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Effortless data collection and curation

Table of contents


Gather is an ODK-compatible data collection tool. It is built on top of the Aether framework. If you want to try it out, the easiest way is to follow the instructions on the Gather microsite.



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git clone [email protected]:eHealthAfrica/gather.git
cd gather

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Build containers


IMPORTANT NOTE: the docker-compose files are intended to be used exclusively for local development. Never deploy these to publicly accessible servers.

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Include these entries in your /etc/hosts or C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts file

# gather    gather.local

# aether    aether.local

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Generate credentials for local development with docker-compose

Note: Make sure you have openssl installed in your system.

./scripts/ > .env

This instruction is included in the ./scripts/ script.

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Environment Variables

Most of the environment variables are set to default values. This is the short list of the most common ones with non default values. For more info take a look at the files docker-compose-base.yml and /scripts/

See also Django settings.

See also Aether Django SDK environment variables.

Gather instance

  • Gather specific:

    • INSTANCE_NAME: Gather 3 identifies the current instance among others.
  • Data export:

    • EXPORT_MAX_ROWS_SIZE: between 0 and 1048575 indicates the maximum number of rows to include in the export file. The limit is an Excel 2007 restriction.
  • uWSGI specific:

    See more in

  • Django specific:

    • ADMIN_USERNAME: admin the setup script will create a superuser with this username. There is no default value.
    • ADMIN_PASSWORD: secresecret the setup script will create the superuser with this password. There is no default value.
    • DB_NAME: gather Postgres database name.
    • WEB_SERVER_PORT: 8105 Web server port.
  • Aether specific:

    • EXTERNAL_APPS: aether-kernel,aether-odk Comma separated list with the available modules. To avoid confusion, the values will match the container name prepending aether-, kernel, odk, couchdb-sync.

    • Aether Kernel:

      • AETHER_KERNEL_TOKEN: aether_kernel_admin_user_auth_token Token to connect to Aether Kernel Server.
      • AETHER_KERNEL_URL: http://kernel:8100 Aether Kernel Server url.
    • Aether ODK:

      • AETHER_ODK_TOKEN: aether_odk_admin_user_auth_token Token to connect to Aether ODK Server.
      • AETHER_ODK_URL: http://odk:8102 Aether ODK Server url.
    • Aether CouchDB Sync (disabled):

      • AETHER_COUCHDB_SYNC_TOKEN: aether_couchdb_sync_admin_user_auth_token Token to connect to Aether ODK Server.
      • AETHER_COUCHDB_SYNC_URL: http://sync:8106 Aether CouchDB Sync Server url.
    • Aether consumers:

      • ES_CONSUMER_URL: ElasticSearch consumer URL used to push the project chart visualization settings for each AVRO Schema field defined in the Survey Dashboard settings page.

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docker-compose up

This will start:

  • gather on http://gather.local/.
  • aether-kernel on http://aether.local/kernel/.
  • aether-odk on http://aether.local/odk/.
  • aether-ui on http://aether.local/.

All the created superusers have username ${ADMIN_USERNAME} and password ${ADMIN_PASSWORD} in each container.

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Users & Authentication

Token Authentication

The communication with the Aether servers is done via token authentication.

In gather there are tokens per user to connect to other servers. This means that every time a logged in user tries to visit any page that requires to fetch data from any of the other apps, aether-kernel, aether-odk, aether-couchdb-sync, the system will verify that the user token for that app is valid or will request a new one using the global token, AETHER_<<APP>>_TOKEN; the user token is going to be used for all requests and will allow the system to track better the user actions.

Warning: The global AETHER_<<APP>>_TOKEN needs to belong to an admin user, because only those users can create new users with tokens in the Aether apps.

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All development should be tested within the container, but developed in the host folder. Read the docker-compose-base.yml file to see how it's mounted.

If you want to develop with your local Aether images use the file docker-compose-local.yml and change the container paths to your current paths.

Build local aether and gather containers


Start local aether and gather containers

docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml up

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Code style

The code style is tested:

  • In python with flake8. Defined in the file app/setup.cfg.
  • In javascript with standard.
  • In styles with sass-lint. Defined in the file app/gather/assets/conf/sass-lint.yml.
# Python files
docker-compose run --rm --no-deps gather test_lint
# Javascript files
docker-compose run --rm --no-deps gather-assets eval npm run test-lint-js
# CSS files
docker-compose run --rm --no-deps gather-assets eval npm run test-lint-sass

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Naming conventions

There are a couple of naming/coding conventions followed by the Python modules and the React Components:

  • Names are self-explanatory like export_project, RefreshingSpinner, ProjectList, constants and so on.

  • Case conventions:

    • Javascript specific:
      • component names use title case (TitleCase)
      • utility file names use kebab case (kebab-case)
      • method and variable names use camel case (camelCase)
    • Python specific:
      • class names use title case (TitleCase)
      • file, method and variable names use snake case (snake_case)
  • Javascript specific:

    • Meaningful suffixes:
      • Container indicates that the component will fetch data from the server.
      • List indicates that the data is a list and is displayed as a table or list.
      • Form indicates that a form will be displayed.
    • The file name will match the default Component name defined inside, it might be the case that auxiliary components are also defined within the same file.
    • App "agnostic" components are kept in folder app/gather/assets/apps/components
    • App "agnostic" methods are kept in folder app/gather/assets/apps/utils

Comments are warmly welcome!!!

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Commit Message Format

Each commit message consists of a header, a body and an optional footer. The header has a special format that includes a type, a scope, and a subject:

<type>(<scope>): <subject>

Types of commit messages:

  • build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies
  • ci: Changes to CI configuration files and scripts
  • docs: Documentation only changes
  • feat: A new feature
  • fix: A bug fix
  • perf: A code change that improves performance
  • refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
  • style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
  • test: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests


The candidates for scope depends on the project and the technologies being used. It is fairly up to the developer to select a scope.


The subject contains a succinct description of the change:

  • use the imperative, present tense: “change” not “changed” nor “changes”
  • don’t capitalize the first letter
  • no dot/period (.) at the end

Footer (Optional)

Footer is used for citing issues that this commit closes (if any).

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Release Management

To learn more about the Aether release process, refer to the release management page on the wiki.

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Frontend assets

Frontend assets include JS, CSS, and fonts. They are all handled by webpack.

Frontend assets are mounted on the pages via the django-webpack-loader.

  • There is a file with all the apps list: app/gather/assets/conf/webpack.apps.js.

  • There are three webpack configuration files:

    • app/gather/assets/conf/webpack.common.js -- contains the common features to build the webpack files.
    • app/gather/assets/conf/webpack.server.js -- starts the server in port 3005 with Hot Module Replacement (HMR).
    • app/gather/assets/conf/ -- compiles the files to be used in the Django app.
  • The start_dev entry point starts a webpack development server (port 3005), that watches assets, rebuilds and does hot reloading of JS Components.

    docker-compose up gather-assets
  • The build entry point compiles the files to be used in the Django app. The resultant files are kept in the app/gather/assets/bundles folder.

    docker-compose run --rm gather-assets build
  • The CSS build is separate, and can contain both .sass and .css files. They spit out a webpack build called styles.css.

  • Each page has their own JS entry point (needs to be defined in webpack.apps.js). On top of that, they load a common chunk, containing jquery, bootstrap and other stuff that the webpack common chunk plugin finds is shared between the apps.

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Containers and services

The list of the main containers:

Container Description
db PostgreSQL database
gather Gather app
gather-assets Gather assets module
kernel Aether Kernel app
odk Aether ODK Collect Adapter app (imports data from ODK Collect)
ui Aether Kernel UI (only needed for advanced mapping functionality)

All the containers definition for development can be found in the docker-compose-base.yml file.

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Run commands in the containers

The pattern to run a command is always

docker-compose run --rm [--no-deps] <container-name> <entrypoint-command> <...args>

If there is no interaction with any other container then include the option --no-deps.

See more in docker-compose run.

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Python container

The app/ script offers a range of commands to start services or run commands. The full list of commands can be seen in the script file.

The following are some examples:

Action Command
List predefined commands docker-compose run --rm gather help
Run tests docker-compose run --rm gather test
Run code style tests docker-compose run --rm gather test_lint
Run python tests docker-compose run --rm gather test_coverage
Create a shell inside the container docker-compose run --rm gather bash
Execute shell command inside the container docker-compose run --rm gather eval <command>
Run django docker-compose run --rm gather manage help
Create a python shell docker-compose run --rm gather manage shell
Create a postgresql shell docker-compose run --rm gather manage dbshell
Show ORM migrations docker-compose run --rm gather manage showmigrations
Create pending ORM migration files docker-compose run --rm gather manage makemigrations
Apply pending ORM migrations docker-compose run --rm gather manage migrate
Check outdated python libraries docker-compose run --rm gather eval pip list --outdated
Update outdated python libraries docker-compose run --rm gather pip_freeze
Start django development server docker-compose run --rm gather start_dev
Start uwsgi server docker-compose run --rm gather start

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Node container

The app/gather/assets/conf/ script offers a range of commands to start services or run commands. The full list of commands can be seen in the script file.

The following are some examples:

Action Command
List predefined commands docker-compose run --rm gather-assets help
Run tests docker-compose run --rm gather-assets test
Run code style tests docker-compose run --rm gather-assets test_lint
Run JS tests docker-compose run --rm gather-assets test_js
Create a shell inside the container docker-compose run --rm gather-assets bash
Execute shell command inside the container docker-compose run --rm gather-assets eval <command>
Check outdated node libraries docker-compose run --rm gather-assets eval npm outdated
Build assets used in the Django app docker-compose run --rm gather-assets build
Start webpack server with HMR docker-compose run --rm gather-assets start_dev

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Run tests

The Python code is tested using coverage.

The CSS style is analyzed by Sass Lint.

The Javascript style is analyzed by Standard JS.

The Javascript code is tested using Jest and Enzyme.

  • Python test files are kept in the folder tests of each module and the name is
  • Javascript test files are kept in the same folder and the name is MyComponent.spec.jsx or my-utility.spec.jsx.

This will stop ALL running containers and execute gather tests.



docker-compose run --rm gather test
docker-compose run --rm gather-assets test


docker-compose run --rm gather test_lint
docker-compose run --rm gather test_coverage

docker-compose run --rm gather-assets test_lint
docker-compose run --rm gather-assets test_js

# more detailed
docker-compose run --rm gather-assets eval npm run test-lint-sass
docker-compose run --rm gather-assets eval npm run test-lint-js

# in case you need to check `console.log` messages
docker-compose run --rm gather-assets eval npm run test-js-verbose

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Upgrade dependencies

Check outdated dependencies

docker-compose run --rm --no-deps gather eval pip list --outdated
docker-compose run --rm --no-deps gather-assets eval npm outdated

Update requirements file

docker-compose run --rm --no-deps gather pip_freeze

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