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Use the bang methods save!, create!, update!, destroy!

David Wessman edited this page Mar 26, 2015 · 5 revisions

Always use the bang methods on AR objects unless you have a reason not to. Even then, use the bang methods.

I found this code in master:

after_create :create_profile_for_user

def create_profile_for_user
  Profile.create(user: self)

What does this do? It tries to create a profile, silently ignoring any validation errors and then throws away the reference to the only object that has information about the error. Not what you want.

Instead, make it a habit to use the save!, create!, update!, destroy! methods and explicitly catch the exception if that is what you want to do. The exception you want is usually ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid.

Or just let the exception pass to the controller where ApplicationController will do the right thing automatically for you (as of branch cancan

Have a nice day /Your friendy best-practices PSA guy (Written by @jforberg #93