500
PHP prior to 5.3 has no built-in support for logging PHP scripts that send email. However, this can be done by creating a wrapper around sendmail command.
First create a /usr/local/bin/phpsendmail
file with the following content
logger -p "sendmail-php url=${HTTP_HOST}${REQUEST_URI}, client=${REMOTE_ADDR}, filename=${SCRIPT_FILENAME}, uid=${UID}, user=$(whoami), args=$*"
/usr/lib/sendmail -t -i $*
PHP will have to set the needed environment variables before the sendmail wrapper gets called. Create a /home/httpd/htdocs/put_environment_variables.php
for that.
foreach ($vars as $var) {
putenv($var . "=" . $_SERVER[$var]);
Finally, tell PHP to use those scripts by configuring php.ini
sendmail_path = /usr/local/bin/phpsendmail
auto_prepend_file = /home/httpd/htdocs/put_environment_variables.php