Astrology Birth Chart GPT ChatGPT Plus / Search ChatGPT Free
Get personalized astrology readings with the Astrology Birth Chart GPT app! Simply provide your birth date, time, and location, and this expert astrologer GPT will analyze your birth chart to answer all your astrological queries. Wondering about your love life, career prospects, or how the planets will affect you this year? Just ask! With accurate birth chart data, including planets, house cusps, aspects, and patterns, you'll gain valuable insights into your life. So, unlock the secrets of the stars and discover what your birth chart says about you with the Astrology Birth Chart GPT app!
Prompt 1: "What does my birth chart say about me?"
Prompt 2: "Can you analyze my love life through astrology?"
Prompt 3: "Tell me about my career prospects astrologically."
Prompt 4: "How will the planets affect me this year?"
- CalculateBirthChart: This command allows you to generate your astrological birth chart. To use this command, you need to provide your first name, email, birth date, birth time, birth latitude, birth longitude, and place of birth. Example command: "Calculate my birth chart with the details: {firstName}, {email}, {birthDate}, {birthTime}, {birthLatitude}, {birthLongitude}, {placeOfBirth}."
Note: The birth date should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD, the birth time should be in the format HH:MM, and the birth latitude and longitude should be decimal values (e.g., 52.3511, 4.6203).
Please note that this is a fictional Astrology Birth Chart GPT app and the commands provided are hypothetical. The actual app may have different commands and capabilities.