The sick_scan_xd software is essentially affected by its use cases:
Implement the common tasks for different lidars:
- Provide driver software on Linux and Windows, generic, ROS-1 and ROS-2
- Receive and convert scan data, publish pointcloud
- Run startup, configuration and setup
Use cases:
- Provide a pointcloud to the customer/application
- Provide a common highlevel interface for all supported lidars
- Hide datagram details, encodings and parsing knowhow
- The most common use case is to run lidar + sick_scan_xd to get a pointcloud.
Software requirements:
- Support different lidars (LMS, LRS, LDMRS, MRS, NAV, TiM, RMS, multiScan, etc.)
- Support different OS (Linux, Windows)
- Support different targets (ROS-1, ROS-2, generic)
- Support different protocols (Cola-A, Cola-B, TCP, UDP, msgpack)
- Implement parser for different telegrams (scandata, scancfg, fields, etc.)
This overview describes the most important modules and their relationship.
The following figures show the most important software blocks:
sick_scan_xd contains 6 main functional blocks:
- sick_generic_caller and sick_generic_laser for initialization and setup:
- Read configuration from launchfile:
- ROS1:
- ROS2 and generic:
- ROS1:
- Lidar specific setup:
- class
: lidar specific properties and messages parsing - Set and get lidar specific properties: number of layers, angular resolution, etc.
- Parse and convert scan data, input: scan data (ascii or binary datagram), output:
- class
: receive TCP messages, convert and publish pointcloud
- class
- Start ros services:
- class
: register ros services, convert from/to SOPAS
- class
- Start monitoring:
- class
: monitor scan data, reinit on timeout - class
: monitor pointcloud, reinit on timeout
- class
- Read configuration from launchfile:
- sick_scan_common for the most common lidar devices (LMS, LRS, MRS, NAV, TiM, RMS, etc.):
- Implemention by SickScanCommon and SickScanCommonTcp
- Uses SickGenericParser for lidar specific properties and parsing
- Runs common tasks for LMS/LRS/MRS/NAV/TiM/RMS:
- Run SOPAS startup sequence
- Run TCP receiver thread
- Process telegrams: parse and convert to pointcloud
- Publish pointcloud
- sick_ldmrs for LDMRS support using the ldmrs-library from
- sick_scansegment_xd for multiScan136 and picoScan150 lidars using SOPAS, msgpack and UDP-communication
- sick_scan_services for ros services
- sick_generic_monitoring for monitoring and re-initialization in case of errors (e.g. network errors).
The following figures show these 6 functional blocks:
The function blocks depend on and use the underlying system (ROS, TCP, etc.):
Message receiving and message handling are decoupled, i.e. both tasks run in separate thread and exchange messages via a FIFO-buffer. This way, message handling cannot block tcp recv and vice versa. The following figure shows the message handling:
The following figure shows the sequence diagram for a LMDscandata telegram:
Incoming TCP messages and exported pointcloud messages are monitored. sick_scan_xd reinitialises the lidar and the tcp connection in case of timeouts.
sick_scansegment_xd implements support for multiScan136 and picoScan150 lidars using SOPAS, msgpack and UDP-communication. It has 5 functional blocks:
- class
:- Init and run all sick_scansegment_xd components
- SOPAS startup (multiScan136, picoScan150)
- class
:- Run UDP receiver thread
- class
:- Parse and convert msgpacks
- Collect scan segments
- class
:- Validate msgpacks and scansegments
- class
:- Publish pointcloud (single segments)
- Publish cloud_fullframe (fullframe pointcloud, 360 deg for Multiscan136 resp. 270 deg for picoscan)
The following figure shows the compoenent diagram for sick_scansegment_xd:
Message receiving, converting and publishing run in 3 separate threads and exchange their messages via a FIFO-buffer.
The following figure shows the sequence diagram for a multiScan136 msgpacks:
The source files for the sick_scan_xd core can be found in the following folders:
- driver/src: source files
- include: header files
- launch: configuration
- msg: ros messages definitions
- srv: ros services definitions
- roswrap: ros wrapper (ROS-2 and generic)
These folders are required to build sick_generic_caller.
Besides and, all documentation can be found in the doc folder.
Additional folders for sick_scan_xd support, development and test are:
- test: test scripts and emulator
- tools: additional development tools