The following moves are fully supported.
1: Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect. (Pound, Mega Punch, Scratch...)
3: Has a chance to poison the target. (Poison Sting, Smog, Sludge...)
4: Drains half the damage inflicted to heal the user. (Absorb, Mega Drain, Leech Life...)
5: Has a chance to burn the target. (Fire Punch, Ember, Flamethrower...)
6: Has a chance to freeze the target. (Ice Punch, Ice Beam, Powder Snow)
7: Has a chance to paralyze the target. (Thunder Punch, Body Slam, Thunder Shock...)
21: Lowers the target's Speed by one stage. (String Shot, Low Sweep, Electroweb)
30: Hits 2-5 times in one turn. (Double Slap, Comet Punch, Fury Attack...)
32: Has a chance to make the target flinch. (Rolling Kick, Headbutt, Bite...)
35: Scatters money on the ground worth five times the user's level. (Pay Day)
44: Has an increased chance for a critical hit. (Karate Chop, Razor Leaf, Crabhammer...)
45: Hits twice in one turn. (Double Kick, Bonemerang, Double Hit...)
46: If the user misses, it takes half the damage it would have inflicted in recoil. (Jump Kick, High Jump Kick)
49: User receives 1/4 the damage it inflicts in recoil. (Take Down, Submission, Wild Charge...)
69: Has a chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage. (Aurora Beam, Play Rough)
70: Has a chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage. (Iron Tail, Crunch, Rock Smash...)
71: Has a chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage. (Bubble Beam, Constrict, Bubble...)
72: Has a chance to lower the target's Special Attack by one stage. (Mist Ball, Struggle Bug, Snarl...)
73: Has a chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage. (Acid, Psychic, Shadow Ball...)
77: Has a chance to confuse the target. (Psybeam, Confusion, Dizzy Punch...)
78: Hits twice in the same turn. Has a chance to poison the target. (Twineedle)
104: Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect. (Quick Attack, Mach Punch, Extreme Speed...)
139: Has a chance to raise the user's Defense by one stage. (Steel Wing, Diamond Storm)
140: Has a chance to raise the user's Attack by one stage. (Metal Claw, Meteor Mash, Power-Up Punch)
141: Has a chance to raise all of the user's stats by one stage. (Ancient Power, Silver Wind, Ominous Wind)
147: Has a chance to make the target flinch. (Twister)
151: Has a chance to make the target flinch. (Stomp, Steamroller)
153: Has a chance to paralyze the target. (Thunder)
197: Inflicts more damage to heavier targets, with a maximum of 120 power. (Low Kick, Grass Knot)
199: User receives 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil. (Double-Edge, Brave Bird, Wood Hammer)
201: Has an increased chance for a critical hit and a chance to burn the target. (Blaze Kick)
203: Has a chance to badly poison the target. (Poison Fang)
205: Lowers the user's Special Attack by two stages after inflicting damage. (Overheat, Psycho Boost, Draco Meteor...)
210: Has an increased chance for a critical hit and a chance to poison the target. (Poison Tail, Cross Poison)
219: Lowers user's Speed by one stage. (Hammer Arm)
229: User must switch out after attacking. (U-turn, Volt Switch)
230: Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by one stage after inflicting damage. (Close Combat)
254: User takes 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil. Has a chance to burn the target. (Flare Blitz)
255: User takes 1/4 its max HP in recoil. (Struggle)
261: Has a chance to freeze the target. (Blizzard)
263: User takes 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil. Has a chance to paralyze the target. (Volt Tackle)
268: Has a higher chance to confuse the target when the recorded sound is louder. (Chatter)
270: User receives 1/2 the damage inflicted in recoil. (Head Smash, Light of Ruin)
272: Has a chance to lower the target's Special Defense by two stages. (Seed Flare)
274: Has a chance to burn the target and a chance to make the target flinch. (Fire Fang)
275: Has a chance to freeze the target and a chance to make the target flinch. (Ice Fang)
276: Has a chance to paralyze the target and a chance to make the target flinch. (Thunder Fang)
277: Has a chance to raise the user's Special Attack by one stage. (Charge Beam, Fiery Dance)
289: Always scores a critical hit. (Storm Throw, Frost Breath)
296: Inflicts regular damage. Raises the user's Speed by one stage. (Flame Charge)
297: Lowers the target's Special Defense by two stages. (Acid Spray)
318: Has double power if the user has no held item. (Acrobatics)
331: Lowers the target's Speed by one stage. (Glaciate)
335: Lowers the user's Defense, Special Defense, and Speed by one stage each. (V-create)
338: Has a chance to confuse the target. (Hurricane)
348: Heals the user for half the total damage dealt to all targets. (Parabolic Charge)
353: Drains 75% of the damage inflicted to heal the user. (Draining Kiss, Oblivion Wing)
The following moves can be used but not all side effects will take place.
18: Never misses. (Swift, Feint Attack, Shadow Punch...)
37: Has a chance to burn, freeze, or paralyze the target. (Tri Attack)
74: Has a chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage. (Mud-Slap, Octazooka, Muddy Water...)
79: Never misses. (Vital Throw)
106: Takes the target's item. (Thief, Covet)
126: Has a chance to burn the target. Lets frozen Pokémon thaw themselves. (Flame Wheel, Sacred Fire)
130: Frees the user from binding moves, removes Leech Seed, and blows away Spikes. (Rapid Spin)
148: Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dig users. (Earthquake)
150: Inflicts regular damage and can hit Pokémon in the air. (Gust)
170: Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned. (Facade)
172: If the target is paralyzed, inflicts double damage and cures the paralysis. (Smelling Salts)
186: Inflicts double damage if the user takes damage before attacking this turn. (Revenge, Avalanche)
187: Destroys Reflect and Light Screen. (Brick Break)
189: Target drops its held item. (Knock Off)
198: Has a chance to inflict a status effect which depends upon the terrain. (Secret Power)
208: Inflicts regular damage and can hit Bounce and Fly users. (Sky Uppercut)
222: Has double power against Pokémon that have less than half their max HP remaining. (Brine)
224: Hits through Protect and Detect. (Feint)
225: If target has a berry, inflicts double damage and uses the berry. (Pluck, Bug Bite)
231: Power is doubled if the target has already moved this turn. (Payback)
232: Power is doubled if the target has already received damage this turn. (Assurance)
258: Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dive users. (Surf)
269: If the user is holding a appropriate plate or drive, the damage inflicted will match it. (Judgment, Techno Blast)
284: Inflicts double damage if the target is Poisoned. (Venoshock)
288: Removes any immunity to Ground damage. (Smack Down)
290: Deals splash damage to Pokémon next to the target. (Flame Burst)
302: Has double power if it's used more than once per turn. (Round)
303: Power increases by 100% for each consecutive use by any friendly Pokémon, to a maximum of 200. (Echoed Voice)
304: Ignores the target's stat modifiers. (Chip Away, Sacred Sword)
305: Removes all of the target's stat modifiers. (Clear Smog)
306: Power is higher the more the user's stats have been raised, to a maximum of 31×. (Stored Power)
311: Has double power if the target has a major status ailment. (Hex)
314: Ends wild battles. Forces trainers to switch Pokémon. (Circle Throw, Dragon Tail)
315: Destroys the target's held berry. (Incinerate)
320: Has double power if a friendly Pokémon fainted last turn. (Retaliate)
330: Has a chance to put the target to sleep. (Relic Song)
344: Raises the user's Attack by two stages if it KOs the target. (Fell Stinger)
350: Super-effective against water. (Freeze-Dry)
The following moves cannot be used in battle.
8: User faints. (Self-Destruct, Explosion)
9: Only works on sleeping Pokémon. Drains half the damage inflicted to heal the user. (Dream Eater)
27: User waits for two turns, then hits back for twice the damage it took. (Bide)
28: Hits every turn for 2-3 turns, then confuses the user. (Thrash, Petal Dance, Outrage)
39: Causes a one-hit KO. (Guillotine, Horn Drill, Fissure...)
40: Requires a turn to charge before attacking. (Razor Wind)
41: Inflicts damage equal to half the target's HP. (Super Fang)
42: Inflicts 40 points of damage. (Dragon Rage)
43: Prevents the target from fleeing and inflicts damage for 2-5 turns. (Bind, Wrap, Fire Spin...)
76: User charges for one turn before attacking. Has a chance to make the target flinch. (Sky Attack)
81: User foregoes its next turn to recharge. (Hyper Beam, Blast Burn, Hydro Cannon...)
82: If the user is hit after using this move, its Attack rises by one stage. (Rage)
88: Inflicts damage equal to the user's level. (Seismic Toss, Night Shade)
89: Inflicts damage between 50% and 150% of the user's level. (Psywave)
90: Inflicts twice the damage the user received from the last physical hit it took. (Counter)
93: Has a chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping. (Snore)
100: Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power. (Flail, Reversal)
102: Cannot lower the target's HP below 1. (False Swipe, Hold Back)
105: Hits three times, increasing power by 100% with each successful hit. (Triple Kick)
118: Power doubles every turn this move is used in succession after the first, resetting after five turns. (Rollout, Ice Ball)
120: Power doubles every turn this move is used in succession after the first, maxing out after five turns. (Fury Cutter)
122: Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102. (Return)
123: Randomly inflicts damage with power from 40 to 120 or heals the target for 1/4 its max HP. (Present)
124: Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102. (Frustration)
127: Power varies randomly from 10 to 150. (Magnitude)
129: Has double power against, and can hit, Pokémon attempting to switch out. (Pursuit)
131: Inflicts 20 points of damage. (Sonic Boom)
136: Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70. (Hidden Power)
145: Inflicts twice the damage the user received from the last special hit it took. (Mirror Coat)
146: Raises the user's Defense by one stage. User charges for one turn before attacking. (Skull Bash)
149: Hits the target two turns later. (Future Sight, Doom Desire)
152: Requires a turn to charge before attacking. (Solar Beam)
155: Hits once for every conscious Pokémon the trainer has. (Beat Up)
156: User flies high into the air, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn. (Fly)
159: Can only be used as the first move after the user enters battle. Causes the target to flinch. (Fake Out)
160: Forced to use this move for several turns. Pokémon cannot fall asleep in that time. (Uproar)
162: Power is 100 times the amount of energy Stockpiled. (Spit Up)
171: If the user takes damage before attacking, the attack is canceled. (Focus Punch)
183: Lowers the user's Attack and Defense by one stage after inflicting damage. (Superpower)
190: Lowers the target's HP to equal the user's. (Endeavor)
191: Inflicts more damage when the user has more HP remaining, with a maximum of 150 power. (Eruption, Water Spout)
204: If there be weather, this move has doubled power and the weather's type. (Weather Ball)
218: If the target is asleep, has double power and wakes it up. (Wake-Up Slap)
220: Power raises when the user has lower Speed, up to a maximum of 150. (Gyro Ball)
223: Power and type depend on the held berry. (Natural Gift)
228: Strikes back at the last Pokémon to hit the user this turn with 1.5× the damage. (Metal Burst)
234: Throws held item at the target; power depends on the item. (Fling)
236: Power increases when this move has less PP, up to a maximum of 200. (Trump Card)
238: Power increases against targets with more HP remaining, up to a maximum of 121 power. (Wring Out, Crush Grip)
246: Power increases against targets with more raised stats, up to a maximum of 200. (Punishment)
247: Can only be used after all of the user's other moves have been used. (Last Resort)
249: Only works if the target is about to use a damaging move. (Sucker Punch)
256: User dives underwater, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn. (Dive)
257: User digs underground, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn. (Dig)
262: Prevents the target from leaving battle and inflicts 1/16 its max HP in damage for 2-5 turns. (Whirlpool)
264: User bounces high into the air, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn. (Bounce)
273: User vanishes, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn. Hits through Protect and Detect. (Shadow Force, Phantom Force)
283: Inflicts damage based on the target's Defense, not Special Defense. (Psyshock, Psystrike, Secret Sword)
292: Power is higher when the user weighs more than the target, up to a maximum of 120. (Heavy Slam, Heat Crash)
293: Hits any Pokémon that shares a type with the user. (Synchronoise)
294: Power is higher when the user has greater Speed than the target, up to a maximum of 150. (Electro Ball)
298: Calculates damage with the target's attacking stat. (Foul Play)
312: Carries the target high into the air, dodging all attacks against either, and drops it next turn. (Sky Drop)
321: Inflicts damage equal to the user's remaining HP. User faints. (Final Gambit)
325: With Grass Pledge, halves opposing Pokémon's Speed for four turns. (Water Pledge)
326: With Water Pledge, doubles the effect chance of friendly Pokémon's moves for four turns. (Fire Pledge)
327: With Fire Pledge, damages opposing Pokémon for 1/8 their max HP every turn for four turns. (Grass Pledge)
332: Requires a turn to charge before attacking. Has a chance to paralyze the target. (Freeze Shock)
333: Requires a turn to charge before attacking. Has a chance to burn the target. (Ice Burn)
336: With Fusion Bolt, inflicts double damage. (Fusion Flare)
337: With Fusion Flare, inflicts double damage. (Fusion Bolt)
339: Deals both fighting and flying-type damage. (Flying Press)
341: Can only be used after the user has eaten a berry. (Belch)