The Message Wall ChatGPT Plus / Search ChatGPT Free
The Message Wall is an interactive app that allows users to post messages on a virtual wall. Simply input your message (up to 140 characters) and watch as it gets added to the wall! The app provides a safe and friendly space for users to share their thoughts and connect with others. With no links or risky characters allowed, you can trust that the wall is a positive and constructive environment. So go ahead, express yourself and let your message be seen by everyone!
Prompt 1: "Send a message to post on the wall."
Prompt 2: "Need to post a quick message?"
Prompt 3: "Want to add your message to the wall?"
Prompt 4: "Have a short message for the wall?"
The Message Wall app allows you to post messages on a virtual wall. Here are some commands you can use:
Send a message to post on the wall: Use this prompt to send a message and have it posted on the wall.
Need to post a quick message?: If you have a short message that you want to share, use this prompt to send it to the wall.
Want to add your message to the wall?: Use this prompt if you want to add your message to the virtual wall.
Have a short message for the wall?: If you have a brief message that you want to share, use this prompt to post it on the wall.
Please note that messages should not exceed 140 characters and should not contain links, multiline or blank characters, or any risky characters. Be respectful and kind when posting messages on the wall.
To access the wall and view the messages, you can visit the following link: The Message Wall