Sourced from ts-jest's changelog.
29.1.3 (2024-05-21)
Bug Fixes
Performance Improvements
- remove ts resolved module cache file (4c88da5)
chore(release): 29.1.3eda56a7
fix: bring back Node 14 support287a5a7
build(deps): Update babel monorepo to ^7.24.57b4c9ca
build(deps): Update React e2e packagesfc9e825
build(deps): Update actions/setup-node action to v3.8.2f371881
build(deps): Update Jest packages1de11e2
build(deps): Update JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action action to v4.6.1f04fbfe
build(deps): Update @âtypes
build(deps): Update docusaurus monorepo to ^2.4.31a6c276
build(deps): Update dependency semver to v7.6.2