# lighttpd-Link A lighttpd powered lightweight web server for the Steam Link  Could be used for system monitoring pages, web dashboards and so on... **ALSO AVAILABLE WITH 100% MORE PHP 7: https://github.com/fuzzymannerz/lighttpd-link-php7** ---- # Requirements - A Steam Link (obviously) - SSH access to said Steam Link ([How to do just that](https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steamlink-sdk#ssh-access)) ---- # How To Install 1. [Download the archive](https://github.com/fuzzymannerz/lighttpd-Link/archive/master.zip) and extract it somewhere. 2. Upload everything inside the "*Upload*" folder to the steam link's filesystem root via SSH. (Mounted or WinSCP etc...) ---- # Usage ### To Start: ```bash lighttpd -f /home/steam/http/serve.conf ``` Note: You may first need to `chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/lighttpd` It will now run as a background process until stopped or until the Steam Link is turned off. ### To Stop: ```bash pkill lighttpd ``` See `home/steam/http/serve.conf` for a basic configuration example. Refer to https://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/1/wiki/TutorialConfiguration for more info. ---- # Uninstallation If you factory reset your Steam Link lighttpd-Link will be removed. Otherwise you can run the fancy uninstall script. **To unininstall everything, including the "*/home/steam/http*" folder:** ```bash wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fuzzymannerz/lighttpd-Link/master/rmLighttpd-Link.sh && chmod +x rmLighttpd-Link.sh && sh rmLighttpd-Link.sh ``` **To just remove all files apart from the "*/home/steam/http*" folder:** ```bash wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fuzzymannerz/lighttpd-Link/master/rmLighttpd-Link.sh && chmod +x rmLighttpd-Link.sh && sh rmLighttpd-Link.sh keephttp ```