bugs C++ compiler bug report test programs Viaual C++ 2022 Version 17.7.4 C++ RunTime library Extracting float from stringstream may give wrong result Version 17.1.1 - FIXED in 17.2 Internal compiler error Using offsetof in template requires clause Viaual C++ 2019 Version 16.10.4 Compile failure Unable to define member enum of template class outside of the class Visual C++ 2017 Version 15.9.2 Bad warnings Warning converting from standard NAN macro to double Version 15.7.4 C RunTime library Handle ownership conflict between FreeConsole and _close Version 15.7.3 Compile failure Expression did not evaluate to a constant Version 15.5.1 Bad code generation - FIXED in 15.7 Release build generates code that tries to read an invalid memory address Version 15.4.5 Internal compiler error - FIXED in 15.7 Assigning constexpr duration from a constexpr duration defined in precompiled header Intellisense error Intellisense errors defining and using forward declared member enum. Version 15.3.2 Bad warnings c4102 "unreferenced label" when ref hidden by "if constexpr" cppcheck 1.81 False positives Class 'classname' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit.