The primary focus of this release was to update location translation and dependencies
Introduced new permissions for the module instead of
for GET/gobi/validate
for POST/gobi/validate
for POST/gobi/orders
Before (v2.8.0):
for GET/gobi/validate
for POST/gobi/validate
for POST/gobi/orders
- [MODBOGI-214] ( - Update libraries of dependant acq modules to the latest versions
- [MODBOGI-212] ( - Review and cleanup Module Descriptors for mod-gobi
- [MODGOBI-209] ( - Update location translation for central ordering
- Bump
- Added
The primary focus of this release was to update custom mappings loading and library versions
- [MODGOBI-200] ( - Add possibility to work with empty vendorDetails object
- [MODBOGI-203] ( - Update GOBI settings to include Quesnelia functional updates
- [MODGOBI-206] ( - Fix endpoint to load custom mappings
- Bump
- Bump
Major changes in this release related to fixing bugs relate to mapping and update java version to 17
[Full Changelog] (
- MODGOBI-192 updated to java-17
- MODGOBI-191 Use GitHub Workflows api-lint and api-schema-lint and api-doc
- MODGOBI-187 Update dependent raml-util
- MODGOBI-195 invalid entry in mapping causes process to try to use default mapping
- MODGOBI-194 Acquisition units mapping by name has empty result
- Bump
java version
Major changes in this release related to updating mapping logic and improvement Logging
[Full Changelog] (
- MODGOBI-186 Remove 'Lookup mock' translator from gobi configuration
- MODGOBI-178 Logging improvement - Configuration
- MODGOBI-146 Logging improvement
- MODGOBI-188 Organization lookup hardcoded
- MODGOBI-183 Mapper.multiply ignores a single value
Major changes in this release related to implementing GOBI integration user interface and replacing VertxCompletableFuture usage
[Full Changelog] (
- [MODGOBI-161] ( Define and implement new APIs for retrieving Fields, Translators and mapping Types
- [MODGOBI-160] ( Create and update the schemas needed for the fields and translators mapping APIs
- [MODGOBI-176] ( Replace FolioVertxCompletableFuture usage
- [MODGOBI-175] ( mod-gobi: Upgrade RAML Module Builder
- [MODGOBI-157] ( Define and implement API for retrieving GOBI mapping configs
Major changes in this release related to removing usage of VertxCompletableFuture, adding few PO/POL fields to GOBI configuration
[Full Changelog] (
- [MODGOBI-154] ( Remove usage of VertxCompletableFuture
- [MODGOBI-152] ( Add additional PO/POL fields to GOBI configuration mapping
- [MODGOBI-132] ( Adjust GOBI mapping for subaccount to perform lookup
- [MODGOBI-129] ( Add acquisition unit and internal note fields to GOBI configuration mapping
- [MODGOBI-163] ( Fail to create GOBI order for fundId
- [MODGOBI-150] ( Fix asynchronous CompletableFuture flows in the DataSourceResolver
Major changes in this release related to allow mapping for expense classes
[Full Changelog] (
- [MODGOBI-149] ( Material Supplier not mapping correctly to GOBI organization type
- [MODGOBI-139] ( Support expense classes from LocalData fields
- [MODGOBI-144] ( Can not process order with material type in the LocalData1 field
Major changes in this release related to add mapping od expense classes
[Full Changelog] (
- [MODGOBI-125] ( Support expense classes from LocalData fields
- [MODGOBI-123] ( Allow mapping for expense classes through GOBI
Major changes in this release related with upgrading the RMB to v33.0.0
[Full Changelog] (
- [MODGOBI-122] ( Update RMB v33.0.0
Major changes in this release related with upgrading the RMB to v31.1.3
[Full Changelog] (
- [MODGOBI-117] ( Update RMB
- [MODGOBI-110] ( Add POL tags from incoming GOBI data
- [MODGOBI-100] ( Update the logic of checking the availability of orders and acq-module
The primary focus of this release was to fix logging issues and fundCode mappings
- MODGOBI-113 No logging in honeysuckle version
- MODGOBI-109 Issue with Fund Code mapping from GOBI
Major changes in this release related with upgrading the RMB to v31.1.1 and migrating to JDK 11
- MODGOBI-107 Update RMB v31.1.1
- MODGOBI-104 Migrate mod-gobi to JDK 11
Major changes in this release related with upgrading the RMB to v30.0.1 Full Changelog
- MODGOBI-102 mod-gobi: Update to RMB v30.0.1
Major changes in this release related with schema changes for Subscription/renewal and use finance business module. Full Changelog
- MODGOBI-97 Subscription/renewal schema changes
- MODGOBI-81 Use finance business logic module
Major changes in this release related to updating RMB fixing the memory leak and security issues, updating fund distribution schema. Full Changelog
- MODGOBI-96 Update RMB to 29.0.1
- MODGOBI-95 Use JVM features to manage container memory
- MODGOBI-87 Fund Distribution schema changes
- MODGOBI-86 Separate ISBN and qualifier
- FOLIO-2235 Add LaunchDescriptor settings to each backend non-core module repository
Major changes in this release include applying the latest schema changes related to funds and acquisitions units.
- MODFISTO-19 - Update fund schema
- MODORDERS-290 - Adding approve permission
- MODORDSTOR-103 - Orders schema updates
Major changes in this release include aligning code with latest schema changes related to owner being removed, making Source an enum and tags. Also changing the contributor name type to UUID.
- MODGOBI-79 - updates to poLine.source
- MODGOBI-78 - Orders schema changes: purchase-order.owner is removed
- MODGOBI-77 - Contributor-name-type is required for contributor added to POL
Major changes in this release include aligning code with latest schema changes related to looking up UUID for productID type, fund type. Also handled prevention of duplicate orders by looking for unique YBP Order number before placing an order
- MODGOBI-74 - acq-model updates
- MODGOBI-73 - PO Line: product id type is uuid
- MODGOBI-72 - Prevent duplicate orders
- MODGOBI-71 - "Owner" field is on PO level
Changes in this release include increasing flexibility with inventory interaction by including flags for CreateInventory, specifying inidividual material types for physical and eresources and switching to mod-organization-storage from mod-vendors
- MODGOBI-69 - Adjusting required fields according to CompositePurchase Order schema
- MODGOBI-67 - Switch to mod-organizations-storage
- MODGOBI-63 - Ability to specifiy material type for physical and resource
- MODGOBI-61 - Increased flexibility in inventory integration- adding createInventory flag
Major changes in this release deal with aligning the code with new schema changes to acq-models and handling mandatory fields like material-types and locations which are required creating orders with inventory interaction.
- MODGOBI-59 - Remove Adjustments and add new fields from Cost
- MODGOBI-57 - Add a default material-type "unspecified" if the request doesnot provide one
- MODGOBI-55 - Refactor the code to align with new composite_purchase_order schema
- MODGOBI-60 - Default Currency to USD if one is not specified
- MODGOBI-54 - Use the location specified in the request
- MODGOBI-52 - Add workflow_status mapping for ListedElectronicMonograph
- MODGOBI-49 Sonar cloud security fix
- MODGOBI-48 Make location repeatable
- MODGOBI-46 Property name change in composite_purchase_order.json schema
- MODGOBI-42 Mapping Remaining fields for default mapping
- Ignore this release to conform with vendor-storage.vendors interface version 1.0 and other ui modules
- MODGOBI-43 Adjusting to new acq models with Renewal changes
- Updating to use mod-orders Interface 2.0
First release of mod-gobi implemeting the gobi business logic
- MODGOBI-39 - Use the latest GOBI schema
- MODGOBI-36 - cache/reuse Mapping POJO
- MODGOBI-33 - Integrate with Latest acquisition schemas
- MODGOBI-30 - Ability to have default/fallback configurations
- MODGOBI-24 - Integrate with mod-configuration
- MODGOBI-23 - Add support for combining multiple fields
- MODGOBI-15 - Map common fields from GOBI to FOLIO
- MODGOBI-14 - update GOBI schema
- MODGOBI-9 - Look up UUID
- MODGOBI-8 - Retrieve Mapping Configurations from Mod-configuration
- MODGOBI-7 - Integrate with mod-orders
- MODGOBI-3 - Data Translation
- MODGOBI-2 - Define API
- Added the GOBI
for validation and code generation. Currently, we cannot use the XSD file in the RAML file due to RMB using a JSON unmarshaller instead of XML. The "model" code is generated by a JAXB maven plugin. - Added the acq-models submodule and generate "model" code for the necessary schemas, namely CompositePurchaseOrder and CompositePoLine. This code is generated by the jsonschema2pojo maven plugin due to a limitation of RMB that doesn't support generation of pojos for schemas that aren't consumed or produced by a RAML endpoint.
- Updated the test data w/ actual requests placed by GOBI in the qa env during BAT.
- Initial work
- MODGOBI-38 - Mapping corrections for tenant-specific configuration
- MODGOBI-27 - cql queries should be using '=='
- MODGOBI-28 - Requires
interface 2.1 or 3.0 - MODGOBI-26 - Response must contain PO Line Number
- MODGOBI-17 - Pass okapi Headers to request