**These are some InDesign JavaScript Snippets**  
**_buildDocument.jsx** makes a doc with a page and a paragraph    
**08_fontify.jsx** gives all the characters of a page random fonts   
**makeSelectionFonty.jsx** give the selection a random font  
**addToPage** this is still nothing. coing soon  
**docToIDML.jsx** this is basic needs a book with docs  
**docsOfBook_ToIDML.jsx**  this makes a book with docs and exports them to idml. It also handles `Folder`  
**buildBookWithDocs.jsx** this makes just a book with some docs  
**facingPages.jsx** sets the active doc to facing pages false  
**greatPower.jsx** with great power comes great responsability  
**includeRandomQuote** this set makes random quotes  
**lockScriptLabeldTextFrame.jsx** select by label needs doc with textframes and label  
**quickAdjustTXTFrame.jsx** the bully for textframes pushes them around  
**replaceCharStyle.jsx** loop thru paragraphs and find charstyles  
**replaceParagraphStyle.jsx** loop thru paragraphs and replace parstyles  
**splitTextFrame.jsx** this is some of Peter Kahrels code  
**textFramesFromParagraph.jsx** this makes a new textframe from selected paragraphs in a textframe  
**workingWithColors.jsx** found at indisnippets makes colors very nice