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Setting up Backup Manager

rmehta edited this page Sep 9, 2014 · 3 revisions

Setup of automated backups via Setup >> Backup Manager using Dropbox and Google Drive

Installing Pre-Requisites

pip install dropbox
pip install google-api-python-client

Create an App in Dropbox

Firstly create your Dropbox account. Then create an app here. After successful creation of app you will receive app_key, app_secret and access_type. Now open and replace the value of dropbox_access_key with your app_key and dropbox_secret_key with your app_secret.

Create an App in Google Drive

Firstly create your Gmail account. Then you have to create an app by following the instructions here


Enable the Drive API

First, you need to enable the Drive API for your app. You can do this in your app's API project in the Google API's Console

  1. Create an API project in the Google APIs Console.
  2. Select the Services tab in your API project, and enable the Drive API.
  3. Select the API Access tab in your API project, and click Create an OAuth 2.0 client ID.
  4. In the Branding Information section, provide a name for your application (e.g. "Drive Quickstart Sample"), and click Next. Providing a product logo is optional.
  5. In the Client ID Settings section, do the following:
    • Select Web application for the Application type.
    • Click Create Client ID.
  6. In the API Access page, locate the section Client ID for installed applications and note or copy the two pieces of information you'll need later to run the sample: the Client ID and the Client Secret.

Update your site_config.json

Update the keys in frappe-bench/sites/[sitename]/site_config.json

 "db_name": "demo", 
 "db_password": "DZ1Idd55xJ9qvkHvUH", 
 "host_name": "http://demo.local:8000", 
 "dropbox_access_key": "ACCESSKEY", 
 "dropbox_secret_key": "SECRECTKEY" 
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