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DEPRECATED: We have stopped developing this, check out our new boilerplate stackhaus.

Vuehaus is a boilerplate used to build fast, responsive WordPress templates with Vue.js. Built by Funkhaus.


Head over to the tutorial to learn how to build Vue.js + WordPress sites with Vuehaus!


Table of Contents

  1. Install
  2. Common Tasks
    1. Getting Information from The Loop
    2. Loading Fonts
    3. Using SVGs
    4. Images
    5. Images with Videos
    6. Shared Styles
  3. The Developer Role and Developer IDs
    1. Developer Capabilities
    2. Advanced Routing
      1. Front Page Children
    3. Utility Functions
    4. Upgrading Plugins
  4. Vuex and State
    1. Mutations
    2. Actions
    3. Getters
  5. Vuehaus Events
  6. Partials
  7. Gutenberg Blocks
    1. Adding a Block
    2. Block Content
    3. Block Content Types
      1. Adding Content Types
    4. Rendering Gutenberg Content
    5. Removing Block Support
  8. Deploying
  9. Recommended Reading
  10. Contributing


  1. In a WordPress themes/ directory: git clone my-theme
  2. cd my-theme
  3. npm install
  4. Go to the WordPress back-end, activate, the Vuehaus theme, and follow the instructions to install Rest-Easy.
  5. npm run dev
  6. To build: npm run build
  7. (Optional) To build and deploy to server using fh-deploy: npm run deploy

Common Tasks

Getting Information from The Loop

Paste these anywhere in your <script> tags to use them in your own templates. This assumes you've included

import _get from 'lodash/get'

All results from The Loop:

_get(this.$store, 'state.loop')

The first result from The Loop:


The featured image from the first result in The Loop:

_get(this.$, 'featured_attachment')

The children of the first result of The Loop:

_get(this.$, 'related.children')

Loading Fonts

Vuehaus includes the Google/Typekit Web Font Loader in parts/font-loader.php. Follow the instructions on that repo to load fonts from Google, Typekit, or your own uploads.

// font loader example
WebFontConfig = {
    google: {
        // your google fonts families here
        families: []
    typekit: {
        id: ''
    custom: {
        // your custom font families here
        families: [],
        urls: [
            '<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/static/fonts/fonts.css'

Using SVGs

  1. Place the .svg file in src/svgs/.

  2. In the script section of the template where you want to use the SVG, add:

    import exampleSvg from 'src/svgs/example.svg'
    export default {
        data() {
            return {
  3. In the location where you want to use the SVG:

    <div v-html="exampleSvg"></div>

    That's it!


Vuehaus comes with a component called responsive-image that provides some built-in image handling, including fading in images as they load. You can pass an image object from Rest-Easy's attachment serializer and it will build itself automatically:

<!-- Build a responsive image component from the featured image of the first post in The Loop -->
<responsive-image :object="$store.state.loop[0].featured_attachment"/>

You can also include any of the following attributes:

    height="height in px"
    width="width in px"
    aspect="aspect ratio, as percent (ie '56' for 56%)"
    size="WordPress-defined size slug"
    color="background color of pre-loaded space"

You must include either an object or a src parameter on a responsive-image element; all other values are optional.

Images with Videos

All images in Vuehaus have an associated video URL (saved as a metafield called custom_video_url). You can access this in a serialized image in Vuex with image.videoUrl.

Shared Styles

Vuehaus supports SCSS out of the box, and comes with a style vars file in src/styles/_vars.scss and the base styling for the entire site in src/styles/_base.scss.

You can import the vars file in any Vue template like this:

<style lang="scss">
@import 'src/styles/vars';

// Now you have access to the $vars!

Vuehaus also comes with a few suggested breakpoints in that same vars file - you can use them in a media query like this:

@media #{ $lt-phone } {
   // your styling

The default breakpoints (with lt for "less than" and gt for "greater than") are:

  • gt-cinema - only screen and (min-width: 1800px)
  • lt-desktop - only screen and (max-width: 1100px)
  • lt-phone - only screen and (max-width: 750px)
  • lt-phone-landscape - only screen and (max-width: 750px) and (orientation: landscape)

The Developer Role and Developer IDs

Since URLs can easily change in the WordPress backend, Vuehaus includes a new WP role, Developer, that has access to a set of controls that other roles (even Administrator) can't see. One of these controls is for a page's "Developer ID" - an arbitrary value that can reliably identify a page.

The Developer ID is accessible via a post object's custom_developer_id property - for example, $post->custom_developer_id.

If we set the About page's Developer ID to about, then rewrite the relevant line in add_routes_to_json like the following:

    // path_from_dev_id is a Vuehaus function that retrieves a page's relative path from its Developer ID
    path_from_dev_id('about')                         => 'About'

This will guarantee that the path to this page will always render the About template, even if the user changes that path later on.

Developer Capabilities

The Developer role in Vuehaus has a few extra capabilities available:

Preventing deletion

Any missing page in the add_routes_to_json function (for example, if get_page_by_dev_id('about') didn't find any pages) would break the given route; a Developer can lock pages to prevent this type of bug. Check the "Prevent non-dev deletion" box in the Developer Meta screen to prevent other users from placing that page in the Trash accidentally.

Hiding the rich editor

Check the "Hide Rich Editor" box to prevent non-Developer users from using WordPress's rich editor. This can be helpful to maintain stricter controls over the template and class names in a page's content.

Advanced Routing

Take a look at the path-to-regexp documentation for examples of routing using regex capabilities.

The routing table in Vuehaus automatically converts a string-string key-value pair to a Vue route object:

    path_from_dev_id('my-developer-id') => 'MyComponentName'

...turns to:

const router = new VueRouter({
    routes: [{ path: '/my-developer-id', component: 'MyComponentName.vue' }]

You can take advantage of the Vue router's more advanced capabilities, like redirect/alias, naming, and more by setting the value to an object:

    path_from_dev_id('your-developer-id') => array(
        // Redirect to a path - in this case, to the path of the first child
        'redirect'		=> get_child_of_dev_id_path('work')

    path_from_dev_id('your-developer0id', '/:medium*')		=> array(
        // Define a component and a name for the route
        'component'		=> 'WorkGrid',
        'name'			=> 'work-grid'

    path_from_dev_id('your-developer-id') => array(
        // Redirect to a named route
        'redirect'		=> array(
            'name':     => 'work-grid'

This isn't the limit of the routing table's capabilities - anything the Vue router can do, you can build in the add_routes_to_json function.

Front Page Children

When trying to get the children of the front page, you'll need to use slug_from_dev_id instead of path_from_dev_id:

'/' . slug_from_dev_id('front-page') . '/:detail' => 'FrontPageChild',

path_from_dev_id would return a slash as the relative path to the front page, but slug_from_dev_id ensures that you're getting the front page's name.

Utility Functions

Vuehaus defines a few utility functions to make building the routing table easier:

  • get_child_of_dev_id($dev_id, $nth_child = 0) - Get the post object of the nth child (zero-based, default 0) of a page with the given Developer ID.
  • get_child_of_dev_id_path($dev_id, $nth_child = 0, $after = '') - Get the relative path of the nth child of a page with the given Developer ID. Adds $after to the retrieved path.
  • get_children_of_dev_id($dev_id) - Get the children of a page with the given Developer ID. Returns false if no page with Developer ID exists or an empty array if no children found.
  • get_page_by_dev_id($dev_id) - Get the first page with a given Developer ID. Returns the complete WP Post object or false if none found.
  • path_from_dev_id($dev_id, $after = '') - Get the relative path of a page with a given Developer ID. Adds $after to the retrieved path. Returns '#404' if no page with the given Developer ID is found.
  • slug_from_dev_id($dev_id) - Get the slug of a page with a given Developer ID.
  • user_is_developer() - Boolean indicating whether the current logged-in user is a Developer or not.

Upgrading Plugins

If you need to upgrade your version of Rest-Easy, change the $latest_rest_easy variable in functions/vuehaus-plugins.php to match the latest Rest Easy version. You'll be prompted to upgrade the next time you load any page on the WordPress backend.

Vuex and State

Vuehaus uses Vuex to handle a site's state. The default store in src/utils/store.js is set up like this:

    // From Rest-Easy
    meta: jsonData.meta,
    loop: jsonData.loop,

    // Vuehaus-specific
    transitioning_in: false,
    transitioning_out: false,
    loaded: true

See the Rest-Easy documentation for more information on jsonData and its properties, as well as the Vuex documentation for Vuex terms like store, state, mutation, etc.


You can commit a mutation from any Vue component by using:

this.$store.commit('MUTATION_NAME', payload)

Default Vuehaus mutations:

  • 'REPLACE_QUERYDATA', { site, meta, loop } - Replaces the store's site, meta, and loop properties with the site, meta, and loop properties of the payload.
  • 'SET_TRANSITIONING_IN, true | false' - Sets state.transitioning_in to the given value.
  • 'SET_TRANSITIONING_OUT, true | false' - Sets state.transitioning_out to the given value.
  • 'SET_LOADED', true | false - Sets state.loaded to the given value.
  • 'OPEN_MENU' - Sets state.menuOpened to true.
  • 'CLOSE_MENU' - Sets state.menuOpened to false.
  • 'UPDATE_REFERRAL_ROUTE' - Sets state.referral to given referral object.


Where mutations are synchronous, actions are asynchronous:

this.$store.dispatch('ACTION_NAME', payload)

Default Vuehaus actions:

  • 'LOAD_AND_REPLACE_QUERYDATA, { path: 'url string' }' - Runs the following process:
    1. Sets state.loaded to false.
    2. Checks src/utils/cache.js (which is a global cache that can be imported into any other file) for the given path key. If none is found:
      1. Commits 'SET_LOADED', false
      2. Fetches the data from the the URL at the payload path.
      3. Saves the data to the cache.
    3. Commits 'REPLACE_QUERYDATA' with the data from the cache.
    4. Commits 'SET_LOADED', true


Getters are shortcuts to dynamic state properties:


Default Vuehaus getters include:

  • loading - Returns the opposite of $store.state.loaded.
  • post - Returns either the first post in $store.state.loop or, if none, an empty object.
  • referralPath - Returns either the fullPath of the current value of $store.state.referral or, if none, an empty string.

Vuehaus Events

Throttled resize and scroll events are available to any child of the App component:

this.$root.$on('throttled.resize', () => {
    // your throttled resize event here...
    // default: 1 per 10ms
this.$root.$on('throttled.scroll', () => {
    // your throttled scroll event here...
    // default: 1 per 10ms

Both events are fired after the $root element saves updated window dimensions/scroll positions for resize/scroll events.


Vuehaus comes with a few SCSS partials to make writing CSS easier. In a Vue template file:

<style lang="scss">

    @import 'src/styles/desired-partial';


Default partials include:

  • base - Style applied in App.vue, affecting every page on the site.

  • easings - Several common easing functions. Includes:

    • easeIn, easeOut, and easeInOut for:
      • Sine
      • Quad
      • Cubic
      • Quart
      • Quint
      • Expo
      • Circ
      • Back
      • Fast
    • authenticMotion
  • transitions - Common transitions applied in App.vue, affecting every page on the site. Includes:

    • fade
    • slide-left
    • slide-right

    Usable with:

    <transition name="transition-name"><your-code-here/></transition>

  • vars - Variables to use across the site. Import in any given template to make global CSS changes much easier to manage. Defaults include:

    • $white: #ffffff;
    • $black: #000000;
    • $font-family: 'Helvetica';
    • $desktop-padding: 50px;
    • $mobile-padding: 20px;
    • $header-height: 80px;

    The following are breakpoints that can be used with @media #{$size} { /* your rules here */ }:

    • $gt-cinema: "only screen and (min-width: 1800px)";
    • $lt-desktop: "only screen and (max-width: 1100px)";
    • $lt-phone: "only screen and (max-width: 750px)";
    • $lt-phone-landscape: "only screen and (max-width: 750px) and (orientation: landscape)";

    vars includes the following mixins:

    • fill - position: absolute with top, right, bottom, and left set to 0.
    • cover - Centered, no-repeat, background-size: cover.
    • contain - Same as cover, but with background-size: contain.

Gutenberg Blocks

Vuehaus comes with Gutenberg support out of the box, including a simple way to create and use your own custom blocks.


  • Run npm run block-dev for development
  • Add blocks in blocks/src/index.js
  • Run npm run block-build to build blocks for production
  • Use gutenberg-content instead of wp-content to render content

Adding a Block

To add a new block:

  • Call buildBlock in blocks/src/index.js
  • Run npm run block-dev for development and npm run block-build for production.

The simplest example is creating a new text block:

    // The unique slug of your block (namespaced to your theme) (required)
    slug: 'text-block',

    // Class applied to the block (required)
    class: 'text-block',

    // The human-readable name of your block (optional)
    name: 'Text Block',

    // A short block description (optional)
    description: 'A block of text.',

    // WP Dash Icon ( (optional)
    icon: 'format-gallery',

    // The block content (required)
    content: [
            // Unique name for this item
            name: 'myContent',
            // Item type - 'text'
            type: 'text'

When you've added a new block, it will appear under your theme name in the block menu when editing a Gutenberg post.

Block Content

content is an array that contains 1 or more objects with a name and a type:

content: [
    { name: 'firstWord', type: 'text' },
    { name: 'middleWord', type: 'text' },
    { name: 'lastWord', type: 'text' }

You can also include JSX in your content:

content: [
    <h2>Enter Your Headline Here:</h2>,
    { name: 'headline', type: 'text' },
    <h2>Enter Your Content Here:</h2>,
    { name: 'body', type: 'text' }

Block Content Types

You can use any of the following as the type parameter in block content:

  • text
  • image

Adding Content Types

To add a new content type:

  1. Create a new JS file in blocks/src/prebuilt.
  2. Export an object containing attributes, edit, and save from this file.
    1. You can use blocks/src/prebuilt/text.js as a model for each property, all of which are required to save and render content correctly.
  3. Import the result into blocks/src/prebuilt/index.js. Export this value with the name of the type as the key.
    1. Example: text.js is imported to the index file, then exported with the key text. Blocks wanting to use this type can do so by setting their type to 'text'.

Rendering Gutenberg Content

fh-components comes with a wp-content component designed for rendering WordPress content, but we recommend using the built-in gutenberg-content component for Gutenberg pages.

It accepts all the same arguments as wp-content, but comes with extra replace values to handle images in content.

Removing Block Support

If you don't want to support custom Gutenberg blocks and want to simplify your theme, you can:

  1. Delete the blocks/ directory

  2. Delete functions/blocks.php

  3. Remove this line from functions.php:

    include_once get_template_directory() . '/functions/blocks.php';

  4. Remove this line from package.json's files array:



Vuehaus comes with fh-deploy to make deploying your site as easy as possible.

Run npm run deploy to generate a config file based on a few user inputs. The queue of files to upload is in the package.json files property. npm run deploy automatically uploads whatever you have in your directory at the time to your server, so we recommend running npm run build first - a full deploy command might look like this:

npm run build && npm run deploy

Important note from fh-deploy readme:

Running fh-deploy will automatically overwrite any files of the same name on your server WITHOUT prompting. Assume your remote files are going to be overwritten as soon as you run fh-deploy and make sure you keep up-to-date backups!


Thanks for your interest in working on Vuehaus! You can start any way you'd like, but here's how the Funkhaus team does it:

  1. Install Local by Flywheel to quickly spin up new local WordPress sites.

  2. Create a new WordPress site in Local. We'll call ours "Vuehaus" as an example.

  3. Clone this repo into the wp-content/themes folder on the new site. On OSX, that'd look like this:

    cd ~/Local\ Sites/vuehaus/app/public/wp-content/themes
    git clone
  4. Activate the Vuehaus theme in the WordPress backend.

  5. Open the repo in your editor of choice and run (optionally using LiveReload):

    npm install
    # watch development build, or...
    npm run dev
    # ...use livereload for a more seamless experience
    livereload . & npm run dev
  6. When you're ready to submit, npm run build to make sure the build compiles correctly, then submit your pull request!

Developing for fh-components

If you're developing for fh-components as well, we recommend using npm link:

# Clone the fh-components repo in a shared location
cd ~/Desktop
git clone

# Make this new fh-components clone the definitive version
cd fh-components
npm link

# Head to the Vuehaus theme installation
cd ~/Local\ Sites/vuehaus/app/public/wp-content/themes/vuehaus
# Uninstall the local fh-components instance and instead use the cloned version above
npm uninstall fh-components
npm link fh-components

From here, running npm run dev on both fh-components and the Vuehaus theme will reflect changes in fh-components. (You can edit the src/views/Default.vue template to test out new components.)

When you're done making changes and have published the new fh-components:

cd ~/Local\ Sites/vuehaus/app/public/wp-content/themes/vuehaus

# unlink the local version
npm uninstall fh-components
# make sure fh-components is installed in package.json
npm install fh-components

Recommended Reading

Not Vuehaus-specific reading material, but rather good practices and articles.

  1. Maintainable CSS, a guide to writing readable and easily-maintained CSS
  2. SVG Tips for Designers
