#!/bin/bash -i set -e # Move content from the branch into main on g3 # get content from _gen_toc.yaml file on the branch FOLDERS="nodejs-paginator nodejs-redis nodejs-logging nodejs-phishing-protection nodejs-retail nodejs-managed-identities nodejs-policy-troubleshooter nodejs-scheduler nodejs-media-translation nodejs-precise-date nodejs-sql-admin nodejs-memcache nodejs-private-catalog nodejs-storage nodejs-monitoring-dashboards nodejs-projectify nodejs-talent nodejs-monitoring nodejs-promisify nodejs-tasks nodejs-network-connectivity nodejs-proto-files nodejs-text-to-speech nodejs-notebooks nodejs-pubsub nodejs-video-intelligence nodejs-org-policy nodejs-rcloadenv nodejs-video-transcoder" BRANCH="fhinkel-delete-config" for f in $FOLDERS; do # echo $f cd $f git r main git push -f origin $BRANCH gh pr create --fill cd .. done