diff --git a/chart/flux/README.md b/chart/flux/README.md
index d2994253b2..65000171d0 100755
--- a/chart/flux/README.md
+++ b/chart/flux/README.md
@@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the Flux chart and the
 | `git.url`                                         | `None`                                               | URL of git repo with Kubernetes manifests
 | `git.branch`                                      | `master`                                             | Branch of git repo to use for Kubernetes manifests
 | `git.path`                                        | `None`                                               | Path within git repo to locate Kubernetes manifests (relative path)
-| `git.user`                                        | `Weave Flux`                                         | Username to use as git committer
-| `git.email`                                       | `support@weave.works`                                | Email to use as git committer
+| `git.user`                                        | `Flux`                                               | Username to use as git committer
+| `git.email`                                       | `flux-dev@googlegroups.com`                          | Email to use as git committer
 | `git.setAuthor`                                   | `false`                                              | If set, the author of git commits will reflect the user who initiated the commit and will differ from the git committer.
 | `git.signingKey`                                  | `None`                                               | If set, commits will be signed with this GPG key
 | `git.verifySignatures`                            | `false`                                              | If set, the signatures of the sync tag and commits will be verified
diff --git a/chart/flux/values.yaml b/chart/flux/values.yaml
index 3e1e5744c2..16173e7a8c 100644
--- a/chart/flux/values.yaml
+++ b/chart/flux/values.yaml
@@ -147,9 +147,9 @@ git:
   # Path within git repo to locate Kubernetes manifests (relative path)
   path: ""
   # Username to use as git committer
-  user: "Weave Flux"
+  user: "Flux"
   # Email to use as git committer
-  email: "support@weave.works"
+  email: "flux-dev@googlegroups.com"
   # If set, commits will be signed with this GPG key.
   signingKey: ""
   # If set, the signatures of the sync tag and commits will be verified.
diff --git a/cmd/fluxctl/install_cmd.go b/cmd/fluxctl/install_cmd.go
index b7a78ed248..732f7ef201 100644
--- a/cmd/fluxctl/install_cmd.go
+++ b/cmd/fluxctl/install_cmd.go
@@ -1,24 +1,18 @@
 package main
 import (
-	"context"
-	"fmt"
-	"time"
-	"github.com/weaveworks/flux/git"
 type installOpts struct {
 	gitURL             string
 	gitBranch          string
-	gitFluxPath        string
+	gitPaths           []string
 	gitLabel           string
-	timeout            time.Duration
+	gitUser            string
+	gitEmail           string
 	namespace          string
 	additionalFluxArgs []string
-	amend              bool
 func newInstall() *installOpts {
@@ -28,74 +22,32 @@ func newInstall() *installOpts {
 func (opts *installOpts) Command() *cobra.Command {
 	cmd := &cobra.Command{
 		Use:   "install",
-		Short: "Bootstrap Flux, installing it in the cluster and initializing its manifests in the Git repository",
-		RunE:  opts.RunE,
+		Short: "Print and tweak Kubernetes manifests needed to install Flux in a Cluster",
+		Example: `# Install Flux and make it use Git repository git@github.com:<your username>/flux-get-started
+fluxctl install --git-url 'git@github.com:<your username>/flux-get-started' | kubectl -f -`,
+		RunE: opts.RunE,
-	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&opts.gitURL, "git-url", "r", "",
+	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&opts.gitURL, "git-url", "", "",
 		"URL of the Git repository to be used by Flux, e.g. git@github.com:<your username>/flux-get-started")
-	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&opts.gitBranch, "git-branch", "b", "master",
+	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&opts.gitBranch, "git-branch", "", "master",
 		"Git branch to be used by Flux")
-	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&opts.gitLabel, "git-label", "l", "flux",
-		"Git label to keep track of FLux's sync progress; overrides both --git-sync-tag and --git-notes-ref")
-	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&opts.gitFluxPath, "git-flux-subdir", "p", "flux/",
-		"Directory within the Git repository where to commit the Flux manifests")
-	cmd.Flags().DurationVarP(&opts.timeout, "timeout", "t", 10*time.Second,
-		"Timeout duration for I/O operations")
-	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&opts.namespace, "namespace", "n", "flux",
+	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&opts.gitLabel, "git-label", "", "flux",
+		"Git label to keep track of Flux's sync progress; overrides both --git-sync-tag and --git-notes-ref")
+	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&opts.gitUser, "git-user", "", "Flux",
+		"Username to use as git committer")
+	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&opts.gitEmail, "git-email", "", "flux-dev@googlegroups.com",
+		"Email to use as git committer")
+	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&opts.namespace, "namespace", "", "flux",
 		"Cluster namespace where to install flux")
-	cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&opts.amend, "amend", "a", false,
-		"Stop for amending the Flux manifests before pushing them to the Git repository")
-	cmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&opts.additionalFluxArgs, "extra-flux-args", "e", []string{},
+	cmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&opts.additionalFluxArgs, "extra-flux-args", "", []string{},
 		"Additional arguments for Flux as CSVs, e.g. --extra-flux-arg='--manifest-generation=true,--sync-garbage-collection=true'")
 	return cmd
 func (opts *installOpts) RunE(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
-	//0. Read and patch embedded deploy/* manifests with what was passed to ops
-	// TODO. BTW, it's probably easier to embed chart/flux/* and use `helm template` as a library instead
-	//1. Clone repository. In the future we could optionally create the repository automatically for the most
-	//   popular git providers (e.g. GitHub OAuth).
-	if opts.gitURL == "" {
-		fmt.Errorf("no Git repository was provided, please provide a repository through --git-url")
-	}
-	remote := git.Remote{opts.gitURL}
-	pollInterval := 0 * time.Second // there is no need for polling, We will fetch the repo once, manually
-	repo := git.NewRepo(remote, git.Branch(opts.gitBranch), git.Timeout(opts.timeout), git.PollInterval(pollInterval))
-	checkoutConfig := git.Config{
-		Branch: opts.gitBranch,
-	}
-	ctx := context.Background()
-	cloneCtx, cloneCtxCancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, opts.timeout)
-	defer cloneCtxCancel()
-	checkout, err := repo.Clone(cloneCtx, checkoutConfig)
-	if err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("cannot clone repository %s: %s", opts.gitURL)
-	}
-	cleanCheckout := true
-	defer func() {
-		if cleanCheckout {
-			checkout.Clean()
-		}
-	}()
-	// 2. Write manifests from (0) to the repository's clone working directory
-	// 3. If --amend was passed, stop to let the user edit the manifests, by prompting a shell
-	// 4. `kubectl apply` the changes to the cluster
-	// 5. commit the local changes and push to the remote repository
-	// 6. Make sure that the ssh key is added to the repo. At this point we should probably just print the ssh
-	//    key and telling the user to add it manually. In the future we can do this programatically for the most popular
-	//    Git providers.
+	//0. Read and patch embedded templates manifests with what was passed to as options
-	// 7. Confirm that Flux is running (for instance by checking that its own manifests have been synced, this can be
-	//    done by checking that the sync annotations have been added)
+	//1. Print them
 	return nil
diff --git a/cmd/fluxd/main.go b/cmd/fluxd/main.go
index 25e07c2b0f..053168a0a0 100644
--- a/cmd/fluxd/main.go
+++ b/cmd/fluxd/main.go
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ func main() {
 		gitURL       = fs.String("git-url", "", "URL of git repo with Kubernetes manifests; e.g., git@github.com:weaveworks/flux-get-started")
 		gitBranch    = fs.String("git-branch", "master", "branch of git repo to use for Kubernetes manifests")
 		gitPath      = fs.StringSlice("git-path", []string{}, "relative paths within the git repo to locate Kubernetes manifests")
-		gitUser      = fs.String("git-user", "Weave Flux", "username to use as git committer")
-		gitEmail     = fs.String("git-email", "support@weave.works", "email to use as git committer")
+		gitUser      = fs.String("git-user", "Flux", "username to use as git committer")
+		gitEmail     = fs.String("git-email", "flux-dev@googlegroups.com", "email to use as git committer")
 		gitSetAuthor = fs.Bool("git-set-author", false, "if set, the author of git commits will reflect the user who initiated the commit and will differ from the git committer.")
 		gitLabel     = fs.String("git-label", "", "label to keep track of sync progress; overrides both --git-sync-tag and --git-notes-ref")
 		gitSecret    = fs.Bool("git-secret", false, `if set, git-secret will be run on every git checkout. A gpg key must be imported using  --git-gpg-key-import or by mounting a keyring containing it directly`)
diff --git a/site/daemon.md b/site/daemon.md
index 64007edf05..0b0e82515a 100644
--- a/site/daemon.md
+++ b/site/daemon.md
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ fluxd requires setup and offers customization though a multitude of flags.
 | --git-ci-skip                                    | false                              | when set, fluxd will append `\n\n[ci skip]` to its commit messages
 | --git-ci-skip-message                            | `""`                               | if provided, fluxd will append this to commit messages (overrides --git-ci-skip`)
 | --git-path                                       |                                    | path within git repo to locate Kubernetes manifests (relative path)
-| --git-user                                       | `Weave Flux`                       | username to use as git committer
-| --git-email                                      | `support@weave.works`              | email to use as git committer
+| --git-user                                       | `Flux`                             | username to use as git committer
+| --git-email                                      | `flux-dev@googlegroups.com`        | email to use as git committer
 | --git-set-author                                 | false                              | if set, the author of git commits will reflect the user who initiated the commit and will differ from the git committer
 | --git-gpg-key-import                             |                                    | if set, fluxd will attempt to import the gpg key(s) found on the given path
 | --git-signing-key                                |                                    | if set, commits made by fluxd to the user git repo will be signed with the provided GPG key. See [Git commit signing](git-commit-signing.md) to learn how to use this feature
diff --git a/site/fluxctl.md b/site/fluxctl.md
index 2c779fc075..3c0057111e 100644
--- a/site/fluxctl.md
+++ b/site/fluxctl.md
@@ -449,8 +449,8 @@ started with several flags that impact the commit information:
 | flag           | purpose                    | default
 | -------------- | -------------------------- | ---
-| git-user       | committer name             | `Weave Flux`
-| git-email      | committer email            | `support@weave.works`
+| git-user       | committer name             | `Flux`
+| git-email      | committer email            | `flux-dev@googlegroups.com`
 | git-set-author | override the commit author | false
 Actions triggered by a user through the CLI `fluxctl`