All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- fixes rut formatting functions for inputs containing dash
- format_rut function to get a well formatted RUT
- get_capitalized_verification_digit to get capitalized verification digit
- format_rut_with_dots to get RUT with thousands separator
- format_capitalized_rut_with_dots to get RUT with thousands separator and capitalized
- format_rut_without_dots to get RUT with dash only
- format_capitalized_rut_without_dots to get RUT with dash only and capitalized
- functions raise ValueError when input is invalid
- get_verification_digit doesn't accept capitalize flag anymore
- refactoring of code
- format_rut removed and replaced
- format_rut function to get a well formatted RUT
- functions return None when input is invalid
- get_verification_digit function can return capital K depending on the input flag
- rut_chile module
- is_valid_rut function to check if a given RUT is valid
- get_verification_digit function to generate the verification digit of a given RUT
- CHANGELOG to keep track of changes
- .travis.yml configuration file
- requirements.txt