The Alce Command Line Interface (CLI) facilitates the construction and administration of Alce projects directly from a command shell.
It offers essential functionalities tailored for seamless project development and management, empowering users to efficiently handle various tasks associated with Alce projects within a command-line environment.
- Windows 10, 11 (64/32bit)
- GCC v13.1.0^
- Python v3.1.0^ (if you want to execute the source code)
To utilize the CLI, navigate to the ./Build directory within your project context.
cd ./Build
Within this directory, you'll find 2 folders:
Assets: This folder serves as the asset repository for your project, where you should store all game resources.
SFML-2.6.1: This directory contains SFML stuff. Do not delete this folder.
Additionally, there are 3 files:
- This file contains the source code for the CLI. You have full freedom to modify it. To use it instead of the official executable, replace the "./Build/alce" command with "python3 ./Build/".
settings.json: This file holds essential project data such as name, icon, and the current compiler binary path (which is undefined by default but may be necessary for certain CLI commands).
alce.exe: This file is the official executable for the CLI.
./Build/alce [init, i]
Creates the required configuration file "Build/Settings.json" with the next fields:
- Compiler:
- "bin-path": the bin path of the MinGW32 compiler.
- Project:
- "name": Name of the current project.
- "icon": .ico file for the executable.
./Build/alce [compile, c] [alias, a]=<alias_name> [mode, m]=<development|release> [--full, -f]|[--express, -e]
Compiles the project using an alias name.
There are two compilation methods available:
Full Compilation: This method includes all files inside the ./Source folder in the compilation queue. It is recommended for releases and major tests.
Express Compilation: This method only includes the last modified files inside the ./Source folder in the compilation queue. It is recommended for minor changes and quick adjustments.
Once compilation succeeded, output files are generated inside the ./Build/Out folder, following the next scheme:
|-> Out
| |-> alias_name
| | |-> Assets
| | | alias_name.exe
| | | (.dll files)
| alce.exe
Note: The use of express compilation does not involve the compilation of affected files; it solely adds modified files to the compilation queue.
There are two build modes available:
- Development: In this mode, the project execution will be accompanied by a debugging console.
- Release: In this mode, the project execution will be clean and free of debugging information.
- Compilation method: --full
- Build Mode: mode=development
Compile the project using default values:
./Build/alce compile alias=<your_project_alias>
./Build/alce c a=<your_project_alias>
Compile the project using the express method:
./Build/alce compile alias=<your_project_alias> --express
./Build/alce c a=<your_project_alias> -e
Compile the project using the full method:
./Build/alce compile alias=<your_project_alias> --full
./Build/alce c a=<your_project_alias> -f
Compile the project using the full method as a release:
./Build/alce compile alias=<your_project_alias> mode=release --full
./Build/alce c a=<your_project_alias> m=release -f
Compile the project in development mode:
./Build/alce compile alias=<your_project_alias> mode=development
./Build/alce c a=<your_project_alias> m=development
./Build/alce [run, r] [alias, a]=<your_project_alias> [--standard, -std]|[--debug, -d]
Runs the project by alias name.
There are two run modes available:
- Standard Mode: Runs the project as a standard application.
- Debug Mode: Runs the project with GDB, the GNU project debugger.
Note: the use of --debug mode could affect the performance of the project.
- Run Mode: --standard
Run the project by alias name using default values
./Build/alce run alias=<your_project_alias>
./Build/alce r a=<your_project_alias>
Run the project by alias name using the GDB debugger
./Build/alce run alias=<your_project_alias> --debug
./BUild/alce r a=<your_project_alias> -d
Run the project by alias name as a standard application
./Build/alce run alias=<your_project_alias> --standard
./Build/alce r a=<your_project_alias> -std
Generates various entities within the project context, streamlining development processes.
./Build/alce generate component=<ComponentName>
./Build/alce g c=<ComponentName>
Creates a new component within the designated directory structure.
|-> Alce
| |-> Engine
| | |-> Components
| | | |-> (New Component)
./Build/alce generate scene=<SceneName>
./Build/alce g s=<SceneName>
Creates a new scene within the specified directory structure.
|-> Project
| |-> Scenes
| | |-> (New Scene)
./Build/alce generate object=<SceneName>@<ObjectName>
./Build/alce g o=<SceneName>@<ObjectName>
Generates a new game object within a designated scene.
|-> Project
| |-> Scenes
| | |-> (Scene)
| | | |-> (New Game Object)
Generates the implementation of declarations within a .hpp file. Placing a comment //@impl above a declaration in the .hpp file triggers the creation of the basic structure within the corresponding .cpp file's implementation region, expediting the development process.
For instance, given the declaration in the .hpp file:
class Particle
void SetDensity(float density);
The following structure will be generated in the respective .cpp file within the implementation region:
#pragma region implementation
void Particle::SetDensity(float density)
#pragma endregion