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+Title: Testing components with GraphQL
+If you try to run unit tests on components that use GraphQL queries, you will
+discover that you have no data. Jest can't run your queries, so if you are
+testing components that rely on GraphQL data, you will need to provide the data
+yourself. This is a good thing, as otherwise your tests could break if your data
+changes, and in the case of remote data sources it would need network access to
+run tests.
+In general it is best practice to test the smallest components possible, so the
+simplest thing to do is to test the individual page components with mock data,
+rather than trying to test a full page. However, if you do want to test the full
+page you'll need to provide the equivalent data to the component. Luckily
+there's a simple way to get the data you need.
+First you should make sure you have read
+[the unit testing guide](/docs/unit-testing/) and set up your project as
+described. This guide is based on the same blog starter project. You will be
+writing a simple snapshot test for the index page.
+As Jest doesn't run or compile away your GraphQL queries you need to mock the
+`graphql` function to stop it throwing an error. If you set your project up with
+a mock for `gatsby` as described in the unit testing guide then this is already
+## Testing page queries
+As this is testing a page component you will need to put your tests in another
+folder so that Gatsby doesn't try to turn the tests into pages.
+// src/__tests__/index.js
+import React from "react"
+import renderer from "react-test-renderer"
+import BlogIndex from "../pages/index"
+describe("BlogIndex", () =>
+ it("renders correctly", () => {
+ const tree = renderer.create().toJSON()
+ expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot()
+ }))
+If you run this test you will get an error, as the component is expecting a
+location object. You can fix this by passing one in:
+// src/__tests__/index.js
+import React from "react"
+import renderer from "react-test-renderer"
+import BlogIndex from "../pages/index"
+describe("BlogIndex", () =>
+ it("renders correctly", () => {
+ const location = {
+ pathname: "",
+ }
+ const tree = renderer.create().toJSON()
+ expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot()
+ }))
+This should fix the `location` error, but now you will have an error because
+there is no GraphQL data being passed to the component. We can pass this in too,
+but the structure is a little more complicated. Luckily there's an easy way to
+get some suitable data. Run `gatsby develop` and go to
+http://localhost:8000/___graphql to load the GraphiQL IDE. You can now get the
+right data using the same query that you used on the page. If it is a simple
+query with no fragments you can copy it directly. That is the case here, run
+this query copied from the index page:
+query IndexQuery {
+ site {
+ siteMetadata {
+ title
+ }
+ }
+ allMarkdownRemark(sort: { fields: [frontmatter___date], order: DESC }) {
+ edges {
+ node {
+ excerpt
+ fields {
+ slug
+ }
+ frontmatter {
+ date(formatString: "DD MMMM, YYYY")
+ title
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+The output panel should now give you a nice JSON object with the query result.
+Here it is, trimmed to one node for brevity:
+ "data": {
+ "site": {
+ "siteMetadata": {
+ "title": "Gatsby Starter Blog"
+ }
+ },
+ "allMarkdownRemark": {
+ "edges": [
+ {
+ "node": {
+ "excerpt":
+ "Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and\nConsonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in…",
+ "fields": {
+ "slug": "/hi-folks/"
+ },
+ "frontmatter": {
+ "date": "28 May, 2015",
+ "title": "New Beginnings"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+GraphiQL doesn't know about any fragments defined by Gatsby, so if your query
+uses them then you'll need to replace those with the content of the fragment. If
+you're using `gatsby-transformer-sharp` you'll find the fragments in
+So, for example if your query includes:
+ image {
+ childImageSharp {
+ fluid(maxWidth: 1024) {
+ ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid
+ }
+ }
+ }
+...it becomes:
+ image {
+ childImageSharp {
+ fluid(maxWidth: 1024) {
+ base64
+ aspectRatio
+ src
+ srcSet
+ sizes
+ }
+ }
+ }
+When you have the result, copy the `data` value from the output panel. Good
+practice is to store your fixtures in a separate file, but for simplicity here
+you will be defining it directly inside your test file:
+// src/__tests__/index.js
+import React from "react"
+import renderer from "react-test-renderer"
+import BlogIndex from "../pages/index"
+describe("BlogIndex", () =>
+ it("renders correctly", () => {
+ const location = {
+ pathname: "",
+ }
+ const data = {
+ site: {
+ siteMetadata: {
+ title: "Gatsby Starter Blog",
+ },
+ },
+ allMarkdownRemark: {
+ edges: [
+ {
+ node: {
+ excerpt:
+ "Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and\nConsonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in…",
+ fields: {
+ slug: "/hi-folks/",
+ },
+ frontmatter: {
+ date: "28 May, 2015",
+ title: "New Beginnings",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ }
+ const tree = renderer
+ .create()
+ .toJSON()
+ expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot()
+ }))
+Run the tests and they should now pass. Take a look in `__snapshots__` to see
+the output.
+## Testing StaticQuery
+The method above works for page queries, as you can pass the data in directly to
+the component. This doesn't work for components that use `StaticQuery` though,
+as that uses `context` rather than `props` so we need to take a slightly
+different approach to testing these. The blog starter project doesn't include
+`StaticQuery`, so the example here is from
+[the StaticQuery docs](/docs/static-query/).
+Using `StaticQuery` allows you to make queries in any component, not just pages.
+This gives a lot of flexibility, and avoid having to pass the props down to
+deeply-nested components. The pattern for enabling type checking described in
+the docs is a good starting point for making these components testable, as it
+separates the query from the definition of the component itself. However that
+example doesn't export the inner, pure component, which is what you'll need to
+Here is the example of a header component that queries the page data itself,
+rather than needing it to be passed from the layout:
+// src/components/Header.js
+import React from "react"
+import { StaticQuery } from "gatsby"
+const Header = ({ data }) => (
+ {data.site.siteMetadata.title}
+export default props => (
+ }
+ />
+This is almost ready: all you need to do is export the pure component that you
+are passing to StaticQuery. Rename it first to avoid confusion:
+// src/components/Header.js
+import React from "react"
+import { StaticQuery, graphql } from "gatsby"
+export const PureHeader = ({ data }) => (
+ {data.site.siteMetadata.title}
+export const Header = props => (
+ }
+ />
+export default Header
+Now you have two components exported from the file: the component that includes
+the StaticQuery data which is still the default export, and another component
+that you can test. This means you can test the component independently of the
+This is a good example of the benefits of keeping components "pure", meaning
+they always generate the same output if given the same inputs and have no
+side-effects apart from their return value. This means we can be sure the tests
+are always reproducable and don't fail if, for example, the network is down or
+the data source changes. In this example, `Header` is impure as it makes a
+query, so the output depends on something apart from its props. `PureHeader` is
+pure because its return value is entirely dependent on the props passed it it.
+This means it's very easy to test, and a snapshot should never change.
+Here's how:
+// src/components/Header.test.js
+import React from "react"
+import renderer from "react-test-renderer"
+import { PureHeader as Header } from "./Header"
+describe("Header", () =>
+ it("renders correctly", () => {
+ // Created using the query from Header.js
+ const data = {
+ site: {
+ siteMetadata: {
+ title: "Gatsby Starter Blog",
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ const tree = renderer.create().toJSON()
+ expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot()
+ }))
+## Using TypeScript
+If you are using TypeScript this is a lot easier to get right as the type errors
+will tell you exaclty what you should be passing to the components. This is why
+it is a good idea to define type interfaces for all of your GraphQL queries.
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index 0000000000000..de31eb3c3f5ae
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+title: Unit testing
+Unit testing is a great way to protect against errors in your code before you
+deploy it. While Gatsby does not include support for unit testing out of the
+box, it only takes a few steps to get up and running. However there are a few
+features of the Gatsby build process that mean the standard Jest setup doesn't
+quite work. This guide shows you how to set it up.
+## Setting up your environment
+The most popular testing framework for React is [Jest](https://jestjs.io/),
+which was created by Facebook. While Jest is a general purpose JavaScript unit
+testing framework, it has lots of features that make it work particularly well
+with React.
+For this guide, you will be starting with `gatsby-starter-blog`, but the
+concepts should be the same or very similar for your site.
+First you need to install Jest and some more required packages. You need to
+install Babel 7 as it's required by Jest.
+npm install --save-dev jest babel-jest react-test-renderer identity-obj-proxy 'babel-core@^7.0.0-0' @babel/core @babel/preset-env @babel/preset-react @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining
+Because Gatsby handles its own Babel configuration, you will need to manually
+tell Jest to use `babel-jest`. The easiest way to do this is to add a `"jest"`
+section in your `package.json`. You can set up some useful defaults at the same
+ "jest": {
+ "transform": {
+ "^.+\\.jsx?$": "/jest-preprocess.js"
+ },
+ "testRegex": "/.*(__tests__\\/.*)|(.*(test|spec))\\.jsx?$",
+ "moduleNameMapper": {
+ ".+\\.(css|styl|less|sass|scss)$": "identity-obj-proxy",
+ ".+\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|eot|otf|webp|svg|ttf|woff|woff2|mp4|webm|wav|mp3|m4a|aac|oga)$": "/__mocks__/fileMock.js"
+ },
+ "testPathIgnorePatterns": ["node_modules", ".cache"],
+ "transformIgnorePatterns": [
+ "node_modules/(?!(gatsby)/)"
+ ],
+ "globals": {
+ "__PATH_PREFIX__": ""
+ },
+ "testURL": "http://localhost",
+ "setupFiles": [
+ "/loadershim.js"
+ ]
+ }
+The `transform` section tells Jest that all `js` or `jsx` files need to be
+transformed using a `jest-preprocess.js` file in the project root. Go ahead and
+create this file now. This is where you set up your Babel config. You can start
+with a minimal config.
+// jest-preprocess.js
+const babelOptions = {
+ presets: ["@babel/react", "@babel/env"],
+ plugins: [
+ "@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining",
+ "@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties",
+ ],
+module.exports = require("babel-jest").createTransformer(babelOptions)
+Back to the Jest config, you can see the next option is `testRegex`. This is the
+pattern telling Jest which files contain tests. The pattern above matches any
+`.js` file inside a `__tests__` directory, or any file elsewhere with the
+extension `.test.js` or `.spec.js`. You are telling Jest to ignore any tests in
+the `node_modules` or `.cache` directories.
+The `moduleNameMapper` section works a bit like webpack rules, and tells Jest
+how to handle imports. You are mainly concerned here with mocking static file
+imports, which Jest can't handle. A mock is a dummy module that is used instead
+of the real module inside tests. It is good when you have something that you
+can't or don't want to test. You can mock anything, and here you are mocking
+assets rather than code. For stylesheets you need to use the package
+`identity-obj-proxy`. For all other assets you need to use a manual mock called
+`fileMock.js`. You need to create this yourself. The convention is to create a
+directory called `__mocks__` in the root directory for this. Note the pair of
+double underscores in the name.
+// __mocks__/fileMock.js
+module.exports = "test-file-stub"
+The next config setting is `transformIgnorePatterns`. This is very important,
+and is different from what you'll find in other Jest guides. The reason that you
+need this is because Gastby includes un-transpiled ES6 code. By default Jest
+doesn't try to transform code inside `node_modules`, so you will get an error
+like this:
+({"Object.":function(module,exports,require,__dirname,__filename,global,jest){import React from "react"
+ ^^^^^^
+SyntaxError: Unexpected token import
+This is because `gatsby-browser-entry.js` isn't being transpiled before running
+in Jest. You can fix this by changing the default `transformIgnorePatterns` to
+exclude the `gatsby` module.
+The `globals` section sets `__PATH_PREFIX__`, which is usually set by Gatsby,
+and which some components need.
+You need to set `testURL` to a valid URL, because some DOM APIs such as
+`localStorage` are unhappy with the default (`about:blank`).
+There's one more global that you need to set, but as it's a function you can't
+set it here in the JSON. The `setupFiles` array lets you list files that will be
+included before all tests are run, so it's perfect for this.
+// loadershim.js
+global.___loader = {
+ enqueue: jest.fn(),
+Finally it's a good idea to mock the gatsby module itself. This may not be
+needed at first, but will make things a lot easier if you want to test
+components that use `Link` or GraphQL.
+// __mocks__/gatsby.js
+const gatsby = jest.requireActual("gatsby")
+module.exports = { ...gatsby, graphql: jest.fn(), Link: "Link" }
+This mocks the `graphql()` function and `Link` component.
+## Writing tests
+A full guide to unit testing is beyond the scope of this guide, but you can
+start with a simple snapshot test to check that everything is working.
+First, create the test file. You can either put these in a `__tests__`
+directory, or put them elsewhere (usually next to the component itself), with
+the extension `.spec.js` or `.test.js`. The decision comes down to your own
+taste. For this guide you will be testing the `` component, so create a
+`Bio.test.js` file next to it in `src/components`:
+import React from "react"
+import renderer from "react-test-renderer"
+import Bio from "./Bio"
+describe("Bio", () =>
+ it("renders correctly", () => {
+ const tree = renderer.create().toJSON()
+ expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot()
+ }))
+This is a very simple snapshot test, which uses `react-test-renderer` to render
+the component, and then generates a snapshot of it on first run. It then
+compares future snapshots against this, which means you can quickly check for
+regressions. Visit [the Jest docs](https://jestjs.io/docs/en/getting-started) to
+learn more about other tests that you can write.
+## Running tests
+If you look inside `package.json` you will probably find that there is already a
+script for `test`, which just outputs an error message. Change this to simply
+ "scripts": {
+ "test": "jest"
+ }
+This means you can now run tests by typing `npm run test`. If you want you could
+also add a script that runs `jest --watchAll` to watch files and run tests when
+they are changed.
+Now, run `npm run test` and you should immediately get an error like this:
+ @font-face {
+ ^
+ SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
+ 2 |
+ 3 | // Import typefaces
+ > 4 | import 'typeface-montserrat'
+This is because the CSS mock doesn't recognize the `typeface-` modules. You can
+fix this easily by creating a new manual mock. Back in the `__mocks__`
+directory, create a file called `typeface-montserrat.js` and another called
+`typeface-merriweather.js`, each with the content `{}`. Any file in the mocks
+folder which has a name that matches that of a node_module is automatically used
+as a mock.
+Run the tests again now and it should all work! You should get a message about
+the snapshot being written. This is created in a `__snapshots__` directory next
+to your tests. If you take a look at it, you will see that it is a JSON
+representation of the `` component. You should check your snapshot files
+into your SCM repository so that so that any changes are tracked in history.
+This is particularly important to remember if you are using a continuous
+integration system such as Travis to run tests, as these will fail if no
+snapshot is present.
+If you make changes that mean you need to update the snapshot, you can do this
+by running `npm run test -- -u`.
+## Using TypeScript
+If you are using TypeScript, you need to make a couple of small changes to your
+config. First install `ts-jest`:
+npm install --save-dev ts-jest
+Then edit the Jest config in your `package.json` to match this:
+ "jest": {
+ "transform": {
+ "^.+\\.tsx?$": "ts-jest",
+ "^.+\\.jsx?$": "/jest-preprocess.js"
+ },
+ "testRegex": "(/__tests__/.*\\.([tj]sx?)|(\\.|/)(test|spec))\\.([tj]sx?)$",
+ "moduleFileExtensions": [
+ "ts",
+ "tsx",
+ "js",
+ "jsx",
+ "json",
+ "node"
+ ],
+ "testPathIgnorePatterns": ["node_modules", ".cache"],
+ "transformIgnorePatterns": [
+ "node_modules/(?!(gatsby)/)"
+ ],
+ "globals": {
+ "__PATH_PREFIX__": ""
+ },
+ "testURL": "http://localhost",
+ "setupFiles": [
+ "/loadershim.js"
+ ]
+ }
+## Testing components with Router
+When you test components they are not in a `Router`, meaning they don't have
+access to some context and props that they may be expecting. The most common of
+these is the `Link` component. In the example above we mock the `Link` component
+as a string, which is the simplest solution and works for most uses. However
+sometimes you might want to test with the real `Link` component. As of v2,
+Gatsby uses `@reach/router` for navigation, which is good at handling test
+environments, and unlike React Router is happy to render `Link`s outside of a
+`Router` context. However there is a small issue related to the `gatsby` mock.
+We can use a small workaround to avoid an error.
+First, remove the `Link` mock from `gatsby`:
+// __mocks__/gatsby.js
+const gatsby = jest.requireActual("gatsby")
+module.exports = { ...gatsby, graphql: jest.fn() }
+While the `Link` component is exported by the main `gatsby` package, it is
+actually defined in `gatsby-link`. That in turn uses `parsePath()` from
+`gatsby`, which causes module resolution issues. Fortunately it's an easy fix.
+You need to create a mock for `gatsby-link`, even though it will actually be the
+real module. You do this so that you can tell it to not try and use the mock
+// __mocks__/gatsby-link.js
+module.exports = jest.requireActual("gatsby-link")
+One more issue that you may encounter is that some components expect to be able
+to use the `location` prop that is passed in by `Router`. You can fix this by
+manually passing in the prop:
+// src/__tests__/index.js
+import React from "react"
+import renderer from "react-test-renderer"
+import BlogIndex from "../pages/index"
+describe("BlogIndex", () =>
+ it("renders correctly", () => {
+ const location = {
+ pathname: "/",
+ }
+ const tree = renderer.create().toJSON()
+ expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot()
+ }))
+For more information on testing page components, be sure to read the docs on
+[testing components with GraphQL](/docs/testing-components-with-graphql/)
+## Other resources
+If you need to make changes to your Babel config, you can edit the config in
+`jest-preprocess.js`. You may need to enable some of the plugins used by Gatsby,
+though remember you may need to install the Babel 7 versions. See
+[the Gatsby Babel config guide](/docs/babel/) for some examples.
+For more information on Jest testing, visit
+[the Jest site](https://jestjs.io/docs/en/getting-started).