
  Copyright 2019 Dmitry Kolesnikov, All Rights Reserved

  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  You may obtain a copy of the License at


  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  limitations under the License.


package gouldian

import (


JWTClaim is function type to extract claims from token
type JWTClaim func(Token) string

JWT combinator defines primitives to match JWT token in the HTTP requests.

	  endpoint := µ.GET(
	    µ.JWT(µ.Token.Username, "joedoe"),

				mock.JWT(µ.Token{"username": "joedoe"})
	  ) == nil
func JWT[T Pattern](claim JWTClaim, val T) Endpoint {
	switch v := any(val).(type) {
	case string:
		return jwtClaim(claim).Is(v)
	case Lens:
		return jwtClaim(claim).To(v)
		panic("type system failure")

type jwtClaim JWTClaim

Is matches a key of JWT to defined literal value
func (claim jwtClaim) Is(val string) Endpoint {
	return func(ctx *Context) error {
		if ctx.JWT == nil {
			return ErrNoMatch

		if claim(ctx.JWT) != val {
			return ErrNoMatch

		return nil

To matches key of JWT value to the request context. It uses lens abstraction to
decode value into Golang type. The Endpoint causes no-match if param
value cannot be decoded to the target type. See optics.Lens type for details.
func (claim jwtClaim) To(lens optics.Lens) Endpoint {
	return func(ctx *Context) error {
		if ctx.JWT == nil {
			return ErrNoMatch

		if val := claim(ctx.JWT); val != "" {
			return ctx.Put(lens, val)

		return ErrNoMatch

JWTMaybe matches key of JWT to the request context. It uses lens abstraction to
decode value into Golang type. The Endpoint does not cause no-match
if header value cannot be decoded to the target type. See optics.Lens type for details.

	type MyT struct{ Username string }

	username := µ.Optics1[MyT, string]()
	e := µ.GET( µ.JWTMaybe(µ.JWT.Sub).Maybe(username) )
	e(mock.Input(mock.JWT(µ.JWT{"username": "joedoe"}))) == nil
func JWTMaybe(claim JWTClaim, lens optics.Lens) Endpoint {
	return func(ctx *Context) error {
		if ctx.JWT == nil {
			return ErrNoMatch

		if val := claim(ctx.JWT); val != "" {
			ctx.Put(lens, val)

		return nil

JWTOneOf matches a key of JWT if it contains one of the tokens

	µ.GET( µ.JWTOneOf(µ.JWT.Scope, "ro", "rw") )
func JWTOneOf(claim JWTClaim, vals ...string) Endpoint {
	return func(ctx *Context) error {
		if ctx.JWT == nil {
			return ErrNoMatch

		val := claim(ctx.JWT)
		for _, x := range vals {
			if strings.Contains(val, x) {
				return nil

		return ErrNoMatch

JWTAllOf matches a key of JWT if it contains one of the tokens

	µ.GET( µ.JWTAllOf(µ.JWT.Scope, "ro", "rw") )
func JWTAllOf(claim JWTClaim, vals ...string) Endpoint {
	return func(ctx *Context) error {
		if ctx.JWT == nil {
			return ErrNoMatch

		val := claim(ctx.JWT)
		for _, x := range vals {
			if !strings.Contains(val, x) {
				return ErrNoMatch

		return nil