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File metadata and controls

249 lines (197 loc) · 7.44 KB


A library to generate JSON schemas from Clojure specs. It provides utility functions to convert both Clojure specs and spec-tools specs into JSON schema.

Clojars Project GitHub license Circle CI


To include json-schema, add the following to your :dependencies:

[com.furkanbayraktar/json-schema "0.1.0"]


json-schema provides a function called spit-schemas! to write JSON schemas to individual files. By default, it uses schemas folder in your project root. Here is a sample use case:

(ns json-schema-test.core
  (:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
            [clojure.string :as str]
            [com.furkanbayraktar.json-schema.core :as js]
            [spec-tools.core :as st]
            [ :as ds]))

;; Clojure specs

(s/def :test/field-1 (s/and string? #(not (str/blank? %))))
(s/def :test/field-2 pos-int?)
(s/def :test/field-3 boolean?)

(s/def :test/test-spec (s/keys :req-un [:test/field-1 :test/field-2]
                               :opt-un [:test/field-3]))

;; spec-tools specs

(def my-integer? (assoc (st/spec integer?)
                   :description "It's an int"
                   :name :test/my-integer))

(def not-blank-string-regex #"^.*\S.*$")

(def not-blank-string?
  (st/spec {:spec :test/field-1
            :type :string
            :description "A non blank string checked by clojure.string/blank?"
            :json-schema/pattern (str not-blank-string-regex)}))

;; spec-tools data spec

;; spec-tools data spec does not add :name to Spec record, so it needs to
;; be added manually.
(def test-data-spec
    (ds/spec {:name :test/data-spec
              :spec {:id my-integer?
                     :name :test/field-1
                     :description not-blank-string?
                     :birthday (s/int-in 1900 2018)}})
    :name :test/data-spec))

;; Function to be called through leiningen (or anywhere else) when needed
(defn generate-schemas! []
  (js/spit-schemas! [:test/test-spec my-integer? test-data-spec]))

Once you have a function like generate-schemas! that calls spit-schemas!, you can define an alias in your project.clj file in order to generate schema files on your continuous integration pipeline or any time you need outside of the project. You can learn more about creating aliases on leiningen documentation.

(defproject json-schema-test "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "Test project for json-schema"
  :dependencies [[com.furkanbayraktar/json-schema "0.1.0"]
                 [metosin/spec-tools "0.7.0"]
                 [org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0"]]

  ;; Alias that calls generate-schemas! function to generate
  ;; JSON schemas from your specs!

  :aliases {"generate-schemas" ["run" "-m" "json-schema-test.core/generate-schemas!"]})

The alias named generate-schemas will let you run:

$ lein generate-schemas

on your command line. It will generate an output like this:

$ lein generate-schemas

JSON Schema: Deleting old schemas.
JSON Schema: Deleting /Users/furkan/test-json-schema/schemas/TestSpec.json
JSON Schema: Deleting /Users/furkan/test-json-schema/schemas/MyInteger.json
JSON Schema: Creating /Users/furkan/test-json-schema/schemas/DataSpec.json
JSON Schema: Creating schema files.
JSON Schema: Creating /Users/furkan/test-json-schema/schemas/TestSpec.json
JSON Schema: Creating /Users/furkan/test-json-schema/schemas/MyInteger.json
JSON Schema: Creating /Users/furkan/test-json-schema/schemas/DataSpec.json
JSON Schema: Done!

If you open DataSpec.json file under schemas folder, you will see:

  "type" : "object",
  "properties" : {
    "id" : {
      "type" : "integer",
      "description" : "It's an int",
      "title" : "test/my-integer"
    "name" : {
      "type" : "string"
    "description" : {
      "type" : "string",
      "description" : "A non blank string checked by clojure.string/blank?",
      "pattern" : "^.*\\S.*$"
    "birthday" : {
      "allOf" : [ {
        "type" : "integer",
        "format" : "int64"
      }, {
        "minimum" : 1900,
        "maximum" : 2018
      } ]
  "required" : [ "id", "name", "description", "birthday" ],
  "title" : "test/data-spec"

You can find different options you can pass to spit-schemas! function in the next section or in the documentation of function.

json-schema contains other utility functions like spec->json-schema and spec->json-schema-map. spec->json-schema returns a JSON schema string for given spec. Similarly, spec->json-schema-map returns a Clojure map of the JSON Schema, if you prefer to convert JSON string later on.

(spec->json-schema :test/test-spec)

evaluates to:

   \"type\" : \"object\",
   \"properties\" : {
     \"field-1\" : {
       \"type\" : \"string\"
     \"field-2\" : {
       \"type\" : \"integer\",
       \"format\" : \"int64\",
       \"minimum\" : 1
     \"field-3\" : {
       \"type\" : \"boolean\"
   \"required\" : [ \"field-1\", \"field-2\" ]


(spec->json-schema-map :test/test-spec)

evaluates to:

{:type "object",
 :properties {"field-1" {:type "string"},
              "field-2" {:type "integer", :format "int64", :minimum 1},
              "field-3" {:type "boolean"}},
 :required ["field-1" "field-2"]}


(defn spit-schemas!
  ([specs {:keys [delete-old-schemas?             ; If false, does not delete old schema files before creating new.
                  output-path                     ; Defines the output folder for generated schema files.
                  additional-props?               ; If false, adds adds additionalProperties field with false value to schema.
                  convert-name?                   ; If false, keeps spec name as file name, otherwise converts it to PascalCase
                  pretty?]                        ; If false, skips prettifying JSON string.
           :or   {delete-old-schemas? true
                  output-path         "schemas"
                  additional-props?   true
                  convert-name?       true
                  pretty?             true}}]

  ; ...
(defn spec->json-schema
    additional-props? ; If false, adds additionalProperties field with false value to schema.
    pretty?]          ; If false, skips prettifying JSON string.

  ; ...

   (spec->json-schema spec true true)))
(defn spec->json-schema-map
    additional-props?] ; If false, adds additionalProperties field with false value to schema.

  ; ...

   (spec->json-schema-map spec true)))

Reference to additionalProperties can be found in the link.

Reference to Pascal Case can be found in the link.


Copyright © 2018 Furkan Bayraktar

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.