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Etcd-Druid Local Setup

This page aims to provide steps on how to setup Etcd-Druid locally with and without storage providers.

Clone the etcd-druid github repo

# clone the repo
git clone
# cd into etcd-druid folder
cd etcd-druid


  • Etcd-druid uses kind as it's local Kubernetes engine. The local setup is configured for kind due to it's convenience but any other kubernetes setup would also work.
  • To setup Etcd-Druid with backups enabled on a LocalStack provider, refer this document
  • In the section Annotate Etcd CR with the reconcile annotation, the flag ignore-operation-annotation is set to false, which means a special annotation is required on the Etcd CR, for etcd-druid to reconcile it. To disable this behavior and allow auto-reconciliation of the Etcd CR for any change in the Etcd spec, set the ignoreOperationAnnotation flag to true in the values.yaml located at charts/druid/values.yaml. Or if etcd-druid is being run as a process, then while starting the process, set the CLI flag --ignore-operation-annotation=true for it.

Setting up the kind cluster

# Create a kind cluster
make kind-up

This creates a new kind cluster and stores the kubeconfig in the ./hack/e2e-test/infrastructure/kind/kubeconfig file.

To target this newly created cluster, set the KUBECONFIG environment variable to the kubeconfig file located at ./hack/e2e-test/infrastructure/kind/kubeconfig by using the following

export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/hack/e2e-test/infrastructure/kind/kubeconfig

Setting up etcd-druid

make deploy

This generates the Etcd CRD and deploys an etcd-druid pod into the cluster

Prepare the Etcd CR

Etcd CR can be configured in 2 ways. Either to take backups to the store or disable them. Follow the appropriate section below based on the requirement.

The Etcd CR can be found at this location $PWD/config/samples/druid_v1alpha1_etcd.yaml

  • Without Backups enabled

    To setup Etcd-druid without backups enabled, make sure the section of the Etcd CR is commented out.

  • With Backups enabled (On Cloud Provider Object Stores)

    • Prepare the secret

      Create a secret for cloud provider access. Find the secret yaml templates for different cloud providers here.

      Replace the dummy values with the actual configurations and make sure to add a name and a namespace to the secret as intended.

      Note 1: The secret should be applied in the same namespace as druid.

      Note 2: All the values in the data field of secret yaml should be in base64 encoded format.

    • Apply the secret

      kubectl apply -f path/to/secret
    • Adapt Etcd resource

      Uncomment the section of the druid yaml and set the keys to allow backuprestore to take backups by connecting to an object store.

      # Configuration for storage provider
              name: etcd-backup-secret-name
          container: object-storage-container-name
          provider: aws # options: aws,azure,gcp,openstack,alicloud,dell,openshift,local
          prefix: etcd-test

      Brief explanation of keys:

      • is the name of the secret that was applied as mentioned above
      • store.container is the object storage bucket name
      • store.provider is the bucket provider. Pick from the options mentioned in comment
      • store.prefix is the folder name that you want to use for your snapshots inside the bucket.

Applying the Etcd CR

Note: With backups enabled, make sure the bucket is created in corresponding cloud provider before applying the Etcd yaml

Create the Etcd CR (Custom Resource) by applying the Etcd yaml to the cluster

# Apply the prepared etcd CR yaml
kubectl apply -f config/samples/druid_v1alpha1_etcd.yaml

Annotate Etcd CR with the reconcile annotation

Note : If the ignore-operation-annotation flag is set to true, this step is not required

The above step creates an Etcd resource, however etcd-druid won't pick it up for reconciliation without an annotation. To get etcd-druid to reconcile the etcd CR, annotate it with the following

# Annotate etcd-test CR to reconcile
kubectl annotate etcd etcd-test"reconcile"

This starts creating the etcd cluster

Verify the Etcd cluster

To obtain information regarding the newly instantiated etcd cluster, perform the following step, which gives details such as the cluster size, readiness status of its members, and various other attributes.

kubectl get etcd -o=wide

Verify Etcd Member Pods

To check the etcd member pods, do the following and look out for pods starting with the name etcd-

kubectl get pods

Verify Etcd Pods' Functionality

Verify the working conditions of the etcd pods by putting data through a etcd container and access the db from same/another container depending on single/multi node etcd cluster.

Ideally, you can exec into the etcd container using kubectl exec -it <etcd_pod> -c etcd -- bash if it utilizes a base image containing a shell. However, note that the etcd-wrapper Docker image employs a distroless image, which lacks a shell. To interact with etcd, use an Ephemeral container as a debug container. Refer to this documentation for building and using an ephemeral container by attaching it to the etcd container.

# Put a key-value pair into the etcd 
etcdctl put key1 value1
# Retrieve all key-value pairs from the etcd db
etcdctl get --prefix ""

For a multi-node etcd cluster, insert the key-value pair from the etcd container of one etcd member and retrieve it from the etcd container of another member to verify consensus among the multiple etcd members.

View Etcd Database File

The Etcd database file is located at var/etcd/data/new.etcd/snap/db inside the backup-restore container. In versions with an alpine base image, you can exec directly into the container. However, in recent versions where the backup-restore docker image started using a distroless image, a debug container is required to communicate with it, as mentioned in the previous section.

Cleaning the setup

# Delete the cluster
make kind-down

This cleans up the entire setup as the kind cluster gets deleted. It deletes the created Etcd, all pods that got created along the way and also other resources such as statefulsets, services, PV's, PVC's, etc.