This folder contains Docker images required setting up the National Access Point development environent locally.
The database is shared between CKAN and the OTE application and is in folder: ../../database
The instances are pushed to dockerhub and can be run without building locally.
To start all the nap containers, run:
cd nap/docker
docker compose build
or docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
or docker compose up -d
If database is not up and running, you can start it with:
cd database
To run new migrations you can run:
If you encounter weird errors with docker containers or the images are taking too much space, run the following:
docker-compose down
docker rmi -f docker_napotedb
docker rmi $(docker images -f dangling=true -q)
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
If you have problems with ckan related tables. Run initial db scripts. Go to /nap folder and run
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U napote -f ckan-initial-db.sql napote Then you can run migrate scripts from /database folder sh And all are set.
If you want to take a look inside a docker container run e.g.
docker exec -it napote-db /bin/bash
Some env variables, can be easily configured through .env file.
Open console and go to mmtis-national-access-point/nap/docker
First time build everything
docker-compose build
Start all dockers
docker-compose up
If napotedb163 gives error remove 'old' version
docker rm napotedb163
If db migrate is needed stop napotedb163
docker-compose rm -s napotedb163
Restart napotedb163
docker-compose up
Migrate latest db changes in mmtis-national-access-point/database
Start backend to REPL in IDE
Go to mmtis-national-access-point/ote
Start leiningen
lein run
In another console start figwheel
lein figwheel
In browser go to ckan http://localhost:3000
Sign in using admin/admin
After signing in you can go to OTE http://localhost:3000/index.html