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Devon Carew edited this page Mar 22, 2018 · 10 revisions

Inbox Tracking

The Inbox Query contains all the

  • open issues that
  • have no milestone assignment.

The inbox tracker should do the following initial triage:

  • Is the issue invalid? Close it, with a brief explanation.
  • Is the issue a general question, like "How can I make a blinking button?" Close it and redirect to Stack Overflow or gitter; fodder for a redirecting response can be harvested from this message.
  • Is the issue better filed against Flutter or the Dart SDK? Move it using the GitHub Issue Mover.
  • Is the issue an obvious duplicate? Close it with a pointer to the duplicated issue.
  • Is this issue a bug? Add the bug label.
  • Is this issue a feature? Add the enhancement label.
  • Is the issue a P0 or a P1? Assign the relevant label.
    • For P0s, let the team know and find an immediate owner. Fixes for P0s get patched into the current stable release.
    • For P1s, assign an owner and ping them. We'll plan to get fixes for P1s into the next stable release.
  • Assign any relevant topic- labels, and
  • Edit the issue's title to best represent our new understanding of the issue; this will save time for every other person who needs to skim the issue titles in the future