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Forrest Guice edited this page Sep 2, 2018 · 21 revisions

Latest Release

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Release Cycle

Github commits (since latest release) GitHub last commit Build Status

There isn't a set release cycle, but commits to master should be tagged early and often. For this project that means:

To Cut a Release

  1. create a release branch (prep-release-v#).
  2. increment versionCode and versionName; commit.
  3. update the changelog; add versionName and releaseDate; commit;
  4. run lint: fix major errors/warnings; commit.
  5. build w/ cmd line: gradlew build; confirm the build completes without errors (lintVitalRelease succeeds).
  6. install and test the signed release apk on an actual device.
    • if there's a bug.. fix it on the master branch, sync the prep-release branch, and retest the build (repeat 4, 5, and 6 until happy).
  7. create a pull request; merge prep-release into master (and cleanup / delete it).
  8. draft a new release; in the release notes summarize the major entries to the changelog (highlights only).
  9. publish the release; each release is tagged with v<major>.<minor>.<patch>.
  10. wait for fdroid to detect the new release; monitor the fdroid wiki page for build errors (
  11. (optional) create a signed release apk (using your personal developer key); update the release.
  12. (optional) if creating a signed release apk, attach your GPG signature to ALL download artifacts (; update the release.

To Generate Screenshots

  1. Connect a device/emulator to adb. adb devices
  2. Run the SuntimesScreenshots instrumentation test: gradlew connectedAndroidTest -Pandroid.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.class='com.forrestguice.suntimeswidget.SuntimesScreenshots'
  3. Copy files from the device. adb pull sdcard/Android/data/com.forrestguice.suntimeswidget/files/Pictures/test-screenshots/<version>/<locale>
  4. Upload select files to gh-pages branch; see

Release Testing

Useful Resources

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