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ldiedering committed Jun 8, 2024
1 parent 192cdbb commit d1e58f1
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Showing 8 changed files with 271 additions and 170 deletions.
20 changes: 14 additions & 6 deletions Carleson/Theorem1_1/Approximation.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ lemma int_sum_nat {β : Type} [AddCommGroup β] [TopologicalSpace β] [Continuou

/-TODO: Weaken statement to pointwise convergence to simplify proof?-/
lemma fourierConv_ofTwiceDifferentiable {f : ℝ → ℂ} (periodicf : Function.Periodic f (2 * Real.pi)) (fdiff : ContDiff ℝ 2 f) {ε : ℝ} (εpos : ε > 0) :
∃ N₀, ∀ N > N₀, ∀ x ∈ Set.Ico 0 (2 * Real.pi), Complex.abs (f x - partialFourierSum f N x) ≤ ε := by
∃ N₀, ∀ N > N₀, ∀ x ∈ Set.Icc 0 (2 * Real.pi), Complex.abs (f x - partialFourierSum f N x) ≤ ε := by
have fact_two_pi_pos : Fact (0 < 2 * Real.pi) := by
rw [fact_iff]
exact Real.two_pi_pos
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -343,11 +343,19 @@ lemma fourierConv_ofTwiceDifferentiable {f : ℝ → ℂ} (periodicf : Function.
simp only [ContinuousMap.coe_sum, sum_apply] at this
convert this.le using 2
congr 1
. rw [g_def]
rw [AddCircle.liftIco_coe_apply]
rw [zero_add]
exact hx
. rw [g_def, ContinuousMap.coe_mk]
by_cases h : x = 2 * Real.pi
. conv => lhs; rw [h, ← zero_add (2 * Real.pi), periodicf]
have := AddCircle.coe_add_period (2 * Real.pi) 0
rw [zero_add] at this
rw [h, this, AddCircle.liftIco_coe_apply]
simp [Real.pi_pos]
. have : x ∈ Set.Ico 0 (2 * Real.pi) := by
use hx.1
apply lt_of_le_of_ne hx.2 h
rw [AddCircle.liftIco_coe_apply]
rw [zero_add]
exact this
. rw [partialFourierSum]
ext n
Expand Down
83 changes: 52 additions & 31 deletions Carleson/Theorem1_1/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -107,12 +107,17 @@ lemma partialFourierSum_uniformContinuous {f : ℝ → ℂ} {N : ℕ} : UniformC

/-Slightly different and stronger version of Lemma 10.11 (lower secant bound). -/
theorem strictConvexOn_cos_Icc : StrictConvexOn ℝ (Set.Icc (Real.pi / 2) (Real.pi + Real.pi / 2)) Real.cos := by
apply strictConvexOn_of_deriv2_pos (convex_Icc _ _) Real.continuousOn_cos fun x hx => ?_
rw [interior_Icc] at hx
simp [Real.cos_neg_of_pi_div_two_lt_of_lt hx.1 hx.2]

/- Lemma 10.11 (lower secant bound) from the paper. -/
lemma lower_secant_bound' {η : ℝ} {x : ℝ} (le_abs_x : η ≤ |x|) (abs_x_le : |x| ≤ 2 * Real.pi - η) :
η / 4 ≤ ‖1 - Complex.exp (Complex.I * x)‖ := by
(2 / Real.pi) * η ≤ ‖1 - Complex.exp (Complex.I * x)‖ := by
by_cases ηpos : η ≤ 0
. calc η / 4
_ ≤ 0 := by linarith
. calc (2 / Real.pi) * η
_ ≤ 0 := mul_nonpos_of_nonneg_of_nonpos (div_nonneg zero_le_two Real.pi_pos.le) ηpos
_ ≤ ‖1 - Complex.exp (Complex.I * x)‖ := by apply norm_nonneg
push_neg at ηpos
wlog x_nonneg : 0 ≤ x generalizing x
Expand All @@ -130,13 +135,7 @@ lemma lower_secant_bound' {η : ℝ} {x : ℝ} (le_abs_x : η ≤ |x|) (abs_x_l
rw [mul_sub, Complex.conj_ofReal, Complex.exp_sub, mul_comm Complex.I (2 * Real.pi), Complex.exp_two_pi_mul_I, ←inv_eq_one_div, ←Complex.exp_neg]
all_goals linarith
by_cases h : x ≤ Real.pi / 2
. calc η / 4
_ ≤ (2 / Real.pi) * η := by
rw [div_le_iff (by norm_num)]
rw [le_div_iff Real.pi_pos, mul_comm 2, mul_assoc]
linarith [Real.pi_le_four]
. calc (2 / Real.pi) * η
_ ≤ (2 / Real.pi) * x := by gcongr
_ = (1 - (2 / Real.pi) * x) * Real.sin 0 + ((2 / Real.pi) * x) * Real.sin (Real.pi / 2) := by simp
_ ≤ Real.sin ((1 - (2 / Real.pi) * x) * 0 + ((2 / Real.pi) * x) * (Real.pi / 2)) := by
Expand All @@ -161,30 +160,52 @@ lemma lower_secant_bound' {η : ℝ} {x : ℝ} (le_abs_x : η ≤ |x|) (abs_x_l
. simp [pow_two_nonneg]
. linarith [pow_two_nonneg (1 - Real.cos x), pow_two_nonneg (Real.sin x)]
. push_neg at h
calc η / 4
_ ≤ 1 := by
rw [div_le_iff (by norm_num), one_mul]
exact (le_abs_x.trans x_le_pi).trans Real.pi_le_four
_ ≤ |(1 - Complex.exp (Complex.I * ↑x)).re| := by
rw [mul_comm, Complex.exp_mul_I]
rw [Complex.cos_ofReal_re, le_abs]
apply Real.cos_nonpos_of_pi_div_two_le_of_le h.le
calc (2 / Real.pi) * η
_ ≤ (2 / Real.pi) * x := by gcongr
_ = 1 - ((1 - (2 / Real.pi) * (x - Real.pi / 2)) * Real.cos (Real.pi / 2) + ((2 / Real.pi) * (x - Real.pi / 2)) * Real.cos (Real.pi)) := by
_ ≤ 1 - (Real.cos ((1 - (2 / Real.pi) * (x - Real.pi / 2)) * (Real.pi / 2) + (((2 / Real.pi) * (x - Real.pi / 2)) * (Real.pi)))) := by
apply (strictConvexOn_cos_Icc.convexOn).2 (by simp [Real.pi_nonneg])
. simp
constructor <;> linarith [Real.pi_nonneg]
. rw [sub_nonneg, mul_comm]
apply mul_le_of_nonneg_of_le_div (by norm_num) (div_nonneg (by norm_num) Real.pi_nonneg) (by simpa)
. exact mul_nonneg (div_nonneg (by norm_num) Real.pi_nonneg) (by linarith [h])
. simp
_ = 1 - Real.cos x := by
_ ≤ Real.sqrt ((1 - Real.cos x) ^ 2) := by
rw [Real.sqrt_sq_eq_abs]
apply le_abs_self
_ ≤ ‖1 - Complex.exp (Complex.I * ↑x)‖ := by
rw [Complex.norm_eq_abs]
apply Complex.abs_re_le_abs
rw [mul_comm, Complex.exp_mul_I, Complex.norm_eq_abs, Complex.abs_eq_sqrt_sq_add_sq]
rw [Complex.cos_ofReal_re, Complex.sin_ofReal_re]
apply (Real.sqrt_le_sqrt_iff _).mpr
. simp [pow_two_nonneg]
. linarith [pow_two_nonneg (1 - Real.cos x), pow_two_nonneg (Real.sin x)]

/- Lemma 10.11 (lower secant bound) from the paper. -/
lemma lower_secant_bound {η : ℝ} (ηpos : η > 0) {x : ℝ} (xIcc : x ∈ Set.Icc (-2 * Real.pi + η) (2 * Real.pi - η)) (xAbs : η ≤ |x|) :
η / 8 ≤ Complex.abs (1 - Complex.exp (Complex.I * x)) := by
calc η / 8
_ ≤ η / 4 := by

/-Slightly weaker version of Lemma 10.11 (lower secant bound) with simplified constant. -/
lemma lower_secant_bound {η : ℝ} {x : ℝ} (xIcc : x ∈ Set.Icc (-2 * Real.pi + η) (2 * Real.pi - η)) (xAbs : η ≤ |x|) :
η / 2 ≤ Complex.abs (1 - Complex.exp (Complex.I * x)) := by
by_cases ηpos : η < 0
. calc η / 2
_ ≤ 0 := by linarith
_ ≤ ‖1 - Complex.exp (Complex.I * x)‖ := by apply norm_nonneg
push_neg at ηpos
calc η / 2
_ ≤ (2 / Real.pi) * η := by
rw [mul_assoc]
rw [div_le_div_iff (by norm_num) Real.pi_pos]
linarith [Real.pi_le_four]
_ ≤ ‖1 - Complex.exp (Complex.I * x)‖ := by
apply lower_secant_bound' xAbs
rw [abs_le, neg_sub', sub_neg_eq_add, neg_mul_eq_neg_mul]
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Carleson/Theorem1_1/Carleson_on_the_real_line.lean
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Expand Up @@ -435,14 +435,14 @@ instance h6 : IsCZKernel 4 K where
intro x y
rw [Complex.norm_eq_abs, Real.vol, MeasureTheory.measureReal_def, Real.dist_eq, Real.volume_ball, ENNReal.toReal_ofReal (by linarith [abs_nonneg (x-y)])]
calc Complex.abs (K x y)
_ ≤ 2 ^ (4 : ℝ) / (2 * |x - y|) := by apply Hilbert_kernel_bound
_ ≤ 2 ^ (2 : ℝ) / (2 * |x - y|) := by apply Hilbert_kernel_bound
_ ≤ 2 ^ (4 : ℝ) ^ 3 / (2 * |x - y|) := by gcongr <;> norm_num
/- uses Hilbert_kernel_regularity -/
norm_sub_le := by
intro x y y' h
rw [Real.dist_eq, Real.dist_eq] at *
calc ‖K x y - K x y'‖
_ ≤ 2 ^ 10 * (1 / |x - y|) * (|y - y'| / |x - y|) := by
_ ≤ 2 ^ 8 * (1 / |x - y|) * (|y - y'| / |x - y|) := by
apply Hilbert_kernel_regularity
linarith [abs_nonneg (x-y)]
_ ≤ (|y - y'| / |x - y|) ^ (4 : ℝ)⁻¹ * (2 ^ (4 : ℝ) ^ 3 / Real.vol x y) := by
Expand Down
13 changes: 2 additions & 11 deletions Carleson/Theorem1_1/ClassicalCarleson.lean
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Expand Up @@ -54,16 +54,7 @@ theorem classical_carleson {f : ℝ → ℂ}
_ ≤ ε' + (ε / 4) + (ε / 4) := by
. exact hf₀ x
. by_cases h : x = 2 * Real.pi
. rw [h, ←zero_add (2 * Real.pi), periodic_f₀, partialFourierSum_periodic]
apply hN₀ N NgtN₀ 0
simp [Real.pi_pos]
. have : x ∈ Set.Ico 0 (2 * Real.pi) := by
simp at hx
use hx.1.1
apply lt_of_le_of_ne hx.1.2 h
convert hN₀ N NgtN₀ x this
. exact hN₀ N NgtN₀ x hx.1
. have := hE x hx N
rw [hdef, partialFourierSum_sub (contDiff_f₀.continuous.intervalIntegrable 0 (2 * Real.pi)) (unicontf.continuous.intervalIntegrable 0 (2 * Real.pi))] at this
apply le_trans this
Expand All @@ -73,5 +64,5 @@ theorem classical_carleson {f : ℝ → ℂ}
rw [ε'def, div_div]
apply div_le_div_of_nonneg_left εpos.le (by norm_num)
rw [← div_le_iff' (by norm_num)]
apply le_trans' (lt_C_control_approximation_effect εpos).le (by norm_num)
apply le_trans' (lt_C_control_approximation_effect εpos).le (by linarith [Real.two_le_pi])
_ ≤ ε := by linarith
57 changes: 28 additions & 29 deletions Carleson/Theorem1_1/Control_Approximation_Effect.lean
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Expand Up @@ -302,11 +302,11 @@ lemma le_CarlesonOperatorReal' {f : ℝ → ℂ} (hf : IntervalIntegrable f Meas
apply Measurable.of_uncurry_left
exact Hilbert_kernel_measurable
have boundedness₁ {y : ℝ} (h : r ≤ dist x y) : ‖(I * (-↑n * ↑x)).exp * K x y * (I * ↑n * ↑y).exp‖ ≤ (2 ^ (4 : ℝ) / (2 * r)) := by
have boundedness₁ {y : ℝ} (h : r ≤ dist x y) : ‖(I * (-↑n * ↑x)).exp * K x y * (I * ↑n * ↑y).exp‖ ≤ (2 ^ (2 : ℝ) / (2 * r)) := by
calc ‖(I * (-↑n * ↑x)).exp * K x y * (I * ↑n * ↑y).exp‖
_ = ‖(I * (-↑n * ↑x)).exp‖ * ‖K x y‖ * ‖(I * ↑n * ↑y).exp‖ := by
rw [norm_mul, norm_mul]
_ ≤ 1 * (2 ^ (4 : ℝ) / (2 * |x - y|)) * 1 := by
_ ≤ 1 * (2 ^ (2 : ℝ) / (2 * |x - y|)) * 1 := by
. rw [norm_eq_abs, mul_comm]
Expand All @@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ lemma le_CarlesonOperatorReal' {f : ℝ → ℂ} (hf : IntervalIntegrable f Meas
. rw [norm_eq_abs, mul_assoc, mul_comm]
rw [abs_exp_ofReal_mul_I]
_ ≤ (2 ^ (4 : ℝ) / (2 * r)) := by
_ ≤ (2 ^ (2 : ℝ) / (2 * r)) := by
rw [one_mul, mul_one, ← Real.dist_eq]
have integrable₁ := (integrable_annulus hx hf rpos.le rle1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -405,19 +405,19 @@ theorem rcarleson_exceptional_set_estimate_specific {δ : ℝ} (δpos : 0 < δ)

def C_control_approximation_effect (ε : ℝ) := (((C1_2 4 2 * (8 / (Real.pi * ε)) ^ (2 : ℝ)⁻¹)) + 8)
def C_control_approximation_effect (ε : ℝ) := (C1_2 4 2 * (8 / (Real.pi * ε)) ^ (2 : ℝ)⁻¹) + Real.pi

lemma lt_C_control_approximation_effect {ε : ℝ} (εpos : 0 < ε) : 8 < C_control_approximation_effect ε := by
lemma lt_C_control_approximation_effect {ε : ℝ} (εpos : 0 < ε) : Real.pi < C_control_approximation_effect ε := by
rw [C_control_approximation_effect]
apply lt_add_of_pos_of_le _ (by rfl)
apply mul_pos (C1_2_pos (by norm_num))
apply Real.rpow_pos_of_pos
apply div_pos (by norm_num)
apply mul_pos Real.pi_pos εpos

lemma C_control_approximation_effect_pos {ε : ℝ} (εpos : 0 < ε) : 0 < C_control_approximation_effect ε := lt_trans' (lt_C_control_approximation_effect εpos) (by norm_num)
lemma C_control_approximation_effect_pos {ε : ℝ} (εpos : 0 < ε) : 0 < C_control_approximation_effect ε := lt_trans' (lt_C_control_approximation_effect εpos) Real.pi_pos

lemma C_control_approximation_effect_eq {ε : ℝ} {δ : ℝ} (ε_nonneg : 0 ≤ ε) : C_control_approximation_effect ε * δ = ((δ * C1_2 4 2 * (4 * Real.pi) ^ (2 : ℝ)⁻¹ * (2 / ε) ^ (2 : ℝ)⁻¹) / Real.pi) + 8 * δ := by
lemma C_control_approximation_effect_eq {ε : ℝ} {δ : ℝ} (ε_nonneg : 0 ≤ ε) : C_control_approximation_effect ε * δ = ((δ * C1_2 4 2 * (4 * Real.pi) ^ (2 : ℝ)⁻¹ * (2 / ε) ^ (2 : ℝ)⁻¹) / Real.pi) + Real.pi * δ := by
rw [C_control_approximation_effect, mul_comm, mul_div_right_comm, mul_comm δ, mul_assoc, mul_comm δ, ← mul_assoc, ← mul_assoc, ← add_mul]
congr 2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ lemma control_approximation_effect' {ε : ℝ} (hε : 0 < ε ∧ ε ≤ 2 * Real
intro _
have le_operator_add : ∀ x ∈ E, ENNReal.ofReal ((ε' - 8 * δ) * (2 * Real.pi)) ≤ T' f x + T' ((starRingEnd ℂ) ∘ f) x := by
have le_operator_add : ∀ x ∈ E, ENNReal.ofReal ((ε' - Real.pi * δ) * (2 * Real.pi)) ≤ T' f x + T' ((starRingEnd ℂ) ∘ f) x := by
have h_intervalIntegrable' : IntervalIntegrable h MeasureTheory.volume 0 (2 * Real.pi) := by
apply h_intervalIntegrable.mono_set
rw [Set.uIcc_of_le (by linarith [Real.pi_pos]), Set.uIcc_of_le (by linarith [Real.pi_pos])]
Expand All @@ -520,9 +520,9 @@ lemma control_approximation_effect' {ε : ℝ} (hε : 0 < ε ∧ ε ≤ 2 * Real
--set S := Set.Ioo (x - Real.pi) (x + Real.pi) with Sdef
obtain ⟨xIcc, N, hN⟩ := hx
rw [partialFourierSum_eq_conv_dirichletKernel' h_intervalIntegrable'] at hN
have : ENNReal.ofReal (8 * δ * (2 * Real.pi)) ≠ ⊤ := ENNReal.ofReal_ne_top
have : ENNReal.ofReal (Real.pi * δ * (2 * Real.pi)) ≠ ⊤ := ENNReal.ofReal_ne_top
rw [← (ENNReal.add_le_add_iff_right this)]
calc ENNReal.ofReal ((ε' - 8 * δ) * (2 * Real.pi)) + ENNReal.ofReal (8 * δ * (2 * Real.pi))
calc ENNReal.ofReal ((ε' - Real.pi * δ) * (2 * Real.pi)) + ENNReal.ofReal (Real.pi * δ * (2 * Real.pi))
_ = ENNReal.ofReal ((2 * Real.pi) * ε') := by
rw [← ENNReal.ofReal_add]
. congr
Expand All @@ -538,8 +538,7 @@ lemma control_approximation_effect' {ε : ℝ} (hε : 0 < ε ∧ ε ≤ 2 * Real
apply Real.rpow_nonneg
linarith [Real.pi_pos]
. apply Real.rpow_nonneg (div_nonneg (by norm_num) hε.1.le)
. apply mul_nonneg _ Real.two_pi_pos.le
. apply mul_nonneg (mul_nonneg Real.pi_pos.le hδ.le) Real.two_pi_pos.le
_ ≤ ENNReal.ofReal ((2 * Real.pi) * abs (1 / (2 * Real.pi) * ∫ (y : ℝ) in (0 : ℝ)..(2 * Real.pi), h y * dirichletKernel' N (x - y))) := by gcongr
_ = ‖∫ (y : ℝ) in (0 : ℝ)..(2 * Real.pi), h y * dirichletKernel' N (x - y)‖₊ := by
rw [map_mul, map_div₀, ←mul_assoc]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -587,7 +586,7 @@ lemma control_approximation_effect' {ε : ℝ} (hε : 0 < ε ∧ ε ≤ 2 * Real
--apply abs.isAbsoluteValue.abv_add
apply nnnorm_add_le
_ ≤ (T' f x + T' ((starRingEnd ℂ) ∘ f) x) + ENNReal.ofReal (8 * δ * (2 * Real.pi)) := by
_ ≤ (T' f x + T' ((starRingEnd ℂ) ∘ f) x) + ENNReal.ofReal (Real.pi * δ * (2 * Real.pi)) := by
--Estimate the two parts
. --first part
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -669,7 +668,7 @@ lemma control_approximation_effect' {ε : ℝ} (hε : 0 < ε ∧ ε ≤ 2 * Real
apply NNReal.le_toNNReal_of_coe_le
rw [coe_nnnorm]
calc ‖∫ (y : ℝ) in (x - Real.pi)..(x + Real.pi), h y * (min |x - y| 1) * dirichletKernel' N (x - y)‖
_ ≤ (δ * 8) * |(x + Real.pi) - (x - Real.pi)| := by
_ ≤ (δ * Real.pi) * |(x + Real.pi) - (x - Real.pi)| := by
apply intervalIntegral.norm_integral_le_of_norm_le_const
intro y hy
rw [Set.uIoc_of_le (by linarith)] at hy
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -702,13 +701,13 @@ lemma control_approximation_effect' {ε : ℝ} (hε : 0 < ε ∧ ε ≤ 2 * Real
rw [abs_exp_ofReal_mul_I, one_div]
_ = 2 * (min |z| 1 / ‖1 - exp (I * z)‖) := by ring
_ ≤ 2 * 4 := by
_ ≤ 2 * (Real.pi / 2) := by
gcongr 2 * ?_
--. apply min_le_right
. by_cases h : (1 - exp (I * z)) = 0
. rw [h]
rw [div_le_iff', ←div_le_iff, ←norm_eq_abs]
. rw [h, norm_zero, div_zero]
linarith [Real.pi_pos]
rw [div_le_iff', ←div_le_iff, div_div_eq_mul_div, mul_div_assoc, mul_comm]
apply lower_secant_bound'
. apply min_le_left
. have : |z| ≤ Real.pi := by
Expand All @@ -717,10 +716,10 @@ lemma control_approximation_effect' {ε : ℝ} (hε : 0 < ε ∧ ε ≤ 2 * Real
constructor <;> linarith [hy.1, hy.2]
rw [min_def]
split_ifs <;> linarith
. norm_num
. rwa [←norm_eq_abs, norm_pos_iff]
_ = 8 := by norm_num
_ = 8 * δ * (2 * Real.pi) := by
. linarith [Real.pi_pos]
. rwa [norm_pos_iff]
_ = Real.pi := by ring
_ = Real.pi * δ * (2 * Real.pi) := by
rw [←two_mul, _root_.abs_of_nonneg Real.two_pi_pos.le]
Expand All @@ -735,9 +734,9 @@ lemma control_approximation_effect' {ε : ℝ} (hε : 0 < ε ∧ ε ≤ 2 * Real
_ < ⊤ := ENNReal.ofReal_lt_top
obtain ⟨E', E'subset, measurableSetE', E'measure, h⟩ := ENNReal.le_on_subset MeasureTheory.volume measurableSetE (CarlesonOperatorReal'_measurable f_measurable) (CarlesonOperatorReal'_measurable (Measurable.comp continuous_star.measurable f_measurable)) le_operator_add
have E'volume : MeasureTheory.volume E' < ⊤ := lt_of_le_of_lt (MeasureTheory.measure_mono E'subset) Evolume
have : ENNReal.ofReal (Real.pi * (ε' - 8 * δ)) * MeasureTheory.volume E' ≤ ENNReal.ofReal (δ * C1_2 4 2 * (4 * Real.pi) ^ (2 : ℝ)⁻¹) * (MeasureTheory.volume E') ^ (2 : ℝ)⁻¹ := by
calc ENNReal.ofReal (Real.pi * (ε' - 8 * δ)) * MeasureTheory.volume E'
_ = ENNReal.ofReal ((ε' - 8 * δ) * (2 * Real.pi)) / 2 * MeasureTheory.volume E' := by
have : ENNReal.ofReal (Real.pi * (ε' - Real.pi * δ)) * MeasureTheory.volume E' ≤ ENNReal.ofReal (δ * C1_2 4 2 * (4 * Real.pi) ^ (2 : ℝ)⁻¹) * (MeasureTheory.volume E') ^ (2 : ℝ)⁻¹ := by
calc ENNReal.ofReal (Real.pi * (ε' - Real.pi * δ)) * MeasureTheory.volume E'
_ = ENNReal.ofReal ((ε' - Real.pi * δ) * (2 * Real.pi)) / 2 * MeasureTheory.volume E' := by
rw [← ENNReal.ofReal_ofNat, ← ENNReal.ofReal_div_of_pos (by norm_num)]
Expand All @@ -760,7 +759,7 @@ lemma control_approximation_effect' {ε : ℝ} (hε : 0 < ε ∧ ε ≤ 2 * Real
apply mul_pos hδ (by rw [C1_2]; norm_num)
apply Real.rpow_pos_of_pos
linarith [Real.two_pi_pos]
have ε'_δ_expression_pos : 0 < Real.pi * (ε' - 8 * δ) := by
have ε'_δ_expression_pos : 0 < Real.pi * (ε' - Real.pi * δ) := by
rw [ε'def, C_control_approximation_effect_eq hε.1.le, add_sub_cancel_right, mul_div_cancel₀ _]
apply mul_pos δ_mul_const_pos
apply Real.rpow_pos_of_pos
Expand All @@ -775,7 +774,7 @@ lemma control_approximation_effect' {ε : ℝ} (hε : 0 < ε ∧ ε ≤ 2 * Real
conv => lhs; rw [←Real.rpow_one (MeasureTheory.volume.real E')]
_ ≤ 2 * (δ * C1_2 4 2 * (4 * Real.pi) ^ (2 : ℝ)⁻¹ / (Real.pi * (ε' - 8 * δ))) ^ (2 : ℝ) := by
_ ≤ 2 * (δ * C1_2 4 2 * (4 * Real.pi) ^ (2 : ℝ)⁻¹ / (Real.pi * (ε' - Real.pi * δ))) ^ (2 : ℝ) := by
rw [Real.rpow_mul MeasureTheory.measureReal_nonneg]
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