title | short-title | description |
Supported deployment platforms |
Supported platforms |
The platforms that Flutter supports by platform version. |
We define three tiers of support for the platforms on which apps built with Flutter might be deployed:
- Supported
Google-tested platforms that are automatically tested on every commit by continuous integration testing. - Best effort
Platforms that we intend to support through coding practices, but are only tested on an ad-hoc basis. - Unsupported
Platforms that we don't test or support.
{% comment %} IMPORTANT NOTE: When changing the minimum support version of macOS, Windows, or Linux, make sure to make a corresponding change in the get started pages:
- /src/get-started/install/macos.md
- /src/get-started/install/windows.md
- /src/get-started/install/linux.md {% endcomment -%}
As of the current stable release, support for deploying Flutter apps is shown in the following table:
|Platform version|Supported|Best effort|Unsupported|
| Android SDK |21-34|19-20|18-|
| iOS |16|11-15|10-, arm7v 32-bit|
| Linux Debian |10-12|9-|any 32-bit|
| Linux Ubuntu |18.04 LTS|20.04-23.04|any 32-bit|
| macOS |Ventura (13+)|Mojave (10.14) to Monterey (12)|High Sierra (10.13-) |
| web - Chrome |latest 2 releases|96+| |
| web - Firefox |latest 2 releases|99+| |
| web - Safari |latest 2 releases|14+| |
| web - Edge |latest 2 releases|96+| |
| Windows |10|7, 8, and 11|Vista-, any 32-bit|
A plus
sign (+
) in the table indicates "and higher releases".
A minus
) sign directly following a version (with no spaces)
indicates "and lower releases".