Ideally, you will be using a theme that employs SASS/SCSS, a styleguide, and other frontend tools that require some type of build process.
Like Composer dependencies, your frontend dependencies and compiled frontend assets should not be directly committed to the project repository. Instead, they should be built during the creation of a production-ready artifact.
BLT does not directly manage any of your front end dependencies or assets, but it does create opportunities for you to hook into the build process with your own custom frontend commands. Additionally, BLT ships with Cog, base a theme that provides front end dependencies and front and build tasks compatible with BLT.
Out-of-the-box, BLT provides an opportunity for your frontend commands to run at three different stages of the build process.
You must let BLT know which commands should be run in which directories. You can do this by specifying values in blt/project.yml
file under the target-hooks
These commands will run inside of the virtual machine, if available. This obviates the need to install frontend dependencies on the host machine.
The three following target hooks are available for frontend commands: setup, build, test.
During the execution of blt setup
, BLT will execute target-hooks.frontend-setup.command
. This hook is intended to provide an opportunity to install the tools required for your frontend build process. For instance, you may use this hook to install dependencies via NPM or Bower. E.g.,
dir: ${docroot}/sites/all/themes/custom/mytheme.
command: '[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/" && nvm use 4.4.4 && npm install'
If you are using a sub theme of Cog, executing npm install
in your theme directory (as exemplified above) will install all dependencies listed in package.json.
During the execution of blt setup
and blt deploy
, BLT will execute target-hooks.frontend-build.command
. This is always executed after target-hooks.frontend-setup.command
. This hook is intended to provide an opportunity to compile your frontend assets, such as compiling SCSS to CSS or generating a style guide.
dir: ${docroot}/sites/all/themes/custom/mytheme.
command: '[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/" && nvm use 4.4.4 && npm run build'
If you are using a sub theme of Cog, executing npm run build
in your theme directory (as exemplified above) will execute the command defined in
in package.json.
During the execution of blt tests
, BLT will execute target-hooks.frontend-test.command
. This hook is intended to provide an opportunity execute frontend tests, like JavaScript linting and visual regression testing. E.g.,
dir: ${docroot}/sites/all/themes/custom/mytheme.
command: '[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/" && nvm use 4.4.4 && npm test'
If you are using a sub theme of Cog, executing npm test
in your theme directory (as exemplified above) will execute the command defined in scripts.test
in package.json.
If you need to execute something more complex, you may call a custom script rather than direct the embedding your commands in the yaml file:
dir: ${repo.root}
command: ./scripts/custom/
Strictly speaking, BLT does not have any system requirements for frontend commands. This because BLT does not provide any frontend commands itself. Remember that BLT only provides an opportunity for you to execute your own custom frontend commands. It is your responsibility to determine and install your frontend system requirements.
However, it is recommended that you manage frontend dependencies using npm
and that you manage multiple Node JS versions (if applicable) via nvm
You can install these two tools on OSX using Homebrew:
brew install npm nvm
If you are using Drupal VM, then these system requirements need only be available inside the virtual machine, not on the host machine. Frontend commands will run inside of the virtual machine, if available.