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-# Frequently asked questions
-### I'm using SSL between Helm and Tiller. How can I configure Flux to use the certificate?
-When installing Flux, you can supply the CA and client-side certificate using the `helmOperator.tls` options,
-more details [here](https://github.com/fluxcd/flux/blob/master/chart/flux/README.md#installing-weave-flux-helm-operator-and-helm-with-tls-enabled).
-### I've deleted a HelmRelease file from Git. Why is the Helm release still running on my cluster?
-Flux doesn't delete resources, there is an [issue](https://github.com/fluxcd/flux/issues/738) opened about this topic on GitHub.
-In order to delete a Helm release first remove the file from Git and afterwards run:
-kubectl delete helmrelease/my-release
-The Helm operator will receive the delete event and will purge the Helm release.
-### I've manually deleted a Helm release. Why is Flux not able to restore it?
-If you delete a Helm release with `helm delete my-release`, the release name can't be reused.
-You need to use the `helm delete --purge` option only then Flux will be able reinstall a release.
-### I have a dedicated Kubernetes cluster per environment and I want to use the same Git repo for all. How can I do that?
-*Option 1*
-For each cluster create a directory in your config repo.
-When installing Flux Helm chart set the Git path using `--set git.path=k8s/cluster-name`
-and set a unique label for each cluster `--set git.label=cluster-name`.
-You can have one or more shared dirs between clusters. Assuming your shared dir is located
-at `k8s/common` set the Git path as `--set git.path="k8s/common\,k8s/cluster-name"`.
-*Option 2*
-For each cluster create a Git branch in your config repo.
-When installing Flux Helm chart set the Git branch using `--set git.branch=cluster-name`
-and set a unique label for each cluster `--set git.label=cluster-name`.
-### Are there prerelease builds I can run?
-There are builds from CI for each merge to master branch. See
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-.. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
-   contain the root `toctree` directive.
-.. toctree::
-   :maxdepth: 1
-   upgrading-to-beta
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-# Upgrading from Helm operator alpha (<=0.4.0) to beta
-The Helm operator has undergone changes that necessitate some changes
-to custom resources, and the deployment of the operator itself.
-The central difference is that the Helm operator now works with
-resources of the kind `HelmRelease` in the API version
-`flux.weave.works/v1beta1`, which have a different format to the
-custom resources used by the old Helm operator (`FluxHelmRelease`).
-Here are some things to know:
-- The new operator will ignore the old custom resources (and the old
-  operator will ignore the new resources).
-- Deleting a resource while the corresponding operator is running
-  will result in the Helm release also being deleted
-- Deleting a `CustomResourceDefinition` will also delete all
-  custom resources of that kind.
-- If both operators are running and both new and old custom resources
-  defining a release, the operators will fight over the release.
-The safest way to upgrade is to avoid deletions and fights by stopping
-the old operator. Replacing it with the new one (e.g., by changing the
-deployment, or re-releasing the Flux chart with the new version) will
-have that effect.
-Once the old operator is not running, it is safe to deploy the new
-operator, and start replacing the old resources with new
-resources. You can keep the old resources around during this process,
-since the new operator will ignore them.
-## Upgrading the operator deployment
-### Using the Flux chart
-The chart (from v0.5.0, or from this git repo) provides the
-correct arguments to the operator; to upgrade, do
-helm repo update
-helm upgrade flux --reuse-values \
---set image.tag=1.8.1 \
---set helmOperator.tag=0.5.1 \
---namespace=flux \
-fluxcd/flux --version 0.5.1
-The chart will leave the old custom resource definition and custom
-resources in place. You will need to replace the individual resources,
-as described below.
-### Using manifests
-You will need to adapt any existing manifest that you use to run the
-Helm operator. The arguments to the operator executable have changed,
-since it no longer needs the git repo to be specified (and in some
-cases, just to tidy up):
-- the new operator does not use the `--git-url`, `--git-charts-path`,
-  or `--git-branch` arguments, since the git repo and so on are
-  provided in each custom resource.
-- the `--queue-worker-count` argument has been removed
-- the `--chart-sync-timeout` argument has been removed
-- other arguments stay the same
-It is entirely valid to run the operator with no arguments, which you
-may end up with after removing those mentioned above. It will work
-with the secrets mounted as for the old operator, to start off with,
-since it expects the SSH key for the git repo to be in the same place.
-Once you want to use the new capabilities of the operator -- e.g.,
-releasing charts from Helm repos -- you will probably need to adapt
-the manifest further. The [Helm operator set-up
-guide](../../references/helm-operator-integration.md) and [example
-explain all the details.
-## Updating custom resources
-The main differences between the old resource format and the new are:
-- the API version and kind have changed
-- you can now specify a chart to release either as a path in a git
-  repo, or a named, versioned chart from a Helm repo
-Here is how to change an old resource to a new resource:
-- change the `apiVersion` field to `flux.weave.works/v1beta1`
-- change the `kind` field to `HelmRelease`
-- you can remove the label `chart:` from the labels, if it's still
-  there, just to tidy up (it doesn't matter if it's there or not)
-- replace the field `chartGitPath`, with the structure:
-  git: <URL to git repo>
-  ref: <optional branch name>
-  path: <path from top directory of git repo to chart directory>
-- the `values`, `releaseName`, and `valueFileSecrets` can stay as
-  they are.
-Note that you now give the git repo URL and branch and full path in
-each custom resource, rather than supplying arguments to the Helm
-operator. (As you've been using the old operator, you'll only have one
-git repo for all charts -- but now you can use different repos for
-As a full example, this is an old resource:
-apiVersion: helm.integrations.flux.weave.works/v1alpha2
-kind: FluxHelmRelease
-  name: foobar
-  namespace: foo-ns
-  chartGitPath: foobar
-  values:
-    image:
-      repository: foobar
-      tag: v1
-Say the arguments given to the old Helm operator were
-  - --git-url=git@example.com:user/repo
-  - --git-charts-path=charts
-  - --git-branch=master
-Then the new custom resource would be:
-apiVersion: flux.weave.works/v1beta1 # <- change API version
-kind: HelmRelease                    # <- change kind
-  name: foobar
-  namespace: foo-ns
-  chart:
-    git: git@example.com:user/repo # <- --git-url from operator args
-    path: charts/foobar            # <- join --git-chart-path and chartGitPath
-  values:
-    image:
-      repository: foobar
-      tag: v1
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@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-.. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
-   contain the root `toctree` directive.
-Helm operator
-.. toctree::
-   :maxdepth: 2
-   references/index
-   guides/index
-   tutorials/index
-   faq
-   troubleshooting
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-# `HelmRelease` Custom Resource
-Each release of a chart is declared by a `HelmRelease`
-resource. The schema for these resources is given in [the custom
-resource definition](https://github.com/fluxcd/flux/blob/master/deploy-helm/flux-helm-release-crd.yaml). They
-look like this:
-apiVersion: flux.weave.works/v1beta1
-kind: HelmRelease
-  name: rabbit
-  namespace: default
-  releaseName: rabbitmq
-  chart:
-    repository: https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com/
-    name: rabbitmq
-    version: 3.3.6
-  values:
-    replicas: 1
-The `releaseName` will be given to Helm as the release name. If not
-supplied, it will be generated by affixing the namespace to the
-resource name. In the above example, if `releaseName` were not given,
-it would be generated as `default-rabbitmq`. Because of the way Helm
-works, release names must be unique in the cluster.
-The `chart` section gives a pointer to the chart; in this case, to a
-chart in a Helm repo. Since the helm operator is running in your
-cluster, and doesn't have access to local configuration, the
-repository is given as a URL rather than an alias (the URL in the
-example is what's usually aliased as `stable`). The `name` and
-`version` specify the chart to release.
-The `values` section is where you provide the value overrides for the
-chart. This is as you would put in a `values.yaml` file, but inlined
-into the structure of the resource. See below for examples.
-<a name="why-repo-urls">**Why use URLs to refer to repositories, rather than names?**</a> [^](#cite-why-repo-urls)
-A `HelmRelease` must be able to stand on its own. If we used names
-in the spec, which were resolved to URLs elsewhere (e.g., in a
-`repositories.yaml` supplied to the operator), it would be possible to
-change the meaning of a `HelmRelease` without altering it. This is
-undesirable because it makes it hard to specify exactly what you want,
-in the one place; or to read exactly what is being specified, in the
-one place. In other words, it's better to be explicit.
-## Using a chart from a Git repo instead of a Helm repo
-You can refer to a chart from a _git_ repo, rather than a chart repo,
-with a `chart:` section like this:
-  chart:
-    git: git@github.com:fluxcd/flux-get-started
-    ref: master
-    path: charts/ghost
-In this case, the git repo will be cloned, and the chart will be
-released from the ref given (which defaults to `master`, if not
-supplied). Commits to the git repo may result in releases, if they
-update the chart at the path given.
-Note that you will usually need to provide an SSH key to grant access
-to the git repository. The example deployment shows how to mount a
-secret at the expected location of the key (`/etc/fluxd/ssh/`). If you
-need more than one SSH key, you'll need to also mount an adapted
-ssh_config; this is also demonstrated in the example deployment.
-### Notifying Helm Operator about Git changes
-The Helm Operator fetches the upstream of mirrored Git repositories
-with a 5 minute interval. In some scenarios (think CI/CD), you may not
-want to wait for this interval to occur.
-To help you with this the Helm Operator serves a HTTP API endpoint to
-instruct it to immediately refresh all Git mirrors.
-$ kubectl -n flux port-forward deployment/flux-helm-operator 3030:3030 &
-$ curl -XPOST http://localhost:3030/api/v1/sync-git
-> **Note:** the HTTP API has no built-in authentication, this means you
-> either need to port forward before making the request or put something
-> in front of it to serve as a gatekeeper.
-## Supplying values to the chart
-You can supply values to be used with the chart when installing it, in
-two ways.
-### `.spec.values`
-This is a YAML map as you'd put in a file and supply to Helm with `-f
-values.yaml`, but inlined into the `HelmRelease` manifest. For
-apiVersion: flux.weave.works/v1beta1
-kind: HelmRelease
-# metadata: ...
-  # chart: ...
-  values:
-    foo: value1
-    bar:
-    baz: value2
-    oof:
-    - item1
-    - item2
-### `.spec.valuesFrom`
-This is a list of secrets, config maps (in the same namespace as the
-`HelmRelease`) or external sources (URLs) from which to take values.
-The values are merged in the order given, with later values
-overwriting earlier. These values always have a lower priority than
-those passed via the `.spec.values` parameter.
-This is useful if you want to have defaults such as the `region`,
-`clustername`, `environment`, a local docker registry URL, etc., or if
-you simply want to have values not checked into git as plaintext.
-#### Config maps
-  # chart: ...
-  valuesFrom:
-  - configMapKeyRef:
-      # Name of the config map, must be in the same namespace as the
-      # HelmRelease
-      name: default-values  # mandatory
-      # Key in the config map to get the values from
-      key: values.yaml      # optional; defaults to values.yaml
-      # If set to true successful retrieval of the values file is no
-      # longer mandatory
-      optional: false       # optional; defaults to false
-#### Secrets
-  # chart: ...
-  valuesFrom:
-  - secretKeyRef:
-      # Name of the secret, must be in the same namespace as the
-      # HelmRelease
-      name: default-values # mandatory
-      # Key in the secret to get thre values from
-      key: values.yaml     # optional; defaults to values.yaml
-      # If set to true successful retrieval of the values file is no
-      # longer mandatory
-      optional: true       # optional; defaults to false
-#### External sources
-  # chart: ...
-  valuesFrom:
-  - externalSourceRef:
-      # URL of the values.yaml
-      url: https://example.com/static/raw/values.yaml # mandatory
-      # If set to true successful retrieval of the values file is no
-      # longer mandatory
-      optional: true                                       # optional; defaults to false
-#### Chart files
-  # chart: ...
-  valuesFrom:
-  - chartFileRef:
-      # path within the helm chart (from git repo) where environment-prod.yaml is located
-      path: overrides/environment-prod.yaml # mandatory
-      # If set to true successful retrieval of the values file is no
-      # longer mandatory
-      optional: true                                       # optional; defaults to false
-## Rollbacks
-From time to time a release made by the Helm operator may fail, it is
-possible to automate the rollback of a failed release by setting
-`.spec.rollback.enable` to `true` on the `HelmRelease` resource.
-> **Note:** a successful rollback of a Helm chart containing a 
-> `StatefulSet` resource is known to be tricky, and one of the main
-> reasons automated rollbacks are not enabled by default for all
-> `HelmRelease`s. Verify a manual rollback of your Helm chart does
-> not cause any problems before enabling it.
-When enabled, the Helm operator will detect a faulty upgrade and
-perform a rollback, it will not attempt a new upgrade unless it
-detects a change in values and/or the chart.
-### Configuration
-apiVersion: flux.weave.works/v1beta1
-kind: HelmRelease
-# metadata: ...
-  # Listed values are the defaults.
-  rollback:
-    # If set, will perform rollbacks for this release.
-    enable: false
-    # If set, will force resource update through delete/recreate if
-    # needed.
-    force: false
-    # Prevent hooks from running during rollback.
-    disableHooks: false
-    # Time in seconds to wait for any individual Kubernetes operation.
-    timeout: 300
-    # If set, will wait until all Pods, PVCs, Services, and minimum
-    # number of Pods of a Deployment are in a ready state before
-    # marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long
-    # as the set timeout.
-    wait: false
-## Reinstalling a Helm release
-If a Helm release upgrade fails due to incompatible changes like modifying
-an immutable field (e.g. headless svc to ClusterIP)  
-you can reinstall it using the following command:
-$ kubectl delete hr/my-release
-When the Helm Operator receives a delete event from Kubernetes API it will
-call Tiller and purge the Helm release. On the next Flux sync, the Helm Release
-object will be created and the Helm Operator will install it.
-## Authentication
-At present, per-resource authentication is not implemented. The
-`HelmRelease` definition includes a field `chartPullSecret` for
-attaching a `repositories.yaml` file, but this is ignored for now.
-Instead, you need to provide the operator with credentials and keys (see the
-following [Authentication for Helm repos](#authentication-for-helm-repos)
-section for how to do this).
-### Authentication for Helm repos
-As a workaround, you can mount a `repositories.yaml` file with
-authentication already configured, into the operator container.
-> **Note:** When using a custom `repositories.yaml` the
-that ships with the operator is overwritten. This means that for any
-repository you want to make use of you should manually add an entry to
-your `repositories.yaml` file.
-To prepare a file, add the repo _locally_ as you would normally:
-helm repo add <URL> --username <username> --password <password>
-You need to doctor this file a little, since it will likely contain
-absolute paths that will be wrong when mounted inside the
-container. Copy the file and replace all the `cache` entries with just
-the filename.
-cp ~/.helm/repository/repositories.yaml .
-sed -i -e 's/^\( *cache: \).*\/\(.*\.yaml\)/\1\2/g' repositories.yaml
-Now you can create a secret in the same namespace as you're running
-the Helm operator, from the repositories file:
-kubectl create secret generic flux-helm-repositories --from-file=./repositories.yaml
-Lastly, mount that secret into the container. This can be done by
-setting `helmOperator.configureRepositories.enable` to `true` for the
-flux Helm release, or as shown in the commented-out sections of the
-[example deployment](https://github.com/fluxcd/flux/blob/master/deploy-helm/helm-operator-deployment.yaml).
-#### Azure ACR repositories
-For Azure ACR repositories, the entry in `repositories.yaml` created by
-running `az acr helm repo add` is unsufficient for the Helm operator.
-Instead you will need to [create a service principal](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/container-registry/container-registry-auth-service-principal#create-a-service-principal)
-and use the plain text id and password this gives you. For example:
-- caFile: ""
-  cache: <repository>-index.yaml
-  certFile: ""
-  keyFile: ""
-  name: <repository>
-  url: https://<repository>.azurecr.io/helm/v1/repo
-  username: <service principal id>
-  password: <service principal password>
-### Authentication for Git repos
-In general, it's necessary to have an SSH key to clone a git
-repo. This is sometimes (e.g., on GitHub) called a "deploy key". To
-use a chart from git, the Helm Operator needs a key with read-only
-To provide an SSH key, put the key in a secret under the entry
-`identity`, and mount it into the operator container as shown in the
-[example deployment](https://github.com/fluxcd/flux/blob/master/deploy-helm/helm-operator-deployment.yaml).
-The default ssh_config expects an identity file at
-`/etc/fluxd/ssh/identity`, which is where it'll be if you just
-uncomment the blocks from the example.
-If you're using more than one repository, you may need to provide more
-than one SSH key. In that case, you can create a secret with an entry
-for each key, and mount that _as well as_ an ssh_config file
-mentioning each key as an `IdentityFile`.
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-.. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
-   contain the root `toctree` directive.
-.. toctree::
-   :maxdepth: 1
-   operator
-   helmrelease-custom-resource
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-# Helm operator (`helm-operator`)
-The Helm operator deals with Helm chart releases. The operator watches for
-changes of Custom Resources of kind `HelmRelease`. It receives Kubernetes
-Events and acts accordingly.
-## Responsibilities
-When the Helm Operator sees a `HelmRelease` resource in the
-cluster, it either installs or upgrades the named Helm release so that
-the chart is released as specified.
-It will also notice when a `HelmRelease` resource is updated, and
-take action accordingly.
-## Setup and configuration
-`helm-operator` requires setup and offers customization though a multitude of flags.
-| flag                      | default                       | purpose
-| ------------------------  | ----------------------------- | ---
-| --kubeconfig              |                               | Path to a kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster.
-| --master                  |                               | The address of the Kubernetes API server. Overrides any value in kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster.
-| --allow-namespace         |                               | If set, this limits the scope to a single namespace. if not specified, all namespaces will be watched.
-| **Tiller options**
-| --tiller-ip               |                               | Tiller IP address. Only required if out-of-cluster.
-| --tiller-port             |                               | Tiller port.
-| --tiller-namespace        |                               | Tiller namespace. If not provided, the default is kube-system.
-| --tiller-tls-enable       | `false`                       | Enable TLS communication with Tiller. If provided, requires TLSKey and TLSCert to be provided as well.
-| --tiller-tls-verify       | `false`                       | Verify TLS certificate from Tiller. Will enable TLS communication when provided.
-| --tiller-tls-key-path     | `/etc/fluxd/helm/tls.key`     | Path to private key file used to communicate with the Tiller server.
-| --tiller-tls-cert-path    | `/etc/fluxd/helm/tls.crt`     | Path to certificate file used to communicate with the Tiller server.
-| --tiller-tls-ca-cert-path |                               | Path to CA certificate file used to validate the Tiller server. Required if tiller-tls-verify is enabled.
-| --tiller-tls-hostname     |                               | The server name used to verify the hostname on the returned certificates from the Tiller server.
-| **repo chart changes** (none of these need overriding, usually)
-| --charts-sync-interval    | `3m`                          | Interval at which to check for changed charts.
-| --git-timeout             | `20s`                         | Duration after which git operations time out.
-| --git-poll-interval       | `5m`                          | Period on which to poll git chart sources for changes.
-| --log-release-diffs       | `false`                       | Log the diff when a chart release diverges. **Potentially insecure.**
-| --update-chart-deps       | `true`                        | Update chart dependencies before installing or upgrading a release.
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-# Troubleshooting
-Also see the [issues labeled with
-`FAQ`](https://github.com/fluxcd/flux/labels/FAQ), which often
-explain workarounds.
-## Error creating helm client: failed to append certificates from file: /etc/fluxd/helm-ca/ca.crt
-Your CA certificate content is not set correctly, check if your ConfigMap contains the correct values. Example:
-$ kubectl get configmaps flux-helm-tls-ca-config -o yaml
-apiVersion: v1
-  ca.crt: |
-    -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
-    ....
-    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
-kind: ConfigMap
-  creationTimestamp: 2018-07-04T15:27:25Z
-  name: flux-helm-tls-ca-config
-  namespace: helm-system
-  resourceVersion: "1267257"
-  selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/helm-system/configmaps/flux-helm-tls-ca-config
-  uid: c106f866-7f9e-11e8-904a-025000000001
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@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-.. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
-   contain the root `toctree` directive.
-.. toctree::
-   :maxdepth: 1
-   get-started
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index bcf4f58b99..68d0f9af91 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -21,12 +21,6 @@ Welcome to the Flux documentation!
-.. toctree::
-   :maxdepth: 3
-   :caption: Helm operator
-   helm-operator/index
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
    :caption: Contributing