This website contains training materials, presentations, videos, workshops, code notebooks, and links to other resources to learn about the use of the GEOGloWS Toolbox for accessing relevant global water information. The principal tool has been the GEOGloWS ECMWF Streamflow Services, but additional tools for discovering in situ observations, multi-dimensional gridded time series data such as come from numerical weather models and groundwater are being added and improved.
The GEOGloWS initiative consolidates elements of freshwater activities in GEO. It ensures that strong coordination and commitment are in place for links among data, information, knowledge, applications, and policy. From research to implementation, GEOGloWS provides the demonstration grounds for user-driven solutions to address water issues.
Click here to view a presentation that introduces GEOGloWS.
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Contents: content/geoglows-toolbox content/streamflow-model content/water-data-explorer content/met-data-explorer