## openHAB 2 Add-ons This repository contains add-ons that are implemenented using the new [Eclipse SmartHome APIs](https://www.eclipse.org/smarthome/documentation/development/bindings/how-to.html) of openHAB 2. Note that all information about openHAB itself, the IDE setup and the contribution processes can be found in the [openhab-distro](https://github.com/openhab/openhab-distro) project, so please go there for any further details! ## Add-ons in other repositories Some add-ons (e.g. specific bindings such as [Z-Wave](https://github.com/openhab/org.openhab.binding.zwave)) are maintained in separate repositories in order to improve their management. In order to contribute to these bindings, you should follow the following steps -: 1. Fork the repository on Github 2. Clone your repository to your local computer as described in the [Github tutorial](https://help.github.com/articles/cloning-a-repository/) 3. Open the openHAB Eclipse IDE 4. Select the *File | Import* menu option 5. Select *General | Existing Projects into Workspace* and click Next 6. Select the root directory where you made the local clone of the repository 7. Select the project and click *Next* 8. The project will now be imported and available in the Package Explorer 9. You may want to add the project to the *OH2 Add-ons* Working Set