This is ROS package of Patchwork++ (@ IROS'22), which is a fast and robust ground segmentation method.
If you are not familiar with ROS, please visit the original repository.
If you follow the repository, you can run Patchwork++ in Python and C++ easily.
- ROS based Patchwork source code (patchworkpp.hpp)
- Demo launch file (demo.launch) with sample rosbag file. You can execute Patchwork++ simply!
You may need to install ROS, PCL, Eigen, ...
To build Patchwork++, you can follow below codes.
$ mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src
$ cd ~/ros2_ws
$ colcon build --packages-select patchworkpp --symlink-install
There is a demo which executes Patchwork++ with sample rosbag file. You can download a sample file with the following command.
download Kitti dataset for ros2 [kittiRos2link]:
Then, you can run demo as follows.
# Start Patchwork++
$ ros2 launch patchworkpp demo.launch
# Start the bag file
$ ros2 bag play kitti_00_sample.db3
- Update additional demo codes processing data with .bin file format
- Generalize point type in the source code
- Add visualization result of demo codes in readme
If you use our codes, please cite our paper.
In addition, you can also check the paper of our baseline(Patchwork) here.
title={{Patchwork++: Fast and robust ground segmentation solving partial under-segmentation using 3D point cloud}},
author={Lee, Seungjae and Lim, Hyungtae and Myung, Hyun},
booktitle={Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intell. Robots Syst.},
title={Patchwork: Concentric Zone-based Region-wise Ground Segmentation with Ground Likelihood Estimation Using a 3D LiDAR Sensor},
author={Lim, Hyungtae and Minho, Oh and Myung, Hyun},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
If you have any question, don't be hesitate let us know!
- Seungjae Lee ✉️ (sj98lee at
- Hyungtae Lim ✉️ (shapelim at