This tutorial is designed to walk through a basic example of motif-based network inference in Yeast.
Install anaconda.
Create a new environment conda create --name inferelator_prior
and activate it conda activate inferelator_prior
Install the necessary binaries with conda install -c bioconda bedtools meme homer star samtools pysam sra-tools
Clone the codebase:
git clone
Enter its top-level directory:
cd inferelator-prior
Install the inferelator-prior package and any python dependencies
python develop --user
python -m pip install inferelator-prior --user
Change to the example data directory in the github repository cd data
or download example data from the github inferelator-prior repo.
First, create a MEME file from the PWMs available at CIS-BP:
As an example, select the Saccharomyces cerevisiae
species, and select the TF info
and PWMs
Then download and uncompress the
drwxr-xr-x 2 57344 pwms_all_motifs
-rw-r--r-- 1 4536 README.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 447070 TF_Information_all_motifs_plus.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 205424 TF_Information_all_motifs.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 194684 TF_Information.txt
These loose PWM files can be formatted into a MEME file and info file with the following command:
python -m inferelator_prior.pwm_to_meme --motif pwms_all_motifs/* --info TF_Information_all_motifs_plus.txt --out
The motif information can then be summarized from the created MEME file
python -m inferelator_prior.motif_information --motif --out
This will summarize the motifs as follows:
Motif_ID Motif_Name Information_Content Shannon_Entropy Length Consensus
M00001_2.00 ABF1 15.210 1.874 8 TTATCACT
M00002_2.00 AFT2 7.829 13.994 10 NGGGTGTNNN
M00003_2.00 MBP1 10.704 6.334 8 GACGCGTA
M00004_2.00 SWI4 11.038 6.441 8 GACGCGAA
M00005_2.00 XBP1 11.143 5.838 8 TCTCGAAG
M00006_2.00 PHD1 12.830 3.840 8 GMTGCAGG
python -m inferelator_prior.network_from_motifs --motif --out ./Scer_cisbp \
--gtf Saccharomyces_cerevisiae.R64-1-1.UTR.gtf \
--fasta Saccharomyces_cerevisiae.R64-1-1.dna.toplevel.fa \
--species yeast -c 10
Three analyses occur in order:
- Scan the genome for motifs that match
with the FIMO tool. - Score every TF -> Gene edge based on a modified information content
- Select edges to retain for each TF by clustering TF -> Gene scores and retaining the highest scoring cluster
This writes two files using the prefix provided to --out
is a Genes x TFs boolean (0 & 1) matrix which has 9,973 non-zero edges.
This file has been filtered to only the highest scoring edges
is a Genes x TFs float matrix which has 181,906 non-zero edges.
The values in this file are the scores calculated for each TF -> Gene pair before filtering to the highest scoring edges.
Constrain the network using the control chromatin accessibility data from GSM1621339. Note that it is critical that the BED file chromosome names match the GTF and FASTA file chromosome names:
python -m inferelator_prior.network_from_motifs --motif --out ./Scer_cisbp \
--gtf Saccharomyces_cerevisiae.R64-1-1.UTR.gtf \
--fasta Saccharomyces_cerevisiae.R64-1-1.dna.toplevel.fa \
--bed Saccharomyces_cerevisiae.ATAC.GSM1621339.bed \
--species yeast -c 10
Here the analysis is repeated, but only chromatin that is accessible (has a peak in the BED file) is considered for mapping.
With this constraint, 7,830 edges are retained in the boolean matrix Scer_cisbp_edge_matrix.tsv.gz
and 61,924 non-zero edges are present in Scer_cisbp_unfiltered_matrix.tsv.gz